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01x02 - Mardi Gras

Posted: 07/24/23 15:36
by bunniefuu
(brooding music)

- Jess!

- Die, you bastard! (g*n sh**ting)

- Jess is gone.

You have to let her go.

- Shit! (bazooka exploding)

(g*n sh**ting)

- It was self defense, wasn't it?

- Yeah.

- It's whether he emptied his g*n.

Six b*ll*ts.

You know, because he had to.

Or because he wanted to.

- Don't find me.

- [Guido] This guy is about to get away with m*rder.

Merica's lawyer girlfriend's mixed up in it.

It's unbelievable.

- I know about you.

Infiltrating a drug dealer's family.

Sleeping with the drug dealer's daughter.

(crowds cheering)

(slow dramatic music)

- When will I see you again?

- I dunno.

- Maybe never.

- [Male Voice Outside] I'll come back and stick something

up your arse, you prick!

(footsteps running)

- You d*ck!

- Give up your job.

It's just a job.

- I see you tonight.

- No, not tonight.

This is going nowhere Guido, you've gotta choose.

- [Guido Voiceover] You're screaming inside.

You're with a spectacular woman

and all you hear is white noise.

Nothing can get through, no thought, just white noise.

Louder than anything.

And you ask yourself, how can I shut this off?


(sirens wailing)

(wind chimes ringing)


Wesson, Maitland, Cunningham, Wesson, Maitland, Cunningham.

Who are these people?

It's just a bunch of names in a bent cop's files,

they're names that, names that don't matter.

Who cares.

I shouldn't care.

They're just names.


Just-- (wind chimes ringing)


(fast rock music)

(people cheering)

(people moaning)

(toilet flushing)

(people shouting)

- [Male Voice Outside] Shut up!

- [Female Voice Outside] Keep it down!

(door knocking)

(loud expl*si*n)

- [Male Voice Outside] Get away from me!

(g*n sh**ting)

(g*n sh**ting)

(man screaming)

(g*n clicking)

- Drop your w*apon!

- Waah! (g*n clicking)

- Drop the w*apon!

- Waah!

Drop the w*apon, get back!

Drop your g*n now!

- There's a huge horrible crawling bastard in there!

- Get down!

- What? - I said get down!

- Which way's down?

- A lot of crawling bastards out there.

(door creaking)

- Cockroaches.

(phone ringing)

- Mercia.

- Yep right, nup got that, yep, thanks, bye.

- Which one's mine?

- Right, read that.

Merica's lawyer girlfriend's mixed up in it,

it's unbelievable.

- Guido, look at me, Guido!

- Hmm?

- Which desk is mine?

(files banging)


What are the files?

They're Wesson's, we inherited them,

now read that one, read that one.

- [Cameron] Where do they keep the coffee around here?

- Look, this guy is about to get away with m*rder.

The committal hearing's tomorrow, we've got hours.

- Coffee. - Delaney's in on it.

How do you like that?

Well it's what she does for a living.

- Just read the file!

(wind chimes ringing)

Wesson has watered down the brief.

Read it.

- Guido please, it's day one, we haven't even started.

- Delaney has cut a deal for the lowest possible charge.

Now the only question is whether Merica's involved.

- [Eddie] Whether I'm involved with what?

- Wesson covered up the m*rder, Martinez case.

What do you know about it?

- Nothing, why?

- You got nothing to worry about then, have ya?

(lively music)

- The crime scene was pretty straightforward.

The intruder, Mr. Martinez,

he entered through a side door which was unlocked,

and he was armed with a knife,

the struggle took place in the entertainment area,

Maitland survived, Martinez didn't.

- If Martinez is the one with the knife,

how come he's the one that's dead?

- Well Maitland hit him with a bottle.

- That's a lucky blow.

- Blow was actually more than one, possibly four.

- All right, yeah 'cause on my reading of this,

in any one of the four could've k*lled him,

including the first.

Doesn't sound much like self-defense, does it?

- [Justin] Well that's open to argument.

- Yeah only if there'd been an argument.

Now 'cause this time tomorrow,

Maitland is pleading guilty to manslaughter.

And he's gonna walk with a good behavior bond

because Wesson ran dead on the charge.

- Yeah?

- It's a very very clever way to get away with m*rder.

- You don't know that.

- Yeah I do, I just can't prove it yet.

- So uh, are you gonna be stationed

here permanently from now on?

- Yeah, I am.

Uh, we are.

- Cameron, Cameron come on.

- What's going on?

- You're not gonna believe this.

I got knocked off about half an hour ago.

Couple of trannies.

- What, a costume?

- No, not transvestites, transsexuals.

They were straight. - Yeah.

- They were gorgeous, one blonde, one brunette.

In a convertible.

- In a convertible, look out.

- Thelma and Louise.

- So you didn't get the number plate

by any chance, did you?

- I was looking at the girls.

(intense music)


- [Cameron] What does she do, who is she?

- Whatever she does, she does it well.

- Same, must be in the wrong job.

- The house doesn't belong to her, belongs to her boyfriend.

There's a young fat cat.

Brian Cunningham. - No.

No Guido, no. - What, he's above the law?

Just 'cause he's a millionaire?

- Ha billionaire, B for billionaire.

- So what, couple of naughts.

- You knew about this all along, didn't you?

You knew she was Cunningham's mistress.

- Every hairdresser in the eastern suburbs knows it.

- I didn't.

Jesus you're gonna get us transferred out of here.

(intercom buzzing)

- Let us be heroes.

- I'm not into playing swinging dicks, Guido.

It's boring.

- It's about doing the job.

- So this isn't something personal between you and Eddie.

- How can it be personal, I met the guy a week ago.

(intercom buzzing)

- I really don't see why this is necessary,

I've already given a statement.

- No, I've got it here, somewhere.

It's just a couple of things we have to clear up.

I'm sorry about this,

it must've been a real trauma for you.

(paper rustling)

Was, I suppose.

- Yes.

- You know, with blood all over the,

there was lots of blood I suppose.

- Yes there was.

- Yeah head wounds can do that.

It must've been a hell of a mess.

- Please.

- I didn't realize you two were close.

- We weren't.

He was my guitar teacher.

- Right.

Is that all? - Yes.

- And a burglar.

- Yes.

- Right I'm sorry but it says here

that you weren't here at the time,

and that Mr. Maitland was here alone.

That you were at?

- Savage on Campbell Street.

- [Guido] Dinner?

- Yes.

- Alone? - Yes.

- Wish I could do that.

Always feel so awkward, you know, having dinner by myself.

Flash place. - It's really quite casual.

- Right, well you were alone.

- Yes. - Not with Mr. Cunningham?

- What has Brian got to do with this,

he wasn't even here.

- Here, at the house?

- Or, at the restaurant, he wasn't anywhere.

- Well everyone's gotta be somewhere.

- [Julia] I mean, he wasn't involved.

Why are you trying to involve him?

- We're not, Ms. Morgan,

there's no suggestion that Brian Cunningham's involved.

- Course not, of course not.

What state was your friend when you got home?

- He was dead.

- I actually meant Mr. Maitland.

(guitar playing) - That is my son.

All I have left of him.

- He's incredible, Mrs. Martinez.

- You'd know? - Yeah.

I do.

- He is.

- We just wanna ask a few questions.

- [Emilia] I have nothing to say to you.

- No, we're just trying to find out what happened.

- You're trying to cover up for your detective friend.

- What, Detective Wesson?

What did he do? - You know what he did.

What are you here to do?

You're all the same, you, the lawyers, the courts.

- Detective Wesson reported

that there were dr*gs found in his room.

The suggestion is that your son knew the Morgan house

because he taught guitar there.

That he broke in to steal goods in order to feed his habit.

- Does he play like a drug addict--

Then what was he doing there at that time of night?

What was he doing?

- My son was in love with her.

What do you care?

- We need to know what happened.

- One day before the trial?

I'm not stupid, don't insult me.

It's too late.

- It's not too late, Mrs Martinez.

It's not too late.

You're not sulking are you, please tell me you don't sulk.

- No, no, I don't.

What I do is I get angry.

- Well that's okay, good.

- You know, there might be something here

and there might not be but there are two of us in this car,

and we both get to vote,

so don't ever try to hijack me again.

- Okay, fair enough.

Well what's your take on it then,

I mean, what, Cunningham's keeping her,

she's keeping the guitar player for a bit on the side.

- She loved him. - How do you know?

- You made that woman a promise, you can't keep.

- Yeah we can. - What do you mean, we?


(phone dialing)

- Hi, Sophia, it's me.

- Going somewhere?

- Yes.

- You're under subpoena until the trial's on.

(door banging)

- Nah, I don't care about that, look, I'll see you tonight.

- Yeah, okay, all right, bye. - I was told that I didn't

have to give evidence, no one's ...

- Well that's because Chris Maitland's pleading guilty.

- Yes. - Yes, well.

(door banging)

He might change his mind.

- He won't. - No, I think he will.

Where were you going?

- It'll take us about three minutes to find out.

- Italy, Tuscany.

- [Cameron] Brian's got a house there?

- Yes.

- That must be nice.

- I suppose you can't.

- No I will, thanks,

just whatever you're having, be great.

(glass clinking)

- Am I in trouble?

- What, for trying to leave the country?

- Yes.

- You could leave right now. no one's gonna extradite you,

for ignoring a subpoena in a manslaughter trial,

it's too expensive.

But if it turned out that you were conspiring

to conceal a m*rder, they'd extradite you for that.

You loved him, didn't you?

There's no law against it.

Not yet, anyway.

Is the drink okay?

- It's good.

(wind chimes ringing)

Thank you.

- I mean I saw the video, heard him play.

It's a gift, isn't it?

- Yes.

- You any good with guitar?

- No.

- Wish I was.

God, I wish I was.

Are you any good, Cameron?

The guitar.

- [Cameron] No.

(wind chimes ringing)

- What about Chris Maitland?

Are you in love with him?

Sorry to have to ask these questions

but Carlos's mother needs to know

what happened to him and why.

She loved him too.

You can understand that.

- Yes.

- So, what is your relationship

between Chris Maitland and yourself?

- There is none, he's gay,

he's Brian Cunningham's head of security.

- What was he doing here, in your house, alone?

- It's not my house.

- You know what I mean.

- He was checking the security systems.

- And poor Carlos just happens to pick

that very night to, to do a burglary?

- [Policeman] So we're looking at two,

two people driving the car, one person driving the car?

- I think it was two.

Twice in four hours.

What more you want?

- Is anyone hurt?

- No, warning sh*ts by the look of it, high in the window.

- Look, what are you going to do about this?

It's the same people, they're perverts!

Twice in one day!

- Was it trannies in a convertible?

- [Policeman] Yeah.

- Thelma and Louise.

- Do you own the other store as well?

- I own shops, why is this happening to me?

- How much money did they take?

- All of it, now what do you think, they took half?

(car horn blaring)

(lively music)

- You got it covered?

- Yeah we got it covered.

tr*nny crime wave.

- Yeah, it's Mardi Gras.

- What about you, where are you up to with your little case?

- Well we've got it covered.

- That's good.

- Yeah, 'cause Maitland has beaten up his guitar player.

And Brian Cunningham taught us.

He just went a bit far so they've called in Wesson.

Make it look like a burglary.

- Just is, Brian Cunningham,

what does he have to with anything?

- The householder is his mistress,

are you saying you didn't know anything about it?

- Didn't know anything about it, was I supposed to?

- I bet your girlfriend knows something about it.

- This is an interview between Detective Guido Martin.

- Detective Cameron Smart.

- Mr. Christopher Maitland,

also present is Mr. Maitland's lawyer,

Miss Madeleine Delaney.

The time is now :.

Do you agree that there's no other people

present in the room.

- [Chris] That's right.

- Now you've been charged with manslaughter in this matter.

This charge is due to go before the court tomorrow.

Did you understand that?

- That's right too.

- Now I have to advise that I was handed

this brief earlier this morning.

Upon examination and further investigation

by Detective Smart and myself,

we now believe there are aspects of it

that substantiate a m*rder charge.

Now this charge will be laid against you

prior to court tomorrow, do you understand?

- No, no, don't-- - Say nothing Chris.

- I should also advise you. - This is outrageous.

- We believe there's been an attempt

to pervert the course of justice,

involving Mr. Maitland, Detective Wesson,

Brian Cunningham, and yourself.

- This isn't about me, Detective.

- This matter will be investigated.

- This interview is terminated.

Turn that thing off.

- Got something you wanna add?

- Yes Detective, there is.

Of all the people talking about conspiracy and corruption,

I'm surprised at you.

Be careful who you sling mud at.

- Yeah, you've been talking to Eddie, have you?

Hey look, Wesson has faked the brief.

- You're grasping at straws, Detective.

- No look, Wesson has faked the brief.

- This is embarrassing. - And watered down the charge.

Now you knew something about it and I'll prove it.

You're going to jail. - You're grasping at straws.

- Chris, you're facing to years.

Unless you give me Cunningham.

Now the deal is on the table 'til tomorrow morning.

- Excuse me, Detective, Chris let's go.

- Yeah, now just ask yourself Chris,

who's paying her fees?

Is it you or Cunningham?

- Mr. Maitland is my client, how dare you.

Excuse me, let's go. - Just ask yourself.

- Chris, let's go. - Seriously ask yourself.

- [Madeleine] Thank you Detective.

(door banging)

- [Eddie] What's that?

- Speed, do you want some?

- What are you trying to do?


- My job, why do you seem to have a problem with that?

- It's just that I know the stories, that's all.

- Yeah, what are these stories?

- Just about you and Vince Rinaldi.

Screwing her, whole bunch of cash.

- Don't believe what you hear,

be very very careful what you say.

- Well I'll tell you what I'm saying.

I'm saying you're bent, and you're trashing good people

in order to make a little smoke screen for yourself.

The bottom line is you're bent.

Right and I'm not gonna turn a blind eye to it,

not for one second I'm not.

Okay there's no more mate's guard up here.

- Yeah we're not old mates, we never will be.

I don't like people who bloody think they're above the law.

Whether it's you, Maitland, Cunningham,

your lawyer girlfriend.

You went up there on that freeway to k*ll Nick Malouf

and you emptied your g*n into him.

- Yeah and I'd do it again too.

- Yeah, you'd do it again, that's exactly what I'm saying.

So don't give me any boohoo bullshit

about avenging your partner.

Yeah you got away with m*rder

and now your bloody girlfriend's gonna do

the same thing for Cunningham.

(intense music)

- Guido.


What is going on with you two?

- [Eddie] Nothing, it's personal.

- [Guido] Yeah, personal.

- Fine, then take it outside.

I've just had a formal complaint from Madeleine Delaney.

- Yeah well there was a crime covered up at this station,

you gonna let me investigate or what.

- Are you threatening me now?

- Well it's gonna come out, if you put a lid on it,

it's gonna come back and haunt you.

Delaney knew, she should be in jail.

- There is no way that Madeleine Delaney

was involved in a corrupt deal with Wesson.

- There may have been a conspiracy.

But you have not got one piece of hard evidence to prove it.

- Are you gonna let me continue the investigation or not?

- Let you, I'm ordering you.

- What, you're gonna give him a green light

for a witch hunt?

- Go out and get some proof.

If you walk into court tomorrow without it,

the DPP will abandon you.

Madeleine Delaney will gut you and then I will.

If you're so worried about his impartiality,

keep an eye on him.

You're partnering up on this one.

(intense music)

- Oh shit.

(lively music)

- Here we go.

- That's not a transsexual.

- Wanna bet?

- Wish I had tits like that.

- Sarah.

- Hello darling.

- Hey, how are you. - I'm good.

- This is-- - Oh who's your little friend?

- Donna Parry, she's down from the bush.

- (laughs) I thought so.

You don't mid me saying so, do you dear?

- [Donna] No I am.

- Of course you are, it won't take long.

- [Donna] What won't take long?

- Listen, we're looking for Monica Blanchard.

- Oh I don't know her.

- What won't take long?

- Settle in, dear. - I am settled in.

- She and a friend are robbing convenience stores.

- Look, I hope they rob every single one of them.

- Who's the friend?

- You know I'm not gonna tell you that.

- Okay then tell me why, what's going on?

- Okay, look Monica's had the operation,

her friend hasn't, they need money.

This hideous little Chinese man owes them money

that he's not gonna give them.

So they're gonna take it.

- For the operation?

- That's right.

- So they can both be women?

- That's right.

- I don't get it.

- Of course you don't, darling.

- And I am settled in.

- [Cameron] See you Sarah.

- It's the hair, love.

- What's wrong with my hair? - Nothing.

- Police, Mr. Cunningham.

Can we just have a few minutes of your time?

- No you can't.

- Come on, I thought this was

smell the flowers kind of a game.

- You obviously don't play golf.

- Yeah I do.

And we're amending the charge against your head of security,

from manslaughter to m*rder.

- I'm fully familiar with that, now do you mind moving?

Excuse me, move.

- I've got nothing against rich people.

I really really don't, so I'm gonna offer you the same thing

that I offered him, okay, yeah?

But only one of you gets it, yeah?

It's you or him, you or him.

Now I can offer you percentage reduction in your sentence.

I can give you a letter, personally signed by me,

that you can show to the judge.

Now how good is that, yeah?

But only one of you gets it, whoever rolls first.

- This rolls, this some sort of criminal talk, is it?

- Yeah it is, get used to it.

You've ordered a beating, it went wrong.

I don't know if you understand this

but you can't do that sort of thing,

no matter how rich you are.

You're going to jail. - I'm going to jail?

You're going to jail.

I've known a lot of people in my time,

I've probably found about two people

that had nothing to hide, my mother was one of them.

I'm not the one in trouble here, you are.

I've got people checking you out

as we talk right now, so piss off.

- You're a strange man.

Make sure you get the name right, it's Eddie Merica.

- Well we're starting to see a pattern here, Mr. Teng.

- Yeah, there are convenience stores

all over this city, right?

But these girls only seem to be targeting yours.

- These are not girls. - That's true.

- That's true but the way we see it,

this could be personal.

- I don't see how?

- [Cameron] Do you have any enemies?

People you owe money to, competitors,

employees with a grudge?

- I'm a business man, I can't please everyone.

- Well how about we narrow it down then.

What about transsexuals with a grudge?

- How about Monica Blanchard?

- Come on, Mr. Teng, three stores have been robbed,

all owned by you so we looked at you.

What else were we gonna do?

And we know that you've been convicted

of assaulting Jason Blanchard, a.k.a. Monica Blanchard.

We also know that you've had sexual harassment

and unfair dismissals suits filed against you,

so what's the story?

- It was a misunderstanding. - A misunderstanding?

- Yes, I thought she was a woman.

- Which time?

- What do you mean?

- Well which time did you think she was a woman?

- Every time. - Every time?

- Every time.

- You forced her to perform a certain sexual act.

This went over a period of months

and you never once realized she was a man.

- No. - No?

- No, of course not, she was a woman,

she was always a woman.

Every time we did it, she was a woman.

And that's it, I'm not like that.

I'm not that way.

- You continued to have sex with her

until someone walked in on you

and then you beat her up and you fired her.

- Yeah and now we have to go and arrest her.

So where can we find it?

- Even if Maitland does roll, you still got nothing.

You need corroboration.

Without Wesson, you got nothing.

Wesson isn't gonna give us anything.

- Yeah I know he won't.

- Well, really thanks for sharing mate,

that's really bloody helpful.

- Murphy will though.

- Who the hell is Murphy?

- His partner.

- How many bent cops you got here?

- One more now.

- Listen darling, I need this number, quick.

- That seems to be going well.

- Now I want you to listen very carefully,

because I'm gonna offer you a deal.

Yeah and it's a one time offer.

Now we know, yeah we know

that Maitland did the Spanish kid,

and you and Wesson covered it.

So you answer yes to one of two questions

and give evidence to back it up,

I can give you immunity.

Question one, was Brian Cunningham in on it?

Nah I'm serious mate, this is your chance to walk.


Question two, and final chance.

Was Madeleine Delaney party to the cover up?

(intense music)

- This guy's out of control.

He's got Murphy on the phone,

offering him deals to cough up Maitland and Delaney.

- Yes, I authorized him to offer a deal.

You got a problem with that?

- Well, yeah, you know I'd think

that you'd discuss it with me first actually.

- Why would I do that?

Eddie, I'm not blind, if you have an interest

in Madeleine Delaney, that's fine.

But it's personal.

If she's complicit in a conspiracy

then she's going to jail.

- He's just trying to fit her up because he's bent himself.

- I don't listen to stories.

Actually I'm starting to think he's pretty good.

(wind chimes ringing)

- So is this a social call?

- Not really.


- You're here to ask me.

I wasn't involved.

If there was a corrupt deal, I didn't know about it.

You do believe me?

(pensive music)

- Why can't you can't walk away from them?

- Can you?

It's my family.

My dad knows about this place.

I can't keep seeing you.

- Oh shit.

- Think about the life we could have.

My father likes you, you could work for him.

- I don't like him.

(suspicious music)

(camera clicking)

All right, let's go, let's get this bastard.

- Wesson. - Piss off.

Who's your new playmate, wog boy?

- Yeah, Guido Martin.

- Guido, Guido, you were tied up with Vince Rinaldi,

weren't you, made a packet, good boy.

- Yeah well we're here about Carlos Martinez.

- The guitar player, yeah?

- Yeah well we know you watered down

the brief to manslaughter

so you give us Cunningham, Maitland,

and I can give you immunity, mate.

- I got nothing to say.

- You sure you wanna gamble with this?

I mean, you're pretty exposed yourself, the whole thing

was very obvious. - Mate, I'll look after me.

You watch your back. - The difference is that

they're not looking at a p*ssy manslaughter charge anymore.

Looking at m*rder.

If he gets a conviction,

Maitland's gonna roll on all of you.

- First of all, you've gotta get a conviction.

- I will, don't worry about that, I bloody will.

- If you need me, you got nothing.

Hey, think about it.

- That's before the court in an hour

It'll be over tomorrow, you got until then mate.

- Mate, you got nothing.

- Until tomorrow.

I know I'm right about this.

- Yeah you're probably right

but he's gonna give you nothing.

- Is it not true that you are currently under investigation?

(intense music)

- Yes.

- And is it also true, Detective,

that the nature of this investigation

is the inappropriate relationship

you formed with the daughter of the man

you were supposed to be investigating?

- Objection.

Any answer might compromise ongoing police inquiries.

- Sustained.

- Is it true, Detective, that you spent last night

in a private hotel in Edeline Street?

- Yes.

- Your worship, I'd like place these photographs on record,

they're time coded and dated.

They show Detective Martin entering the hotel

in the company of a woman at approximately pm,

and leaving separately some six hours later.

If you wouldn't mind identifying the lady

for the court, Detective?

- It's none of your business.

It's got nothing to do with the case.

- Miss Delaney, what's your point?

- Your Worship, what we have here is a deeply troubled man.

He has a shadow over his career.

He's been ordered to attend counseling.

He's manipulated the facts of this case

in order to deflect scrutiny from himself,

and curry favor with his superiors.

At the completion of this case,

my client will be taking civil action against him.

(wind chimes ringing)

(intense music)

- That stuff that she had on you in there.

Didn't come from me, right?

- Yeah, she's good.

- [Eddie] Yeah, who took the photos?

- There was a car outside.

I thought they were her father's people that ...

But Cunningham's.

- What's the girl's name?

- Sophia.

- Is it serious?

- It's over, it's public, you know.

Her father can't afford to look stupid.

(pensive music)

- [Guido Voiceover] You're screaming inside.

Nothing can get through, no thought.

Just white noise, louder than anything.

And you ask yourself, how can I shut it off?


No matter how much you drink, it only gets louder.

And nothing can stop it.

(lively music)

- Drive!

(g*n sh**ting)

- Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car.

Just get over against the pavement, go on.

- See the morning papers?

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral is one headline.

Thank God the uniforms got you out

before the press arrived.

- Yeah I didn't k*ll anyone.

I only shot a car.

- You were drunk as a skunk.

- Yeah how was I to know Thelma and Louise would turn up?

- Well you were waiting for your girlfriend,

after a courtroom had been told

that you were sleeping with the enemy.

- She's not-- - Don't split hairs.

You know what it looks like.

The department is not going to let

Cunningham run a campaign.

They'll give him a scapegoat, guess who.

- No not gonna sack me, not if we win the case.

- The case where you don't have any evidence

against Maitland or Cunningham.

- Well Wesson still could give evidence,

there's still time.

- Actually there isn't.

- All for the money.

- Yeah, money money money.

Good morning. - Hey Guido,

they found him at four o'clock this morning, matey.

(wind chimes ringing)

- Don't say I haven't got Cunningham,

right, he's started k*lling witnesses already.

- Yeah well he's not worried anymore, is he?

- Yeah but Murphy's gonna be.

(phone dialing)

- You just don't know when you've been beat, do you?

- Do you?

Murphy, I got some bad news for you.

(intense music)

Julia, there's been a--

Who hit you?

- No one, no one.

- Somebody hit you, who was it?

- It was nothing, an accident.

- Don't let him do this to you.

You gotta get free of him.

They've made a mistake, Wesson was shot dead this morning.

His partner's gonna testify,

now I want you to testify as well.

- I can't.

- I've got him.

I've got both of them.

(wind chimes ringing)

- I was in love with Carlos.

I never left the house that night.

I was there the whole time.

- [Lawyer] Tell us what happened, Miss Morgan.

- I told Carlos to come over that night.

'Cause I thought Brian was away.

They waited for Carlos to come

and Brian made me wait upstairs.

I heard him say it to Chris Maitland, to teach him a lesson.

- To teach him a lesson? - Teach him a lesson.

I don't know if he meant to k*ll him or not, but he did.

They called Detective Wesson and he arranged everything.

He told me what to say.

(guitar music)

- Just relax your hand, Mr. Cunningham, come on.

There you go, you'll get the hang of it.

- [Donna] So you figured you'd just take the money.

- That's right.

- And whose idea was that?

- Mine, I made her come with me.

- It was my idea, my car, my g*n.

Let her go.

- I can't do that, Kate.

Who fired the b*ll*ts through the window?

- I did.

- So who needed the money?

Who needed the operation?

- It's personal.

- Monica, do you mind if I ask you something personal?

- What?

- Who does your hair?

- Hey, did you go up there to k*ll him?

- I dunno.

You ever have dreams about stuff

you don't know the answers to?

(tense music)

(pensive music)

(lively music)