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02x29 - The Secret of Omega Supreme

Posted: 07/25/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

The asteroid is in position.

Hook to Megatron! Come in, Megatron!

What is our status?

The first batch of ore should
be transported in two hours.

We'll be transported, Hook! Astrotrain!

Be ready to depart for the asteroid
in one hour, space shuttle mode.

Activating to alert status, Megatron!

If the ore is as energy-rich
as your readings indicate, Soundwave,

our energy shortage will be over forever!

Cosmos to base! The asteroid is
giving off powerful energy readings!

Maintain radio silence!


I can divert the Constructicons
off the asteroid,

while Powerglide
leads an all out as*ault.

Not until we know
what's going on out there.

If they're mining that meteor, then--

Cosmos! Head back up there and
get me some solid information!

Very well, Optimus Prime.

So what do we do? Just sit and wait?

That's correct.

And where are you going?

To talk to the only other Autobot
who can fly into outer space.

Omega Supreme!
Sounds like a barrel of laughs!

Omega Supreme! It's Prime! Omega Supreme!

Your voice: Heard.

The Deceptions have towed
an asteroid into orbit.

We may need your help.

Talk: Premature.
Disturbance: unnecessary.

That asteroid may be
new fuel for Megatron.

The Constructicons are mining—

Constructicons: Enemies. Enemies die!

This is a m*llitary mission,
not a vendetta, Omega.

Results: Same!

What happened between you
and the Constructicons, Omega?

Question: Irrelevant.
Answer: Private.

I want to know about it.

Order: Recieved.
Will talk.

Can you talk like
a normal Autobot?

Just, this once, I will talk like I did
on Cybertron before the betrayal.

Omega Supreme, you're as fit as any,
guardian robot I ever examined.

Now, clear on out of here!
Your city needs you!

I'll say, what with all the trouble
the Deceptions have been making!

Thanks, Doc.

You were one of the guardian robots?

Yes. My duty was to
protect, the Crystal City.

I remember it.

The most spectacular city on Cybertron.

How I love this place!

Were the Constructicons there too?

Yes, we were friends.

They built Crystal City.

Omega Supreme, its good to see you again!

Its been too long, my friends.
What brings you here?

Maintenance. The foundation of
the north wall needs shoring up.

Then I better not keep you.

Nonsense, we haven't talked in a long time.
What have you been upto?

Megatron had built a new machine.

I remember. The Robo-Smasher.

He used it to swell the
ranks of the Decepticons.

He immobilized robots and
reprogrammed them for Megatron's uses.

Instruct me, Megatron.

I exist only to serve you.
I will obey your every order.

Yes, I know you will. HAHAHA!

Those Constructicons
have created entire cities,

but when my Robo-Smasher gets though with
them, they'll create only havoc!

We must be off, my big friend.

It's time I'm on the job too!

What happened next was unknown
to me for many hours.

Here we are.
We'll start with the inner wall.

Open up! Open , you stupid door!


Omega Supreme!

What? What is it?

The capital city is under
Decepticon att*ck! They need you!

But I can't just leave my post!

We'll guard Crystal City till you get back!
Hurry! They need you!

I'm on my way!

Constructicons! Let's go to work!

Don't tell me... there was no att*ck.

What in the world? They couldn't
have been lying to me. Unless... oh no!


Noo !!

So, the Constructicons
betrayed you, Omega Supreme.

They destroyed Crystal City.

The worst was yet to come.

Noo !!

It's Omega. Lets b*at it!

My friends! My city!

All gone... Megatron's work.

I must rescue my friends!
Then I shall have revenge...

For weeks, I tracked them.

I must move quickly!

Head back! This is a trap!

Quit squirming! This is for your own good!

I'm going to reprogram you back to
your old self if its the last thing I do!

I-I feel sane again!

Then let's go home!
Perhaps Crystal City can be rebuilt.

Robot-Smasher! Careful,
I don't want it to get you guys again.

Then I learned.

I know. Megatron's reprogramming
can never be undone.

But there was more.
Megatron had given them a new form.


Quit squirming! This is for your own good!

No... you won't... get me!

Come on! Let's get out of here!

Megatron failed.
I lived...but changed.

Since then,
I feel only hate for the Constructicons.

They fled Cybertron in a starship.

And you followed them.

I did. For millions of years,
across the galaxies.

And then you heard they found where
Megatron was and rejoined him, on Earth.

I followed. I have been waiting.

I want you to stay here, and take no action
against them until you hear from me.


Message: Understood.

Let's get to work! We've got ore to mine!

Now's our chance.

You wanted hardd information? Here!

Good work, Cosmos!

Have they finished loading Astrotrain
when you were spotted?


Then they have by now.

Get back up there so you can track
his return course to Earth!


This ore is useless until it's processed.

I want to know where the refinery is hidden.

If you insist.

Perceptor! I need a
Spectographic analysis of this ore.

Of course, Prime.

Ore is extremely high in energy.

Origin of ore, unknown.
Continue, analysis.

But in the meantime,
we now know for certain what they're after.

Prime calling Omega Supreme!

Call: Heard.

I want you to knock the Constructicons off
that asteroid and blow it out of the sky!

Revenge: soon. Anticipation: high.

Vengeance: GOOD!

Attention, Optimus Prime!
Analysis of ore, complete.

New data indicates it
has an organic nature.

You mean that asteroid's... alive?


Oh no!

Hurry up! Astrotrain will be back soon.

We must have the second load, ready.

Uh-oh! If it is'nt old Omega Supreme?

Now where'd he go?

Prime calling Omega Supreme!
Come in, come--

Omega Supreme! New orders!

Just get the Constructicons out of there,
but leave the asteroid alone!

Do you read?

What the devil's wrong with him?

Well, old friend! That Robo-Smasher
certainly gave you a mean streak!

Too bad you didn't finish the job!

You're a waste of a perfectly good robot!

Now to see how much energy juice
we can squeeze out of this ore.

This should break it down
into its component elements.


Death: Imminent! Vengeance: Mine!

Well, aren't you going
to stop that thing,

before it chews up your
precious planet Earth?

The creature lives. You die!

The Decepticon Refinery is ten
miles north of Mount McKenzie.


Alert! Alert! The organism has hatched!

Hatched! You mean that asteroid was an egg?

Creature is heading toward Earth.

Projected destination:
The Bay Area of Western US Coast.

San Francisco!

Autobots! Roll out!

- Attention, Optimus Prime!
- What is it?

Projections indicate creature cannot be
stopped without Omega Supreme's assistance,

because the asteroid from which it
hatched is also the source of its food.

It's attacking because its hungry!

We've go to get it back to that asteroid!

Only Omega Supreme can do this.

Here he comes!

Let's go!

You'll get indigestion!

Keep San Francisco clean—leave!

This will cover up the issue!

Cheap sh*t! Cheap sh*t!

Dog gone! At best we can only keep
that thing from landing in the street!

And how long do you reckon
before it simply eats San Francisco?

What—eh—if we all just split up—

Then he'd hunt us down one at a time.

Then I say we unite!

Results: Desired.

Destruction: Now!

Vengeance: Mine!


Listen to me! You're the only one who
can save our Earth from that beast!

That asteroid is the creature's food!
You've got to lower it back up there!

Did you hear that?

Let's go!

They Escape!

This is more important than revenge!

Prime: move!

You caused that thing to hatch!

You are responsible!
It's happening again, Omega!

It's happening right here on Earth!
San Francisco is going to be destroyed!

Are you going to let it
all happen again...

... for something as useless as revenge?

Course of Action: Altered.

So the asteroid is the creature's food!

Hook! How long will it take you to convert
this generator to a long range blaster?

Only a few minutes.

Then do it!

I'll blow that asteroid out of the sky,

and sit back while the beast
throws this planet into utter chaos!

Relax, man.
Remember, we're all one with the universe.

We're about to become one
with the pavement! Duck!

This is perfect.

I'll destroy the monster's food,
and the Mighty Omega Supreme.

Megatron! I had a hunch
you'd try something like this!

Destroy him!

I've got a better idea! Save your skins!

We're all thankful to you, Omega.
You saved the city.

Duty: Ignored.
Duty: Fulfilled.

You're as good as they come.

Complement: Appreciated.

I know that what the Constructicons
did back on Cybertron changed you...

... took away your feelings.

But perhaps someday,
you'll see that there are

more important things
in life than revenge.

Possibitlity: Growing...