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01x44 - Metal Munchers

Posted: 08/01/23 11:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Earth needed help and they answered the call ♪

♪ No rescue too big, no hero too small ♪

♪ Recruits come to learn from the best of the best ♪

♪ They'll be Rescue Bots too, if they pass the test ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue! ♪

♪ Roll to the rescue! Save the day ♪

♪ For you and me, roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Hot sh*t, Whirl, Hoist, Medix, and Wedge ♪

♪ Their teamwork, together, will give 'em the edge ♪

♪ Rescue Bots Academy roll to the rescue ♪

♪ Roll, roll, roll! Roll out! ♪


[Medix] I must say, Hoist.

The Earth Museum is looking decidedly...

-What's the word? -Empty?

-Immaculate. -He means empty!

You're right. We've been training so much

this place has kinda taken a back seat.

The only thing Whirl and I have added lately

is this wooden thing with a ball on the end.

Whatever it is,

it's not the most exciting thing in the world.

No? Well maybe this'll cheer you up.

We're going on a field trip!

[all together] No way! Cool! A field trip!

Here Chuck, you figure it out.


Hey Professor, are we really going on a field trip?

-Yeah teach, where are we-- -[tone ringing]

Must be Cody. He uploaded it for his caller ID.

♪ La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha ♪

What? I'll call him back.

Thank you. And as for where we're going,

it's a surprise.

-[engines revving] -[blades whirring]


This place is beautiful.

Team, welcome to one of Earth's

most magnificent natural wonders.

It's so quiet.

And while it looks peaceful,

you should still be on guard.

Hey, after all our training,

we're ready for anything! Anytime,

anyplace-- Ahhhh!

What was that?

That was a geyser.

This whole area is on top of an old super volcano.

Making the water underground heat up.

And no doubt making the area prone to earthquakes.

It's unlikely. But still, your job is to take

temperature readings, map the underground vents,

and measure seismic activity.

To make sure the area is safe for humans.

-We're on it, Professor. -But remember.

Whatever you do, do not disturb the environment.

Leave it exactly as you found it.

Sure. But why, Professor?

Because this place needs looking after, Whirl.

So people can enjoy it for generations to come.

-[tap] -[awkward laugh]

Now, let's get started.

[camera shutter clicks]

These iron ore deposits are amazing.

I had no idea Earth rock even contained metal!

And check this out! There's an entire underground cave

network that runs right below our feet!


That was close!

Wow! You should totally take a photograph.

Of the crater.


[blades whirring]

I'll find a way down to the bottom and take a look around.

Whoa-- oof!


[impact grunt]

Found a way.

Whoa! Cool rock!

[Whirl] And even cooler crater!

This thing is huge!

I wonder if it was the mouth of a volcano.

That would explain why the metal in the rock

has melted into these beautiful forms.

Perfect for our Earth museum!

Slow your roll, Hoist.

Remember what Boulder said about not disturbing anything?

-[static crackling] -[Wedge] Maybe you...

-put... back? -What's that, Wedge?

My comm's are crackling after that fall.

[static crackling]

Hey guys! Listen up! I found something!

I hear you, Hot sh*t. I'll be right there!

-Wow. -Whoaaa!

Yeah! They're like strange, burrowed holes in the rock.

-[echoing] Helloooo? -Remarkable.

It's almost as though all the metal has been removed.

And speaking of metal...

Whoa, weird.

Who takes a bite out of a road sign?

Well, whoever it was, they were sure hungry.

-Recruits, we have a problem. -[hissing]

Only one thing eats through metal like this.


Scrap-whats? Ahh!

[scraplets hissing]


Dangerous critters that eat through metal,

and which should only exist on Cybertron.

We can worry about how they got to Earth later.

Right now we need to find those scraplets and--


-Run! -[yelling]

-Hey! Get away from me! -[hissing]

That's what I call a bad sign.



I don't get it! Why are they chasing us

when there's all this metal in the rocks to eat?

The scraplets eat all metal,

but they prefer living metal!

Or more specifically... us!


[engines revving]

-I think they've given up. -Great.

Where's Boulder?

There he is. Not far from us.

-Uh oh! -[snarling]

-[screaming] -This way!


Aw man, we're trapped!


[music builds]

[whispering] We just have to keep very quiet.

["La Cucaracha" tone rings]


-[chomp] -Ow!

[yelling] Aaaahhhh!

Recruits! Come in, Recruits!

Where are-- [thud] Agh.

-There you are. -[grunting]

-[snarling] -[yelling]

Quick! Into that cave!

If I can seal the entrance you'll be safe.

But sir, we can help!

You can help by trusting me.

-Stand back! -[crumbling]

Sir? Now what do we do?

You hang tight while I call for Heatwave.

Boulder to Heatwave, do you read me?

Boulder to Heatwave.

We should be out there helping.

If anyone can stop those scraplets,

it's Boulder and Heatwave.

I still don't see how those scraplets traveled

through space and got all the way to Earth.

Unless they came on a meteor?

Wait. That crater Hoist found!

What if it was made when a huge meteor fell to Earth?

Uh oh. I just remembered.

I took a lump of metal from the crater.

Huh? It's gone.

And are those bite marks?



-[hissing] -Whoa!

-Into the tunnels! -[all] Gah! Whoa!


[Boulder] Heatwave, did you get my message?

-Where are you? -In Griffin Rock,

Dealing with an ice cream truck that crashed

through the barriers. But don't worry,

we got your message about the scraplets!

And I may have an idea.


Hoist to Boulder! Hoist to Boulder?

It's no use! We're too far under the rock!

And there's more bad news. We're lost.

This is all my fault! If I'd listened to Boulder,

I never would have taken that chunk of metal.

And that dangerous little critter wouldn't be

-in here with us! -[Whirl] You're right when you say

"little" critter, Hoist. Is it me,

or does that look smaller than the others?

Like it's a... baby.

Maybe that's why the other scraplets were chasing us.

-Maybe they're its family. -In that case,

we have a new mission!

Get the scraplet back to its family,

and then get the entire swarm safely off-planet.

Agreed. But as stated, we're lost.

My map shows only our position in the valley.

But not where we are in the tunnels.

Wait. My job was to map the underground cave systems,

remember? So if we overlay the two...

It shows our exact position in the tunnels!

-Go Hoist! -[Wedge] Look!

There's another way out of the cave.

Let's lead the way!

Hey little buddy! Here boy.

-Over here! -[snarling]

-Ahh! -[hissing]


Mmmm. Heatwave!

Not a moment too soon.

Those scraplets will be in that cave any minute.

What's the plan?

[ice cream truck jingle]


This way!

-♪♪ -[snarling]

[Boulder] Hey!

Metal munchers!

Come and get us!


Wait for it.

Wait for it... Now!



And are you sure they won't eat their way out?

The whole back of this truck is a freezer for the ice cream.

Lined with fiberglass, not metal.

In that case, I better let the Recruits out of that cave.

And tell them we got all the scraplets!

-[Hoist] Look out! -Huh?

[Heatwave] All except one.


Professor Boulder! You're okay!

I am, Whirl. And so are the scraplets.

Look! He must know his buddies are inside.

We think it's his family, actually.

Aw, he's kind of cute, really.

Isn't he? Can we keep him?

Right. It was just an idea.


The good news is, the scraplets have been sent back

into space, in this specially designed pod.

[Heatwave] The pod's programmed to land on this moon,

whose rock contains enough metal to last them a lifetime.

They're going to be just fine, I promise.

And I promise that on the next field trip,

the only souvenirs I'll bring back are photographs.

I'm glad to hear it. Not disturbing the environment

is the best way to protect the Earth

-for others to enjoy. -[chomp]

-And talking of protecting Earth. -[chomping]

Doesn't that sound like a-a-a...

[all] A scraplet!

[chewing crunches]

What? We were so busy I didn't have time for lunch.

