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02x03 - The Missing Camera

Posted: 08/05/23 10:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

Is there anything else you can tell us?

Those kids went into the woods,
and a car pulled up to the pay phone.

- What kind of car?
- I don't know. Blue?

Smells sweet, like Dennis' jacket.

It's antifreeze!

Dennis was in the blue car,
he was in the trunk!

- Someone's coming.
- Hide, hide!

I think Dennis was in that shack,

and I think someone in black boots
burned it down to cover their tracks.

I just want you to know that

if you do go looking
for your birth mom,

I've got your back.

I used to do this kind of stuff
with my girlfriend all the time.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah. Well, ex-girlfriend now.

Okay, cool.

Any chance you rescheduled that
call with Woodson Academy?

They're rescinding your acceptance.

Apparently, there's an allegation of
cheating on your entrance exam.

It's got to be Donald Dukay.

I honestly have no idea
what you're talking about.

Why don't you go ask
your benefactor about all this?

I'd like to schedule a visit.

With Gloria Estabrook.

Hey. Frank.

Whoa! Hey! Frank!

Hey, hey, hey.

It's alright. It's just a bad dream.

Listen, Wilt called. He needs you to
come in early, help with something.

- Now?
- Yep, soon as you can, alright?

Just wanted to let you know
before I took off.

- Where are you going?
- Oh, I gotta head back to Dixon City,

fix some stuff with the house
before I put it on the market.

You're selling the house?!

Our house. The one we grew up in.
With Mom.

Guys, I know this is hard,
but we've talked about this before.

You said you were fixing the house.
You didn't say you were selling it.

Why else would I be fixing it?

We don't live there anymore.

It's time to move forward.

- I'm going to Wilt's.
- I'll go with you.

Imagine how they'll react when you
tell them what you're really up to.

What am I really up to?

Come on, Fenton.

I'm not a detective,
but you're no handyman.

Is that the Demon Queen dress?

Gown, but yes.

Don't change the subject.

Cutting that a little bit close.

Demon Queen's gotta be
wearing it Saturday.

It'll get done. It always gets done.

Been doing this for years,
and I've never missed a deadline.

It's part of my process.

The stressing and rushing, it...

brings up my best ideas.

You sure these shoulder
things are working?


They're epaulets...

and they need you.

- The boys, not the epaulets.
- I know.

So, whatever you're doing in Dixon City?

Your boys need you here.

I'll be back tonight.

Shoulder things...

I've still got
a couple of houses to hit.

What'd you wanna show me?

It's just over here.

Man, graveyards are even
creepier in the morning.

It's the mist. It's like ghost's breath.

- Or farts.
- Ghosts don't fart.

You think they breathe?

- Is that your dad?
- Yeah.

I've been here a bunch since I found him.

Never seen anyone else.

Never seen any flowers.

But someone knew it's his birthday today.

Someone who cared enough to bring these.

Do you think it was your birth mom?

It's a long shot,
but it's possible, right?

You in?

Are we overreacting?

What, about the house?

No! It was our home!

Yeah, but Dad's right.
We don't live there anymore.

Then, where do we live?
Frank, what? Aunt Trudy's house? Forever?

- Now, you're overreacting.
- Okay, wha--

A little heads up might have been nice.
A chance to say goodbye.

If I knew we were never coming back,
I would've...

taken all the cash
out of my secret hiding spot.

Floorboard beside the bed?

Nah, that's my decoy spot. Sucker.

Demon Week, losers!

- What happened?
- I could ask you the same thing. Here.

So, is this normal?

- That's tradition.
- You call the cops?

Ah, it's just kids messing around. I mean,

things always get a little wild
leading up to Demon Day.

Never been broken into before, though.

Eh, what are you going to do?

I mean, you could get a security system.

Isn't there, like,
an alarm company right next door?

I remember when you didn't
even have to lock your doors

- in this town.
- Yeah, why would you want to do that?


I'll get another broom.

I don't work here.
Do you have any rags back there?

Demon Week m*ssacre, huh?

Yeah, I think your smoothie's
gonna take a little longer today.

I can wait.

You wanna help me move
this back to where it was?

Yeah, okay. Sorry, I missed
wrestling last night.

Not that you were there to notice.

It's all good.
I was doing case stuff. Where were you?

Got caught up with Belinda.

- Oh yeah?
- Relax. We're just friends.

Do you have my order?

Kid, are you listening to me?

I came here to pick up my order.

Wilt keeps it under the counter for me.

I'll check.

Nice boots.

Dude, what was that about?

That's our prime suspect.

Are you serious?
You guys know who that is?

- Order says Tom Elroy.
- Yeah, he's the Widowmaker.

Rumor has it he does the bidding
for the Bridgeport Demon.

- Thought you didn't believe in the demon.
- Okay, I don't,

but doesn't mean I have heard stories

about the guy burying bodies
in the East Woods.

Don't be ridiculous.

The Demon lives in the West Woods.

Come on, man.
You know Tom Elroy?

Not really.

He picks up his groceries
and never says very much.

How come I've never seen him before?

He comes in before we open.

Eh, bit of a recluse, I guess.

Spends most of his time in the woods.

- The East Woods.
- Yeah.

Actually, he owns most of it.

Did you hear about the fire
up there last night?

I guess his hunting shack burned down.

Hey, you forgot your lunch again.

Aw, you're the best.

Hey, here, take a look at this.

Can we afford to not charge tax?

Come on. Where's your Demon Week spirit?

Exorcised years ago. Bye, Dad.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You still want Chinese tonight?


Now look, it's gonna be a slog,

so I figure we splurge
and we have chicken balls.

I-I forgot I have to do
prep school stuff with Frank tonight.

I thought Frank declined Rosewood
same time you did.

Rosegrave, and he did.

He's just, um, helping me
with-with some stuff now.

Well, next time you ditch me,
do it for something fun.

Work now, fun later, right?

Is this Port Florals?

- Did you sell any...
- Carnations.

...carnations today?

Oh wow, that many, huh?
Do you remember if you sold any

to a college-educated woman
with a kind disposition?

Caucasian, years old,
dark, curly hair with brown eyes?

Really? Do you know her name?

I saw her drop them when
she was getting into her car,

- and I really wanna return them.
- You didn't.

Sure. Call me back. My name's Joe,

and I'm in the book under Gertrude Hardy.

You can leave a message on the machine
or with my secretary, Trudy,

- if I'm not there.
- Your secretary?

Okay, thanks. Bye.

I have so many questions.

Can't risk them calling my house
and my mom answering.

How'd you know about--

I have a box of adoption stuff,
and this was in it.

It's a non-identifying document.

It's this weird thing they do
for closed adoptions.

Gives you a bunch of information
about your birth parents

without actually revealing who they are.

It's pretty much a dead end until...

Flowers at the grave. Got it.

But, how'd you find your dad?

He wrote a letter to my mom.

To thank her.

He wasn't supposed to, but he signed it.

Ah, so he's a rule breaker, huh?
Kind of reminds me of someone.

Guys. Okay, you ready for this?
Remember the plan.

Nobody goes too hard on Lucy.
We play it like we don't know she lied.

- What?
- Demon Week?

Yeah, yeah. Your town sucks, alright?

Did you get the license plate?

No, my eyes were a little too
full of paint to see the plates.

You think that's the car that got Dennis?

Doubt it.
They'd have to be pretty dumb

to go pranking a car used to kidnap a kid.

Hey, Dennis?

Remember this?

My pin. Where'd you find it?

Hard to explain. Was thinking
I could show you at lunch?

No, I-I can't. I'm working on my film.

After school then?

- Still working on the film.
- Look,

you still need an ending, right?
Joe's got a mm.

Just go back to the East Woods
and get the final sh*ts you need.

Hm. That actually might work.

sh**t some stills, add a voiceover,

do, like, a cool mixed media
avant garde thing.

Very "new wave."

- Oh my god.
- I mean, yeah, that sounds amazing.

- You could time-lapse the sunset--
- No.

Cool. So, we're all set then.

- See you after school?
- I'll come along, too.

Great. More the merrier.

Alright. Sit down, everyone.

The quick brown fox isn't gonna jump over

the lazy dog on its own.

Okay! What I'd like you all to consider

are the internal factors.

Let's delve into
Florian's inner journey...

Why would the Widowmaker
burn down his own shack?

To cover his tracks.

Me and Chet are going up to
Tom Elroy's farm after school.

Check it out. You in?


No, I-I promised my dad I'd help him
at the store tonight.

He's swamped with inventory.

Okay. We'll all catch up after.

Um, no, I'll be there till late.
I'll just see you tomorrow.


Is everything alright, Cal?

Yeah, totally.

So, um, is everything
good with you and Chet?

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

Because of me and you? No.

I mean, he's never said anything.

Have you?


I want those on my desk
tomorrow, everyone!

I'll see you later.

- You know we could have taken my car.
- No.

I've seen the way you drive.

Hey, do we need to, like,

talk about anything?

Like what?

Me and Callie.

Things ended kind of
weird between you two.

You want to talk about this right now?

It was six months ago.
That's longer than we dated.


So, we're good.

I broke up with her, right?

So, there's nothing to talk about.

What's going on with you and Belinda?

Also nothing to talk about.

Wait, there he is.

He just dumped his trash.

He could be getting rid of more evidence.

Come on.

Frank, that's...

So, we're just going to root
through this guy's garbage?

No. We're gonna steal it and then
root through it someplace safe.

What is it?

Dennis was moved in a blue car.

Great. Come on. We have to get out of
here before he hears us and comes back.

Remind me again
why we're slow-rolling this.

We know Lucy was here.
Why not just call her on it?

Yeah, but it's better if Dennis
remembers she was here.

That way, she can't deny it.

You think she bashed him
on the head and left him for dead?

I think treasure.

- What?
- Think about it.

The two lovebirds come up
to do some filming.

They end up stumbling upon
some treasure. Uh, jewels,

big bag of cash, uh, gold bars.

They plan to split it. She gets greedy.
He gets whacked across the head.

He doesn't remember.
Lucky Lucy, huh?

Yeah, I guarantee you
that's not what happened.


Hey, guys, what are you doing?

Thought we were going this way.

No, we're not.

He was filming sunset.
The ridge is this way.

Yeah, but this is the way to the hunting
shack where we found his pin.

What are they talking about?

I don't know.

What if you never made it
to Sunset Ridge?

Or what if, on the way back,
you ran into something.

Or someone.

Okay, look around. Try to remember.

I remember feeling sick.

You weren't alone that night, were you?

Look around.

- Who was with you?
- Stop it.

Look through the lens of the camera.

See if that might help.

You don't have to do that.

I remember a red light.

From the camera?

Or was it brake lights?

You were in the trunk of a car. That's
how you got from here to the Old Mill.

- What are you talking about?
- What about your drawings?

What do those lightning bolts mean?

I knew you'd be back here!

I know what you did, Dennis!

- It's the Widowmaker!
- Run!

I know what you did!

- Dennis!
- Run!

I think we lost him.

What the hell was that?

- Why was that guy yelling at me?
- He wasn't just yelling at you.

- He knew you.
- He said,

"I knew you'd be back.

I know what you did."

- what did you do?
- I can't remember!

And every time I try
to remember, it hurts.

- Well, try harder!
- I said it hurts!

Back off, Joe!

Why don't you want him to remember
what happened that night?

Nothing happened.

He was in the woods, and he hit his head.
End of story.

That's not the end of the story,
and you know it, Lucy.

- Stop...
- You know,

where exactly were you
when he "hit his head"?

Stop, stop, stop, stop it!

That's it! We're done
with your little mystery game.

What was that?

Bad cop.

We found this in Tom Elroy's trash.

It's a receipt for a power cord

for an RA- camcorder.

That's the AV Club's cam--
That's the AV Club's camera,

- the one Dennis lost.
- I knew Tom was our guy.

Black boots, blue car. Guys,

if Tom's buying this power cord,

it means he has the camera.
If he has the camera,

then he has the tape.

We get our hands on that tape,

and we figure out exactly what
happened to Dennis that night.

How are we going to get ahold of it?

We're gonna break into Tom's place
and we're gonna steal it.

That's what I was afraid of.

Yeah, I love a good break-in,

but all you have is
circumstantial evidence.

You and Joe broke into
the police chief's house with a lot less.

- But what if there's nothing on the tape?
- Well we don't know if we don't try.

Guys, this tape is the key
to solving this whole mystery.

So, we can go around in circles,
poking holes in my theory,

or we can quit wasting time and go get it.

Frank, just wait, wait!

- Are you sure about this?
- Absolutely.

- This is all making sense.
- I know. I just--

I went full-steam ahead on Dennis earlier
and it didn't exactly go as planned.

Joe, The Eye is pointing us
right to Tom Elroy.

Trust me.

Alright, so is it just me and Joe,
or are we all doing this?

He was right about the car
and the shack.

This is our best shot at the tape.

I trust him.

Me, too.

Sure. Why not?

Okay, fine, fine.
I'm in, but I'm the driver.

Okay, the driver stays in the car.

Great. Everybody listen up

'cause we only get one shot at this,
and we got to make it work.

Tom Elroy's farm...

is big,

but there's a lot of good cover. Chet?

You're gonna park your car right here.

I'll set up down here with binoculars,
keep my eyes on Tom.

Joe, Biff, Phil?

This is where you three--

Get eaten by the attack dog.

- Sorry, what?
- Nobody's getting eaten, alright, Phil?

Right. Listen, guys.

I know you may think being a paper boy
is all glamor and prestige.

No one thinks that.

But there's a lot of danger out there,

and I'm really good with dogs.

Easy, girl, easy there.

- He's gonna be kibble.
- Here, sit!

Who's a good girl?

- Come on!
- Here, baby.

Hop in the truck!

Once you get the dog, you head to Wilt's.

Call Tom Elroy,
tell him you found his dog,

- lure him there.
- Why Wilt's?

This guy's a recluse,
but we know he's comfortable at Wilt's.

Also, it's a public place, and we don't
know what this guy is capable of yet.

Alright, we're outta here.
See you back at the attic.

Hang on, hold up.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm doing the job by myself?
Why-why are we splitting up?

Because Tom saw them in the woods today.

If he sees them again,
he's gonna know something's off.

Yeah, but he saw me
at Wilt's this morning.

Yeah, not with Dennis.

Also, I'm happy to switch. If you
want to break into Tom's house--

No, no. I will make the call
and hand off the dog.

Once Tom leaves, I head inside.

Takes seven minutes to get to Wilt's
and seven minutes back.

- That gives me minutes to--
- Check your math.

It's exactly minutes if Tom goes

over the speed limit and hits
every green light on the way.

Twelve would be playing it safe.

Ten's even safer. I head in...

I get the tape, get out.

Callie. How lovely to see you.

Please, won't you have a seat?

May I offer you some tea?

This isn't a social call.

Oh, that's a pity.

Here I thought
we'd have time to catch up.

Bury a few hatchets.

I hear you're going to Woodson
in the fall.

I was.

They rescinded my acceptance.

I've been blacklisted from
every prep school in the country

because someone claimed
I cheated to get into Rosegrave.

That hardly seems fair.

Did you sabotage me?

Oh, why would I do that?

Because I helped put you here.

Callie, I've always been
on your side. I still am.

You're a very smart girl.

Besides, you're practically family.

Then help me clear my name.

I didn't cheat. I aced that test.

Yes, you did.

Then why am I being targeted?

I had nothing to do with the corruption
at Rosegrave. I'm not...

I'm not part of The Circle of the Eye.

But of course, you are.

What are you...
What are you talking about?

Everyone aces the test, Callie.

Rosegrave is reserved
for the best and the brightest,

but it is not a meritocracy.

You were chosen.

You were my candidate.

The Circle has many rings,

and you were being groomed
for the innermost.

Your acceptance to Rosegrave,
it was guaranteed

long before you took the entrance exam.

Did you never think it was curious that

of all the prospects, you and Francis
were the last one standing?

My grandson and my protege.

I never agreed to any of that.

Yes, you did.

You sought it out.

Our relationship was mutually beneficial.

You needed a-a boost in life,

and I needed to elevate someone
who I knew would be loyal.

Who knows the ends justify the means.

Surely you knew that now?

- I didn't.
- I don't believe you.

That's why you're here. Hm?

You need another boost.

- You don't know me.
- It doesn't matter what people know.

It only matters what they think.
And right now,

you and I are tied together,

whether you like it or not.


why not use it to your advantage?

Fortunately, I'm willing to help you,

but I need your help in return.

I want to mend fences with Francis.

You get him to visit me here,

and I'll put you back on track
for the life you deserve.


You're not going to use me,

and I won't let you hurt Frank.

I should have never come here.

Well, perhaps they were wrong
to question your character after all.

I won't be here forever.

If you change her mind,
I'll be glad to help.

And please,

give my love to Francis.

Does he know you're here?

Go to hell, Gloria.


Come on, come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on, come on.


Cute dog.

Yeah, he's not mine.

Get in the truck.

I saw you earlier.

Yeah, yeah, I'm here a lot.

I was actually just about to leave,
when I saw your dog

wander around back here, so that's...

pretty lucky.

You want money or somethin'?

No. No, I'm just happy I could help.

I gotta make a phone call.

- Hello?
- Chet, I need you to stall Tom.

You gotta be out of your mind.
How do you even have this phone number?

I got it from the operator.

Can you stall him or not?

Frank, do you really think
he's standing here right next to me?

He's on his way home.
You need to get out of there.

I know where the tape is.

- I need a little more time.
- Frank!

- I-I gotta go.
- Wh-Go where?

Why are you always running off
to help Frank Hardy?

Because he's an idiot! Or I am. I...

Could be both things.

- What are you doing?
- I'm an idiot, too. Explain on the way.

Hey, Joe.

There was a message for you
on the machine from a florist.


Yeah, about the woman you're
looking for, Abigail Owens.


How do you know Abigail Owens?

- Wait, do you know her?
- Sort of.

I know the name.
She was Demon Queen back in the day.

- She was what?
- Demon Queen, man.

Heroine of the Demon Day parade.

Float and everyone wears masks and cloaks,

and she has this rad sword and gown.

Your aunt designs the gown,
which are amazing, by the way.

Oh! Thank you. That's so kind.
It takes a lot of--

Are those epaulets ostrich feathers?

Yes, actually.

I think it brings a certain menace.

Can we go back to Abigail Owens, please?
When was she the Demon Queen?

Uh, about years ago.

- Did you design her dress?
- No.

Sorry, how old do you guys think I am?

Do you have any photos of her?

Probably. I've got a bunch of photos
in the garage for inspiration.

What's it for?

It's for art class.

We're doing a retrospective
on gown fashion

- and how it's evolved throughout the years.
- Sure.

Well you're not in our art class, right?
So that's why you don't know.

Okay. That sounds great.
I'll go get them.

Thank you.

Since when do you care about dresses?

Spill it. What's this really about?

Don't move.

I'm really sorry, Biff.

If I'd known,
then I wouldn't h-I wouldn't have

- hounded you about your dad.
- I know.

- It's okay.
- I know what it's like.

I'm not saying that you had
to have told me. It's just...

- you could have.
- You were making it your thing.

It's not. It's mine.

- I needed to do it on my own.
- With Phil.

It would be a lot easier
to find Abigail Owens

if the pictures were labeled properly

and there was some sort of organization.

Just sort of happened.

So, what's this mean?

You're officially searching
for your birth mom?


guys, I think I found her.

She's not what I was picturing at all.

I mean, I also forgot she'd be , but...

Wow. So, that's...


She's beautiful.

I don't want any trouble.

Well, you should've thought of that
before you broke into my house.

I'm here for the tape.
I know you have it.

You're making a big mistake, kid.

Whoa, stop!

Ah, you got to be kidding.

You punks get bolder every year.

Every Demon Week, you mess
with me and you mess with me

and you mess with me!
Well, I'm sick of it!

Alright, alright! Just go easy.
No one needs to get hurt.

You burn down my shack!
You steal my dog!

- You break into my house!
- Hey, we didn't burn down your shack.

Okay, this is a mistake.
A bad mistake. We're just going to go.

I'm not going anywhere
without that tape.

It's in your foot locker. Open it!

- You think you're so smart?
- Open it!

You never should have come here.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!
- What are you gonna do?

You gonna hurt me like you hurt Dennis?
There's three of us here now.

Frank, cool it.

I didn't touch Dennis.
I never did anything to anyone.

Prove it! Open the locker!

You wanna see what's in the locker?!

There! You happy?

What's the matter, kid?

It's not what you were expecting?

You're a w*r hero?

I was just young and brave and stupid.

I got myself involved in something
I didn't understand

in a place I had no business being.

I've seen enough death and pain
in my life. I don't hurt people.

Now, why don't you tell me
what you're doing in my house?

Something happened to this kid
at my school.

Something that he can't remember.

He went missing and we found him
in the West Woods,

but he was in your shack that night.

He was moved in a blue car,

like the one in your yard.

Well, that blue car
doesn't move. Has no engine.

Any other smoking g*ns or is that it?

The boots. I saw someone in those
exact black boots.

They burnt down your shack. I was there,

- I was the one who called it in!
- These boots are standard issue.

You can get 'em in any surplus store.

Why would I burn down my own shack?

To hide evidence.


When I saw you with the camera, you know,

- I thought--
- Yeah, I know what you thought.

I know what people call me.

Widowmaker, Demon Helper.

I just don't get it. I mean,
the Demon lives in the West Woods.

But then,
how did you end up with the camera?

Well, I take walks, plant trees,

pick up trash the trespassers
leave behind.

Found the camera
lying in a puddle of water.

I figured it belonged to whatever punk
burned down my shack.

Battery was dead,
so I bought a charger,

and I tried to watch the tape
to find out who did it.

So, you still have the tape.

What the hell's going on?

Hey! Hey, stop it!

Oh, that's far enough!

Oh-ho-ho! Got him!

Thanks for having my back, man.

If you hadn't had come, I'd...

Well, I might have done
something really stupid.

See, I'd argue that
this was really stupid,

but hey, that's just me.

- Belinda's cool.
- Really cool.

Okay, don't look at me like that.
I'm not really her type.

You sure?

breaking and entering...


And here I thought
Bridgeport was going to be boring.

Oh, it was.

It was really nice and boring,
until this idiot showed up.



I don't know what good it's gonna do you.
I couldn't get it to play.

It's pretty water-damaged.

You want us to track down
those punks for you?

No, you guys have done enough.

Demon week's almost over.
They're not gonna be back this year.

Thanks for everything, Tom.
And if you ever need anything,

- just say the word.
- Thanks, kid.

Where's Dennis?

- He's not with you?
- No!

We were editing,
and then I left to go get us some food,

and when I got back, he was gone.

He's really not with you?

No, but we'll help you find him.

- What? No...
- Come on. Let's go.

This is stupid! I already
checked the school. He's not here.

- We need to retrace his steps.
- We're wasting time!

He could be anywhere by now.
What if he went back to the shack

because you made him think
he was there that night?

- He was there that night.
- Guys...

If I had just been there, I could've--

Are you seriously gonna keep
pretending like you weren't there?

- Guys.
- You really think

I did something to my boyfriend, Joe?

You have no idea
what you're talking about.

- Guys!
- What?!

You guys hear that?

Dude, what gives?
I've been looking everywhere for you!



- Oh my god.
- Dennis?


Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

It's weird. It's like he's just blank.

Maybe his injury's getting worse.

Maybe someone got to him again.

You really think this is my fault?

I'm gonna need to see Dennis' notebook.

Could be a clue in it.

Stay away from me, Joe.

I thought I understood what
The Eye was trying to show me,

but I was just cherry-picking
what I wanted to be true.

- You know what this means, right?
- We keep trying?

No, it means that there's room
for human error and bias.

If we put the wrong pieces together,
draw the wrong conclusions,

then there's going to be consequences.

I think we're just lucky no one got hurt.

- Dennis got hurt.
- And Tom was nowhere near.

I was so sure and so wrong.

Look, we can't just keep
relying on The Eye.

Not until we're absolutely certain
we're drawing the right connections.

- How will we know?
- We're gonna do it together.

You'll keep me in check.

I know you've tried before,
and I didn't listen.

That's not going to happen anymore.

We gotta crack this thing
before someone else gets hurt.

And we will.

Using good old-fashioned detective work.

What do you think you're doing?

- Who, us?
- Uh, we were just, um--

Don't lie to me.
I know you're working on a case.

- We can explain.
- I don't need your excuses.

How many times do I have to tell you guys?

Never take a player off the board
until the case is closed.

Um, so we're not...
we're not in trouble?

Nah, I'm not going to pile on.

Trouble'll find you guys sooner or later.

Though it looks like
it might already have.

Is there anything I should know?

You guys are aware that I'm, like,

a world-famous private detective, right?

- Yeah, we've heard.
- Yeah?

- I think we're good.
- Just be smart.

And when you guys get in
over your head, come see me.

- We will.
- We promise.

Great. So...

If I were you guys, I'd start with,
uh, finding this camcorder.

Hey! Um...

How'd it go with the house?

It's coming along, you know. It's just
that it's a bigger job than I thought.

So, gonna be doing
a lot of back-and-forth.

Well, uh, you just let us know
if you're ever in over your head.

I'll do that.

Night, boys.

Night, Dad.

maybe we should tell him about The Eye.

- Maybe he can help.
- No.

The more people that know,
the more dangerous it gets.