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03x02 - A Vanishing Act

Posted: 08/05/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

- My entire estate passes
to my eldest grandson, Francis.

Laura stumbled onto
something bigger than The Circle.

- Why did she run from me
at the warehouse?

- Maybe she wasn't running from you.

She ran when she heard
Sam's voice on the megaphone.

- I'm going to Rosegrave.
- What do you possibly have to gain?

It's just something I have to do.

- I am your roommate, Drew.

I know what this place is.

Let's talk about why you were
trying to get into the Sleep Room.

- So I've been thinking about it.

I think I'm going to tell Biff I like her.

Where's the scrolls?

Where's Frank?
The Circle of the Eye
will rise again.

- I know you double-crossed us.

And now...

I want to know who I'm talking to.

- My heavens.

Mayday! I'm going down!

- No!


- Now... where are you?

- I didn't want to have to do this.

- You left me no choice.

- You're not going to sh**t me.

Guys, head's up!

Hold him! Hold him!

- Where's Frank? Is he alive?

What'd you do to him?
So you were right?

This is Aaron Munder?
- Not exactly.

I was only half right.
It's definitely not Frank.

But he's not Aaron Munder.


my great grandpa, George Estabrook.

- How'd you figure that out?

- Frank's been acting weird lately.

Talking weird, dressing weird.

I thought it was just because he
was messed up from the crystal.

I mean, come on.
Taking over Frank's body

must have been part of some
elaborate plan with George and Grandma.

He faked his death so he
could hide in the crystal for years

and come back as Frank.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

- Oh, that's the only thing
that makes sense?

- Well, only one way to find out.

Let's tie him up. Get him talking.

- The codexes and the scrolls are all here
but no sign of the crystal.

- Right. Right. Forward.

Left. Down, down, down.
Push till it clicks.

It's another relic.

- Kind of looks like a rock.

- Phil, can you decipher this other code?

- Uh, I think so.

- Yeah, they look the same.

- George already had the crystal,

but the other relic was still out there.

He came back as Frank to get it.

- Okay, cool plan. But then what?

He's going to build
some kind of weird machine?

What are you talking about?

- You don't see it?
All the nodes and circuits?

You're right. It's not just a map.

It's a schematic.
- Yeah, but for what?

- Why don't we find out?

So what do you know
about the Sleep Room?

- I checked it out earlier.

There's no keyhole, no deadbolt,
no number pad.

It's got to be an electronic lock.

But the button's not working,
so the signal

to the locking mechanism,
it must've been rerouted.

- Hide. Go.
- Oh!

Miss Darrow!

You can't be in here after dark.


- What are you doing?

- Couldn't sleep.
Thought I'd take a walk.

- You're here all by yourself?
- Uh, yes.


This program is full of squares

who wouldn't dare
break your arbitrary rules.

- Back to your dorm, immediately.

- Yes, Dean.

- Chief Hooper.

I'll be right there.

What happened?

- The Chamber down
in the mines collapsed.

- Again?

I should check on the kids.

- No, no. Get some sleep.

This has nothing to do with them.

I'm sure they're fine.

I'm gonna ask again.

I'm gonna keep asking
until I get what I want.

Where's Frank? Is he alive?
How do we get him back?

What are you building?

- Oh, come on, George.

You went through so much trouble.

It's got to be special, right?

So what is it?

w*apon of mass destruction?

Portal to another dimension?
Oh, a time machine, right?

- Oh, man. Imagine!

- What's the point of the map anyway?

It's your handwriting, your code.

And didn't you draw it yourself?

Why tear it up and hide it
in a bunch of different places?

Why not just go get
whatever the map leads to?

- Just tell us what the map is for!

- Oh, I get it.

He doesn't know.

- Isn't he supposed to be
some kind of genius?

- Maybe he's getting senile.

- Maybe the crystal fried his brain.

- Maybe he was just never
as smart as he thought he was.

- I put my faith in The Eye.

It showed me my destiny.

And everything else will unfold
exactly how it's supposed to.

- You kidding me, dude?

You're doing this off of a vision?

Off a hunch?
- Easy, easy, easy.

It's still Frank's body.
We gotta keep him in one piece.

- What a loyal band
of misfits you all are.

I've been watching you.

It'd be admirable.
You know, if it wasn't so pathetic.

I understand why you're here, Joe.

Forget the fact your older brother
is, uh, collateral damage.

You're just-- you're an incessant
little pest, you know, chasing glory.

And, Phil.

You're just an insecure loser
trying to impress Biff.

- What?
- Wha-wha-what? That-that's not--

Uh, I'm not insecure.

- But he does love you.
He's been telling everyone.

And why are you here, Biff?

Perhaps for the same reason
as Belinda, I presume.

Trying to fill the endless void

inside of you
created by your broken homes.

- Excuse me?

- Neither of you have
functioning families.

- Listen, old man,
a lot has changed since -dickity.

You don't know anything about us,
or our families.

- We're functioning just fine. Thanks.

- You keep telling yourself that.

You know, truthfully, the only person

I haven't quite figured out yet
is you, Chet.

But perhaps that's because
you haven't quite figured

yourself out yet.

What's in this for you?

It-it can't just be that you have
no direction of your own,

no future plans for yourself
or nothing better to do.

Can it?

Why do you care about any of this?

Just walk away.

- Listen, George,
you probably had a lot of people

running with you back in the day.

Colleagues, employees, co-conspirators.

But were any of them friends?

Have you ever really had a friend
in your entire sad life?

I'm guessing not,
because anyone that's had a friend

wouldn't ask why I care.

- Sooner or later,
you're going to have to face

the hard choices.

You're not all making it out alive.

- Okay, enough mind games.

Where's Frank? Is he alive?
How do we get him back?

- You can wipe that smug smile
right off your face

'cause you're gonna tell me.

Somehow, someway.

And whatever it takes,
I'm gonna make you sing, Estabrook.

Man, he's really not talking.

Hey, hey, Look alive. Look alive.

Did you decode the scroll?
- Uh, I-I think so.

- Don't think, Phil. Do.
- Okay, um,

the crystal scroll says,
"The vessel is the power."

- Yeah, we know that already.
- And-and I think--

I mean, I-I do think--
- Phil?

- This one says, "The power is the Core."

- The Core?
- So the next relic
we're looking for is a Core?

- I think your decoding
is just a little bit rusty.

- How are we doing
with the rest of the map?
- Real bad.

- This isn't like cartography
in the Sea Cadets.

I've never seen anything like it before.

- Probably so that if anyone
other than George were to find it,

they wouldn't be able to solve it.

- Which is exactly what's happening.

So, you know, pretty good plan.

- We have zero leverage.
He holds all the cards.

- Not all of them. Keep an eye on George.

Keep working on the map.
I'll be right back.

- Where are you going?
- I just gotta get
something from home.

Somebody called Callie.
Tell her the good news.

- What good news?
- Frank didn't break up with her!

- Hey. Missed you in class.

- I had other stuff to do.
- Um,

I just wanted to say thanks
for covering for me with the dean.

You didn't need to do that
but I'm glad you did.

Can't really afford
to get kicked out on day one.

- Because you haven't
gotten to the Sleep Room yet?

To do what, exactly?

- I don't want to drag you into my mess.

Well, I wouldn't worry about that.

I have a mess of my own.

- So you weren't just snooping?
This is personal for you, too?

- My dad...
is a major computer nerd.

I used to watch him
and my brother build computers,

and my brother was a lot older

and my dad always seemed
to have more time for him.

But my brother always had time for me.

He... made time for me.

He taught me how to build computers
and how to code.

But then he went away to school...
here, at Rosegrave.

He died that fall.

In his dorm room.

They said it was a brain aneurysm.

- Project Midnight.

Your brother was Patient. A.

- I just called him Orrin.

- I am so sorry.

- I-I was just a kid, but I never
bought that aneurysm story.

So I started digging into this place.

I want justice for my brother.

I think I can unlock
the Sleep Room door, remotely.

- Are you serious?

- It's about time.
Where are you? I've been worried sick.

Hey, Trudy, it's me.

- Oh, Fenton. Sorry, I, I thought--

Listen, I was wrong about Olivia Kowalski.

We're working together now.
Do you still have the codexes?

Are they safe?
- Uh...

The boys must have found them.

Are the boys okay?
Did they get the codexes open?

- What? I don't know.

But the boys didn't come home last night,

and the Chamber collapsed again.

And apparently there's been

some sort of robbery
at the Heritage Museum,

and I-- I'm just really
starting to think--

Hey, Trudy, it's okay.

The boys can handle themselves.

They've got their friends
if someone gets hurt.

- I'm not worried they're hurt, Fenton.

I'm worried they're involved.

Then you need to find them.

Make sure they're okay.
Make sure they keep those codexes safe.

I'm counting on you, Trudy.

Hey. I got here as soon as I could.

- Thanks for coming, Sam.

- What is this place?

- It's a DSA safehouse.

Olivia Kowalski,
she's an intelligence agent.

It's what she's been working on.

- Is she here?
- No. No, no.

She, uh, she's out chasing down a lead.

Gave us time to talk, about Laura.

Day of the accident,

that call that you got,

who was it told you that it was
Laura's body in the car?

- Dispatch. Why?

- Whoever's body it was,
it wasn't Laura's in the car.

They just wanted me to think it was.

But I guess you already knew that,
didn't you?

- Okay.

I can see you're going
through something, but--

- How did you know that
it was me at the Grand Hotel?

How did you know that
I was at the warehouse

where Laura showed up?
Tell me everything.

- Whatever you think I did--

- I think you destroyed my family!

And I want to know
everyone who's involved.

- I am your friend, Fenton!

I've always been your friend!

I went with you to the crash site.

I checked in on the boys
when you were away.

I helped you find McFarlane.
I got you off m*rder charges.

If Laura is alive,
then we need to talk to the coroner

who was at the crash site.

- We?
- Yeah.

I don't remember his name,
but that's him.

And I'm starting to think
he's not a corner at all.

- So you're in love with me?
- What? What? No, no, no.

Evil Frank is messing with us.

He's, he's trying to get in our heads,

and if we keep talking about it,
his plan's gonna work.

You, uh, you weren't supposed
to find out like that.

I'm sorry.

- Don't be sorry.
I like you, Phil, just...

Not like--

I-I don't know.

- Yeah. Yeah, th-that's okay.

- Um... I have to go meet my sister now.

- Okay. Good luck.

- Man, I looked everywhere
except for the damn vent.

You never should have
kept that thing, Joe.

The Eye's dangerous.
It's what got us all into this mess.

- Yeah, and it's gonna be
the thing that gets us out.

We need Frank back.
We need to work together.

- We are working together.
- No, we need to work with George.

- How?
- I'm gonna make a deal.

- Elizabeth?

- Hi.
- It's really nice to meet you.

I'm Tess.
- Yeah.

Uh-- Oh, you can just call me Biff,
by the way. Everyone does.

- Oh, I'm really glad you called.

- I'm glad you came.

- Yeah, um, I'm sorry that my mom--

I mean,

our mom, couldn't be here.

I know she's the one
you really wanted to meet.

- I would have wanted to meet you, too.

I just-- I didn't know you existed.

Did you know about me?

- I don't remember you
'cause I was little.

But I did know about you.

I mean, Dad used to talk
about you, like, all the time.

I think that's why he wanted
to be buried here in Bridgeport.

To be near you.

I wish you could have met him.

I mean, he was a really good dad.

He was the one I could always count on.

- I'm sorry you lost him.

- Me too.

- So, um, Abigail, she's not--
- Around?

No. She tried, in her own way.

But I guess some people
just aren't meant to be moms.

It's okay, though.
That's just how it goes sometimes.

Hey, I'm sorry.
This is such a bummer.

Do you want to get something to eat?

I mean, it's a little bit early
for lunch, but how about pie?

- Yeah, I love pie.

- And you can tell me more about you.

- Why did you make the map
so frustrating, George? Huh?

- I drew it in a fugue state.

I was under the influence of The Eye.

- Nothing's easy with you, is it?

Oh, and by the way,
it's not cool what you did

blurting out that I'm in love
with Biff like that.

- I'm telling you, Joe,
this is a mistake.

- t*rture?
- No, worse.

He wants to negotiate.
- Yep.

- Give me the room.
Of course.

- I'm about to make you
a pretty sweet deal.

So this is the part
where you say, "I'm listening."

- Not interested.

- Don't jump to conclusions.

You don't even know what I'm offering.

We work together.

- We'll help you find
the last relic if you promise

to give up Frank's body when you do.

- It's more complicated than that.

- Well, let's uncomplicate it.

- You lied to me.

- You body-snatched my brother.

Don't get high and mighty about it.

Does it need to be Frank?

- I don't understand the question.

- Does it need to be
Frank's body you're in?

- Yes!
- Does it, though?

Or is that just your
interpretation of what you saw?

Your way of getting Gloria
to will you the codexes

without raising any suspicion. Then what?

Jet off to your private island
and live out the rest

of your days
in your great-grandson's body?

- You know about the private island?

- You actually have an island?
Who inherited that?

- Right. We have the codexes.
We assembled the map.

We even know what we're looking for.

It seems to me you could be anybody.

- I suppose that's true.

- Look. The codexes,
the map, the relics,

that's all stuff you want.

I just want my brother back.

So take the deal.
Let's get you a new body.

- Whose body?

- I don't care, George.
I'm an incessant pest, remember?

Maybe Aaron Munder.
Or a coma patient. You know,

let's dig up a grave
and get you a zombie body.

Literally anybody other than Frank.

Where's Frank? Is he alive?

How do we get him back?

- He's in the crystal.

Alive, but you're going to have
to go in and get him.

- Told you you'd talk.

Okay. We gotta call Callie,
'cause getting Frank back

means getting into the Sleep Room,
and-- Ah!

- What happened? What did it show you?

- I saw someone
steal a piece of your crystal.

Well, Mr. Cox, it's your lucky day.

You're not being charged
with the robbery

at the Heritage Museum.

- That's good.

'Cause I was just walking past
when your thugs jumped me.

Quick question.

Who sprung me?
I'm surprised you don't know,

but, uh, someone wants you
back on the streets very badly.

You either have powerful friends
or powerful enemies.

- Ha.

You know, I bet that that
release paperwork must take hours.

- I'll have you on your way shortly.
No rush.

Take your time.

I'm happy to just lie here,
think about what I did, or

didn't do, in this case.

- I can't believe your mom
is chief of police.

- I know. Buzzkill, right?

- No, it's a good job.
And she seems great.

- She is. But every time I'm in trouble,
she's the first to know.

- Biff! Where is everyone?

The Chamber collapsed last night.
Tell me you weren't there.

- Um...

- Is that today? Is this...?

- This is Tess, my sister.

- Hi.

So nice to meet you, Tess. I'm Trudy.

I'm Biff's mom's girlfriend.

- It's nice to meet you, too.

- I don't wanna interrupt
any more than I already am.

Where are Frank and Joe?

- I think they're at Chet's.
- No, not there.

- Belinda's?
- Why don't you just tell me

where they are
since you're clearly covering for them?

- They're at Gloria's.
- Why?

They can't just hang out there.
I'm gonna go there now.

It was really nice to meet you, Tess.

- So you have two cool moms?
- Yeah.

I guess I do.
- I'm happy for you.

- Tell me what you saw.
Who stole the crystal fragment?

- Some guy in a black suit.

- That's not very specific.

- I'm telling you what I saw.

Okay. He knew where it was
and he took it.

So it had to have been
someone you trusted.

- You're bluffing.

None of my people would have betrayed me.

- What makes you so sure?
- I never gave them the opportunity.

- I think you've been gone a long time.

Maybe not everything went
according to your little plan.

- Yet here I am.

- Come on, George.
Not even a little worried?

Someone else knew.
Someone seized an opportunity.

You couldn't have done
all this by yourself.

You had to trust someone.

We know it wasn't Gloria.
So who was it?

Fine. Don't tell me.
I'll figure it out myself.

Frank said there was
a chauffeur on the beach

when you found the crystal.

Must have been a pilot
on the plane that crashed.

- Deductive reasoning. How quaint.

- Had to have been one of 'em.

- You're chasing ghosts.
My pilot never knew my plan.

His instructions were to take
the relic to a safe place.

I ensured he never reached
that destination.

- You crashed your own plane?

I'll get it. It might be Callie.

- What about your chauffeur?

You trusted him enough
to take him on your little treasure hunt.

Maybe he got greedy.

- No. He was a loyal servant.

He brought the crystal
and the codexes to Gloria

with instructions on where to hide them.

After that, he was just another loose end.

- Grandma's message.

She said she tied up all the loose ends.

You really think

that Gloria would m*rder
your chauffeur for you?

- Gloria would do
anything for my approval.

- Eh... My grandma was a lot of things.

I don't think she was a m*rder*r.

- That was Biff. Trudy's incoming.

Did she tell you
how it went with her sister?

- You know,
we didn't get to that much, Phil--

- Lock him in the secret room!
- Trudy, help!

- Aunt Trudy, hey!

- Do you have any idea
how worried I've been?

You didn't come home last night.

- Neither did you.

- You know I was sleeping at Jesse's.

For all I know, you could
have been in the Chamber

when it collapsed.

Who was screaming?
- No one.

- It sounded like Frank.

- Frank's not here.
My voice is getting deeper.

- Where is Frank?

What are all of you up to?

Did you steal my codexes?
- Technically they're Frank's codexes.

- Did you get them open?
- No, they're really tricky.

And that's why Frank's not here.

- He's at the library.

- Researching symbols and stuff.

- He'll probably be a while.

- Look, I'm not unreasonable, okay?

I know you're not little kids,

but if I give you an inch,
don't take a mile.

You can write a note.
It's not that hard.

- We will. We will. We're sorry.

- And you can't just hang out here.

It's not your little clubhouse.

Do you need help with the codexes?
I'm, I'm pretty good at puzzles.

- Frank's got them at the library.

We'll clean up, and we'll be on our way.

We're right behind you!


Come on, come on!

Where'd he go?


Check the perimeter
and head back to the station.


What are you doing here?
This is a crime scene.

- I'm just, um,
I'm looking for some clues.

- You're coming with me. Now.

- Okay. We need to hurry.

He has the codexes,
and the map... and Frank's body.

- Okay, you guys go.

We'll stay behind in case
he circles back.
- No.

Yeah. Okay.
- Alright, let's go.

- Come on, let's go!

- What are you waiting for, Phil?
- I'm sorry if I take a beat

before dropping into a spooky, dark hole
to who knows where.

- Just... ugh!

I said it a million times.

Why would George build a secret room
he couldn't even close the door to?

- Would have been nice to know about it
before we left him in there all alone.


You don't think evil Frank
is out there waiting to jump us

and leave us for dead, do you?
- Don't call him evil Frank.

He's not even Frank.

- What do you want me to call him?
- I don't know.

- But Frank isn't in George.

George is in Frank.
- Georgenfrank isn't a name.

- Neither is Frankengeorge.
- Whatever!

Do you smell that?

- Okay. Well,
all of The Circle of The Eye families

had their own
secret entrance to the Chamber.

This has to be the Estabrook one.

- Do you think he got away?

- Leave your bag here.

- Why? Am I under arrest?

- No.

It's just a safety issue.

- I want my lawyer.

- You have a lawyer?

- No, but I'm a minor.

And I know you need
my guardian to question me.

- Okay, well, then,
I'll call your dad or your Aunt Trudy,

and we'll wait until one of them shows up.

- Never mind.

- What do you want to talk to me about?

- Are you okay, Frank?

- Let's just get this over with.

- Sorry. Were you waiting long?

- A little while. It's not a big deal.

- No, it's a very big deal.
And I promise you,

I want to hear every detail
about how it went with Tess.

I just have to take care of this first.

- Yeah, I get it. It's a crazy day.

- You're okay?
- I'm good. It was good.

- Okay. I'll be right back.

- Callie?
No, it's Biff.

Why is Frank, or George,
or whatever,

why is he being questioned by the cops?

- Oh, you found him.
Biff found Frank!

Okay, listen. He has the map
and codexes in his bag.

- I think I can get it.

Just got to wait until the coast is clear.

- Okay, we're on our way.

- So, all of the Rosegrave computers
are linked together

via a central server.

They can all talk to each other,
which basically means--

- They're networked.

- Yeah. Wow.
Most people don't get it

and I have to over-explain.

- Story of my life.

- So, students don't have
access to the server.

But if I link in my laptop,

I can bypass the restrictions
and reset the admin profile.

Then, I'll go into security software,

scan for digital lock coding,

trace the path for
any physical hardware--

- And disable the electronic lock
on the door to the Sleep Room.

- Yeah, in theory.

- How long do you think it'll take?
We're in.

You sure this is his lab?

It's the address
from the newspaper article.

It looks deserted.

Looks like our doctor left in a hurry.

I don't like this, Fent.

Hey, hold up.

Let's check down there.

- Let me know if you see
any signs of Laura.

All right.

- Three hundred and forty-four.

Three hundred and forty-four days
since Laura disappeared.

- Hey! Hey!


Sam! Sam!

- Where were you last night, Frank?

- I was at home with Joe.

- The Chamber collapsed last night.
People died.

- That's tragic.

- It wasn't an accident.
It was detonated.

- Why are you telling me all of this?

- Because we have a witness who says

they saw local hero Frank Hardy

running from the scene
moments after the collapse.

- I was at home.

- Okay, Mr. Cox.

Police paperwork is all done.
You don't have to go home.

- But you can't stay here.
Bridgeport PD?

Um... let me see.

His car's not here, so...

Hang on, let me check the schedule.

Yeah, he's scheduled
to be in this afternoon, but...

so far, nothing. Okay.

- So, Frank's acting real weird.
- Oh, really?

Oh, I-I--
- Is there something I need to know?

- No.

No, I mean, he's going
through a lot right now.

His grandma just died.

His dad's gone again,
and he just broke up with Callie.

- I'm gonna call Trudy.

- Oh!

This place is much creepier
than I expected.

- You're not the only one
who lost someone

to Project Midnight, you know.

- What do you mean?

- My boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend now?


- Frank Hardy.
- Yeah.

Since we transferred him
back from the crystal,

Frank hasn't been acting like himself.

It's hard to explain,

but all I know is
when I looked into Frank's eyes...

I didn't see someone who loved me.

- Damn, that's cold.

- So if Frank's not Frank,
then who do you think he is?

- Well, up until now,

I was thinking it had
to be Aaron Munder.

- Wait, until now?

- Now I'm thinking there's a chance
it could be your brother.

- My brother died.
- Maybe that's just what they said.

- Okay. Why would my brother
or-or anyone else pretend to be Frank?

- Good question.

- Yeah, I hope that your boy Frank
is worth all of this trouble.

- If the tables were turned,
he'd come for me.

- True love, huh?

- It's not just that.

Things changed when the Hardy Boys
came to Bridgeport.

I've never had friends
like the ones I have now.

I'd do anything for them.

- Anything except tell them
that you're here to save Frank?

- I'm doing all this
on a pretty wild hunch.

I don't need anyone thinking I'm crazy.

- I hate that word.

Why is it always women that are crazy?

You know, when men do something extreme,

they are called visionaries.


Mm... um.

- That a good "mm"?

- Well, the room's pulling power,

but the machine isn't firing up.

- Uh, what are you doing?
- I think...

I just found your problem.

- It must have been fried
by the shockwave.

- Frank, you're free to go.

Jesse shouldn't have been
talking to you without me here.

- What happened to the eyewitness?

- The witness was wrong.

Apparently, it happens all the time.
You okay?

- Yes. I just want to go home.

- I know you weren't home last night.

- I wasn't in the Chamber.

I didn't do anything wrong.

- Just stay here.
I'm going to talk to Jesse,
and then we can go home.

- Did you get the bag?
- Uh, about that,

I ran into a slightly huge problem.

We'll cut him off! Go, go, go, go.

Joe, give it to me!

- Ah!

- Give it to me! Give it to me!

Give it to me!


- No. No!

That's quite enough, g*ng.

Dust yourselves off and get in the car.

We have much to discuss.

- What makes you think we're gonna get
in a car with a stranger?

- I hear you're quite the detectives.

I'd like to retain your services.

- Oh, thank you.

- Sure. Make yourself at home.

- Why don't you tell us your name,
while you're at it?

- My name is Cadmus Quill.

My employer has had
a keen interest in what

the two of you have been up to
since you discovered The Eye.

- And who is your employer?

- He prefers to remain anonymous,

but he has eyes everywhere
and a vast reach.

- Mm. Someone who can get
an eyewitness to forget

what they saw last night.

- It didn't suit our needs

to have you gummed up
in the justice system.

- Does that mean you actually
were at the Chamber last night?

- I didn't blow it up,
if that's what you're implying.

- Now I'm thinking you did.

- Ah, this bickering seems tangential
to my immediate purpose.

- Which is what?

- My employer has contracted others
to track down the codexes,

including Mr. Cox.

But it's become increasingly clear

the best people to complete this task
are the two of you.

By my calculations,
you have collected all the codexes

and assembled the map. Correct?

My employer wants what's at the end of it.

The final relic. The Core.

Get it for him,
and this can end once and for all.

- Those are my relics.
I'm not giving them to anyone else.

- Yeah, I hate to say it,
especially since me and Frank

haven't exactly been seeing
eye-to-eye recently.

But I see no upside
to giving up what we find to you

and your mystery man.

- Well, we're willing to give you both

the thing you want most.

I'll be in touch.

- It's CCTV footage.

- Who is it?

- It's Mom.

- Okay. I don't wanna presume
to know what you're thinking

but if you're thinking--

- We need to work together.
- I knew you were gonna say that.

- You mean with Frankengeorge?
- Who?

- You, idiot!

- No way. We can't do that.
We have to.

- Guys, this is way bigger
than we thought.

I mean, when, when Frank told me
he was gonna use the power

to get what he wanted most,
to get Mom back,

I didn't believe him. But now...
- I don't understand.

Where has she been
and why hasn't she come home?

- The only way to figure that out
is to deliver the relic.

- You're assuming I'm agreeing
to all this.

- Would you prefer we just
keep beating you up?

- Those are my relics.
- And you can't find them without the map.

- Which is where?
- JB stole it.

- You said you could get it.

- He got to it first.
- We need to get it back.

I assume your offer still stands.

- Are we really still talking
about trusting this guy?

- Feels misguided.
- Feels like a trick.

- Better to trust the devil you know

than to let the relics
fall into the wrong hands.

- You are the wrong hands.

- You need me more than I need you.

- He's right. He knows more than us.

Teaming up is our best shot.

Guys, I need to know
the truth behind my mom.

And the only way to do that,
is to get the last relic.

So we need to get the map from JB.

Just one thing I got to do first.

- What's that?

- Get my brother back.

Whoa, wha-what?

- Oh, thank goodness.

- You really thought I was
gonna make a deal with that guy?

- Well, so much for keeping
Frank's body in one piece.

- Wait. Do you hear that?

- Someone's in our room.

- I knew it.
Frank isn't Frank. He's Aaron Munder.

- No, it's, uh, it's way worse than that.