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03x03 - A Promise of Trouble

Posted: 08/05/23 10:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on Hardy Boys...

The Sleep Rooms at Rosegrave.

They were experimenting on students.

The machine isn't firing up.

Just found your problem.

- It must have been fried
by the shockwave.

Frank hasn't been acting like himself.

When I looked into Frank's eyes,

I didn't see someone who loved me.

- So if Frank's not Frank,
then who do you think he is?

- Everybody, Great-Grandpa,
George Estabrook.

I said it a million times.
Why would George build a secret room

he couldn't even close the door to.

Would have been nice to know about it
before we left him in there all alone.

- I'd like to retain your services.

We're willing to give you
the thing you want most.

- Mom.

I need to know
the truth behind my mom

and the only way to do that
is to get the last relic.

So we need to get the map from J.B.

There's just one thing I gotta do first.

- What's that?
Get my brother back.

Where's Frank?
- He's in the crystal. Alive.

- The transfer is about to begin.

And then I'll be free.

The power of The Eye belongs to me.

- No, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no!



Joe, please.

We need to get Frankengeorge
back to the safe room.

That's a no-brainer.

- I'm sorry, d--
Who even are you?

- Excuse you?

- She is my roommate, Joe.

- Okay. This is a private matter.

- Drew is looking into
Project Midnight just like us.

She can help.

- Wow, that's great.

Look, I don't want some wannabe detective

crossing into our jurisdiction.

Uh, hello? Yeah, I can hear you.

I'm right here in... my room.

Callie already told me

that her boyfriend
isn't really her boyfriend.

And you just said that it was
actually your great-grandfather,

so I'm basically all up to speed.

How'd you not realize you were
hanging out with an -year-old?

- We got there eventually.

- It's kind of our thing.

- And I get into the Sleep Room.

It's kind of my thing.

- Amazing.

So it looks like your work here is done.

So if you'll just--
- Wh-what? Hey!

Okay! I'm not leaving my computer
with a bunch of randos.

- Is that a portable computer?

I've never seen one before.

Hands off there, champ.
Not for touching.

- But I thought they only used
those in the military

'cause they're, like, so expensive.

- Yeah, they are so expensive.

That's why I built this one myself.

I've got a hookup for parts. Okay?

- Yeah.

- I am going to let you
and your friends

deal with this private matter,

but FYI, I'm not leaving
'cause you told me to.

I am leaving because I have
other things to do

that don't include babysitting
a rude little twerp

whose motormouth isn't nearly
as charming as he thinks it is.

But I will be here if you need me.

And I suspect you will.

You know, in case you need help

getting there a little quicker
than eventually.

- Well, you were rude.

Super rude.

Hey, let's not get distracted
by who was rude.

We need to get George out of Frank.
- How?

The Midnight Machine isn't working.

I think the shockwave fried the chip.

And apparently those chips
aren't manufactured anymore.

So we need to find a new old chip.

Or modify the machine for a new
new chip.

- Yeah, we need Drew back in here.
- No.

No Drew.

Callie can do it. Right?

- I can try.

I swiped these blueprints
from Munder's basement.

But it won't solve
the missing chip problem.

- Or the missing crystal problem.

- I have the crystal.
Ooh, nice.

- And, uh, I have The Eye.
So we're good!

- You have The Eye?

- Yeah. It's this whole thing.

Apparently, we need it
for the plan to work.

- Wait, what plan?

- I will the power of The Eye into myself.
Hold up.

Didn't the power corrupt Frank?

- It kind of manipulated him.

And not right away.
It ramped up to that.

Besides, this is the only way
that this plan works.

So I get downloaded into the crystal.

Once I'm in, I'll share
the power of The Eye with Frank.

- You can do that?
- Let's say yes.

Then you guys flush George
out of Frank's body

and re-upload me and Frank
back into ours.

- Two uploads?
Last time, one fried the machine.

- That's why you get Frank out first.

And if it fries the machine,

I'll wait it out
until you fix it and get me out.

Let's not overcomplicate things.

- Oh, we're overcomplicating things?

- Personally, I think
we're in over our heads.

But, hey, that's just me.

- I think we'll be fine
because we'll have help.

- Right. I'll get Drew.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No.

Somebody who's done this before.

Mr. Munder.

- What? No! No.
- This is the only way this works.

He's being evaluated at a mental hospital.

- No! We are not going to see
Mr. Munder, let alone work with him.

He, he, he's a liar.
He's a manipulator.

He's a kidnaper. He's a nutcase.

We-we are not going to see
Mr. Munder. No frickin' Munder!

- Hello, Mr. Hardy.


- Tell me where Frank is.

- I thought we went over this.

He's in the crystal.

- What does that mean exactly?

- What's it like in there?
Fortress of Solitude?

Endless void?
Parallel universe full of monsters?

- Even if you get Frank back,

he won't be the same person you knew.

That is, of course,
assuming he's still alive.

- You survived it just fine.
- I was prepared.

My mind was focused. I had a plan.

- We have a plan.

- It's a terrible plan.

- No, it's not.
- It is. It's insane.

- Then help.
Tell us what to do.

- Why should I?
- 'Cause you're the reason we're all here.

- Am I?

From what you tell me,
it sounds like George Estabrook

is the real puppet master here.

- You know what? Forget this.
We'll figure it out on our own.


Okay, look, the first half of your plan.

It's fine. But the whole
double upload back out...

That's tricky.

The shockwave
will incapacitate the machine

and even if you get it
back up and running,

you could end up with
two consciousnesses in one body,

which I suspect is not ideal.

- Can we reconfigure the machine?

- Well, theoretically, yes, but--

- Great. See?

You tell me how to rejig it
and I'll tell Callie.

- Do you really want to play
broken telephone

with your brother's life, Mr. Hardy?

- No.

Because I'm gonna take notes.

- Ah, well, let's hope they've
improved since computer class.

Your best bet is
a second Midnight Machine.

- We don't have time for that.

- Oh, not to build your own like I did.

No, but the late, great Dr. Burelli

would have her original machine
from Project Midnight.

She never completed a successful upload.

Her processing chip
should still be intact.

- My dad kept everything
from Burelli's storage locker.

I think we could find it.

Okay, you guys go.

I'll bus it back to Rosegrave.

- I must say, Mr. Hardy,

I'm impressed at the lengths
you're willing to go.

Surprised, even.

Risking your life to save your brother.

Seems we have more in common
than you might have thought.

- We're not the same.

- Do you think it's possible
my brother Aaron is still in there?

- Frank's the priority.

- Can you explain again
what powered this thing?

And don't tell me supernatural,
mystical nonsense.

- Well, to the best of my knowledge,

the sphere was constructed
to harness supernatural,

mystical nonsense
for the purposes of breaking

and reforging The Eye relic.

Mr. Conrad? Your kids are here.
- Oh.

Thank you. Send them in.

- I-I'm sorry. What's happening?
Why are your kids here?

- They're my consultants.

- Okay.
- Hey! Nice digs, Driscoll.

- Are those snacks free?
Uh, no, no.

They're, they're paid for,
you know, with tax dollars.

- Oh, relax. He's just joking.

Belinda locked herself out of the house.

I needed my key.
Don't worry. I'll see them out.

All right, look.

I got the chip out of
Burelli's machine like you asked,

but I need to know what it's for.

- We need to, um... study it.

- Lying.
- It's for getting The Eye relic back.

Thanks for the chips.

- Why would you do this to Frank?

- Why do you care so much, Callie?

You and Frank were just
a fleeting teenage romance

that was only ever going
to amount to a fond memory.

- You think I'm just
some broken-hearted girl

doing this for a boy?

I'm doing this for the innocent kids

whose lives you ruined
with Project Midnight.

For all the damage you've done
in your selfish pursuit.

Of what, things? Relics?

- You... will... fail.

I need some air.

- I thought she was going to
k*ll him with like her bare hands.

- I was kind of hoping
she'd hit him, at least.

- So, um, how'd, uh...
how'd it go with your sister?

- Oh, um, good.
- Oh, cool.

- A little awkward at first,
but otherwise pretty normal.

- That's refreshing.

It's been a while
since things have been normal.

- Get back in there, you evil genius!

Don't mess with me.

- Yeah.


How are we going to do this, Joe?

What if we fail?
- What if we don't?

- Right, uh, Munder showed me
what we need to rewire the machine.

He says we need
an I.C.-compatible processor.

Too bad those new
Sparewell computers aren't out yet, right?

Your, your roommate has a hookup
for computer parts.

Oh, now, now you want Drew's help.

- No, I-- mm.

I don't want her help.

We might need it, though.

I'll go.
- No, I'll go ask her.

You're right.

- I know.

What about specifically?

- We need your help.

We need one of those new Sparewell chips.

- What makes you think
I can get one of those?

They haven't even been released yet.

- You have a connection for parts.

- Not for Sparewell tech.
It's too proprietary.

Plus, I hear their new chip is a gimmick.

The previous-generation processor
is more stable.

- Any chance you can get us one of those?

- Oh, for sure.

We're gonna have to steal it.

Good thing I'm all about open source.

- Will it work in the Midnight Machine?

- We'll make it work.

- Drew?
- Yeah.

- Is this for you or for me?

- The fact that it's up for debate
is concerning.

- Did you tell anyone about Frank?

- No. Did you tell anyone
about my brother?

- No.

- Someone knows what we're doing.
Someone here, now.

- Okay. Here.

Take the chip, get the machines running.

- Uh--

- I will find out who sent
this message on the server.


Go, get your boyfriend.

- Alright.

I've got one chip.
Are Chet and Belinda back yet?

- Not yet.

- What are you all
just standing around for?

- Because this is very
risky business, Miss Shaw.

I will be taking over from here.

How are you even here?
- I broke out.

- How?

- Excellent parts for lock picking.

And there are no doubt
people looking for me.

So let's try to focus
on the task at hand, shall we?

- So Joe...
gets downloaded first.


We know this, but we need to give him
some time once he's in there

and we need to allow for the machine

to cool down from the initial...
- I don't like this.

- Get over it.

It's happening.

- We don't even know if we can trust him.

Are you listening, Mr. Cohen?

Or would you rather
zap your friends into certain death?

- The first one.
- Excellent!

- Five minutes to cool
is plenty of time for Joe

to find Frank and share the power.

- And then we...?
- Reconnect Joe.

- While keeping Frank's body
connected with the rerouted fiber optics,

allowing a simultaneous download and...?

- Preventing
two consciousnesses from landing

in the same body.
- Correct.

And also?
- Huh?

- Mr. Hardy?
- Do I even need to know this?

Won't I be in the crystal at this point?

- Preventing the wrong
consciousness from landing
in the wrong body?

- Thank you, Miss Shaw.
Disappointing, Mr. Hardy.

- Um... what?

It always gets worse!
- Guys, it's okay.

He's helping.

- If by helping you mean
saving you from certain death,

then yes, Mr. Hardy,
I'm helping.

Mr. Morton, Miss Conrad,
did you procure Burelli's original chip?


- Yes, I'll, I'll wait to connect,
thank you.

Case number?

- Oh, um, I'm looking
to speak to Fenton Hardy.

He called me from this number.

I need a case number.
- No, I--

I don't have a case number.
The operator connected me.

I'm looking to speak to Fenton Hardy.

There's no one here by that name.

- Okay. Can you pass me the right one?

- Which one's the right one?
- The one on the right?

- Yeah, but my right or your right? It's--

- Ah, the chair's, right, Mr. Cohen.

Starboard side, for all you sea cadets.

- This is insane.

- I'd argue that Munder being here

is the most sane part of all of this.

So, how are things with you and Biff?

- F-Fine. Th-They're just fine.
There's, there's nothing to discuss.

I'm, I'm, I'm just gonna ignore
any and all emotions

and push them down deep,

deep down, until I can't feel them ever.

- Been there, done that.
Trust me, it doesn't work.


So, uh, A to red .

- All right.

- Then A to blue .
Mm. Got it.

- Then F to B.

- You sunk my battleship!

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Not, not B, B. B.

I was writing quickly.

- Now is not the time
for clerical errors.

- Okay. Who took his tape off?

- Project Midnight was never
designed for multiple transfers.

It was meant for me, in and out.

The crystal could be
destroyed in the process.

- Oh, no. Maybe we should
just give up now.

- Yes! Yes, you should.

- No, I mean, he's right.
It's so stupid.

Why would we even try to save our friend?

- Yeah, I mean,
it's just Frank, right? Like?

- Yeah. Who cares about the guy?

No, it's a good thing you're here
to talk some sense into us.

- I think someone's getting
a little nervous

about spending the rest of eternity
back in that crystal.

- Mm, maybe he's worried that JB
is going to find his precious relics.

- Mr. Cox won't find anything.
The map isn't enough.

Now what does worry me,

what should worry all of you?

Whoever stole the crystal fragment,

whoever k*lled The Circle of The Eye
is still out there.

It could be any one of us next.

- Gotcha.

- This is crazy, right?

We don't even know if you can
actually share the power of The Eye.

- What if you and Frank can't get out?

- Callie.

I'm about to swan dive into a crystal.

Don't really need what-ifs right now.
- Sorry.

I think I let George get in my head.

What if this is all part of his plan?

- No.

George has been
out of the game for a long time.

He doesn't know as much as he lets on.

I mean, The Eye didn't show him that
somebody stole a piece of the crystal.

No matter what he says,
he's not in control.

- Are we?

- Frank would trust you with his life.

So do I.

Ha, ha!
- Come on. I have a plan.

- Hey...

Are you okay?

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Let's do this before I change my mind.

- Okay. Wait, wait, wait.
Uh, we need a safe word.

Something only you and I know

to make sure you're you when you get back.

- And to make sure I'm in the right body.

- Yeah.

- Oh, deja vu in a way, isn't it?

My brother Aaron.

Is he in the crystal? Is he alive?

- Oh, yeah.

I told you Aaron
didn't make it into the crystal.

Didn't I?

- You lied?
- Mm.

- Is there a problem?

- No problem. We're ready.

- You've got this.

We've got you.

- Even if you make it out of the crystal,

there is someone else
going for the last relic

and they're dangerous.


. .

- Joe, you're going to regret doing this!

You're gonna regret this!

. .

. .


- Forget it, Frank.

There's nothing in there for you.
- You.

You did this. You tricked me.
You brought me here for George.

- Once you see, you can't unsee.

- Do I still have
the power of The Eye in me?

Can I get out of here?
- No.

George took the power from you to escape.

I'm just an echo of that power.

It'll fade eventually,
like all power does.

- Then I'll find my own way out.

- Is everything all right, ma'am?

Yes, of course.


I appreciate you
helping me with the Codexes today.

- Of course, ma'am.

Your father was very clear
with his instructions.

- That he was.

- The letter.
George told her to k*ll his chauffeur.

- With my father gone,
I have no further use for you.

I'll make sure you're compensated.
Six months' salary.

- Those weren't George's wishes.

- You were his servant, nothing more.

Leave now and never return.

- She couldn't do it.
She couldn't k*ll him.

- Just a servant. I'll show you.

Once you see, you can't unsee.

The crystal. He stole a piece of it. Why?

- I know everything.
George may have succeeded.

Filled his destiny.
- You were his servant. Nothing more.

- Enough, stop it!
The circle complete.

- I said stop it!

- Joe, Callie. You came for me.

- How'd that fall?

- Don't go.
What if another mystery comes up?

We need you here.

- Frank made it pretty clear
he doesn't need me at all.

- Go where? Where are you going?
Frank is wrong,

and he doesn't know
what he's talking about.

And breaking up with you is
the worst mistake he's ever made.

- No, no, no, Callie, that wasn't me.

- Just because I'm not with Frank
doesn't mean I'm not here for you, Joe.

- You leaving literally means that.

- I'm gonna miss you, too, Joe.

- Miss you.
- I'll be back soon.

- Callie. Callie!

- Wait, Callie has it.
She has the crystal.

She's gonna come back for me.
She's gonna save me.

- Callie. Callie!


- No, what are you doing here?!

Where's Callie?

- Are you serious?
You're serious.

I just melted my brain
into a crystal to save you.

This is the thanks I get.

- No, no, no, seriously.
What are you doing here?

- Okay. I, I absorbed
The Power of The Eye.

- But how?
George took the power from me.

- He did. It's, it's complicated.

I made him give it up like you promised
when I thought he was you.

But when I realized you weren't you,
he was you, I had to get him talking,

so I used The Eye to make a deal,

and things kind of spiraled.
- That's when things spiraled?

- Whatever! I'm here now,

and I'm pretty sure that
the only way to get back out

is to share the power of The Eye.
- You're pretty sure?

- Listen, Callie is gonna be
beaming George in here any second

so we can get back into our bodies.
- You're bringing George in here?

He's gonna try and k*ll us!
- You are preaching to the choir, Frank!

He's tried to k*ll me several times.

- Joe, how long have I been in here?
- I don't know. A week.

- It took you a whole week
to realize I wasn't me?

- Well, you were kind of moody
to begin with,

so it wasn't really
that much of a difference.

- He's like a hundred years old, butthead!
- You're the butthead.

Get yourself trapped in a crystal forever.

- I can't believe he broke up with Callie.

- Could have been worse.

- How?
- Could have kept dating her.

- Man, this is so messed up.
- Oh, you think that's messed up?

I didn't even mention
the part where Mr. Munder

broke out of the funny farm
to help us pull this off.

- You're working with Munder on this?
- Yeah.

- He's the reason I'm in here.
He's a maniac.

- Speaking of maniacs...

- You fools! I told you the realm
can't handle this many of us.

But I can fix that.

I can make it so you never leave.

Just like the other boy.

- So far, so good.

Come on. Come on!

- What are you doing?
We need to keep them both connected.

- It's true!

But we're not bringing
Frank and Joe back just yet.

Joe? Joe, are you okay?

No, Joe!
- Fire up the machine.

- No, that wasn't the plan.

- The plan's changed.

I need to go in.
I need to see for myself.

So you either download me now

or we leave Frank and Joe in there
to fend for themselves.

Your call.

- Come out now.
Let's discuss this.

Great-grandfather to great-grandsons.

We are... family, after all.

- Look, are you sure about this?

- No, but, uh, you gotta trust me anyway.



- There you are, my boy.

- You're not family. You never have been.

- Give me the power. It's mine.

Give it to me.

- Where is it?

- No more games.

- No. No!

There's no way to escape, George.

We've walled you in.

This isn't your realm anymore.

- Think about what you're doing. Please.

We can reap all the rewards
The Eye has promised.

Together, the Estabrooks
can be in control again.

- We're not Estabrooks.

- We're Hardys.

- This isn't right.
I've seen the end. This isn't it.

This-- This isn't right.

This isn't right!

- Frank.

We're running out of time.
We need to share the power now.

Don't even think about
taking it all for yourself.

- Never again.

- Come on.

- Callie started the transfer.

- They've been in there too long.
We need to hurry.

- Uh... .


- What are you doing here?

- I told you, you can't trust him.

- It's like a prism refracting,
energy shifting.

Every consciousness
alters the composition, destabilizing it.

- No, no, no, no. Not interesting.

Hey, hey! Earth to Mr. Munder.
What are you doing here?

- If you hurt Callie--
- Your friends are fine.

- They're standing by
to complete the upload.

I'm not here to stop you,
but I needed to know.

I needed to see for myself.

Where's Aaron?

- I think I know where he is.

- Okay!

- George said he would leave us in here
forever, like he did the other boy.

- But he no longer controls this place,
which means that we can get him out.

- But how?

Any way we want.

- Aaron?
Aaron, it's me. It's Adrian.



- You came for me.

- Oh... yeah.

Yeah, of course, I did.
- I knew you would.

- What do we do now?
Can we all share the power?

- Even if we could,
we don't have Aaron's body.

- It's okay.

- This was always a one-way ticket for me.

We'll be okay.

- Frank! We're gonna get you
out of there. Be careful.

- Go.


Go, Mr. Hardy.
You're out of time.

- Guys. Guys, it's overheating!

- Frank! We need to go now!

You okay?
Okay? Phil?

I'm good. I'm good.
Careful. Careful.

- Joe, are you okay?
Did it work?

- Ah.


- Oh, no. He has brain damage.

- No, that's the safe word. It's him.

Is it Frank?

- Yeah, it's him.


Oh, my gosh!

- I'm sorry.
- I knew I'd find you.

- Wait, wait. What about Munder?

- He was right.

His brother was in there.

- They're together now.

- Sooner or later, the cops
are gonna track Munder here

and I don't think
we should be here when they do.

- Yeah. All right. Let's, let's go.
- Wait. Hey, No.

You guys need to give up
the power for good this time.

- Yeah. Let's do it.

- Oh. Right.

You're late.

- What do you want, Donald?

- You think you're pretty smart, huh?

You're not the only one
who knows how to work a computer.

- What do you want?
- What makes you think I want something?

- Why else send me that cryptic message?

You got a crush on me?

- You wish.
- Hm.

- But I do want something.

You want to take a guess what it is?

- I have literally no idea.

But if you don't get to it, you're--
- You're not gonna do anything.

Not unless you want
your secret getting out.

See, I've got a cousin
up in River Heights.

It's a pretty small town.

He's never heard of any Drew Darrow,

but he does know a Drew--

- Look, if it's about money,
you name your price.

- I don't want money.
I have money.

I want something special.
Something only you can give me.

- Finally! No time to lollygag.

Chet and the g*ng are pulling the cars up.

We need to get to Dixon City.
- What's in Dixon City?

- JB and our map.

Which he stole.
I'll explain on the way.

- Some things never change.

- I'm sure it wasn't easy
for you in the crystal.

But things haven't exactly been
a cakewalk out here either.

- Thank you.
For coming for me.

- You would have done the same for me.

- Shut up. You so would have.
- Eh...

- Yeah, you would have.

I guess we'll never know.

If you want to get your map back
that you lost...

we better get going.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
One more thing.

- What is it?
- The Eye.

It was, uh, showing you how to...
get what you wanted most.

- That was just--

just an empty promise.

- What if...

What if everything you went through

was part of something bigger?

What if it was all leading up to this?

- Mom?

If Mom's still alive,
where's she been this whole time?

- In hiding, maybe.
- Why would she be hiding from us?

Do you think Dad knows?
Somebody help!

- What's going on?

- Uh, we need to call an ambulance.

- What happened?

I don't know.
We just found them like this.

- No.


Someone took my computer.