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01x04 - Gone to the Dogs

Posted: 08/16/23 02:39
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Chasing dreams
And making it happen ♪

♪ We can be anything
We imagine ♪

♪ In harmony, it's clicking
Like magic ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Double trouble
Rocking a stereo ♪

♪ Better buckle up, baby,
Here we go ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ It's lights
Camera action ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ It takes two! ♪

[guitar music playing]

Ah, changing up that last
chord progression

made such a difference.

Otto's gonna love it.

Hope so.

But, we still need to figure out
the bridge,

the harmonies and a little
something called...

[plays scale]

...The lyrics.

Since making this demo is all
about us going after our dreams.

Maybe the first song
should be about that?

Lots of things rhyme with dream.

Gleam, beam... shaving cream.



So, recording outside projects
at school is a huge no.

At least Dean Morrison
let us off with a warning.

Uh, yeah.
Could have been way worse.

My second cousin told me that

his friend's sister's friend
got kicked out of Handler

for recording his podcast
on school grounds.

You guys got lucky.


So we definitely need a new
plan for recording our demo.

And soon.

If we take too long
to get Otto our music,

he could forget all about us.

Um, you're in New York City.

I'm sure you can find
another studio.

And, I would love to help,

but I'm designing costumes
for a charity event

and I'm late for a fitting and
I have a rep to uphold, so...

Rafa's right.

There are a million places
to record in New York.


How do we pick one?

No idea.

But I know who might.


Otto Phoenix is the real deal.

You guys need to get him
a demo like yesterday.

We know!

We're already writing
our first song

but we gotta find the right
studio to record.

No problem.

I'm sending you an address.
It's where I always go.

They have everything.

You can even get a smoothie
and a mani pedi between takes.

Love the sound of that.

[dreamy music]

Sounds great.
And expensive.


Even if it costs an arm
and a leg, worth it!

I'm all for making our demo
the best it can be,

but body parts is where
I draw the line.

Thanks for the help, Emmy.
We'll figure it out.

No problem.
Good luck!

OK, there is no way Emmy's
studio is in our price range.

Maybe we can get
our parents to chip in?

[parents laughing]

I don't think so.

Or not.

I'm sorry girls, I really admire
your ambition.

And we definitely support
your dreams.

That's why we let you stay
in New York for school.

Which should always be
your main focus.

But if this music demo's
that important to you,

then we're sure
you'll find a way.

Because any dream worth having,
is worth working for.

This is one of those
teaching moments

you guys are always
talking about, isn't it?

I hate those moments.


I was really looking forward
to a pedicure.

And a manicure.

Just all the cures.

OK, it's like Rafa said.

There's plenty of studios.

We just need to find one
that fits our budget.

Like this.

Blown Speaker Studios.
Lowest rates in town.

Do you think they
serve smoothies?

Not really getting
a smoothie vibe.

Come on! Looks
can be deceiving.

It's what's inside
that counts.

[rock music playing]

Well, there goes that theory.


I think something is crawling
on the rug.

I think that is the rug.

OK, maybe this isn't where
Emmy would have sent us,

but it is a professional
recording studio,

and I'm sure that...


Lyla has all kinds of stories
about the great artists

who recorded here.


Yeah, this place may not
look like much,

but there are some pretty famous
folks who got their start here.

Jackie Von Funk, Patty Le Chime,
Morris 'The Hair Net' Stevens.

Except he ended
his career here too.

Freak bongo accident.

We saw your ad online.

What are the lowest rates
in town, exactly?

How's $ bucks sound?

Doesn't sound as good as $ .
But I think we could swing it.


Bridge check,
harmonies double check.

We did a lot in three hours.

And, if we finish
the lyrics tonight

we can come back tomorrow and
lay down the rest of the vocals.

Um, you forgetting something?

Nope, we're good.

I can see that.

But I'm talking about the $
for the session?

I'm sorry, what now?

You said it was $ !

An hour.

Everybody knows recording rates
are by the hour.



We're everybody
I mean we knew that.



And obviously three times
is .

Simple math.


So do you want to pay now
or should I bill you?

[both] Bill us.

[both] $ ?!

[Barbie] OK. What if...

Oh, what if we played
the stock market?

Pretty sure you need money for
that and we're already in debt.

So we need enough to pay off
our first session,

plus how ever much more it'll
take to pay for the whole demo.

[phone rings]

Hold that thought.

Barbie! I need
some serious help.

A bunch of us are going in
on a gift for Teresa's birthday

and we don't know what to get.

That is serious.

Uh, Renee, where are you?

Hi, Barbie!

Stacie and I spent the morning
playing soccer

but we're on a break while
she "cleans her room."

So, what do you think
about the gift?

Um, Barbie?

Yeah. I'm here, just in
the middle of my own crisis,

trying to figure out how to pay
for our demo.

Oh! I heard about that.

Otto Phoenix!
That is so exciting!


I'll pay you to fly home
and clean my room.

Mom wont do it because it
"builds character."

Thanks, Stace.

I need money,
but I am not that desperate.

Sure you are.
How much?


How 'bout you?

No way.

Getting paid to clean
your room

is not the side job
I'm looking for.

That's what we need!

Renee, gotta go.
Bye Stacie!

Oh, you should get
Teresa passes

to the Your Place in the Space
Race conference.

She'll love it.

Perf. Thanks, Barbie.

Good luck with the demo.

I've got it.

We just need to find some
side gigs.

Like odd jobs we can take on
the weekends or after school.


There's probably tons of things
we can do.



They all look like scalpels.

Your Honor, I object.

Habeas corpus requires
the prosecution to show

a valid reason why it's
so expensive to record a demo.

What? I watch a lot
of legal dramas.

Brooklyn... We have a problem.

Uh, we come in peace?

Maybe we oughta think smaller
and part time.

And things we're actually
qualified to do.

With better outfits.

[dog barking]

Fashion emergency!

I need a scarf, stat!

My charity event,
it's a disaster

and I need to borrow a scarf.

And I brought Gato to help
check the size.


I'm not even gonna try
to unpack that.

Not a chance.

Help yourself!

This event isn't just crucial
for my growth as a designer,

it's for a great cause!

And maybe my art can make
a real difference

and what if no one
shows up?!

Rafa, don't worry.

We'll totally be there
to support you.

And your designs always make
a difference.

We know you're gonna do
a great job.

Speaking of jobs,
we need some help.

With what?

We kind of owe the cheapest
studio in the city $

because we thought it was $
total but it was $ an hour.

Like who knew?

And since we aren't astronaut
or surgeons

we need to find a new way
to make money, fast!

OK, so don't quote me on this,

but your problems sound worse
than mine.

Lucky for you,
I'm here to help.

[Gato barking]

Um, I think Gato wants out.

I've been too busy to take him
for a walk.

You know, I'm told dog walking
is the number one side gig.

Why don't you work for me?

Seriously? Thank you!

How much?

It's just like mi abuela
always says.

"A true friend is always there
in times of trouble.

Or to help pull an old moose
out of a ditch."

How much?

I'll give you $ .

$ .

$ .

That's not how
negotiating works.

Hmm, I seem pretty good at it.

Ugh! Fine.

$ .

Just bring Gato by school
after his walk.

Dog walking! Yay!


[upbeat music]


[barking and squawking]






[Brooklyn] We've got this dog
walking thing down.

We could totally go pro if it
weren't for our music careers.


Oh. Thank you so much
for walking him,

but I have to get
to this event.

It is a hot mess.

The models are such divas.

No problem.

That's two hours
at $ an hour so $ .

Just like we agreed.

Ooh, sorry. I meant $ total,
because that's all I got.

OK, bye.

He really is good
at negotiating.

Only $ to go!

I've got an idea.

When did you make that?

To make enough money to record
a demo for Otto,

sometime this century,

we just need to walk three dogs
at a time.


Three each?

Numbers can be cruel,
but they never lie.

Dog walking, yay.

So far so good.

Hope we still feel that way
when it's three.

But, if it helps make our dreams
come true,

we can handle anything.

Oh, now those are some words
we can put into a song.

♪ Any mess we're sure
To finesse ♪

♪ Like la, la, la ♪

♪ Any stress can exit
Stage left right ♪

♪ Na, na, na ♪

♪ Money's on this team ♪

♪ We make it look easy ♪

♪ No sweat ♪

♪ Singing ready
What's next like ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ If the world
Gets hard, ha! ♪

♪ It's a walk in the park! ♪

♪ No matter what
Comes our way ♪

♪ Can't stop us
Can't stop us ♪

♪ Never giving up
No way ♪

♪ That's not us
That's not us ♪

♪ When life's like a whirlwind
Gonna hold on tight ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ No matter what
Comes our way ♪

♪ You and me
Can't stop us ♪

♪ Nothing can go wrong ♪

♪ As long as you're next
To me ♪

♪ Together we are
Strong enough ♪

♪ To chase our dream ♪

♪ Nothing beyond reach ♪

♪ Positivity unleashed ♪

♪ If the world gets hard ♪

♪ That's when the fun starts ♪

♪ No matter what
Comes our way ♪

♪ Can't stop us
Can't stop us ♪

♪ Never giving up
No way ♪

♪ That's not us
That's not us ♪

♪ When life's like a whirlwind
Gonna hold on tight ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ No matter what
Comes our way ♪

♪ You and me
Can't stop us ♪

Dog walking. Yay.

[cellphone ringing]


[Renee] Hello?

Um, Barbie?

Oh, hey Renee,
what's up?

Well, I offered to help
Stacie clean,

but it isn't going
how I planned.


You and Brooklyn don't have
any negotiating tips, do you?

Something I can say to convince
Stacie to help?

Yeah, we might not be
the best people to ask.

Unless you want to rack up
$ in recording fees.

Or only make $ for two hours
of dog walking.

I'll take that as a no.

Boo ya!

And I'll take that as a win!

Thanks anyway.

Stacie! Seriously?

If Renee really wants
negotiating tips,

she should call Rafa.


[both] Rafa's show!

It's almost time!
We gotta go!

What about them?

They seem pretty quiet now.

I'm sure it'll be fine
just to take 'em with us.

Totally. People in Paris
bring dogs to fashion shows
all the time.

[dogs snoring]

[man on PA]
Welcome, feline lovers

to Manhattan's west side annual
cat rescue fashion fundraiser!



Either the whole cats and dogs
thing is way overblown,

or we did a great job of
tiring these guys out.

[upbeat music]

Thank you! Thank you!
That's too kind.


You can stop!

Oh, such love.

[dogs snoring]

[Gato growls]



[dogs barking]



[dogs barking]




[barking continues]

Don't worry, Rafa.
This is no biggie.

We're so on it.

[dogs barking]


-Woah! Ahhh!!





[dogs barking]

[barking continues]


[dogs barking]

Loved your work,
by the way.

Ground breaking.

I thought so.

[Gato growls]

We are so sorry.

As soon as we get these
guys home,

we'll come back
and help clean up.

Appreciated, but the event
planner said

it's better if we just leave.

You know, before we cause
any more damage.

Which I said I'd pay for.

[both sigh]

It's a good thing we got paid
in advance.

You should get the money.

After all, walking dogs
was your idea.

And bringing them to the fashion
show was ours.

You're not wrong,
but that's still very generous.

And thanks.

There, sent to your account.
And we're back to $ .

[Gato growls]

On the bring side, we know
that dog walking isn't for us

so we just have to find another
way to make money.

So we can pay
what we still owe

and earn enough to record
our whole demo.

You guys have a funny idea
of "bright side."

Well, It'd be hard not
to stay excited

when you have such
an amazing first song.

Making great music is easy,
compared to the business stuff.

I knew it'd be hard,

but there's even more to it
than I thought.

You guys just need somebody
to help,

someone who knows you.

Understands what you want.

And can point you
in the right direction.

-Like a mentor?
-Or a manager?



No, uh-uh.

Nope. Not happening.

Rafa, nobody in New York
has our backs like you do.

It was your idea to walk dogs,
which we did.

You told us to find another
recording studio,

which we did.

Though we could have used
your help negotiating the rates.

I am a really good negotiator.

But no, no way.

I've got actual side gigs
of my own.

Like actual cat free,
money making stuff.

Plus class.

You know we all still have
school, right?

Uh, fine.

Yes. I am a fountain
of amazing ideas,

but more importantly,

I know how much
this means to you

and I will always have
my besties' back.

So, yes, I will be your manager.


How much does this pay?

What was it your abuela said[/i]
about true friends and a moose?

How much?

I can pay you in food?

Well, technically
my parent's food.




[dog whimpers]






[cat meows]

[closing theme music playing]