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01x16 - Megatron Rising pt. 2

Posted: 08/20/23 07:00
by bunniefuu




previously on transformers

the child's key contains the power i

need to make my triumphant return

track the energy signal and find that


meanwhile i will locate the source of

the transmission



the fate of the earth and cybertron hang

in the balance and all i've got to

command are a bunch of undisciplined

insubordinate malfunctions

so why don't you just hand over the key

and i'll be on my way you know you're a

little too late they didn't trust me

with it anymore so they took it away

ratchet take the key and head for the

ship we need to protect the all spark

just in case the decepticons try to make

a move

the key autobot

you'll have to buy it from my cold

offline servo


it's not exactly offline but it's

certainly cold trouble at some depth

tower it begins with a star and ends

with a scream


no it can't be

is that who i think it is

how is that possible

i don't know but he doesn't look too

interested in explanations

fine by me

i hate smoke





time to borrow a move from the bumblebee



it's not going to get any safer around

here go

don't think i've forgotten how you

sliced off this arm

i've been waiting 50 stellar cycles to

pay you back

looks like you're gonna have to wait a

little longer




megatron did not ask for help

release me at once you overgrown oil


i would advise you to remain where you

are professor zumdak now put your hands

over your head

so do i help the autobot take him down

do your worst megatron

i'll never give up the location of the

all spark

i don't need you for that autobot

the child's key will lead me straight to



to me

my loyal decepticons

looks like my decision's been made

oh great and glorious megatron we are

ready to start

i am ready to serve as your ever

faithful second-in-command

ah starscream

how fitting to have you by my side as i

finally take my revenge on the one

responsible for my 50 stellar cycles of

helplessness and humiliation


does anyone else have a problem with my


no fine never

now where was i


after them leave them blitzwing the all

spark takes precedence over a few

insignificant autobots


they're not long for this world


transform and rise up



oh this is all my fault

you had nothing to do with this

professor but i did i rebuilt megatron

50 years ago i found his head crushed in

a field i reverse engineered his robotic

technology to create my own automatons

are you saying that my entire robotic

empire is based on your worst enemy

you had megatron all this time and you

never told us

he tricked me he told me he was your

friend that he couldn't face you in his

damaged state that i should keep his

existence a secret and you trusted him

none of that matters now

we need to keep megatron from getting

his hands on the all-spark

i'm so banged up i couldn't even

transform into a trash heap and without

sorry's key to repair us

we don't stand a chance against one

decepticon let alone three

saudis key there may still be some

residual energy in my lab equipment


it's worth a shot let's get bumblebee

down from the roof i'm sure he can use a

jump start too

i just hope ratchet can hold off the

decepticons until we get there


teletran one run a complete security

systems check


oh how you sure this is the right way to

the autobots ship sure as i was the last

20 times you asked me

a word of advice don't mouth off to a

giant poisonous spider ooh that's

supposed to scare me bug lady

this is supposed to scare you

fine maybe i won't take you to the



just give me an excuse kid

wait a minute

those are my tracks ahead

you've been leading us in a circle um


tell me where the all spark is and i may

let you live i'll give you a hint

how long can you hold your breath it's

under water my organic half couldn't

possibly survive i knew what i was


you miserable


you believe me right

right now i'm more concerned with the


no problem we'll just fix them up i mean

it's not like you lost my key or


you lost my key

technically i lost my hand it just

happened to have your key attached to it

i don't believe this after all that

credit about how i couldn't be trusted

with it

if it's any consolation i wasn't looking

forward to telling you this

given the choice i'd rather face down

megatron himself

um ratchet

i think you may get that chance sooner

than later

that's the last of it

not exactly battlegrade but at least

we're back on our stabilizing servos we

weren't exactly all about academy

material to begin with guess we really

are just repair bots

what'd you expect from a bunch of

undisciplined insubordinate malfunctions


i was out of line when i said that


and uh maybe you maintenance bots could

teach this academy about how to repair a

few friendships


three decepticons

do not engage repeat do not engage we

need to lead the khan's our planet first

and keep earth out of the crossfire


let me come with you

no it's too dangerous professor but i


i am the one responsible for unleashing

megatron in the first place

there must be something i can do

i think he can be trusted even if he can

he's just a human

how's he gonna fight megatron and what

about sorry

what about

if you think i'm letting you gear us out

of my sight you're nuts

and i don't mean the kind that come with


no time to argue decepticons in

targeting range

the old spark is still above their ship

everybody hold on tight

oh dear this is all my fault what it's

not like you built megatron in your lab

or anything

you built megatron in your lab

on the bright side now i don't feel so

bad about losing your key

system failure navigation system failure

stabilizer system failure does that

thing ever report any good news

right i think we may have to revise that

leave them off planet strategy



everyone in one piece

not for long


stay with the ship we'll hold off the

decepticons as long as we can and then


if we go down we go down fighting


and i can't think of a better ban of

autobots i'd be prouder to fight

alongside not even the cybertron elite

guard because i i sure wouldn't mind

having them here now

autobots we must protect the allspark at

all costs


electromagnetic pose

curious my electrical systems have gone


which means


no one challenges the rule of megatron

in the name of the glorious decepticon


you talk too much

i thought i saw him go down somewhere

along the shore

the only one going down is you


and now nothing can stop me from

reaching the old spark

nothing except

sorry i'm afraid we may not make it out


there is something important i need to

tell you

they need my key to fix them

or something else

so what do we do now wait for him to

turn back into a t*nk and crash like

last time

nobody gets that lucky twice perhaps we

can make our own luck i've noticed a

connection between blitzwing's multiple

personalities and his vehicle modes we

can use that weakness against him but it

will require using bumblebee's greatest


what my stingers my turbo speed your

obnoxious personality


hey blitz brain is that your jet mode or

did your pal lug nut dump out some spare


how come you have three faces couldn't

decide which was the ugliest

and who uses ice as a w*apon wait what

are you a refrigerator

i know you're in there i need you to

charge something anything so i can save

my friends

why won't you help me why did you choose

me in the first place

i don't have time for

serene you are merely a distraction or

robot as are your pathetic friends




our struggle ends where it began autobot

aboard this ship

only this time the old spark is mine


i've waited four million stellar cycles

for this

with the power of your spark i will

reclaim cybertron for all decepticon

kind but not before i lay waste to the

miserable world that helps me c*ptive

for so long


i spent 50 years reverse engineering

your robotic technology i know how to

disrupt your equilibrium sensors your

achilles heel if you will

your work is clever human but far too


armor plating and server mechanics you

know nothing of the spark at the core of

all cybertronians

let's see how you like being crushed

under this achilles heel

yet you have no concept of its true



you want power


dispersed it

which means this key is now the most

powerful cybertronian artifact in


and much too valuable to be kept in the

hands of mere autobots

if the all spark chose you

it must have had a good reason


good as new

no sign of the decepticons

but i doubt we've seen the last of them

you all fought like autobots

i can't tell you how proud i am of each

and every one of you go on tell us we

can take

it has anybody seen my dad


i trust you are comfortable in your


it appears professor

that our fates are destined to be

intertwined once more

