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02x08 - SUV: Society of Ultimate Villainy

Posted: 08/20/23 07:16
by bunniefuu




that's right nanasek is back baby hand



a high speed pursuit is posing a danger

to innocent organics agreed bumblebee

take a side street and circle back to

cut off nanosec's path of escape

um bumblebee whoa

prime said i don't need some fancy

flanking maneuver i got the speed


i'm either faster than i think or that

gear head slowing down

hope you lame-o's are insured

oh those oughta buff right out

bumblebee you disobeyed my order i

called for a flanking maneuver we're

supposed to work as a team well teams

got to go with the best player right or

at least the fastest then why did you

hit your brakes

i didn't


well i'm not sure what happened

but if you hadn't been tailgating me you

wouldn't need to have those dents

pounded out mm-hmm so now you're

shifting the blame to us

all right we're heading back to the

plant i'll alert ratchet he's got some

repairs to do including a full

diagnostic on your drivetrain

what you think this is my fault

if the hubcap fits


then i'll just go find nanosec on my own

but you guys are a team

which is why i can't let them think

their star players losing his touch



it's been hours and no sign of nanosec

can we please just go home


i've got something to prove here

what that you can bore me to tears

let's see what's on the radio


all units crime in progress circuit guys


hey i didn't know you had a police radio

me neither but i'll bet my rear axle

that crime in progress is


looks like you owe me a rear axle oh

nano said angry archer same difference

autobot apparently the arrows of

outrageous misfortune seek to




but i think prime's right we should head

home and have ratchet check you out

there's nothing wrong with me probably

just a gunky gasket or

dust in my carburetor

i'm fine now really

402 in progress dearborn drive

besides we've got a 402

you don't even know what a 402 is

sure i do it's an

in progress

and v*olence

hold it right there professor princess


giddy up powder sugar


let's see looks like somebody needs new



okay sorry i admit it i've got a glitch

in my system no you don't my key started

acting wonky when you went into your

slow down

an all spark fragment

somebody must have got a hold of one and

he's using it to slow you down


who me


whether you know it or not you've

already seen what i'm capable of

this time peace of mind can slow down

anything electromechanical you name it

alarm systems police cars autobots

so it was you who got those creeps off

our tails

let me see this


sure take a long slow look pretty nifty

in case you were wondering this is what

reverse the aging process on your turbo

suit freshened you up put back that

youthful pep in your step you did that

for me

i'm a big fan of your work all of your

work that's why i gathered you together

routed you up roped you into the big

grand opening i used to have a dead-end

job right here in this factory

eight hours a day sticking quartz

crystals into clocks

then one day i came across this strange


knew right away i had something special

something unique something that would

pay off big time

big time

good one oh you're quick i like that but

let's be honest i'm an amateur not like

the rest of you that's why helps you get

away from those autobots and invited you

here i figured we could work together as

a crime syndicate

our most intriguing proposition

available band of not-so-merry men and


we're gonna need a cool name

how about

the fast and the villainous prime time

the league of extraordinary criminals

what a criminal i just want to stop all

those naughty violent poison games

and who are the ones always stopping you

the autobots that's who you know what

they say kid the enemy of my enemy is my


yucky robots

will destroy them


thus far police have been unable to

apprehend the new crime syndicate

wreaking havoc on downtown detroit

join the club

hey it's not your fault that every time

you get close enough to catch those

creeps you get blasted by some crazy

slow down ray


not this time


she's foolish to steal an item of such


i like to watch sports okay all we need

is a dolly

i have a dolly lots of them

don't think the kids quite getting the

hang of this crime thing

we've got bigger problems










perhaps now should have planned this

cable with greater full thought

such as arranging a getaway car

hey william smell quit picking on her

quiet both of you i'm thinking

hi there look to your left

the key is in the ignition

come on

someone's comes this

don't argue with the lady get in

this chariot is fleet

it's not a chariot feather brain it's an




that's what we ought to call ourselves

as in society of uh

ultimate villainy oh

i like it

the perps couldn't have gone far they're



foot like a dream doesn't it also plenty

of cargo space for your stolen loot and

don't even get me started on a cup


let me just say i've had my eye on your

operation for the last few

days and i'm really impressed with what

i'm seeing the whole

costume villain team up thing it's very

exciting i'm thinking we could do

something together


kind of a nice scratch your back you

scratch mine type arrangement consider

this slick ride a down payment

it's a truck big one push the red button

nice option does that come standard with

this model

look sweetheart whoever you are i'm the

leader of this syndicate the head honcho

the big cheese see and there's no way

i'm letting you muscle in what if i told

you that i had in my possession

designs for a groundbreaking new

invention that if some uniquely talented

partners such as yourselves could get

hold of the parts i need to build it

no questions asked of course we could

auction this invention off to the

highest bidder for

oh what's the term uh boatload of cash

wrap it up honey how big about are we


does the name

titanic ring any bells

brings bells to me cash register bells

muller dull the big green are you with




we are here not to admire but to abscond

as per the requirements of our investor

friend one of my expl*sive shafts shall

make short work of yawn padlock

oh i defused all your nasty arrows

explosions aren't nice

except when they look like beautiful



okay we need to steal that satellite

dish off the roof

done oh i like a man who works fast


and i like a girl who takes it slow

a power box a satellite dish all kinds

of cables and electric doodads

what are these creeps up to

no idea

but we'll keep on their tailpipes till

we find out

then we take them down

now input the satellite dish cable into

the main power box

this is thine invention that will fetch

us untold billions what's it do

nothing yet you see it needs one last

component uh miss slomo if you would

please insert your timepiece into the

power box you're out of your mind crazy

not he's a fruitcake no way i'm giving

this up you remember our deal don't you

i help you you help me

yeah well if it means giving up this

baby then the deal is off overdone


yes it certainly is

their getaway car is a decepticon we

gotta call prime get some backup

you're right right yeah i'll do that but

first i'm gonna take these creeps down

myself the name's swindle i'm what you

might call an intergalactic arms dealer

and thanks to you i now have in my

possession the slickest w*apon in the


this baby's gonna be worth a fortune in

the upcoming decepticon autobot w*r

so again if you don't mind the timepiece

with the all-spark fragment in the power


what is this all spark of which he

speaks who cares let him have it

time to slow you down

megatronic force field emitter a little

something i picked up in an arms deal

with a vlock of nexus zero

nice creatures the vox if you're ever in

the nexus zero area do yourself a favor

and check them out you won't be sorry

we've got to get out of here now

okay no more arguing you either call for

backup or i do it for you

bumblebee prime

we've got a situation here

now i really don't want to have to ask

again for that timepiece

you wouldn't risk blasting me and

destroying this

good point

megatron you're all warmonger it's been

stellar cycles i can't tell you how

tickle i was to learn that my favorite

customer was still online

you look great by the way

oh spare me the platitudes swindle

how did you get this frequency a mutual

bounty hunting friend provided it in

exchange for a w*apon or two

professional scruples prevent me from

revealing his name


you'd sell your own motherboard to the

highest bidder

but enough about me

what would you say if i told you i had a

machine that could shut down all

electromechanical systems

we're talking the perfect w*apon to

defeat and destroy your autobot enemies

i would say i might be interested if it

truly does as you claim

well as the vehicle dealers say here on

earth you can't expect the customer to

buy the car without giving it a test


so i've arranged a little demo


what's happened


are you seeing this are you loving this

every machine every robot in detroit

inoperable i could spring a leak i'm so

excited now picture this

all your enemies completely immobile

totally aware of everything around them

but completely helpless to move or speak

a fate even worse than going offline eh



do we have a deal or what

come on come on

oh even the keys are working

the lights and sundeck tower are still

on the a*t*matic force field must have

kicked in before the slowdown wave hit

you're gonna be okay bumblebee i just

gotta get you to the tower

somehow oh you sure picked a lousy time

to decide to go solo

if only we still had a team

may have you do

we want to give swindle a little payback

for his double cross

so we thought why not join forces with

you and your little autobot friend

uh no offense but you're a bunch of

low-life crooks why should we trust you

because the enemy of my enemy is my

friend right

okay hold up


it was horrible i could hear and see

everything but i couldn't talk

i couldn't move

well you're safe from the slow down rain

here so how do we stop swindle out there

if we can't bring swindle to the force

field we'll bring the force field to


you've now got full body protection

awesome let's roll

hey what about us

no way i work

solo you're gonna need backup and right

now they're all we've got


this w*apon will win the w*r for you



of course we still need to discuss price


hey bullframe

can't touch this

okay you shouldn't be moving

fosu two can play at the forcefield game

you have got to be joking yeah and

here's the punchline


don't you want to negotiate


me neither

hey where's the off switch on this thing

oh yeah right here


we're back let's roll

nice work team

now let's destroy that timepiece for


not so fast this ticker belongs to my

girl slo-mo

some team

we've got to stop him

all taken care of thanks to my real team

and it's for you guys



spread out we don't know what this

decepticon is capable of

funny you should mention that

oh no you don't bumblebee

use caution bumblebee he may still pose

a danger nah he's stuck in park for good

oh and he's got a flat too

you should have called us sooner if that

w*apon had gotten into megatron's hands

i know

i guess i just wanted to prove that i

still had my touch

well i hope you've learned something

about teamwork

oh yeah

even a star player needs backup


um yes good someone give us a push


looks like somebody had a four for one

sale on small-time crooks

and as for your getaway car

it'll be stripped and sold for parts at

police action yeah

should fetch a pretty good price
