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02x05 - Know Yourself

Posted: 08/24/23 08:00
by bunniefuu
THE MIDGARD SERPENT: The most dangerous monster in Norse mythology.

Child of Loki, and therefore,

part of the giant family.

According to old legends,

Thor defeated the Midgard Serpent

in the final battle at Ragnarok.

[enchanting music playing]

[breathes deeply]



[whispers] Isolde?

[voices whispering indistinctly]


[breath trembling]

[dog barking in distance]

[whispers] What?

[objects clattering]

- [Turid] Good morning.

- [Laurits] Morning.

Hey, there's plenty of food on the table.

Didn't you get rid of that tapeworm?

- Mmm. I'm growing.

- [Magne grunting]

- [thudding]

- [Turid] Magne? Are you okay? Hey.

[Magne grunts and groans]

- [Turid] You need to be careful.

- [Magne grunts]

- [Turid] What happened?

- [Magne sighs]

Sit down, okay?

I can't see anything.

- [Turid] You can't see?

- No.

[Turid] Hey. Maybe you should

try your old glasses again?

You might have had a relapse or something?


[Magne breathing heavily]

- [Turid] Can you see now?

- Yeah.

[Turid] There you go.

Maybe you should

start listening to your mother.

She's right sometimes.

Let's eat breakfast.

- I'll eat in my room.

- [Turid] Come on, Laurits.

[Magne sighs] I'm not myself.

[whispering] I'm not myself.

- I'm not myself.

- So, who are you?


Vidar Jutul was buried yesterday.

Today, life must go on

for Jutul Industries.

They have faced great adversity lately

due to serious pollution scandal.

[Saxa] I'm, uh, off to school.

I'll head to the office after.

I need to finish my exam.

I might be late,

but I guess you're used to that?

Isn't it strange

that it's just us women

left in this big old house?

[woman on TV] They have apologized

for the pollution and have promised to

That's strange.

Wine and cigarettes in the morning,

that's what's strange.

I'm leaving now.

[reporter over TV] coming talks

with the young environmental activists

[door opens]

showing that even Jutul industries

are capable of breaking

[ominous music playing]

[reporter] After graduation,

Saxa Jutul will succeed Vidar Jutul.

Which is welcomed by many

and seen as a sign that modern

times have reached Jutul Industries.

- [woman] I'm so sorry about your father.

- Thanks.

But now we look forward.

[music intensifies]

I think our statement

was well received. It's, uh

- Saxa, you're late.

- [keyboard clacking]

What are you doing here?

My job.

- I thought we agreed

- [Fjor] Vidar's death changed things.

Besides, the corporate bylaw state

that the, uh, eldest son should take over.

That is from 1872. It can't be

Odd, give us a moment?

[sighs] I've sworn

to revenge Vidar's death, Saxa.

[Saxa] Okay, so you'll k*ll Magne

and graduate, while running

Norway's fifth largest company?

- Pretty much what you tried to do, right?

- "Tried"?

The difference between you and me

is that I actually live by the old laws.

It's my duty, it's what is written.

So, on behalf of the company

and the family,

we'd like to thank you

for your contributions.

[door opens and closes]


[somber music playing]

This entrance is way too dangerous.

- We have to come from

- [Wotan shushes] Magne is coming.

[old-timey music playing over radio]

- [sighs] Something crazy happened.

- [motor whirring]

What are you doing?

- You lost all your powers.

- Yeah, but

You've become weak.

You can't see without glasses.

Everything that made you special

has been taken away from you.

I didn't think that

You asked to be relieved of your powers

because it required too much of you.

You ran into the mountains

and shouted to the heavens.

You sat in the Christian church

and prayed to a god you don't believe in.

- You saw me?

- [Wotan] I see everything. [echoing]

I hear everything.

And this time your prayers were heard

by those who spin

the threads of our destiny.

Now you're just an ordinary boy, Magne.

Weak and lonely, as before.

Okay, so, I'm not a part of this anymore?


The battle continues without you.

- But with him?

- [sighs]

Anyone carrying the gift of your powers

must be prepared to pay the highest price.

You chose this, Magne.

Stand by your choice.

Shouldn't you be at school?

[motor whirring]


Wotan, what do we do

with the guards down here?

That's my question.

- If they get too close, we'll k*ll them.

- [Harry] Yeah.

Thanks for a great day, son!

It was awesome! Can I keep the bike?

Of course, but ask your mom.

Love, your dad.



[eerie music playing]

[door opens]

[door creaks]

[somber music playing]


I'm sorry.

I didn't think anyone was home.

How did you get in?

Dad gave me a key.


You think you can

come in here? To our home?

What you did

at the funeral was unacceptable.

There's nothing strange about

us children helping to carry our father

Don't call him your father!

He was my father.

Give me the key.

I said, give me the key.

Can I keep this?

To remember him by?

I'll give you something to remember.

Do you know what the last conversation

between Vidar and I was about?

It was about

which one of us should k*ll you.

I offered to do it,

but he wanted to do it himself.

[ominous music playing]



Many of the myths in Norse mythology


revolve around clans

and conflicts between clans.

Hey, Magne. Do you have a moment?

- [Erik clears throat]

- Yeah.

I've had a look at your essay topic.

I think it's a little too historical.

And then I thought that

it might be a good idea to try and place

Norse mythology in a more modern context.

- Modern context?

- Mmm-hmm.

What do you mean? You can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

It's not that simple, Erik.

Back then, gods and giants

broke bread together.

If they disagreed, they k*lled each other.

Then they went back

to drinking mead, like buddies.

That's not how it works.

If the good only can win by k*lling,

they've already lost.

k*lling is evil.

Do you understand?

No, you don't.

That's really good. Write exactly that.

"The moral conflict

between good and evil."

Nice, Magne!

- Hi, Iman.

- [Iman] Hi.

You wear glasses?

Uh, sometimes.

[Ada] Hi, Iman.

[Iman] Hi, Ada. What's up?

We just got our language grades, so, uh

[Iman] They're just grades.

What? A "B" in language?

I'm f*cking fluent!

- Is anyone in the office?

- Uh, yeah, Ran, actually.

The final grades

are not up for discussion, Iman.

I hope you understand

how much this will hurt my parents.

- You know my background.

- [scoffs]

So, you're saying I should give you

special treatment because you're from

- Sri Lanka?

- Sri Lanka.

- I'm Norwegian.

- You know what I mean.

No. No, I don't.

What I'm trying to say

is it seems like you're asking me

for preferential treatment

because of your Sri Lankan heritage.

I don't think you're allowed to do that.

I think it's illegal

to give grades based on where you're from.

I think that you

on second thought, know

that I deserve a better grade.

And I also think

that you are a very attractive woman.

And the thing that I find

the most attractive

[whispers] is that it seems

you've become more vulnerable.

Maybe you should open up to it.

Lose control a little.

[intense music playing]

[pop song playing on radio]

The more that I know

I am too scared to look down ♪





[ominous music playing]





- [Turid shouts] Laurits!

- [door slams shut]

[reporter on TV] Several business experts

say that the choice of Jutul Industries


to invite the young

environmental activists to a meeting.

This has also been widely discussed

on social media.

Quite a lot of controversy

involved as well.


- I'm actually 16.

- [Oscar] Why should he do it?

- [Signy] f*ck off! Just stop. Stop it.

- [chuckling]

- You should do it.

- [Signy] I'm not the one who should do it.

It's obviously Magne.

He's the right person.

- Everybody

- Magne?

Magne? The guy who runs around

shouting and stuff? Really?

- [Signy] Runs around?

- [Oscar] Yeah, he's always running around.

You want him as a spokesperson,

holding up That's super weird.

What are you talking about?

We're discussing who should represent us

in the meeting with Jutul Industries.

I think it should be Magne.

He's the obvious choice

- [Oscar] No! [sighs]

- 'cause he's been there from the start.

He was the one

who started the whole thing.

[Oscar] But we talked about

choosing a girl, didn't we?

Uh-huh, Laurits can do it.

You can dress up in drag.



Hey, Laurits, uh,

do you want to sit with us?

Or not? Or


[sighs] It's just one of those days.

- Okay.

- [Laurits] Like, I'm feeling kind of

[inhales sharply] homeless. [exhales]

Yeah, that

Black coffee, no milk, no sugar.

You're always welcome here.

It has to be Magne. I can't imagine

- [Hilde] Are you sure one of us can't?

- Us?

[indistinct chatter]

[uplifting music playing]

- Complained about your grade?

- [Iman] Yeah.

Turns out it was a mistake.

I got an A.

Okay. So you're suddenly

getting better grades?

Well, uh, I might have

used my powers a little bit.

- You can't do that.

- Sure I can.

[forceful whisper] No, you can't!

[Iman] What's it to you, anyway?

You can't use your powers like that.

For new clothes or better grades.

You left on your own accord.

So don't lecture me.

I can do whatever I want.


Hi. We need to talk.

I found something disgusting in your room.


- You went into my room?

- Yeah, of course I did.

Isn't there a note on the door?

I think there might be?

I don't hear you complaining

when you get your laundry cleaned

and put into your closet.

Don't go in there!

What is in Grandma's old fish t*nk?

It's a pet.

That was not a pet in there.


I'm not into bunnies and kittens

and cute puppies like everyone else does.

I wear different clothes,

listen to different music.

And as part of that culture

I like reptiles.

What is it?

I don't believe in race,

sexual identities or, uh, normality.

I don't want it living here.

But I need it!

Why? Because you don't

believe in sexual identities?

No, because I just lost my father.

[machine whirring]


[pop music playing on speakers]

[Harry] Okay, loser.

Couldn't take it, huh?

- [chuckles]

- [bike revving]

- [Harry] Hey, hey, hey!

- [bike revving]

You have to pay! Hey!

Hey! Stop!

Were you stealing my gasoline, dirtbag?

- Huh?

- [whimpers]

- [Harry grunts]

- [whimpering]

[groaning in pain] Sorry.

[mutters angrily]

[Magne] He's got the point, Harry. Stop!

[grunts] My shop, my rules.

I'm keeping the bike

till your mom comes to get it.

What are you doing?

He steals a tiny bit of gas

and you beat the shit out of him?

Don't use your powers like that.

You quit.


Honey, I bought some extra ham

if that's what that thing eats.


Can I ask you something?

Since you're a boy or a man, or

I know you don't recognize gender

and sexuality in that sense, but anyway

[chuckles softly]

I sent Erik a text asking him

if he wanted to have dinner and

Okay, listen to this.

"That sounds nice. Dot, dot, dot."

What does that mean, "Dot, dot, dot"?

Is it ironic? Or is there an opening?

- [door opens]

- [Turid] Hello, hello!

Mom, I can't help you

flirt with my teacher.

That's That's weird.

Yeah, I guess so.

Now that we're all here, let's eat.

- I'll eat later.

- [Turid] No, Laurits. Hey.

[door slams shut]



I don't know what to say, uh

I know you're angry with me.

That you hate me.

I'm so sorry about what happened.

But I want you to know

I asked to lose my powers.

And it happened.

I can't see shit.

I have to wear glasses again.

I fell down the stairs.

You're not a god anymore?



It's good.

It's what I want.

Sort of.

[breathes deeply] It's important

to me that you know.

I thought he was going to hurt you.

I wanted to save you.

I don't want to be the one

who k*lled your father.

I want to be your brother.

You will always be my big brother.

Just don't ask me for more favors

in your crazy battle, okay?

[Magne] I promise.


Not that tight.

- [chuckles]

- [yelps]

- Stop.

- [chuckles]

- [g*nsh*t]

- [animal screeches]

[Moland] Good morning.

You're early.

[Fjor] I want to talk to the board.

I wrote an agenda.

[Moland] "Cancel all meetings

with the environmental activists"?

Is that smart?

I think this will make us

seem inconsistent

And if not, we come across as weak.

That's not happening.


[Turid] Hi.

Here are the folders you requested.

- Turid?

- Yes?

Can I have a word?


[automated voice] The dwarfs

forged Thor's hammer.

They were the greatest

in the art of forging.

In one of the great poems

of the poetic Edda

[faucet running]

Mom. Don't drink the water.

What are you doing?

Right, I shouldn't.

What's going on?

I [sighs wearily]

I got fired.

Fjor has taken over now, so

So now he's going to change everything.

Fjor fired you?

Something about a personal conflict.

And he was a bit nasty to me. [sniffles]

[shakily] He wanted to humiliate me.

What? What did he do?

He said they didn't want

the mother of [sniffles]

a bastard around. [crying]

Magne! I'm sure

he didn't mean it like that.

[tense instrumental music playing]


- You fired my mom.

- Yes.

- Why?

- It was necessary.

Vidar couldn't do it.

He went soft in his old age.

What happened to you?

Weren't you leaving? With Gry?

What's happened to you?

You k*lled Vidar.

You gave me no choice.



[Fjor] Is that all you've got?

Oh, come on, now. Huh?

[chuckles softly] What happened?


Come on, now. Come on.

- [groans]

- [chuckles]

[grunts in pain]


Hey. Magne.

Vidar told me you got stronger. Huh?

Show me.

- [groans]

- [Fjor chuckles] Is that all you've got?

Where are your powers?



- [groaning]

- You've become weak again, huh?

You are nothing.

[Magne breathing heavily]

[Fjor] You're not even worth k*lling.

[engine starts]

[breathing heavily]

[Kirsten] Hi. Is this your grandson?

Kind of.

[breathes deeply]

He's been tough on you, right?

[exhales] I need help.

I can't be this weak.

[Wotan] Hmm.

Are you ready to take up the battle?


Are you, now that

you know what it'll cost you?

You'll have to k*ll again.


There has to be another way.


You know, sometimes,

there are no other ways.

But I think you have it in you.

What went through your mind

when he kicked you like a little dog?

What did you want to do then, Magne?


Don't tempt me.

Laurits and I

have just become friends again.

I can't k*ll any more of his new family.

I won't k*ll.

[ominous music playing]

With your feet in the air

And your head on the ground ♪

Try this trick and spin it, yeah ♪

[mutters angrily]

Your head will collapse ♪

But there's nothing in it

And you'll ask yourself ♪

Where is my mind? ♪




[song intensifies]




Where is my mind? ♪

You took the axe from Vidar's grave.

And now it's mine.

[sighs] Not that we're gonna need it.

Magne's lost his powers.

He's just a scared little kid now.

Now we need to focus on our business.

And let me be clear, I'll straighten out

the unsteady course we've been taking.

"Unsteady course"?


We've been doing incredible!

And you cancelled the meeting

with the kids. Why? Why?

Norway's fifth largest corporation

no longer needs a human face.

[Saxa] Yes, it does!

A meeting with the younger generation

will strengthen our image,

and it will make us more modern.

[Fjor] This is my decision.

And the eldest son calls the sh*ts.

Not if he's voted off, he won't.

You ran away.

I bailed you out.

I kept this company afloat. Me!

I think it's great to have

a man around here, Saxa.

[somber music playing]



[coins clattering]

Did you hear

that they canceled the meeting?


Suddenly, they don't wanna talk to us

or the Environmental Agency.

Hey, what happened to you?

You have a scratch here.

- Uh

- Yeah.

Yeah, I, uh

I I fell down the stairs.

Come here.


- Don't touch it.

- [chuckles softly]

I hope you're ready to fight.

[intense music playing]

Do you have a minute?



My stepmom threw me out.

My dad wanted to k*ll me,

and Fjor just fired my mom.

We're going broke!

But you and I have always gotten along.

Even before we knew we were a family.

And now we have a common interest.

As Vidar's son,

you can vote on family matters.

Just like us.

If I'm going to sell myself

it'll be for a shitload of money.

[enthralling music playing]

[both laughing softly]

Are we having guests?

Uh, no. Just family.

Wow. A welcoming committee.

In these difficult times of mourning,

we have to stand together.

And no one should feel left out.

Since the old days, we've made

all our important decisions by voting.

So we need to have everyone present.

[tense music playing]

Welcome, Laurits.


[automated voice] The Norse gods

represented law and order,

and the giants, chaos.

The Viking world was simple.

Gods k*lling giants was not seen as evil,

but rather a necessity

to keep the world in balance.


[automated voice] Because if the forces

of chaos grew too strong,

the world would end.

[thunder rumbling]

Hey. What are you doing?

Oh. The headstone just arrived,

so I'm just finishing up.

[liquid pouring]

Shouldn't we help them?

[scoffs] They'll be fine.

[chuckles softly]

It's like a scene from Mad Men.

[smooth jazz music playing]

Did you look like this

in the '60s as well?

What did Saxa offer you?

For you to come here and

participate in this little family game?

Voting rights.

My rightful place.

[in Norse] Because you know, brother

I'm a giant

like you.

[Laurits chuckles]

[in English] Money?

People like you

are chronically broke, right?

- That's part of the reason.

- Hmm.

The problem is

that Saxa can't give you anything.

But I can.

As long as I know you're loyal.

So I guess the question is,

how much do you cost?

[chuckles softly]

I'm worth a lot.


No, you're not.


It's not hard to buy someone

who's never had anything, Laurits.

[Saxa] What are you talking about?

We're just sharing the world.

I thought we had already done that.


You have nothing to share, Saxa.

Are you testing me?


Perhaps you have

things to work out before, uh

I enter the picture.

I'll drive you home.

This was nice.

At least nicer than the last time we met.

I'm just being honest with you.

I hope you understand that.

Like you should understand

that I will never

see you as anything but a bastard.


At least a bastard is a real child

which I guess you never had.


Saxa told me about you giants, and

that you're nothing but leftover gods

from over 3,000 years ago.

That this family is just roleplay.

That you're barren.

Except for Vidar, apparently.

I'm just being honest with you, too



Bye, now.

[tense music playing]

Mom, there's no ham left.

You're never gonna be part of my family.

[voice shaking] Hey, stop! Stop!

We're the same, you and I.

Stay away from me.

I'm not going to k*ll you.


[knife clatters]

[groaning in pain]

[Ran panting]

- [screams]

- Let him go!

[Ran] What are you going to do?

You don't have any powers anymore.

I'll fight you with what I have.

[Ran] Without your powers,

you're nothing. You can't stop us.

We're coming for you and your family.

[Magne exclaims]

[Turid] Hello!

The door is open and

Oh, we have a visitor!

Did something happen to Magne at school?

[Ran] No, no. I just stopped by

to discuss the exams with the boys.

[Turid] What are you doing on the floor?

I have bought ice cream.

There's plenty, if you want some.

No, thanks. I was just on my way, so

You're a little bit clumsy.

[Ran] Nice talking to you, boys.

[indistinct sports chatter on TV]

He's coming.

[chatter on TV continues]

Now you're ready.

Help me get my powers back.

What made Thor complete?

The hammer.

[Wotan] Get the hammer,

and you'll get your powers back.

You know what it takes.

Where's the fire?

Don't worry about that, Magne.

Everything is already planned.

You just need to get the key,

which your brother

just got back from the giants.

Then I'll summon your team.

I can't do that.

If he knows what it's for,

he'll never give it up.

Then don't tell him.


You have to understand

that the end justifies the means.

And if you don't make

the w*apon and k*ll the giants,

they'll k*ll you and your brother.

So I have to betray him to save him?

That's who you are.

The one who must fight evil at any cost.

- Yes!

- Yes! Yes! Yes!

- [whistle blows on TV]

- [woman cheering] Norway! Yes!

Norway! Yay! Yes! Yes!

Whoo, Norway!

[Laurits chuckles softly]

- [Turid] Hi!

- [Laurits] Hey.

There's ice cream

in the freezer, if you want.

[Turid] I'll get one for you.

Can we talk, uh


♪ Once I was a fallen man ♪

♪ Scorned alone to walk the earth ♪

♪ But I broke the spell

♪ I broke the curse ♪

♪ Then I did rise up from the dirt ♪