04x12 - Steam Roller

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x12 - Steam Roller

Post by bunniefuu »

(gentle music)

(lively music)

- [Narrator] Sir

Handel is very proud

of his big sturdy wheels.

They have broad tires and

hold well to the rails,

but they are unusual.

(horn whistles)

One day, the other engines

wouldn't stop teasing him.

"Look at his steamroller

wheels," they joked.

"Be quiet," snorted Sir Handel.

"You're jealous."

"Don't worry,"

soothed Peter Sam.

"The engines all teased

me about my special funnel

"until they learned

how useful it is."

"Did you hear that?"

huffed Sir Handel.

"My wheels are special

like Peter Sam's funnel.

"I could go faster

than any of you."

Skarloey had a plan to

make Sir Handel see sense.

"With your grand wheels,

Sir Handel," said Skarloey.

"You're just the engine

to tackle George."

"Who's George?"

"That steamroller over

there," replied Skarloey.


The steamroller was making

rude remarks about the engines.

"Railways are no good.

"Turn them into roads.

"Pull them up, turn

them into roads.

"Railways are no good.

"Turn them into roads.

"Pull them up, turn

them into roads."

"Don't worry," said Sir Handel.

"Leave him to me.

"I'll send him packing.

"George will soon get

a run for his money."

Later that morning, George

was at the level crossing.

(horn whistles)


"You're Sir Handel, I suppose."

Sir Handel was

standing no nonsense.

"And you, I suppose, are George?

"Yes, I've heard of you.

"And I've heard of you.

"You swank around with

your steamroller wheels,

"pretending you're

as good as me."

"Actually, I'm better.


(horn whistles)

(gentle music)

George chauffeured on, fuming.

Later that day, Sir Handel

brought a special load down

after the last train had gone.

(horn whistles)

When he had reached the road,

he saw George traveling home.

Sir Handel tried to

attract his attention.

"Beep, pip, beep!"

George took no notice.

There was barely room to pass.

(horns whistling)

Sir Handel was cross.

"Get out of my way, you

great clumsy road hog."

"Huh, I don't move for

imitation steamrollers.

"You don't know the road.

"Get out of my way."

Then, there was trouble.

(loud crashing)

(horn whistling)

(steam hissing)

"Ah," cried Sir Handel.

"That was your fault."

"No, it wasn't, it was yours."

Everyone was arguing

about who was to blame.

(bicycle bell ringing)

"Hello, hello, hello,"

said a policeman ominously.

"And what's going on here?"

This made everyone stop arguing.

They set to work clearing

up the mess instead.

Next day, the workmen

put up a fence

between the road

and the railway.

Then they went away,

taking George with them.

Sir Handel thought he

had made George go away.

(horn whistles)

(horn whistles)

He talked of nothing

but steamrollers.

"Oh, dear," whispered Skarloey.

"He's worse than ever.

"I'm sorry my plan was no good."

"Never mind," said Rusty.

"We'll think of something else."

But they had no need to do that.

Some boys arrived instead.

They pointed to the

engine and cried,

"Look, here's Sir Handel.

"He tried to race a steamroller,

"but the steamroller

nearly beat him."

(steam hissing)

Sir Handel never mentions

steamrollers now.

(lively music)
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