04x20 - Toad Stands By

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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04x20 - Toad Stands By

Post by bunniefuu »

(cheery music)

(Thomas & Friends theme music)

- [Voiceover] Oliver had been

to the works to be mended.

Some troublesome

cars tricked him,

and the Great

Western engine fell

into the turntable well.

Now Oliver was as good as new,

but he was still

worried about cars.

"I'd rather not use them",

he'd puff to himself.

But the cars sang

songs, rude and loud.

Scruffy, their

leader, led the cars.

- [Scruffy] Oliver's

no use at all,

thinks he's very clever,

says that he can manage us,

that's the best joke ever.

When he orders us about

with the greatest folly,

we just push him down the well.

Pop goes ol' Olly.

(cars laughing)

- [Voiceover] Thomas, Duck,

and Percy were shocked.

"Be quiet" they ordered.

But they couldn't be everywhere,

and everywhere they weren't,

the cars began again.

- [Scruffy] Oliver's

no use at all,

thinks he's very clever,

says that he can manage us,

that's the best joke ever.

(cars laughing)

- [Voiceover] At last

the engines gave up.

"We're sorry Oliver" they said.

"It's really my fault"

said Oliver sadly.

"I shouldn't have fallen

in the turntable well."

Toad the break van felt

sorry for Oliver too.

Next morning he

spoke to Douglas.

- [Toad] I'm

worried, Mr Douglas.

This disrespect for engines,

where is it going to end?

- [Voiceover] "Who

knows" sighed Douglas.

- [Toad] I've got

a plan Mr Douglas,

may I stay here today

and help Mr Oliver,

we're both Great Western,

and must stand together.

- [Voiceover] "Certainly

Toad" replied Douglas,

and puffed away.

Soon Toad was

explaining his plan.

- [Duck] Goodness

gracious, Toad,

I don't think you should suggest

such a thing to Oliver.

- [Voiceover] But

Oliver interrupted.

- [Oliver] No Duck, Toad's

right, it's really my fault.

I must put this trouble right.

- [Toad] I meant no

disrespect, you understand.

- [Oliver] Of course not, Toad.

Anyway, driver says the same

and he's arranged it

with the station master.

- [Voiceover] "Very well

Oliver" conceded Duck.

"But I must hurry."

"My passengers will be

waiting, good luck!"

(train horn sounds)

"So long" smiled

Oliver, bravely.

But he felt dreadfully

nervous inside.

(upbeat music)

Oliver marshaled the

worst cars two by two.

"That's the way Mr

Oliver" whispered Toad.

"And if you leave that

Scruffy 'til last,

"Then you'll have

him behind you,

"and you can bump him if

he starts his nonsense."

"Hold back, hold back"

whispered Scruffy.

"And pass the word

to the others."

The silly cars giggled.

(cars laughing)

But Oliver knew what to do.

There was plenty of

sand on the rails

and his wheels

gripped splendidly.

He gave a great heave.


Groaned Scruffy.

- [Scruffy] I don't like this.

- [Voiceover] "Go

on" yelled Duck.

"Well done boy, well done!"


Wailed Scruffy.

- [Scruffy] I'm comin' apart.


- [Voiceover] And he did.

Then there was trouble.

- Well Oliver, so you don't

know your own strength,

is that it?

- [Voiceover] "No, no sir"

said Oliver nervously.

Sir Topham had

inspected Scruffy.

- As I thought.

Rotten wood, rusty frames.

Maybe if we put

you back together

you'll earn yourself

a better name.

(upbeat music)

- [Voiceover] Nowadays

Oliver only takes the cars

when the other engines are busy.

But they're always quick

to warn each other.

- [Car] Take care

with Mr Oliver!

If you play tricks on him,

you'll never be

the same car again.

- [Voiceover] Scruffy

has learned his lesson,

and says nothing at all.

(Thomas & Friends theme music)
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