05x13 - Stepney Gets Lost

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x13 - Stepney Gets Lost

Post by bunniefuu »

(whimsical music)

(magical chimes ringing)

(cheerful music)

- [Alec] Stepney,

the blue bell engine,

works closely with

his friend Rusty.

One day Sir Toppham

Hatt came to see him.

"Rusty tells me you're

in need of a change.

"So I want you to help Toby

and Mavis in the quarry."

"Oh, thank you sir!"

Said Stepney.

"Should I be away long?"

"Just today, but

please be careful.

"It is easy to get lost up

there, so be back before dark."

"We will."

Said the driver.

(whimsical music)

Stepney soon arrived

at the quarry.

"We're glad you're

here to help us."

Said Toby.

"Are these my cars?"

Asked Stepney.

"Only some of them, there's

masses more on the sidings."

Replied Mavis.

"The more the merrier!"

Stepney was really

enjoying himself.

The dustier he became,

the harder he worked.

Mavis and Toby were impressed.

Then the foreman

spoke to his driver.

"We have a night special to

take to the building site

"at the new branch line.

"Do you want to pull the train?"

"Yes please!"

Said the driver.

But he should have asked

Sir Topham Hatt first.

Night came.

"Be careful Stepney."

Advised Toby.

"I will, and thank

you for a lovely day.

"I do hope I can

come back again."

"The line can be spooky."

Said Mavis.

"Thank you for the warning."

And with that,

Stepney puffed away.

(train chugging)

Stepney arrived on time,

and made the delivery of rocks

and stones for the workmen.

Then, he set off for home.

That's when the trouble began.

The fog came down.

"Mavis was right, suddenly

everything does look spooky."

"There's a signal box!"

Called his driver.

"And the signal light is green.

"Someone must have

been expecting us."

But they weren't.

(train chugging)

(spooky music)

The points had been set

in the wrong direction,

but Stepney didn't realize this.

"Home, here we come!"

Then, they approached

an unknown area.

The driver made a decision.

"It's best if we rest here

until the fog clears."

"What are those strange sounds?"

Wondered Stepney.

Then the fog slowly lifted.

"Oh no! We're in

the scrapyards."

His driver and

firemen went for help.

Stepney was all alone,

but not for long.

Two diesels approached.

"Got you this time, Stepney.

"You'll make very

fine scrap indeed.

"Buffer him, Burt!"

The diesels took him to

the large smelter shed.

"Bye bye, Stepney."


Stepney looked up.

Above him was a huge grabber.

"This engine's not

for scrapping!"

The grabber wasn't listening.

But just as it was about to

grab hold of him, it stopped.

There stood Sir Toppham Hatt.

"It's a good thing I'm

visiting this yard tonight.

"Saving you from scrap is

becoming a habit, Stepney.

"Please stop it."

"Yes sir, but I have

learned something."

"What's that?"

"There's no place like home."

"And that's exactly

where you're going now."

"Blue bells forever!"

(dramatic music)

(cheerful music)
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