05x19 - Happy Ever After

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x19 - Happy Ever After

Post by bunniefuu »

(playful music)

(playful music)

- [Alec] The engines

on the island of Sodor

love holiday time.

(Thomas whistling)

(gentle music)

Percy was taking some

freight cars to the docks.

Terence the Tractor

was working in a field

close to the line.

"Hello, Percy.

"Nice day for it, isn't it?"

Percy was confused.

"Nice day for what?"

"Mrs. Kyndley's daughter

is getting married today."

"Oh, yes, of course."

(Percy whistling)

("Here Comes the Bride")

But when Percy saw Mrs. Kyndley,

she was standing by her

gate waving a red flag.

"What's the matter,"

asked the driver.

"I've forgotten about

the good luck package

"for the bride."

Percy was puzzled.

"What's a good luck package?"

"It must contain something

old, something new,

"something borrowed,

and something blue.

"Can you help, please?"

Percy didn't know how but

his driver was determined.

"We'll certainly try."

(gentle music)

(Percy and James whistling)

Percy had to stop at Edward's

station to take on water.

"We've got to find

a good luck package.

"Do you know what this is?"

"Oh, yes, indeed.

"Something old, something new--"

"Something borrowed and

something blue," Percy cut in.

"But where do we find them?"

Edward smiled.

"They're probably staring

you in your smokebox.

"Now, I have to fetch

my special train.

"I'm taking guests

to the wedding."

(playful music)

When Percy arrived at the

docks, he looked all around him.

Suddenly he saw a freight car.

It was loaded with a new

set of shiny buffers.

"Look, look, the something new."

"You're quite right,

Percy," said his driver.

"Those buffers are

just the ticket.

"I'll speak to the foreman."

He returned shortly.

"Foreman said we can use them

"and borrow the

freight car as well,

"so that's two

things we've found.

"Something borrowed

and something new."

"But what about

the other things?"

"I'm sure we'll find them too.

"Now we'd best be on our way."

(gentle music)

(Percy whistling)

As Percy was shunting some

freight cars into a siding,

he heard a voice.

"Hello, Percy."

There was Old Slow Coach,

who he and Thomas had

rescued from scrap.

"You're it," squeaked Percy.

"I'm what it," said the coach.

"The something old

for the wedding."

And then Percy explained.

"Now we only have to

find something blue,

"but what and where?"

"You'll see," said his driver.

(Percy whistling)

(playful music)

At last, they

reached the village,

where the wedding

was to take place.

Ahead was an old engine shed.

"What do you think of this,

Percy," laughed his driver.

"Well, bust my boiler.

"Thomas, what are

you doing here?"

"I'm the something

blue," replied Thomas.

"Now, Percy," said his driver,

"Mrs. Kyndley's chosen you

to be her special guest."

(Percy whistling)

(playful music)

(church bells tolling)

("Wedding March")

When the bride and groom left

the church for the party,

Sir Topham Hatt

addressed everybody.

"Ladies and gentlemen,

"may I present the

good luck package.

"Something old, something new,

"something borrowed,

something blue.

"All found by Percy

and his crew."

The engines whistled

(engines whistling)

and everyone cheered.

(crowd cheering)

"Thank you, Thomas.

"And thank you,

Percy," said the bride.

"It's the best good

luck package ever."

And she kissed Percy.

Thomas laughed as Percy

blushed bright red.

(gentle music)

"I love weddings,"

sighed Percy that night.

"Did you enjoy your kiss?"

But Percy was embarrassed

and pretended to be asleep.

(playful music)
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