05x22 - Make Someone Happy

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x22 - Make Someone Happy

Post by bunniefuu »

(happy music)

(playful music)

- [Narrator] It was holiday

time on the island of Sodor.

(train whistling)

All the engines were

working happily.

(zippy music)

except for James.

- Why should a

splendid engine like me

take messy coal cars

instead of coaches?

Percy or Oliver should do it!

I'm too important!

- [Narrator] Thomas was cross.

- James, why don't you

think about something

or someone else for a change?

You'll be surprised

at how much better

you'll feel if you do.

- Oh, please!

Being important

is the only thing

for me to think about!


(train whistling)

(train chugging)

(plane engine buzzing)

- [Narrator] "That plane's

making a great deal of noise,"

said Percy to Oliver.

"His name's Tigamoth,"

replied Oliver.

- "And it's flying

around telling everyone"

"about the fair that's

arriving today."

(brakes screeching)

- What are you two doing here?

- Sir Topham Hatt

wants us to pick up

a very special load

from the harbor.

- And I think it's got

something to do with the fair.

(train whistling)

- [Narrator] Then

they puffed away.

(train chugging)

Meanwhile, James was collecting

quarry cars from the yards.

"Dustier and

dustier," he grumbled.

Then he saw Mrs. Kindly.

- She looks miserable.

- [Narrator] "What the

matter?" asked James's driver.

- My sister has rung to tell me

she can't come to stay with me.

I was so looking

forward to her visit.

- [Narrator] Sir Topham Hatt

soon heard the sad news.

- We must cheer her up.

Send Harold the helicopter

to pick her up immediately.

(triumphant music)

- [Narrator] A

few minutes later,

there was a surprise

for Mrs. Kindly.

"All present and

correct," called Harold.

- I'm here on a flying visit.

Hurry aboard Mrs. Kindly,

and fly the sky with me.

Compliments of Sir Topham Hatt.

- Oh how lovely!

- [Narrator] "Harold's made

my paint dustier than ever,"

muttered James.

But he was happy

for Mrs. Kindly.

She was soon flying

high with Harold.

- I've never seen the

island like this before.

It's wonderful.

(ebullient music)

(train chugging)

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Percy

and Oliver were at the docks,

Cranky the crane was unloading

an old tramp steamer.

- Hey down there, you two.

I'm playing lucky dip

in the tramper's hold

and all these are for you.

(seagulls cawing)

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] "Wooden

Horses!" Percy exclaimed.

"For the carousel ride!"

- It's going to be a

very exciting fair.

- [Narrator] "It is

indeed," whistled James.

- Sir Topham Hatt has ordered me

to stop pulling coal cars

and go to the station instead.

Something to do

with Mrs. Kindly.


(train chugging)

- [Narrator] "Well what do you

think of that?" cried Percy.

Mrs. Kindly was waiting for

James with Sir Topham Hatt.

- Now this is your

very special treat.

James will take you

on a mystery ride

then I shall meet you

at your destination.

(train whistling)

(train chugging)

- [Narrator] James

took Mrs. Kindly

along her favorite coastal

route to Tidmouth Bay.

(ebullient music)

When he arrived there,

a big surprise

awaited Mrs. Kindly.

(trilling music)

"Oh!" She cried.

- You've brought me to the

fairground, how lovely!

- [Narrator] Best of all,

Sir Topham Hatt invited her

to make the announcement.

- I declare this

fairground open!

(drums rolling)


- [Narrator] Mrs. Kindly had

the first ride on the carousel.

(jaunty big band music)

"You were quite right

Thomas," James whispered.

- Making someone happy

does cheer you up.

- [Narrator] Then together they

watched the fun of the fair.

(jaunty big band music)

(bell dings)

(playful music)
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