05x25 - Rusty & the Boulder

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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05x25 - Rusty & the Boulder

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat folk music)


- [Narrator] On the

island of Sodor,

high up in the mountains

was a mysterious boulder.

It had stood alone

for a long time,

but one day workmen arrived

to build a quarry

on the land below.

Rusty a little diesel

met Thomas and Percy.

Where's all this rock

coming from? Percy asked.

The new quarry. Replied Rusty.

This mountain rock is

good for many things

although it's

dangerous up there.

Why? Asked Thomas.

Because of a big boulder.

I think it's watching

me. Said Rusty nervously.

How can it be boulders

don't have eyes.

Well Percy there's something

strange about this one.

(train whistles)

Just then Edward arrived.

He was delivering a new piece

of machinery for the quarry.

What's that? Asked Rusty.

It's called Thumper.

Apparently it helps collect the

rock faster. Replied Edward.

Soon Thumper was working hard.

The men were pleased.

But no one bothered

to check the boulder.

(ominous orchestra music)

When it rained the

workmen went away.

Rusty gazed up and shivered,

above stood boulder.

Suddenly a large slab of

rock landed on the rails.

Rusty was shocked.

Driver was concerned.

We best leave til

the weathers better.

The rain loosened

some of this rock.

I think it's boulder

wanting us to go away.

(ominous orchestra music)

The next day the sun shone.

Thumper was working

harder than ever.

Suddenly Rusty

noticed something.

Boulders moving.

Don't be so daft. It

can't. Said the driver.

But it could.

(loud thud)

It's rolling along our line.

(suspenseful music)

We'll stop here until Boulder

passes by. Said the driver.

But Boulder was

nowhere to be seen.

Then, oh no it's behind us!

Just ahead they saw

a small junction.

One line went up hill.

Boulder thundered past.

Meanwhile Skarloey was making

his way up to the quarry.

Then he saw Boulder.


Boulder was catching up fast.

We must warn the yards!

Shouted Skarloey.

Yes but how? Called Rusty.

Boulder rounded a bend and

there ahead was Rheneas.

It's running loose!

Yelled Rheneas.

His driver drove him

back as fast as he could.


(suspenseful orchestra music)

Better a smash than a

squash. Sighed his driver.

At the yards Percy

was collecting trucks.

Then he heard Boulder.

Oh no heading straight

for me. Squeaked Percy.

(loud boom)


When Sir Topham Hatt

inspected the damage

he decided to close the mine.

Then he looked at boulder.

We should have left this

part of the island alone.

They moved boulder to a

hill close by the yards.

Rusty is sure that

on a clear night

it is gazing up at the mountain,

and that it's sighs are

being carried on the wind

to where it once used to

stand proud and silent.

I wonder if Rusty

is right don't you?

(upbeat folk music)

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