06x06 - The Fogman

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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06x06 - The Fogman

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat playful music)

(soft music)

- [Narrator] It was winter

on the Island of Sodor.

The first fogs had begun

to roll in from the sea.

Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel

loved the quiet of Misty Valley,

but Thomas must be

careful of rocks

that sometimes roll

onto the tracks.

(rocks crumbling)

Cyril the fogman has

a very important job.

He puts detonators on the tracks

to warn the engines

when there's fog ahead.

"Ooh," shivered Thomas,

as he ran over the detonator.

"That made my axles tingle."

"Cyril's done his

job," said his driver.

"We'd better slow down.

"There's fog ahead."

"Thank you, Cyril," said Thomas.

That night at the sheds,

Sir Topham Hatt had

something special

to show the engines.

It was very large

and strange-looking.

"What is it?" asked Percy.

"It's a new invention.

"A railway foghorn,"

said Sir Topham Hatt.

"It warns you when there's

fog ahead, like this."

(horn blares)

(soft playful jingle)

"That's loud," said Percy.

"Too loud," huffed James.

"Sounds like a tugboat

to me," grumbled Gordon.

Thomas looked worried.

"What will Cyril

do now?" he asked.

"He will be getting

a much needed rest,"

said Sir Topham Hatt.

"Besides, this new foghorn

will be more reliable."

"Poor Cyril," whispered Thomas.

"He's been scrapped."

The next day, Percy

was cheerfully

chuffing through Misty

Valley, when suddenly...

(horn blares)

"Oh, jeepers," exclaimed Percy.

"That foghorn is so

loud, it rattles my dome.

"And it doesn't even

make my axles tingle."

"Still, we'd better slow

down," said his driver.

"There's fog ahead."

The foghorn had been so loud

that it made the hillside shake.

No sooner was

Percy out of sight,

when one rock fell,

then another and another.

(rocks crumbling)

Before long, the

track was blocked.

And the foghorn was crushed.

(soft deflated jingle)

Not far away, Thomas was

happily puffing right on time.

(whistle blows)

(soft dramatic music)

"I can't see a

thing," said Thomas.

And then, before he could

even think of anything else...

"Bust my buffers!" cried Thomas.

"What happened to the foghorn?"

"I don't know," said his driver.

"But at least

nobody's been hurt."

"Toby will be coming down

the line any minute,"

said his fireman.

"If there's no fog

warning," said Thomas,

"he'll run into us."

"Leave it to me," called

a voice from the fog.

"It's Cyril," said Thomas.

"I hope he's in time."

Toby and his coach Henrietta

were chuffing along.

Toby was looking

forward to a well-earned

drink at the next

station when...

"Fog detonators," puffed Toby.

"There must be fog

ahead," said his driver.

"We'd better slow down."

And just around the next bend,

with his axle still tingling,

Toby was very glad they did.

Otherwise, they would've

crashed into Thomas' wreck.

Soon, the tracks were cleared

and Thomas was

back on the rails.

"If it hadn't been for

Cyril," said Thomas,

"Toby might've had a

worse accident than me."

"Instead of replacing

Cyril with the foghorn,"

said Sir Topham Hatt,

"we'll replace the

foghorn with Cyril.

"You're clearly more reliable."

"Thank you, sir," said Cyril.

"And thank you," said Toby.

"New inventions are all

very well," said Thomas.

"But they don't make my

axles tingle," said Percy.

(upbeat playful music)
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