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01x03 - What's Wrong With Norman

Posted: 04/04/13 00:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bates Motel...

This is crazy, mom.

I'm Keith Summers.

This is my family's property.


This house is mine.

No! No!

And everything in this house is mine.



We came here to start over.

I am starting over.

We're gonna have to pull up the whole carpet.

Four girls from China are sold into sex sl*very.

One of them dies from an overdose.

They forced other girls to carry her body into the hills, dig a grave, and then bury her by a shed in the trees.

We can find the spot and find the grave, then we'll know if it's real or not.

Norman, it's the shed, from the pictures.


That's not comfortable.

Not a good idea.

What's up?


That's what I thought.

Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bates.

You know, um, I could use your help today.

The new carpet is being delivered, and someone needs to be here to sign for it.

You know, I'd love to.

But I have a job.

Doing what exactly?


You know, that's a piece of my China.

It's not a to-go container.

[Door opens, closes]

Can we talk?

We're gonna be late for class.

Okay, I'll do b*llet points.

"A," I'm terrified those guys with g*ns are gonna try and find us because we saw their stupid pot field.

And, "B," I feel so incredibly guilty, I couldn't sleep.

Why do you feel guilty?

We weren't trying to see their pot field.

Not about that.

I feel guilty because, well, because... I was just using that whole "Let's go look for the grave of the dead girl" as a way to get you to go hang out with me.

It was totally and completely self-serving, and I didn't even really believe it was true until I saw that shed.

And when I saw it, I just got this feeling, like an electric shock, like, "Oh, my God, that poor dead girl is buried there."

Like, I knew it deep inside of me.

Emma, calm down.

I can't!

That dead girl is calling us from her grave.

Put this away. We have to go to class.

Forget about it.

I can't forget about it.

It's on these pages in black and white.

Maybe you better give me back the journal.


It's pornographic.

We're at school.

Most text messages are dirtier than this.

Why are you so obsessed with it?

Hey, I found it in your room.

What's that supposed to mean? I'm obsessed with it?

I'm not obsessed with it.

So it was in my room, that doesn't mean anything.

That just means that I found it and didn't throw it away.

Gotta go to class.
[Bell rings]


You okay?

Norman, what are you doing?

Norman, you know this.

You answered all these questions yesterday in class.

What are you doing?

Norman, can you hear me?

Norman, answer me.





What exactly are you testing for?

This kind of blackout could be due to a number of different things.

We're covering everything that could be a factor, brain, heart, nervous system.

We'll do a full workup, MRI, CT, EKG.

A battery of blood tests.


Does your son have a history of blackouts?

Why would you ask me that?

I'm trying to establish a history.

It's standard.

So has he ever blacked out before?


No, never. Not at all.

This where they shot Deliverance?

What's that?

The movie.

You know, "Boy, you got a pretty mouth"?

What kind of movies you watch?

The kind where bad things happen to people in the middle of the woods.

[Laughs] Relax, man.

We're here.


Yeah, it's something to see, huh?

Get on the ground!


Damn, look who's packing.

We're just messing with you, noob.

Hey, you probably want to keep that up front though.

Quick draw.

Later, Ethan.

Hey, noob, don't sh**t your pants off.


Yeah, and make him get us some more firewood too.

What do we do now?

We chill.

You can even sleep if you want, as long as we do it in shifts.

There's $5 million worth of weed in these fields.

Someone's gotta guard it.

$300 bucks a day just to hang out?

That's right.

Do you know who he is?

Oh, I forgot to ask him.


Can I pick 'em?

Norman, it's not a toy.

Nobody knows the trouble I'm in.

What, ho, MacBeth.

We'll get the test results soon, don't worry.

I'm not. Are you?

[Cell phone rings]


Who said so?

You're there now?
[Television shuts off]

Well, I'm not, no.

No, I can't.

[Mouths words]

Next week? No, no, we can't wait that long.

It's the carpet. They're there right now.

They need someone to sign.

Go, I'll be fine.


It's not like I'm going anywhere.

Okay. Okay, you know what?

Just stay put, and I'll be there in ten.


I'm gonna--
I'll be back.

Okay? Yeah?

I love you.

Love you too, mom.

Dr. Travis, you have a visitor in the main lobby.

Dr. Travis, a visitor in the main lobby.

Tag, you're it.

Bradley, thanks.

Sorry we didn't get to talk when you visited.

Meant a lot to me that you were there.

No big deal.

No, it was. No one else came.

You're brave, Norman Bates.

I figured I'd return the favor.

How's your father?

He's in a medically induced coma.

They don't think he's gonna make it.

I know. Death is awkward.

So what about your dad?

He doesn't live with you, right?

No, he passed away.

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

It was an accident in our garage.

Hayden and Lissa don't get it.

What it's like.

Can I stay for a little while?

Yeah, sure.

I was just watching this old movie.

It's pretty bad, but kind of funny bad.

You like old movies?

Yeah, I guess I do.

Everyone seems better in old movies, even bad ones.

Happier maybe.

Here comes your cousin Philip.

We can watch something else.

No. Scooch over.

So he's your guest of honor for your reception.

Where have you been hiding him?

Oh, mother found him a week of quiet fishing before he joined the social world.

Oh, he's darling.

Why, he can take me to the dance.

Gee, you sure cheered up quick.

It's been nice knowing you.

You just want to be happy.

Aren't you getting rather big for that sort of thing?

Won't catch me missing a chance.

Come on, Gladys, we can still get away with childish enthusiasm.

This says that you delivered carpeting for five units.

It's only supposed to be four.

Well, you'll have to call the office, ma'am.

[Knock at door]


Okay, Jeffcoat, Leung, Lopez, take the ground floor.

Haines and Shelby--

What is going on here?

We got a warrant to search your house.

You can't just walk into my home.

Actually, we can.


Oh, sorry. I was needed back home.

I was just about to tell your son, the tests came back.

Everything's negative.

Oh, good.

Good. Negative is good, Norman.

That means it's good. Everything's fine.

Good, thank God. Okay, so we can go home?

I'd like to keep him here overnight for observation in case of a recurrence.

But you said he was okay.

I said the tests were negative.

We still don't know why this happened.

I'll be back to check on him in the morning.


Get your stuff together. We're leaving.


Uh-huh, yeah.

Oh, no, no. You can't do that.

Doctor said he's fine. We're going home.

The doctor has to check him out of here.

I am his mother, and I am checking him out.

That Romero came back today with a search warrant.

The police were still there when I left.

I have no idea if they found anything.

It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

I couldn't do anything about it.

Did they find anything?

No, I just told you, I don't know if they found anything.

I mean, there's nothing to find, right?

So how could they find anything?


Right, right, yeah, of course, nothing.

I mean, we scrubbed that whole floor with a toothbrush.

We got rid of everything. We got rid of every thread.

There's nothing. There's nothing.

Right, mom, nothing.

But you didn't see them take anything out?

Why do you keep asking me that?

No, there was nothing to take out.


Right. Right, mom, nothing.


I just need to lay down and change.

[Dishes clattering]

Hi, honey.


Oh, this smells so good. I made a turkey pot pie.

Set the table for me.

I kept Keith's belt.


When we loaded his body into the car, I kept it.




Uh, where is it now?

I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?

You don't know where you left it?

I left it under my bed, now it's gone.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Maybe it's somewhere else.

No, it was under my bed.

I hid it there.

You hid it there?

I mean, why? Why would you do that?

Why would you want to keep that thing?

I don't know.

I don't know.

[Exhales deeply]

All right, well, if the police had found it, they would have--they would have said something, right?

They would have told us.

I don't know.

Okay, I will be right back.

So can we, uh, can we watch it and smoke it?

Not on the job.

How is this even possible?

I mean, don't people in town get suspicious?

This is what's keeping this town alive.

Who owns all this?

Couple families from town.

Who's in charge of these families?

You ask a lot of questions.

I just don't want to end up like that guy who got his warehouse burned down.

Jerry. He was my boss.

Mid-level guy.

Pissed somebody off, so they messed him up real good.

Set him on fire to send a message.

That's a hell of a message.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

They got their own. Eye for an eye and all that.

You know?

You mean that guy hanging from the yardarm?

Everything should settle back down now.

You want a beer?

Yeah, sure.

[Leaves rustling]

What the hell was that? Grab that shotgun.

Come on.


Ever hunted pheasant?

We need to talk.

I can't, Emma.

My mom's out. I don't feel good.

I know.

I know you passed out.

I never feel good, Norman, but life keeps moving.

She was real.

If we forget about her, then the world will forget about her.

It'll be like she never existed.

Like her life didn't matter.

See, it's there.

And there.

It's just a number.

In English.

Everything else in here is in Chinese.

She must have seen it somewhere.

The journal, I found it in room four.

Where are you going?

Where do you think?

This is where I found it.

Right here, under the carpet.

These girls were brought here from China, then guys came to the motel to try them out.

Who do you think brought them?

Have you met Keith?

The guy who owned this place before you?

He's disturbing, to say the least.

Not someone you want to get stuck in an elevator with.

There's a bunch of pictures in here of them chained up to pipes.
[Cell phone chimes]


Like this one.

Don't most sinks have pipes like that?

Oh, my God, Norman. There's something down here.

Looks like... it's Chinese.

She was here, Norman.

She was real.

[Snaps picture]

You okay?


Look, um, I know I don't know you that well, but you just--you seem like a really nice person, and right now, I really need a friend.

I mean, why is this guy harassing me?

I'm trying to start a new business.

I have all my money wrapped up in that place, and now I'm staring at God knows how many medical bills with my boy.

Did you know that he was in the hospital today?

No, I didn't know that. Is he okay?

He is, he is.


So I can't tell you how frustrating it is.

It's just-- it's irritating.

I can't have cops coming in and out of my home over nothing.

I mean, it's not like they found anything.

I'm on duty, Norma.

You are.

I am.

But we should talk later.

Talk about what?

I'll--I'll tell you.

Maybe over dinner?

Why don't you--why don't you come over to my place, say around 8:00?





I'll see you then, okay.

All right.

Hey, Norma.

Don't worry, all right?

Everything's gonna be okay.

Where are you going?

I'm going to put on my face.

I'm having dinner with Shelby.


Because, Norman, he knows.

He knows about the belt.


Well, don't you look nice.

Thank you.

Come on.

Come in. Dinner's almost ready.

Can I take your coat for you?

Oh, thank you.


Would you like a drink?


What's your poison?

Whatever you got. I'm not picky.

All right.

Jack and coke okay?

Sure. Thank you.



So, um, what's the deal?

I'm worried about my business. I'm worried about my boy.

What's going on?


How 'bout we start with you telling me about the belt?

What belt?

No, don't, don't, don't, don't do that.

Look, if we're gonna help each other, we've gotta be honest with each other.

That is the only thing that matters to me, Norma, is honesty.

So please tell me, why did your son have Keith's belt under his bed?

That Romero has-- he's got it out for me.

Romero never saw the belt. He never saw the belt.

I found it. I took it.

So no one else knows.

Thank you.

Keith was a bully.

Guy had-- he had a hell of a temper.

I notice you have a bit of a temper yourself.

Yeah, I suppose.


What is this?

Where did you get this scar, Norma?

When I was a child.

It's, um, just an accident.

Was that what happened to Keith?

Was that an accident?

Norma, did your son k*ll Keith?

No, no. No, of course not, no.

Is there anything else you wanna say?

What could I possibly say?

Look, I know that you have spent your life taking care of other people.

But you're making their problems yours.

You're carrying that weight.

And you wear that like armor, but the truth is it is weighing you down.

I'm gonna change that.

Now I am gonna take care of you, Norma Bates.

So don't you worry, okay?

Everything is gonna be fine.

God, you are so beautiful, it just breaks my heart.

Where'd you learn how to hunt?

South Dakota.

I was on a natural gas fracking crew outside of Aberdeen.

Not much else to do on the weekends besides hunt.

That where your family moved from, South Dakota?


No, my brother, he's 17.

He and my mom moved here from Arizona.

So where are your folks originally from?

My dad grew up in Kansas.

Don't talk to him anymore.

But my mom, honestly, I don't know where she's from.

She's talked about Missouri and told some stories about Colorado.

You don't know where your own mom's from?

You got a brother, right?


Yeah, a half-brother.

Nice. You guys close or what?

Not really.

Bourbon, large glass.

There's plenty of room on either side.

Do you have to come bulling in here between us?

I didn't see you.

You interrupted a very important discussion on serious matters regarding big things.

Me and my brothers don't like it.

Gentlemen, gentlemen, no trouble please.

We just put the place back together after the last...


No. It's just me.

If what I think is gonna happen happens, it'll round out a full day.


What's eating you, tall man?

You have words with those Becker brothers?


[Clears throat]
[Shuts television off]

Can I give you some advice?

You gotta cut that shit out.


It's just weird.

It's just a habit.

I guess calling your mom a whore is perfectly normal.

Were you in the hospital?

Mom tell you?

No, you still have the bracelet on.



You're welcome.

So why isn't mom here taking care of you?

Shouldn't there be some homemade chicken soup on the stove or something?

She's out.

She should have been back hours ago.

She hasn't answered my calls or texts.

I'm getting really worried.

I mean, it's not like her to just not answer.

I tried to go to bed, but I just-- you know.

What am I supposed to do?

You need to get out more, Norman.

What she's doing to you, it's not healthy.

She's smothering you.

There's a whole world out there.

You need some perspective.

I'm sorry you tried to k*ll me the other night.

I hardly think I tried to k*ll you.

You came at me with a meat tenderizer.

Oh, I did?

You're making this up, right?

You were pretty badass.

Yeah, I'm sure I struck fear in your heart.


Our family's so screwed up.

I guess we are.

Well, then I'm sorry I tried to k*ll you, according to you anyway.

It's cool.



Norman, you have to go to bed.

Shh, everything's okay for now.

What does that mean, for now?

Zack has the belt.

He does.

He hid it, and he seems to want to help us.

Seems to want to help us?

Norman, I just-- please, I'm just--I'm tired.

I'm exhausted.

If anyone ever told me everything I would've gone through today, I never would have believed it.

Okay, all I can tell you is I feel fairly safe, so don't worry.

Mom, what does this mean?

Mother, please, I need to know.

I've been waiting all night.

Oh, Norman, what can I say?

What do you want me to say? It is what it is.

Deputy Shelby has the belt, and he's gonna protect us.

This is a bad idea.


Letting him use you.

I'm--I'm not gonna have this discussion with you.

What if he wants more?

What if he makes you do things, things you don't want to do?

Well, what do you want me to say?


Norman, why would you keep that thing, why?

Why would you keep it, Norman?

I just don't understand, I don't, and I want to.

I just like to keep mementos.

You know, all that stuff I have in my room.

But those are good experiences, that's good experience.

A day at the lake, I get that.

This wasn't a good experience.

This was horrible, it was violent.

I was sexually assaulted, and I k*lled a man.

Why would you ever, ever in a million years, why would you want to keep a memento of that?

I'm so sorry, mother.

Don't worry, okay? Don't worry.

I'm here for you, honey.

I'm here for you, no matter what.

I'm here for you.

Well, hey.


How come you're at school?

My mom said it would be good for normalcy, as if that's possible.

I'm happy to see you.

Um, Norman.

Can I talk to you for a second?


I posted that photo on Yahoo! Answers and got it translated.

The Chinese character.

It's jiao. It means beautiful.

That that's really sad.

I'm going to the police after school.

I'm gonna tell them about the journal you found.

Do not do that.


'Cause I don't want to get messed up with the police.

I can't explain it to you.

Maybe you're right. Maybe this is real.

But finding out what happened to this girl isn't gonna make a difference to anyone.

She's still gonna be dead, you're still gonna be sick, and I'm still gonna be who I am.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I'm just telling you I can't deal with this right now.

[Door opens]

You were right.

As long as Shelby has that belt, he can control us.

He can make us do things, things we don't want to do.

Just like your father did.

We can't let that happen, not again.

This is all your fault.

I know, mother.

There's something wrong with me.

You know what you have to do, don't you?

I have to get that belt.

[Dog growls]

[Snarling, growling]

[Dog barking]

Are you-- are you all right?

Help me.

[Dog barking]