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03x24 - Trial of the Century

Posted: 09/15/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
District attorney is holding to m*rder one so any chance of a plea is- Not that either of you seemed willing to entertain one.

The more demoralizing news is we don't think that we can win this.

What do you mean? Mr.

Crane- Tell him what you mean.

I already know.

The prosecution has presented us with another piece of evidence they intend to submit.

Three days before your father's death- Dr.

Jacob Levine- you were both seeing this psychiatrist? But our mother was making us go.

What about him? As a result of your last session, the doctor reported to the police that in his opinion both you, Michael, and Edward posed a grave threat to your father's life.

In short, he feared that you would try to k*ll him.

We'll try to suppress this but we need to seriously consider changing our plea.

To what? Not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.

Your father abused you so we could go with the, uh, Menendez brothers'defense.

- They lost.

- But we didn't do it.

We didn't k*ll him.

Sometimes it's not so much about the truth as what the prosecution can prove.

And in this case, it's Mr.

Crane's and my collective judgment that they will be able to prove you guilty.

Look, I don't care what they say.

I-I don't care what you say.

We did not k*ll our father.

And I'm not gonna stand up in court and say that we did.

It didn't happen.

If we should lose and it's our belief we will you both will spend the rest of your natural lives in prison with no possibility of parole.

We go to trial.

Edward, is this what you want as well? Yes.

- Then we go to trial.

- Alan.

It occurs to me that if we should lose, I will no longer be undefeated.

Thank you, Denny.

I can always count on you to remind me of the bigger picture.

- And it's no so much about their lives as- - My legacy.

We're being told the trial will not start this morning.

Instead the defense has brought a last-minute motion to suppress evidence- allegedly a doctor's report concerning- Please excuse us.

- I have no comment.

- I have a comment.

Check out my Web site:: Dennycranelaw.


I also have a blog on MySpace.

Tell your daughters.

It's doctor-patient privilege- anything these boys said to a therapist.

If a doctor fears imminent bodily harm, he can break privilege.

Yes, to prevent that bodily harm.

But the exception was never meant to allow privileged communications to be introduced in a court oflaw as evidence against the patient.


Shore, everything in this report- I mean, the boys fantasizing about k*lling their father- They've got other witnesses to offer the same thing.

What is so prejudicial about this? Because people tend to automatically believe what doctors say.

How else do you explain 50 million Americans taking needless medications? I'm going to allow the testimony.

Ask that Your Honor recuse herself.

- Excuse me? - Bad judging.

I will see you and Mr.

Crane in my chambers, please.

Okay, first, I will not let you turn this proceeding into a joke.

But, Your Honor, Denny and I are a comedy team.

Second, I think that I had better appoint another lawyer to cocounsel.

This is a m*rder trial.

I think the boys should have separate attorneys.

We've covered this.

I have Michael, Denny has Edward.

No, it's the same firm.

That's not cocounseling.

You're not at arm's length.

Our defense is in concert.

I want him off.

- Why? - Because this is a homicide and I have a duty to ensure competent counsel for both defendants.

- Do you know who I am? - Yes, I do.

You used to be Denny Crane.

I will completely vouch for my cocounsel's trial skills.

You would have to, wouldn't you? Otherwise, your next sleepover might get awkward.

- I can do this case.

- I am not gonna have inadequate counsel appeals.

That's not going to happen.

- Could I have a second alone, Denny? - With me? With the judge.

- That was uncalled for.

- Well, this isn't fun and games.

Both defendants will be fairly and adequately represented.

They better be.

For the record, I was sexually attracted to you.

Now- not so much.

That's a smile! She's absolutely precious.

And cute.

Are you sure she's yours? How's Denise? - She's doing great.

- Ah, it's amazing.

I mean, when you think about it, we've got laws legislating everything in this country.

And yet, they'll let you parent.

Keep trying, Claire.


Ready? Denny, there's no time for this.

Is that what the outside world thinks of me? That was one very misguided judge's impression.

And if you want to set her straight- More importantly, if you want to save those boys- And certainly much more important than that, if you want to safeguard your legacy you need to go try the case of your life which will never happen with you feeling sorry for yourself.

What's your name? - Denny Crane.

- Who are you? - Denny Crane.

- Let's go.

Damn right! Denny.

Oh! Gas.

They were pinching me.

I really, really, really appreciate you taking this time.

No big deal.

I really, really, really do this for a living.

How can I help ya? Well, um, recently I- I-I went to Las Vegas- Vegas! Love it! Sin City.

My second home.


Well, I- I lost a lot of money there.

I have a gambling problem.

I'd say so.

The problem is you stink at it.

I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't be flip about this.

I want to sue the casino.

- Ooh.

- No- Gambling is a disease and the casinos cultivate it.

They gave me a line of credit.

I don't even have $80,000, for God sakes.

Hey, you win some, you lose some.

Stop it! I'm very sorry.

When I meet people for the very first time I'm not quite myself.

I want to sue.

They-They destroyed me.

The barrel point of the g*n was flush against the forehead and straight.

From that, we concluded it wasn't su1c1de.

- Why, Doctor? - Well, the victim had arms shorter than mine and as you can see, in order to get a flush straight entry I would have to hold the g*n in an extremely awkward manner.

It's more likely he would hold it like this.

What if he held it with two hands? Then he would've had to use a thumb to squeeze the trigger.

A print of the index finger was- What if Mr.

Scanlon wanted to make it look like m*rder? Wouldn't he assume the more awkward position? Maybe, but with shorter arms, a straight entry would be very difficult.

- This man had beaten his sons and his wife- - Objection.

Allegedly so.

Suppose out of hatred, he wanted to frame them.

Or out of guilt, he didn't want his life insurance policy to be voided which su1c1de would definitely- - Objection.


- Sustained.

This is a coroner, Mr.


Let's keep our questions medically based.

You cannot exclude su1c1de to a medical certainty, can you, Doctor? No.

- Clarence.

- Hello.

- Is Alan in? - Uh, he's in court.

- Oh, dear.

- Is something wrong? I have a client who lost a lot of money gambling.

I took the case, though I seem utterly without cause of action, and I'm just a little fraught.

We have no defense other than to put the boys up there and let them proclaim their innocence.

- And you can put me up there.

- Yes, but you're their mother.


Scanlon, if you really wanna help your sons here our suggestion is that you convince them to go with temporary insanity.

- I go with it all the time.

- But they didn't do it.

The idea that your husband k*lled himself- The angle of the wound- Well, it's possible.

You got them to admit that.

- Yes.

Yes, but- - They can't prove that somebody else didn't do it.

There were so many people who hated him.

There is no physical, testimonial or circumstantial evidence of anybody else being inside that house.

What if I said I arrived home with them? You already told the police that you were at the dentist.

Well, maybe I lied to the police to throw them off track.

Why would you want to throw the police off track if you thought your sons were innocent? Maybe I thought the police were gonna arrest them anyway.

A mother has to do what she has to to save her children.

And in this case, it meant lying to the police.

- Is that so preposterous? - No.

But your dentist will testify that you were at his office.

Look, a mother knows.

And my sons did not do this.

I mean, nobody witnessed this.

Don't tell me you can't establish some doubt.

- It has to be reasonable doubt.

- No, it just has to be doubt.

It's your job to make it sound reasonable.

That's why I hired you.

You're supposed to be the best.

And you-You're Denny Crane, for God's sake.

- How can you give up? - We're not giving up.

We will win this trial, Dorothy.

I guarantee it.


When we got to the house, he was lying at the foot of the front stairwell.

- He was dead.

- Objection.

This man's not a doctor.

Sit down, counsel.

- Denny.

- Please continue.

There appeared to be a single b*llet hole to the forehead.

The defendants were the only other people there.

Could you describe their demeanor? - Objection.

Is he a psychiatrist now? - Overruled.

- Objection.

Are you a judge? - Mr.

Crane, take your seat now.

Stop it.

Did they say anything? They said they came home and found their father dead.

We proceeded to ask them some other questions at which point the defendant Michael Scanlon asked for a lawyer.

- Did they place the 911 call? - No.

Neighbor, who said he heard a shot.

You talked to the boys' mother when she arrived home? - Yes.

- She told you her husband was involved in numerous questionable- if not shady-business deals and that he'd actually received death threats recently.

We concluded she was covering for her sons.

You never checked any of this out? I didn't personally.

I'm sure it was ruled out.

- Because you people never get it wrong? - Objection.


A witness reported a blue car speeding away shortly after the g*nshots were heard.

Speeding down the street- not necessarily from the house.

But it could've been from the house.

You can't rule that out.

We never located the car or driver, so- You can't rule it out.

I suppose not.

You can't sue a casino for a gambler losing money.

- We sort of did.

- What? If they're sending somebody, they must be willing on some level to settle.

First of all, you're not a lawyer here.

You're an assistant.

And you.

Certainly you have enough experience to recognize a legitimate cause of action.

- We'll try to settle it quickly.

- Lf they offer you so much as an Indian head nickel, you take it.

Jerry, how could you possibly take this case? She was an extremely nice lady.

I didn't meet her.

Why do you get to cross-examine everyone? Your turn is coming up soon, Denny.

- I'm not here to spectate, you know.

- I understand that.

But as much as everything is about you and your legacy we also have two boys whose lives are at stake.

- So better to let you do it all? - No, that's not- You know, last week when Shirley was upset about me k*lling the duck and we talked about how my silliness is more about getting attention to distract me from what I've become.

- You talked about that with Shirley? - Yeah.

Why didn't you talk about that with me? I don't know.

So you're running around sharing your feelings with others now? Not running around.

She came into my office.

And you felt compelled to open up to her.

Look, I thought if I were vulnerable, she'd have sex with me.

I don't have that agenda with you.

- Fine.

- Oh, Alan.

For God's sakes.

Alan, this came for you special delivery- - marked "personal.

" - Thank you.

Uh, do you know anything about the gaming industry? I have a case against a casino.

Well, I know a fetching young woman who used to concierge for some of the Russian high rollers.

She knows all the casinos'little secrets.

I'll get her number for you.

Thank you.

- What the hell is this? - What? Nothing on it.

- Oh, my God.

- What? What is it? A used condom.

What? Not mine.

Why would somebody send me a used condom? The stationery's watermarked.

It's got that medical insignia on it- the staff with the snake.

Sometimes it's nothing more than fantasy.

As a therapist, you try and develop a feel for distinguishing.

In this case, the threat seemed real, Doctor? Well, the hatred that both of them exhibited for their father was so profound- especially Edward's-and they were suddenly talking about an end date.

- An end date? - Yes.

Both of them separately had made comments about, "Soon it will be over.

" That's a very different thing from, "One day I'll run over him with a pickup truck.

" If it was just idle fantasy, and it turns out my clients had no real intention ofkilling their father, would that shock you? Shock me? No.

But the coincidence might shock me.

Here I've got two patients who I'm fairly certain are going to k*ll their father.

The father ends up shot in the head.

If they didn't do it, the coincidence is kind of shocking, don't you think? Smart boys? - Excuse me? - These boys strike you as intelligent? Actually, very intelligent.

They seem like they wanna spend the rest of their lives in prison? - No.

- So if they really did plan to m*rder their father does it make sense that they would say that not only to you, but to others? No, it doesn't make any sense.


Com- Pictures, bios, hobbies.

I once captained my own spaceship.


Denny, that was something.

I felt- I actually had a little moment in there.

I'm not surprised.

Great cross is like sex, man.

Did we hear from the lab? - Not yet.

- Do we know who sent it? I'm getting a pretty good idea.

Uh, welcome to our conference room.

This is attorneyJerry Espenson and this is the plaintiff, Alisa McKenzie.

- Hello.

- Uh, thank you again for agreeing to meet us.

- And welcome to our conference room.

- You're too nervous.


Uh, please, sit.

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you have no claim here whatsoever.

Yes, well, we believe we do.

- Your client took all her money.

- Yes, casinos like to do that.

You really think that's fair? Do I think it's fair? Okay.

Ralph Peters put you up to this, didn't he? I should've known.

This is a big joke, right? It's not a joke.

My client lost all her virginity.

Money! What is this? This is a lawsuit, and your client is the defendant, sir.

Well, you tell Ralph that was very funny.

I don't have time for this.

Maybe you didn't welcome him to the conference room enough.

Oh, you were great.

She lost all her "virginity.

" I'm surprised when he sat you didn't welcome him to the chair.

If I had, he wouldn't have heard over all your purring.

Oh, I purred twice.

- So? - We opened a dialogue.

We think we'll get something.

As much as an Indian head nickel? I'm not happy with either one of you.

You need to go back to the fake-cigarette toothpick thingy or the pipe.

Yeah, and maybe you could dress up as a talk show host.

That might scare him.


We're looking foolish in the eyes of a very senior partner.

Let's make contact with that friend of Alan's.

He'd hit them, beat them.

Did they ever fight back? Never.

They never had a violent reaction whatsoever.

The idea that they could commit m*rder, it- it's not in those boys.

Did you love your late husband, Mrs.

Scanlon? I suppose I must've, to put up with- I- I also hated him.

But you didn't k*ll him? - Did the police ever question you? - They did.

- But you were at your dentist at the time of the sh**ting.

- Yes.

We have your word on that, as well as your dentist's, I suppose.

- Uh, I guess so.

- What's your relationship with your dentist? Harold Prescott is his name, I believe.

Well, he's my dentist.

Cleans teeth? The odd cavity.

Maybe a crown.

You two ever make love? - Your Honor.

- I'm assuming you have a good-faith basis - for that last one, counsel.

- I do, Your Honor.

A little gift package arrived on my doorstep sent to me by somebody who works in a dentist's office.

The package contained a condom- a used one.

The down-and-dirty D.



Analysis- I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere- revealed traces ofboth you and Dr.

Harold Prescott.

Turns out he's your lover and a rather nifty alibi should you want to say you were somewhere else around the time that your late husband had a b*llet put in his head.

Did you sh**t your husband, Dorothy? I think I'd like to plead the Fifth Amendment.


The dentist refused to answer our questions as well.

Though he did unwittingly provide us with a lovely D.




As did you, Dorothy.

- Did you k*ll your husband? - I'm pleading the Fifth Amendment.

You love your sons very much, don't you, Mrs.

Scanlon? I said I'm pleading the Fifth.

Well, I'm not gonna incriminate you, ma'am.

You see, we also got a little surprise package delivered to our office.

Also a used condom.

It seems someone is out to incriminate you.

Leaving open the question of how would they get the condoms? Or maybe the dentist himself wanted to turn you in.

Or maybe you wanted to incriminate yourself.

Can we call on Dr.

Prescott, please? I think you'll be happy to learn that the doctor was willing to talk to us.

Your Honor, I don't know what's going on, but none of this- - You opened the door on this, counsel.

- It seems you kind of threw yourself at him two days ago.

Before that, you two had never gotten together.

Desperate mom trying to collect a little evidence to save her boys? - Objection.

- Watermarked stationery.

You certainly drew us a neat path.

- Objection.

- Overruled.

We have the parking garage records for the day your husband was k*lled.

We can verify when you arrived and when you left.

We have several witnesses from inside the doctor's office.

You don't have to plead the Fifth, ma'am.

We know you didn't k*ll your husband.

Only thing you have to worry about is maybe a little obstruction of justice.

But nice try, Mom.


I should've known better.

It was all much too easy.

Of course you wanted me to accuse you on the stand.

This was a stupid idea, made worse by the fact that I didn't see through it.

I should've gotten a continuance.

I knew I was being set up.

How could I not have known it was you? This is a horrendous setback.

So what happens now? We put you up there to testify.

Which ordinarily would be a bad idea but we're desperate.

Do you agree, Denny? Denny? Alan Shore.

Who is she? She's wired into some of the casinos, including the Botticelli.

- Alan put me in touch with her.

- Excuse me.

Has she given you anything? Uh, we-we don't know yet.

Seems she only speaks Russian.

Alan didn't tell us that.

She knows everything about how the casinos work.



If only you could understand a word she said.

- Let's get a translator.

- That would be best.

Michael and I were going to the Cape for the weekend.

Uh, so we were outside in the driveway packing up the car.

Where was your father? Inside.

He got off work at noon, so he was at home already, drinking.

- Was he home alone? - We, uh- We assumed.

We hadjust gotten home ourselves and our stuff was in the garage so wejust started packing.

I mean, it's not like we were ever looking for an excuse to go inside, so- But at some point you did go inside, didn't you, Edward? Yes.

What'd you find? I know this is difficult, but you need to tell us what you saw.

I saw my father on the floor with blood.

What else? L- I saw Michael, uh, with the g*n.

- Objection.

- I'm sorry, Michael.

- Your Honor, approach.

- Let's go.

- What the hell are you doing? - It's every man for himself.

L- I move for an immediate mistrial.

He's completely blindsided me.

Hey, I specifically wanted two different firms but you assured me that you two could work at arm's length.

Because our defenses were in concert.

Now- That's a risk that you assumed against my advice.

- This is a mistrial.

- No, you don't get a mistrial.

You can cross-examine, and your guy can tell his story, but this trial goes on.

You're making a big mistake.

- My duty is to my client.

- Then you shouldn't make an enemy of me.

Your client will suffer.

Get out of my way.

Evidently, I'm not giving interviews at this time.

- How was I? - Perfect.

Now's my turn.

Now make sure when Michael accuses Edward you go as nuts as I did, or the D.


Will figure this out.

- Got it.

- Denny, not too nuts.

- Somewhere between anger and- - Mad cow.

Right in my wheelhouse, man.

- How did you persuade him to return? - I just did.

- Have you got the wooden cigarette? - I'd rather not.

It's important I succeed being me.

- What's happening? - The Russian woman gave us something.

We have another settlement meeting set up with the lawyer.

- Great.

I'll be joining you.

- That won't be necessary.

Oh, but it will.

Now you told the police that neither you nor Edward - had anything to do with your father's death.

- That's right.

And suddenly, Edward gets up here and says you did it.

- Yes.

- Did that come as a shock to you? Well, not really.

It didn't? Your own brother turning against you? Well, this morning I told Edward that I wasn't gonna lie anymore- I was gonna come clean.

I was gonna tell the truth.

- So- - And what is the truth, Michael? Well, basically, it went down exactly as Edward said except I didn't sh**t my dad- Edward did.

- Oh, please! - Mr.


- He's desperately trying to- - You're the one who resorted to desperation- - Hey, both of you be quiet! - This man is suborning perjury, Your Honor.


Crane, I will ask you to take your seat now.

I kind of figured, knowing Edward, that he might try something like this.

I guess since he was testifying first, he decided to fire a kind of a preemptive strike.

Michael, the question becomes why did you cover for Edward? 'Cause our father was an awful person.

He beat us both.

And Edward- I know he did this for me in a way.

- Move to strike.

- On what grounds? He's lying.

Look, I've made our position clear.

It isn't gonna change because you brought in Shirley Schmidt.

Uh- Uh- Uh, Mr.

Weiner the casinos have it down to a science how to manipulate the customers.

You said you had something you wanted me to hear.

So far, I haven't heard it and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated.

Could you fill me in? What is that ridiculous sound you keep making? - Mr.


- Are you two even real lawyers? Are you in this with Ralph Peters? I'll k*ll him.

This is a real lawsuit, and I would advise you to take it very seriously.

Oh, please.

There are studies, sir, that link your industry to high rates of divorce- Studies funded by anti-gaming lobbies.

- This woman had no- - This woman had- - I would like to finish.

- I'm sorry.

You're done.

Hey, buddy.

We didn't call you in to say "pretty please.

" Get your ass back in that chair.

- What? - Your client gave Alisa McKenzie this- A player's club card.

You know what it is.

It gives a gambler the sense she's not spending money so much as earning bonus points toward a free rib buffet.

Gotta love it.

You think a jury would look favorably on an industry that privately refers to its slots as the "crack cocaine of gambling"? Oh, yeah.

Sure, let's all cheer for the good guys! Pick up your phone, give your boss a call, ask him about something called Enhanced Air Industries.

You know what that is? Synthetic pheromones.

It instills a sense of comfort and security.

It's a synthetic version of the same pheromone released from mothers to newborns.

Some casinos, including the Botticelli, pump it into their gaming room.

Don't you just love that? It isn't enough you ply your customers with free alcohol delivered by cleavage-bearing waitresses.

It's not enough that gamblers sit on ergonomically-designed seats under lights specifiically engineered to keep them alert.

It's not enough you give them chips and betting cards so they don't touch real cash as they incur real debt.

You have to then gas them with a synthetic pheromone designed to make 'em feel happy and secure as they're losing money they don't have! You have absolutely no scientific proof of that.

Think not? Well, discovery and experts come with lawsuits, buddy.

We can test the Botticelli air as early as Friday.

Give your boss a call, sport.

Just say "synthetic pheromones.

" Let me know how he responds.

I'm done bein' nice here.

Pick up your phone.

Michael was always the ringleader- always the one to take matters into his own hands, and he's the one that did so here.

The physical evidence backs up everything that Edward said.


And did you check out Michael's demeanor on the stand? Even, no emotion.

His testimony was tailor-made, crafted, calculated to counter what Edward said.

The therapist, Dr.

Levine said Edward's hatred for his father was especially profound.

And did you all happen to notice as Michael addressed his younger brother from the witness stand Edward could not bring himself to look at him.


Brother Ed says Mike did it.

Brother Mike says Ed did it.

And you're left with reasonable doubt for both.

It's genius.

If you go back in that room thinking, "I wonder which one did it,"they both go free.

That's their strategy.

There certainly were others who had motive to killJoseph Scanlon.

The police never investigated.

A car was seen speeding away from the scene.

They never traced it.

They simply arrested the boys.

'Cause it was such a nice, neat, tidy package.

Boys made the threats, they were at the scene.

Blood was on 'em, g*n with them.

Why bother to investigate? It saved a lot of time to simply arrest the boys.

And maybe the police got it half right.

- Maybe Edward did it.

- If anybody, it was Michael.

It was both.

And they're both playing you for idiots.

You can't know that it was or wasn't just one of them.

- And not knowing which one- - There's a reasonable doubt for both.

Therefore, under the law both must be set free.

A man was found dead with a b*llet in his head.

Discovered with the body were his two sons, blood on their hands.

The two people who said they would k*ll him.

Let's stop wasting time.

Before I even slide this over, it's nonnegotiable.

Absolutely no admission ofliability.

If it gets out at all, we'll revoke it.

- What's the number? - I'm not kidding.

This is as high as I'm authorized.

You either take it sealed, or else we go to court.

At which point, we'll drag it out for light-years.

The number? We'll recommend it to our client and we'll let you know.

Thank you.

Well, very nice result, you guys.

- And quite a performance, Jer.

- Yes.

- Nice work, Clarence.

- You too, Jer.

Oh, God.

- We did it! - Yes, we did! They sued a casino.

Well, I'm guessing it went well.

That's your boyfriend in there.

Does he hop like that with you? You okay? We could both win, both lose.

One of us could win, the other might not.

Yes, that's right.

You closed better than I did.

Your closing was fine.

I don't think I could take you winning and my losing.

Is that a bad thing to say? It's honest.

There's a saying- "Success is never so sweet as when accompanied by the failure of a friend.

" Horrible saying.

Probably coined in Hollywood.

I want us to win too, Denny.

I believe the boys are innocent.

But I especially want us to win for you.

Success could never be sweeter than when shared with- A flamingo.

You have no idea how desperate I am not to be "over.

" You think you do, but you can't possibly know until you're there.

Jury's back.

- Ready? - Ready.

- Pants? - They're on.

The defendants will please rise.

Madam Foreperson, thejury has reached a unanimous verdict? - We have, Your Honor.

- What say you? 32666, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts versus Michael Scanlon in the count of m*rder in the first degree.

We, thejury, find the defendant, Michael Scanlon not guilty.

32667, Commonwealth of Massachusetts versus Edward Scanlon on the charge of m*rder in the first degree.

We, thejury, find the defendant, Edward Scanlon not guilty.

Ladies and gentlemen of thejury, thank you for your service.

You are dismissed.

- We both won.

- We both won! - Still undefeated.

- The legend lives on.

Hey, it worked out for you too.

Never in doubt.

Didn't I guarantee it? Denny Crane.

I'm so good, even I don't believe it.

Trial of the century- And we won- together.

You won that trial, Denny.

It was your idea for them to accuse each other.

Very risky.

Took someone with Denny Crane-sized balls to come up with it.

Does it bother you that we suborned perjury? Not a bit.

You? Not really.

I believe they're innocent.

- Sleepover tonight? - You got it.

How did the judge know about our sleepovers anyway? Who knows? Is it odd that two grown heteros have sleepovers? Who cares? I wouldn't trade them for anything.

- To next season, my friend.

- I can't wait to see what we do next.

- I'm just getting started.

- Denny Crane.

- Alan Shore.

- Flamingos.

- Till death do us part.

- Let no man tear asunder.

You stinker!