19x16 - Best Engine Ever

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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19x16 - Best Engine Ever

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children] ♪ They'’re two, they'’re four ♪

♪ They'’re six, they'’re eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ They'’re the really useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends

[whistle toots]

[male narrator] "Best Engine Ever."

[train engines chugging]

[male narrator] Connor and Caitlin are very fast engines

who love to have races

as they take passengers back and forth

from the mainland.

[train engines chugging]


Looks like I'’m going to win today!

[chuckles] We'’ll see about that.

[narrator] But then there was trouble.

Oh, no!

[whistle toots]

[brakes squealing]




Nice emergency braking, Caitlin!


I would have pulled out of the way,

but I'’ve broken down.

I can'’t move!

That'’s nothing to be sorry about, Emily.

Everybody breaks down sometimes.

-[man] What'’s the holdup? -[woman] Why have we stopped?

[man] I'’m already behind schedule.

[whistle toots]

[Emily] Before you go, Caitlin,

perhaps you could just push me onto that siding up ahead.


Don'’t worry, Emily. [whistle toots]

I can switch tracks to get past you.

But just a quick push.

[Caitlin] Oh, no, no!

It'’s fine!

[whistle toots]

I'’ve already done it.

[train engine chugging]

But... but...

[narrator] It wasn'’t very long before...

[whistle toots]

Caitlin came back again.

Oh, hi, Caitlin.

Wait. Where are your coaches?


I don'’t need any coaches.

I'’m taking you to the steam works.

You didn'’t think I was going

to leave you here stranded, did you?

[whistle toots]

[train engines chugging]

[whistle toots]

-[gasps] -[laughs]

Is that who I think it is, Emily?

It'’s Connor!

Afternoon, ladies.

[Connor laughs]

Looks like I'’m gonna win again, Caitlin.


The race is on!

[train engines chugging]

[Emily] Wow, Caitlin!

This is fast!


This isn'’t fast!

But, well, you'’re a bit heavier than my coaches.

[scoffs] Heavier?

No offense, Emily,

but you are a great big steam engine... like me!

Ha-ha! We'’ve got him!

He'’s stopping.

[brakes squeal]

[giggles] Too bad, Connor!

[narrator] It wasn'’t long before fast, strong Caitlin

had arrived at the steam works with poor, broken-down Emily.

Emily was very impressed by Caitlin.

[Emily laughs]

That was great, Caitlin!

You'’re amazing!


Not really.

Just built for speed, that'’s all.

She'’s so fast, Victor! It was incredible.

She must be the best engine ever!

Honestly, Emily, being fast isn'’t everything.

I know, but Caitlin looks amazing, too.

Her shape is so sleek and smooth!

That'’s just the streamlining.

Underneath all that,

Caitlin'’s just a steam engine

like the rest of us.

Can'’t the engineers do something

to change my shape, Victor?

Why would you want to do that?

You'’re a great engine, Emily,

just the way you are.

[narrator] A few days later,

Emily was back at work on the main line again.

[whistle toots]

Hello, Emily!

Hi, Caitlin.


You look as good as new.

Did you get repainted?

Just a touch-up.

But no matter what they do, I'’ll never be as amazing as you.

What nonsense!

You'’re a brilliant engine,

and you get to pull all sorts of trains,

whereas I almost always pull passengers.

I wouldn'’t mind a bit more variety from time to time.

[whistle toots]

Take care now!

[train engine chugging]

[birds chirp]

Hello, Emily!


[whistle toots]

What'’s the matter?

Oh, Caitlin is better than me at everything.

Everything? She can'’t be better than you at everything.

But she is, Thomas.

She really, really is.

[Marion] Don'’t be silly, Emily.

Be proud of yourself.

Lift your shovel high and say,

"I'’m a very special engine,

and there'’s no other like me!"

But I don'’t have a shovel.

[whistle toots]

And Caitlin is better than me at everything.

[narrator] The other engines knew Emily was unhappy,

but they didn'’t know how to cheer her up again.

Oh, would you like to pull the mail train for me, Emily?

That'’s a fun job.

No, thanks, Percy.

[James] I know!

You can be my back engine tomorrow.

I'’m heading up the coast to Arlesburgh.

[chuckles] Of course, James.

Everybody wants to be your back engine.


[narrator] Then, one day,

Emily had to make a delivery to Ulfstead Castle.

[whistle toots]

[Caitlin] Hello, Emily!


Have you broken down?

No, but my driver thought he heard a strange sound,

so he'’s just checking me over.

[whistle toots]

[laughs] Looks like you'’re going to beat me

on the way back down the hill.

[narrator] Emily headed back down the steep hill again,

but then there was trouble.

[Caitlin] Help!


[whistle toots]

My brakes!

My brakes have failed!

[train engine chugging]


Look out, Emily!


I can'’t stop!


I have to slow her down.

[brakes grinding]

Don'’t worry, Caitlin!

I'’ve got you.


[brakes squealing]


Oh, Emily.

You'’re my hero.

[narrator] This time, it was Caitlin

who had to be taken to the steam works,

and Emily was very proud to be the engine

who could take her there.

[sighs] This is why I don'’t do pushing.

It always messes up my skirt.

Is that why you didn'’t push me onto the siding?

Because of your skirt?


Sorry about that.

I wish I had buffers at the front like you.

You were amazing today, Emily.

What a brave engine you are.

Everybody breaks down sometimes, Caitlin.

I'’m so lucky to have a friend like you.

Thanks for helping me.

And I'’m lucky to have a friend like you, too.

[whistle toots]

[both laughing]

[whistle toots]

[upbeat pop music]

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[whistle blows]

[children singing]

[whistle tooting]

[upbeat pop music]
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