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01x06 - We Will Not All Sleep

Posted: 09/23/23 17:20
by bunniefuu




I heard it clear as day, a g*nsh*t.

Despite increased police presence,
tensions continue to rise

between the growing number of pilgrims
and Dilley residents.

At the center of all this,
there are now rumors

that the man they are calling
"The Messiah" fired a g*n.

More law enforcement
were ordered into the area,

as this phenomenon continues to grow.

- The National Guard...
- The influx of people into the township

has reached a critical level.

We're asking people to go home.

We're asking people
not to drive here...

It's hard to tell
where it will end,

but for those of us who remember Waco,
the potential is frightening.

I'm just wondering
who's gonna stop this guy?

Our provisions are
for Dilley residents only.

- If you weren't affected by the tornado...
- I know.

This is a disaster zone,
it is not a fairground!

- We're the ones that are suffering!
- I can't stop people coming here, Luis.

You're the one that brought him here!
This is on your head.

This place.

It's going to hell.

- Take him! Take him down!
- Get him!

Say it again!

Nutjobs fighting nutjobs.
It's no coincidence he picked Texas.

I'll try not to take offense.

Ah, you don't go to New York or LA.

You start where people are poor,
where everyone's got a g*n,

where the Bible still means something.

There's a lot of sick and needy
out here too.

Yeah, collateral.

That's how he'd see them.

I gotta take this.

- Eva, you there?
- Q, yeah.

The line's bad. I'll be quick.

- I have a name.
- You have a name?

Payam Golshiri.


Hold on.

Go ahead.

There's a man here in Tehran, he's been
talking a lot, making a lot of noise.

His name is Adar Golshiri,
Payam's brother.

- He has a brother?
- Yeah, that's what I'm telling you.

Adar is Payam's brother.

al-Masih's brother.


- Eva?
- Q?



There we go.

- Hey. Everythin' okay?
- Yeah. I'm good.


It's time to go.


Wait. Go where?

Wait. Go where?

What is your purpose?

Why did God give you this life
to live now?

God is speaking to all of us, Felix.
Let him speak to you.

You decide where we go.

I'm a minister, Anna.

What am I supposed to do, ignore him?

He came to us.

You believe that?

- He came to us?
- I have to.

You're a minister. That's right, Felix.

And there's a whole town
that needs ministering to.

You wanna do the work,
or do you wanna chase a dream?

Just for once, can you not judge me?

Can you give us a moment?

What's goin' on?

- We're leaving.
- Nothing.

- Seriously?
- Oh!

Could you please just do as I ask
for once, and give us some space?


What about her?

Rebecca is your daughter.
You don't even know this man,

and you want to take her
on some crazy crusade with him?

To follow him where?

We're not following him.

He asked me to decide.

- Decide what?
- Where we're goin'. He asked me.

He trusts me, Anna.

Where are you going to go?

Where are you taking these people?

This is important.

- Look, I know how it sounds. And I...
- I don't think you do.


You're not well.

You're exhausted.

You're not making good decisions.

You almost b*rned our lives down,

What if I'm right?

I haven't said you can go.

I'm goin'.

What do you imagine
is gonna happen on this trip?

I don't know, but it's outta here.

Are you seriously
gonna make me stay here?

You hate this place.

You've wanted to get out of here since
forever, and now you wanna stay?

Life isn't always
about getting what you want.

You don't know the first thing
about what I want.

You know what I was doin'
the mornin' of the tornado?

Do you have any idea?

I was runnin' away.

From this place, from you and Dad,
from everything.

That's how much I hate this place.

And you try and keep me here,
I'm just gonna run away again.

I'm not gonna make
the same mistakes you made.

Look around, Mom.

Don't blame me
for wantin' somethin' better.

Follow us.

...a message from the Reverend...

Come on, hon.

- Look like they were gonna...
- Now, where are the headed? How long...

Maybe you were right, Larry.

Maybe we are the rats.

A convoy of hundreds of vehicles
is making its way across Eastern Texas,

following a church van
from the town of Dilley.

But who's in the van

- is at the center of the fuss.
- The man they call al-Masih

is apparently leading his followers,

but where to exactly, no one quite knows.


It's complicated.

Why is it complicated?


So, what's that? Window dressing?

No, that is a very... long story.

Well, I sense we have the time.

Yeah, but I doubt you got the patience.

Divorced or separated?

Her or the job, right?

Really wasn't that simple,
but the job didn't help.

♪ Just a cold and lonely ♪

♪ Empty-hearted woman ♪

Took me a long time
to take mine off, too, of course.

Where do you put it?



On the road.

I don't know.



I... I don't know.

Okay. I love you too.

Got a girlfriend.


Here on AM 1060 and FM 91.1, KWTZ.

- Daddy!
- Sweetie? Where are you?

- Driving in Mommy's car.
- Give me that, sweetie.

Can I talk to Mommy real quick? Staci?

- Before you start...
- Have you lost your f*cking mind?

No, that's not fair.

She's missing every appointment!
You realize that, right?

Because it was k*lling her,
and because we can't afford it!

She needs her treatment!

She's lost 20 pounds!
She's so tiny to begin with!

We knew that would happen.

They told us! We promised each other
that we would do this together.

Well, I... changed my mind.

And abducted our daughter?

When are we going home?

Speculation has begun
about what the move means.

No destination has been revealed
as far as anyone can tell.

But his supporters seem happy enough
to follow for now.

Why don't you GPS it?

We need a destination for that.

I'm sure he doesn't want his photo taken
every minute.

It's just a photo.

- I'd prefer you don't.
- It's for Instagram. It's what you do.

I don't mind.

What's your 10-13?

Approaching state lines.

Uh, returning to base.
They're all yours, Arkansas.

I'm hungry.

We'll stop in a while. Not yet.

Crossing into Arkansas
this afternoon,

the caravan has attracted a lot of...

...its way across the Bear State...

The caravan seems to be fading
in numbers, as well as attracting a good...

Spectators are lining highways,
coming out in large numbers to support

or protest the convoy
and the man leading them.

The question is building.
"Who is this man?"

Who is this man?

We didn't invite him here.
What are they doing here?

There hasn't been
this kind of fuss since Billy Graham d*ed. the Dilley cavalcade
continued on throughout the day,

more cars joined the parade,
heading northeast on I-35,

and into the heart
of America's Bible Belt.

On today's program,
you'll discover some exciting truths

and powerful insights.

More Honey from Heaven,

teaching you how to receive
your miracle from God!

It's not your ration! This is ours.

You can't take it!

I have three children.

Need all call records
for public phones

between Dilley and Nashville
along the I-40.

Yep, calls in as well as calls out.

Yes, that's what you said.

Car 382, Feds estimating
Dilley convoy to reach Durham tonight.

Maintain escort and inform
of any direction changes.

Uh, roger, maintain Dilley escort.

What is he planning?

Let me see.

You've got a good eye.


I like this one.

Yeah, the light is cool.

...develop new combat
capacities for armed forces since 2016.

We've got breaking news
for you now.

Palestinian leaders are calling
on other Arab leaders in the region

to condemn Israel's position.

An emergency meeting of the UN
has been scheduled for two days' time.

Though the US stance is
in agreement with European leaders

who call for a cease-fire,

President Young himself
has not made any statement.

To make matters worse, many relief workers
have been pulled out of the area

despite the desperate need for aid.

Moscow claims that its m*llitary buildup

comes in response to Western actions.

Speaking in a meeting with Russian
Defense Ministry leadership on July 24th,

the Defense Minister said that, quote,
the situation that develops...

Holy sh*t.

I need a shower.

Thank you.

You gonna wash those or burn them?

We have his name.

...the number of cars joining...

- Room 442.
- Oh.

I know.

...three ways to the turnpike
had to be shut down.

Traffic redirected...

Here you go, Reverend.

So you're off to DC, huh?

- Whatever you call it...
- Sorry?

...the question remains.

Where is it headed?

Mystery solved. The Dilley caravan
revealed its destination this morning

through a cryptic Instagram post.

Its target? Washington DC.

It's estimated the caravan of hundreds
of vehicles

will be arriving
in the nation's capital sometime...

But its agenda still...

So, it's true, then?
Everyone's just goin' off my picture?

Do you think we'll live there?

Let's just... get there.



What is that taste?



Now, Ali was m*rder*d in 661.

The Caliphate passed to Muawiyah.

Ali was buried in Najaf, now Iraq.

And the place of Ali's burial remains
a holy site for Shiites to this day.

So for a moment...

Come on, people! Phones! Phones!

So, for a moment,

imagine the feeling of S*ddam's presidency
among the people of Iraq,

given that he was a Sunni.

A Sunni, leading a nation of Shiites.


- What do you think?
- I know, it...


Holy sh*t.


- Where the hell have you been?
- I'm on my way to DC.

- I hope you have a damn good excuse.
- I've got his name.

Payam Golshiri. He did a semester
at Williams, political science.

He's been here before.

Well, that's the FBI's job.

Oscar Wallace was lecturing there
at the same time, ma'am.

- Wallace?
- 2004 to 2008.

A year later, he hacks the stock exchange
and defects to Russia.

If Golshiri is associated
with an international t*rror1st,

that makes it my job.

That's a long bow you're drawing.

Golshiri quoted Wallace
when I interrogated him.

I just... I didn’t make the connection.

- I’m not sure I’m making the connection.
- Wallace is bent on social disruption.

If this guy really is his protégé,
he is two hours from DC.

with hundreds of followers.

Who knows what he’s got planned?

We can’t touch him
without a warrant.


Keep on him.

Listen, this is
on the local authorities now.


I need immediate access to DCPD.

Maintain crowd control.

Let everybody through.

Gonna need some backup.
Get as many people back here as we can.

Look around you.

What do you see?

Is your world good?

Is it evil?

Ask yourself who is guilty?

Who is innocent?

What are you?

Now look at your neighbor.

Look at your neighbor.

Be brave enough to see yourself.

Your own reflection cast back at you.

Each... reflected in each.

Look where you stand.

In a shining city on a hill.

In the land of the free and the brave,

standing for liberty and justice.

How true do those words ring for you?

When did you bring liberty?

Where did you cause justice?

I stand at the gate of a nation...

a nation where power is not invited.

I stand at the gate.

And I look out upon you.

And you look back to me.

But all I can do is reflect what I see.

If you have come to receive,

you will go away poor.

If you have come here to understand,
you will leave here lost.

For those who have understood...

for those who have received...

it is time.

Returning to your scripture
will not save you.

Bending to your knees
will not please anyone.

That time has passed.

This time is now.

You are the judged.

You are the chosen.

I'm here to break the mirror,
so you shall see on what side you stand.

What you see...

will be your choosing.