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01x29 - Sakura's Sweet Cooking

Posted: 09/27/23 08:00
by bunniefuu
What a nice aroma'

So let's see if we did it right.

Yes, it's just the right texture.

Let's wait until it cools down,
then continue with next part.


Touya hasn't come home yet, has he?

Um, um, I'll go have a look!


[Sakura's Sweeeeeet Cooking]

What's with coming back
with nothing but books about cakes?

We're making cakes in Home Ec this week.

Now that Dad taught me a thing or two,
I want to learn more.

Making cakes at school? How nice!

If it's any good, I'll bring
some back for you, OK?


Anything wrong?

Nothing at all! I'll be right there!

Here, you try it.


Now what?

Don't worry, it's just practice.

It's so big, we can't just
eat it by ourselves, right?

Why don't you take some to
your friends at school?

Sure, I'll do that!

We'll ask Touya, maybe Yukito
would like some tomorrow, too.


It'd be nice if I could make
one as good as yours, Dad'

I'm sure you'll do fine.

So what's the best way to
make a cake like this?

Make it with all your heart
'for the one you love.

The one you love'

Oh, please' It's too embarrassing'


this cake tastes really good!

I had some failures before
making this one.

If you make one that tastes good,
anyone would want to eat it, right?

I wonder if we can make a good one today.

You'll do fine.

You and Chiharu have Rika
in your group.

That's right.
You're really good at making cakes, Rika!

Oh, I'm not that good'

Would custard be alright?

It should be easy.

That's right.

Hey, look, Shao Lan!
What about this kind of cake?

That's a wedding cake, isn't it?

Yep! With this kind of cake,

you and I together'

Would custard be alright?

Should be easy.

How about a strawberry shortcake?

I love those!

So our group has decided to make
a strawberry shortcake, right?

I can't decide on what
kind of cake to make.

Chocolate cake'

Hey, that looks tasty.

Miss Mizuki!


do you like chocolate cakes, too?

I love them!

Me, too. You're preparing
for Home Economics, right?

Yep! We're making cakes
during tomorrow's class.

Do your best.

I will! Oh, if it turns out alright,
I'll bring you a piece.

That'll be great! I'll be
looking forward to it.

So we're making chocolate cake?

Yep! That's it!




Studying cakes?

S' something like that'

What kind of cake is your group making?

Custard cream.

We're making chocolate. Good luck!




Sakura, are you all here
to buy cakes, too?

No, tomorrow we're
making cakes in Home Ec.

You came to study, huh?

You bought a lot!

Yes, these cakes are really good!


Um, Yukito, what kind
of cake do you like?

Let me see' Cheesecake, shortcake,
blueberry, banana cream pie'

I like all kinds of cakes!

What about chocolate?

Custard cream?

I love 'em both!

Um, if it turns out all right,

would you like to have some?

Of course!
I'll be looking forward to it.



I'm home.

Mei Lin, what happened?

Nothing at all'

There's no way it's nothing at all.

Nothing at all'

Let me see.

I just thought I'd surprise you

with a cake when you got home'

You surprised me.

Alright then!

Go back in the kitchen
and do it yourself!

Mei Lin, don't get mad! Clean up!

Tomoyo, shall we switch?

Yes, thank you.

What's wrong?

Tired? I'll help you out.

T' that's a little too much'

Sorry about that.

We can fix it, don't worry.

Rika, it's that ok?

Yes, repeat three times.

Rika, my arm is dying'

I'll take over.

Is everyone all right?

After lunch, we'll take
them out of the ovens, okay?


But, Rika, you're actually
quite good at making cakes, aren't you?

My dad likes sweets,
so I make them fairly often.

Rika, your father is always
overseas for work, isn't he?

My dad really likes strawberry shortcake.

Just like Mister Terada.

Yes, I've always thought

Mister Terada was like my dad'

Since he likes cake, after it's done,

you could take some to him.

That's right!
Your cakes are always so delicious!


It turned out well today.

I'm glad.

Everyone did well today.

Well, let's sample our work!


Too sweet!

It was REALLY sweet!

You sure you didn't
just add too much sugar?

Tomoyo was careful
about how much she added.

Besides, it's weird that everyone elses
cakes ended up too sweet, too.

Everyone makes mistakes'

I wonder if that's it'

Anyway, since everyone blew it,

we're doing it over again next week.

You're pretty enthusiastic about that.


I'm going to give some to
Yukito and Miss Mizuki!

Don't forget to save some for me'

Dinner time.


Chinese cooking I can master,

but why can't I make cakes?

I wonder if I'll ever make a good cake.

Oh well, I guess that's one thing
I won't be able to do.

W' what?

The cake failure wasn't your fault.

Shao Lan's such a nice guy.

Alright, better study up so
I can make one for Shao Lan to eat!

I will try my best.

It'd be great if
we could make something like this.

Yes, it would.

This time, we'll get it right for sure!



More research?

Something like that.

About those cakes last time'

Why did they all get so sweet?

What? Didn't you feel anything?


Hello there. Shopping?

Yes. You too, Miss Mizuki?

Yes, I was thinking I wanted
to eat something sweet.


Oh yes,

I heard you were going
to do the cakes over again.

Do your best.

We will!

Listen, listen!

The cakes another class made
in Home Ec yesterday'

They ALL turned out too sweet!


What happened?

I wonder if something got in there.


It's just an idea.

What kind of idea?

An idea, you know!

Like maybe someone went inside'

Could a Clow Card be responsible?


Exactly 100 grams. No mistake.

Will that be too sweet today?

All these sweets look so good'

Sweet. Too sweet.

Could it be that the cakes
in Sakura's class'

A Clow Card's'

'aura is here.

Hello? Kero?

It was probably 'Sweet' that

Made all your cakes that way.


Right. It makes food and
everything into sweets!

It loves things that are sweet
to begin with, so that's why
it picked the cakes!

Anyway, it doesn't cause much trouble.

Yes, it does! If the cakes turn out
too sweet again, that'll be terrible!


It really was the aura of a Clow Card.


It's somewhere in this classroom.

We have to find it
before everyone comes back.


It's doing something to the cake.

Close the doors!


Stop that! You're scaring it!



What the'?

It's chocolate!

This isn't the time to be impressed!

What're you doing?

I'll trap it in here.

You can't do that!

This is your group's cake!

Everyone'll be coming back soon!

So it loves things that
are sweet to begin with'

Salt? Why so much?

It's running away!


Key which hides the power of darkness'

'reveal thy true form to me.

By the covenant, I, Sakura, command thee.


Return to thy true form,

Clow Card!

I think they'll turn out
alright this time.


I wonder if Sakura will
bring back some cake for me'

So, let's see if we
did it right this time.

Now, let's eat some and try it out.

Let's eat!


It really is!

Shao Lan! Try some of this cake I made!

You can be the first!


It can't be'


You must have stirred
the batter too much.

Oh, how nice! Is this really for me?


So it was a Clow Card's doing?



Sasaki, you're a really good cook.

Oh, not really.

No, this cake is very good.

This is really good, Sakura.

Not bad for something a monster made.

Really, it's good.

Thank you very much!

Good thing, huh?


I'd eat this every day if I could.


Who is it?

It's Mei Lin.

Wait, Shao Lan!

Let's hurry home and make a cake!

I figured it out.
This time I'll get it right!

It has to do with the stirring, right?

I stirred it too much last time,

so I just need to tone that down, right?

Hey, are you listening, Shao Lan?