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17x15 - Hey Hey LBJ

Posted: 09/29/23 07:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss Stay in my memory

Music: 'She's Not There' by The Zombies

♪ Well, no-one told me about her

♪ The way she lied

♪ Well, no-one told me about her... ♪

Thanks for coming so quickly.

Still no sign. Something awful may have happened.

All right, try and take it easy, Mrs Middleton.

None of the neighbours have seen her.

I got through to Helen. She didn't spend the night there.

- I called the police. - All right, darling, calm down.

Er, Rupert Middleton. I'm sorry about the flap.

It, er, it seems our daughter's gone missing

Er, do come in.

JOE: When did you last see her?

RUPERT: When she left yesterday morning.

RUPERT: She's in sixth form in Whitby.

She's just turned . Not much more than a child.

What time would Vivienne normally get home from school?


But yesterday, neither of us were here, you see.

I spent the day in York shopping,

then drove on to meet Rupert at Ashfordly Hall.

Yes, we're friends of Lord Ashfordly.

I was on a sh**t with him. A dozen g*ns.

The wives joined us later for an informal supper.

We didn't get back until midnight.

I looked in on Vivienne. She wasn't here.

We thought she must have stayed with her friend Helen in Whitby.

But when I spoke to Helen, she hadn't seen Vivienne

since she left to catch the bus home yesterday.

Are these hers? They're very good.

She wants to go to art school.

We aren't entirely sure it's a good idea.

Has she gone missing like this before?

No, absolutely not.

I was praying she was at Helen's.

They're very close.

They both work part-time at a sort of cafe place over there.

I'll need phone numbers for Helen and for her school.

I'll run a check with the local hospitals,

make sure she hasn't been involved in any kind of accident.

Do you have a recent photograph?

- Downstairs. - ?

Does she have a boyfriend?

Well, yes, there is... CLEARS THROAT

...somebody, unfortunately.

Hey, Aunt Peggy, isn't it funny when things go missing?

Only sometimes they've been missing for so long,

you forgot you had them.

What are you going on about?

You'll never guess what I've just found clearing up that shed.

No, you're right, I probably won't. I've got breakfast in t'pan.

Oh, come and have a look.

What on Earth's that?

It's a metal detector for detecting buried treasure.

And does it detect whether folk have got a screw loose an'all?

I can smell that bacon burning.

JOCELYN: She's five years younger than him.

Being an only child,

I suppose we're sometimes a bit overprotective of Vivienne.

Oh, nonsense. He's a thoroughly bad influence, that's the truth.

Tearing around on that motorbike of his with her on the back,

she's in danger all the time.

He's American, you say, this Bobby Wilson?

He's in this country for one reason, one reason only,

to avoid the draft.

Well, to be fair, Rupert, he has been studying over here.

Oh, studying how to get himself an English wife!

If he marries a British citizen, he can remain indefinitely,

avoid being called up to fight in Vietnam.

I was alongside Yanks during the w*r.

Decent men who gave their lives for his generation

and look at them!

Long-haired, pot-smoking cowards

with their protest songs, their anti-w*r demos,

it makes my blood boil, it really does.

How long has Vivienne been seeing him?

Just a few weeks.

Oh, he's already asked her to marry him. Can you believe that?

Have you and Vivienne fallen out?

She's just a child for goodness' sake.

Major Middleton, if there's been a disagreement

about your daughter's relationship,

that might explain why she's gone missing.

I'd better have a word with Bobby Wilson. Do you have an address?

Address?! He lives in the middle of a muddy field.


You might have waited till I'd had my breakfast.

Oh, it's only a bit of a rust.

No, I reckon that with a good clean and a bit of oil,

I can get this going again.

Mr Greengrass's, really.

He got it secondhand to look for buried treasure.

He was convinced there was some hidden on land near here.

Oh, aye? And did you find any?


No, I mean, I got a signal once

but then I went and put my pickaxe through a water pipe.

I got into trouble for that.

I bet you did.

What sort of treasure was he after?

Oh, I don't know. Just some rumour that he'd heard.

And you reckon you can get that working again?

Well, I don't see why not.

I mean, I'm gonna need a new battery.

MILLER: She's probably just run off with her boyfriend.

Should I at least check that out?

OK, but don't spend too much time on it.


Er, just had PC Wetherby on, Sarge,

from Sir Piers Radley's Estate.

Something's gone missing from next to his summer house.

Don't tell me, the great garden gnome robbery.

No. It's an ft by ft by ft solid bronze sculpture.

How on Earth did they get it away? It must have weighed a tonne.

Yeah, just over two tonnes, apparently.

They must have used heavy lifting gear.

They'd have needed a flat lorry or a low-loader.

There's tyres marks here as you see.

The housekeeper's confirmed Sir Piers and the family are in London.

It's just a skeleton staff here at present.

The house is empty at night.

Was it valuable, this sculpture?

No idea yet.

But the scrap value of the bronze alone makes this a serious theft.

Aunt Peggy!

Aunt Peggy!

Oh. They've fixed me up with a new battery.

It's working now.

Here you go.

Right then, watch this.

All I have to do is switch it on.


Now then, listen what happens if it detects some metal.

See, like these coins. All right?



Oh, yeah.


Eh, that's clever.

I'm impressed, David. Really impressed.

Oi! Oi, that's my money!

Music: 'Ferry Cross The Mersey' by Gerry And The Pacemakers

Still not turned up?

Her parents are very concerned.

Perhaps she's run off to Scotland with Bobby. He wanted her to.

Did you see her with him yesterday?

No. After college, she went to get the bus home.

Bobby came into the cafe looking for her.

Viv and me both work here sometimes.

What time was this?

About six o'clock, I think.

He seemed quite upset she wasn't around.

A bit agitated, you know.

Really? Tell me about Bobby.

He's just a guy who used to come in here for coffee. Chatted Viv up.

They started going out. He's American. Quite dishy.

Viv's really gone on him.

The sculpture's called Nude With Cello.

It looks like one big blob to me.

We'd better check local hauliers and plant hire companies.

Must have got the lifting equipment from somewhere.

Can your officers assist?

Wetherby can, Younger's on leave

and Mason is dealing with another inquiry.

Music: 'Sunshine Of Your Love' by Cream

I'm looking for Bobby Wilson.


♪ It's getting near dawn

♪ When lights...

Hello, police.

Is anyone here?

♪ Give you my dawn surprise

♪ I'll be with you, darling, soon

♪ I'll be with you when the stars start falling


♪ I've been waiting so long

Oi! Hang on!

♪ In the sunshine of your love

♪ I'm with you, my love

♪ The light's shining through on you

♪ Yes, I'm with you, my love

♪ It's the morning and just we two

♪ I'll stay with you, darling, now

♪ I'll stay with you till my seas are dried up... ♪


Bobby Wilson?


I'd like a word with you.

Why did you ride off like that?

I guess I just panicked.


I don't know.

Was it because you realised that you'd left some cannabis resin

in your caravan? - No.

Well, yeah, OK. I wasn't sure what the law was here on soft dr*gs.

If this is cannabis, you've committed an offence.

A small piece for personal use?

I'm not a dealer or anything, sir.

That's immaterial. Possession of cannabis is against the law here.

When did you last see Vivienne Middleton?

Yesterday morning.

We were supposed to meet up last night.

She said her folks would be away for the evening.

Her parents don't approve of you meeting?

No, sir, they do not.

I rode over to her house, no answer at the door.

I tried her from a callbox, she didn't pick up.

What did you think had happened to her?

I guessed her folks had gotten wind we were meeting

and taken her with them.

I understand you were considering eloping to Scotland with Vivienne.

Sure, why not? Viv and I love each other, man.

We want to spend the rest of our lives together.

She's just . Isn't it a bit early to be making that kind of decision?

With respect, sir, you sound like her father.

Her parents believe that you only want to marry her

so that you can stay in Britain and avoid being drafted into the army.

No, sir. It isn't like that. We love each other.

Do you have any idea where she might be?

No. I wish I did.

Are you hiding her somewhere until you can both go to Scotland?

I don't know where she is. That's the truth.

Maybe her folks have sent her away some place

to stop us being together.

The Middletons reported her missing.

Is it likely they would do that if they knew where she was?

PC Mason will escort you back to your caravan.

You will return here with your passport.

You could be summonsed for possession of cannabis.

As she still hasn't turned up yet,

I'll go and see the Middletons myself.

- Bring him straight back here. - Wait here.

Anything from DS Dawson about that sculpture?

ALF: You're not going to believe this, Sarge.

She's now dealing with a second similar theft.

It's just been reported.

How the blazes did they get it away?!

DAWSON: You didn't hear anything last night?

Well, I hosted a sh**t yesterday. Rather a lively crowd.

Supper and drinks. It went on till after midnight,

then I slept like a log.

And your staff heard nothing?

No, Mrs Cowan is having a couple of days off

and no-one else is living in at present.

What sort of a sculpture was it, my lord?

Nude With Flute. And I've got the purchase documents somewhere.

Modern piece. Big, shapeless, ugly looking thing.

You don't sound that fond of it.

I bought it as an investment on Piers Radley's advice.

He reckons the sculptor's work is really going places.

On t'back of a large lorry, by the looks of things.

It seems someone is collecting this particular artist's work.

Are they also collecting wrought-iron gates?


Aren't you lot supposed to be observant?

Didn't you notice when you drove in?

They've taken my flaming gates as well!

You know, I have something of a hangover this morning

and I could really do without all this.

And I expect the constabulary to pull its collective finger out!

PEGGY: David, this book reckons there's buried artefacts

all around this beck

dating back from Roman times.

Here, give us that thing.

Hang on, wh-wh-why can't I do the sweeping

and you do the digging?

Don't be so daft!

You're younger than me and you know how my back plays up.

Now, I'll mark likely spots.

You get to work.

It was a tiny amount. I have no previous dr*gs record.

You may be let off with a caution then.

I'm looking to extend my visa. If I get busted, I could be thrown out.

Let's just get your passport, shall we?

Come on in.

Bobby Wilson says he hasn't seen Vivienne since yesterday morning.

Do you believe him?

Well, she wasn't at the caravan.

She'll be reported as a missing person.

Are you going to organise search parties?

Er, no, not yet.

Your daughter may need permission to marry

but in other respects, she's no longer a minor.

What do you mean?

At , she is old enough to choose where she wants to live

and given your hostility to her relationship,

it may be that she's decided to leave home of her own free will.

No, absolutely not.

She didn't pack any clothes, take anything with her.

She wouldn't just go missing. She's not that kind of girl.

I insist that the police take this matter seriously.

We do, sir,

but until specific evidence of anything untoward presents itself,

we have to keep an open mind. - Wilson's behind this.

You believed his story and just let him go, is that it?

No, sir, we're checking his passport and his visa.

A small quantity of dr*gs was found in his caravan.

He may face charges for that.

See? He's on dr*gs. What did I tell you? As well as everything else.

He should be deported back to the States

and made to do his duty for his country.

Oh, do stop going on about him, Rupert. Our daughter's missing.

She's all we should be caring about.


Sorry about that.

My wife's rather upset by all this.

Of course.

Were you in the w*r, sergeant?

th Armoured Division.

It's not unreasonable to try and stop a girl of Vivienne's age

from marrying someone she hardly knows, is it?

No, sir.

I think I can appreciate how you feel.

We get called cowards for not wanting to fight in Vietnam.

I think it takes guts to say no.

This isn't a just w*r.

We have no right to be over there using napalm on civilians.

At least in a democratic country like America

you have the right to make your views heard.

Politicians have to listen.

They prefer to listen to the arms companies.

Is it really cowardice to believe

that mankind should make love not w*r?

You seem a decent guy. Don't let them hit me with the dr*gs thing.

Don't give them a reason to send me back.

Do you know, I think we're wasting our time, Aunt Peg.

Nonsense, David. I've found a couple more spots.

Keep digging.

BERNIE: You'd need a heavy wagon

to shift the combined weight of two of these.

In which case, it's likely they'd have taken first one then the other?

I should say so.

They've not been sighted by any of our patrols

travelling away from the area

so is it reasonable to suppose they may still be around somewhere?

I would have thought so.

They're aren't many local firms with specialist transporting equipment.

I'll give you a list if you like.

Yeah, thanks.

Does anyone in particular spring to mind?

Well, Harry Yates over at Strensfield might be worth a visit.

Why him?

Well, he hires plant from his yard.

I've heard he's had a few financial problems of late.

Robert Dwight Wilson.

The visa entitling you to stay here as a student

expired over a week ago.

I figured I still had time to renew it.

Alf, get me the United States embassy in London

on the phone, would you? - Right, Sarge.

Take Mr Wilson through to the interview room.

Look, everything I hire out is logged properly.

Has anyone recently hired any lifting gear and a low loader

or a flat-back lorry?

Not recently, no.

I see that one's just been washed down.

Well, I like to keep my vehicles clean.

Tyre tread-marks were left at the scene of both thefts.

I think you'll find that large lorry tyres are pretty standard.

You'll be surprised what forensic teams can come up with if need be.

I'm sure they're very good

but I hope you're not implying I had owt to do with these thefts.

How is business at present?

We'd heard rumours you were having money troubles.

Well, business has been better but I'm OK. I mean, that's life.

Look, you can check my yard and my vehicles any time you like.

I've nowt to hide. I run a straight business here.

Buried treasure?!

I should never have listened to you.

Shall we give up, then?


Load this lot on t'back of t'lorry, though.

We might fetch a few bob from Cyril the scrap man.

This brass tap should be worth summat.

I'm off for a bath.

There's a little box of buttons here.

Would you go and fight if the British were in this w*r?

We're not. So luckily it's a question I don't have to answer.


It seems you have a clean record in the United States

so I'm going to let you off with a caution

for possession of cannabis.

However, your visa has expired and it will not be renewed.

You'll be allowed to stay here a couple of days

until your embassy can arrange your repatriation.

That's it?!

You are no longer a student here, Mr Wilson.

If you stay more than two days,

you'll be here illegally and liable to arrest. Is that understood?

We'll be keeping an eye on you.

The Middletons still think

he's behind their daughter's disappearance.

He seems genuinely upset that she's missing.

But according to her mother, she's hardly likely to go off on her own.

Which does, I suppose, leave the possibility

that somebody else may have kidnapped her.

I hope you're going to stop this now and let me go.

No, Vivienne, not yet.

I've got some chocolate.

More warm clothing.

How can you do this?

Does mum know?

He's been caught with dr*gs now.

Have you seen him?

No, the police told me.

How is he?

Does he know you've done this?

I know you hate me for this, but you'll thank me when you look back.

No, I won't.

Vivienne, if you run away with him, your life will be ruined.

Trust me. I have to do what I believe is right.

It's painful.

But I'd rather live with your anger

than see you throw your life away on him.

Vivienne, if he cared for you,

he'd be prepared to wait for marriage.

The reason he won't is because he's using you!

No! He loves me!

And I love him.

We'll find a way to be together.

You'll see.

Well, Aunt Peggy thought at least this brass tap

might be worth something.

Well, can I just dump it here anyway?

OK, stick it there.

No positive leads, no witnesses to either theft,

but we're certain the sculptures can't have been moved far.

MILLER: Traffic Police have been asked to keep an eye out.

Erm, Lord Ashfordly rang.

He's found the documentation, he's gonna drop it off with Mason.

One of the plant hire firms we visited

was Harry Yates' place in Strensfield.

I've an instinct he may know more than he's saying.

He was trying a bit too hard to be nice, I thought.

If the sculptures have been hidden on our patch,

the chances are they'll try and move them under cover of darkness.

So, what do you suggest?

PC Wetherby and I carry out a surveillance patrol.


Ah, there you are! This is everything you need.

Sculptor's name, gallery who sold it, the whole caboodle.

Thank you, my lord, I'll pass it on to CID.

Don't suppose you've got anywhere with this yet, have you?

Not as yet, I'm afraid, but we're doing all we can.

Oh, by the way, I gather

that you had Major Middleton and his wife round for supper last night?

Yes, nice couple. Rupert had been out on the sh**t with us,

Jocelyn joined us for supper. Why do you ask?

Their daughter Vivienne's disappeared.

- Good heavens. - Yeah, without explanation.

We think it happened yesterday.

That's dreadful. She's the apple of their eye.

They didn't mention any argument they might have had with her?

No, they were both in good form. Jocelyn had been shopping in York,

found some winter coat she was terribly pleased with.

And Major Middleton?

Fine, absolutely fine.

Far as I recall.

Though I suppose sometimes he was a bit... Oh, I don't know...


He went off for a couple of hours during the afternoon.

Where did he go?

It's his turn to host the next sh**t.

He's got a bothy and a few acres on top of the moors.

He said he wanted to go over and see how the birds were looking.

Top of the moors?

Yeah, pretty bleak terrain.

I'll be on my way.

Nowt at all?

He's always been a tight-fisted so-and-so, that Cyril.

Thought I might at least have got sixpence for that brass tap.

- Or summat for the buttons. - What buttons?

Oh, I found an old tin just after you'd gone.

What sort of buttons?

I dunno, just buttons!

Metal ones, I think they were brass.

Really dirty. Hang on...

I kept one of them.

Here you go.

It's a coin.

And it isn't brass.

Oh, my giddy aunt...

It's gold!

It's a gold sovereign!

George III!

And look, there's St George slaying the dragon on the back!

And the date, .

How many of these were there?

There was a whole box full of them.

Must have been two dozen.

You gave a boxful of gold sovereigns

to Cyril for nowt!

I thought they were buttons!

Is anyone here?

VIVIENNE: Help! Help me!

- Vivienne Middleton? - Yes. Oh, thank God.

Your parents reported you missing.

That's a joke. My father picked me up from the bus stop yesterday,

drove me out here and locked me in.

Your father brought you here?

I'll never forgive him.

All right, take it easy, I just need to radio in, OK?

RACHEL: That flat-back lorry we saw earlier isn't in the yard now.

I'm gonna keep an eye on this place for a while.

Why don't you have a drive around? Call in if you see anything.

PEGGY: Turn the lights off, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves.

Can't we just wait till morning and ask Cyril to give them back?

Cyril's not stupid!

If we ask for them, he'll know they're not buttons.

I don't know how we're gonna find them, it's pitch black out there!

With a torch, you great chump! Here.

I saw your paintings, they're very good.

Daddy wants me to learn shorthand and typing.

He maybe wants you to get some qualifications first.

It's not a very secure life, being an artist.

He just wants me to be a secretary.

That's what he thinks all respectable girls should be.

He hates anything artistic or unconventional.


MILLER: Did she just run away then?

JOE: No, I'm afraid it's more serious than that.

Need to make sure you're OK, all right?

Wait a minute, David, help me down first!

Phew! Thank you.

- Right... - It looks different in the dark.

I can't work out where I dumped the stuff.

Well, you better had, and quick!

Hey, is that it over there?

DAVID: There's that old tin hat we found!

DAVID: Must be somewhere round here.

What the flaming heck is that?

Put that torch out! Come on, keep down!

Panda One to Control, over.

ALF: 'Control receiving, over.'

Any idea what David Stockwell's lorry

might be doing near Cyril's scrap-yard this time of night, over?

'Search me, Don, over.'

It is a bit odd it being here, over.

'I'll inform DS Dawson, out.'

It's all right, they've gone.

It's around here somewhere.

If Cyril's found them coins, he'll have pocketed them by now.

Oh, it's all right!

- Ee-hee! - Here's the box they were in.


Not again! Who's this now?

Right, on you go.

Is that Cyril?

I can't see, keep down!

Oh, thank God! Oh, Vivienne, darling!

JOCELYN: What is it, my darling?

What's wrong?

May we come inside?

I hope they put you in prison.

All right, Vivienne.

Thank you, Sergeant. It's a family matter, I'll take it from here.

I'm afraid it's not that simple, sir.

I think we should leave your daughter with your wife

to have a bath and get some sleep.

But I would appreciate it if you accompany me to the station.

How could you, Rupert?

How could you?

Right, start her up, Cyril.

What the heck is that?

You admit that you abducted and imprisoned your own daughter?

I knew if you investigated, you'd find his visa had expired

and he'd soon be gone.

That's no justification for your action, far from it.

Look, I was in despair, sergeant.

She means everything to me.

I know I must, er...

I must seem a bit Victorian in these so-called "Swinging Sixties"

and perhaps I'm not your typical modern father,

but it doesn't mean I don't care for her

or love her.

Because I do.

And she's always been my... little girl.

Well, Major Middleton,

without further investigation

and until your daughter makes a formal complaint,

I'll let you go home.

Provided you give me your word you will behave entirely properly.

Yes, I give you that, sergeant.

And I will talk to your daughter in the morning when she's rested

and we'll take it from there.

Right, take it away!


MAN: What's that?

Over there.

What are you two doing here?


You could be in serious trouble, lad.

RACHEL: So could you, Mr Yates.

You've all got some explaining to do.

They had no idea what they might be worth to a collector.

They were only after the scrap value.

MILLER: Right, cells for the night.

Have them up before the magistrates in the morning.

Yes, Sarge.

Some art thieves, eh?

You two. Interview room.

The owner of the scrap-yard has conceded

that these were dumped there by David.

I hope Cyril's not claiming they belong to him.

DON: No, luckily for you,

he had no idea they were gold sovereigns.

Right then, we'll take these and be off.

No, Mrs Armstrong.

I'll hold onto them for now

until I can satisfy myself of the rightful ownership.

PEGGY: What do you mean! We dug 'em up, didn't we, David?

Yeah, well, I did, she just stood and watched.

Because you found them doesn't necessarily mean they're yours.

However, it's unlikely anyone will come forward to claim them now.

So we'll get them in the end?

It depends on the result of the inquiry but it's likely.

I did it for her, Jocelyn.

He'd have taken her off, I... I had to get her out of the firing line.

For goodness sake, this isn't one of your silly w*r games!

You kidnapped your own daughter, how could you?

Oh, hello, darling. Sleep all right?

I'll get you some breakfast.

No, mum, I'm leaving.

I'm going to Bobby.

You think I'm going to stay here after what he did to me?

I'll never trust you again.

Look, Vivienne, I'm truly sorry, what I did was wrong.

I see that now.

I won't make a formal complaint to the police,

if that's what you're worried about.

I'm not worried about the police, I'm worried about you!

You're very precious to me, to both of us!

Look, darling, please, please don't go!

It's too late, I'll never forgive you.

I'm leaving.

- Don't try and stop me! - JOCELYN: Your home's here,

you're still our child. - That's what you think, isn't it?

Both of you! Well, I'm not a child, I'm not!

Don't worry, she'll... She'll see sense, she'll come back.

No, she won't, you stupid, stupid man!

♪ And if I was Bobby's girl

♪ If I was Bobby's girl... ♪

Er, Pat, have you seen Helen around?

Yeah, she's on her break, back in half an hour.

Oh great, thanks.

For what it's worth, before she left,

she said she wouldn't be making a formal complaint.

I'll have to confirm that with Vivienne

and probably leave it there.

The damage done to your relationship with your daughter

should be punishment enough.

Please, Helen, I'm begging you.

They're gonna throw me out, it's the only chance I've got!

Marry you? Are you mad?

- What about Viv? - I've no idea where she is!

I bet her parents have sent her away somewhere.

I mean, what about her feelings?

Well, aren't you two supposed to be in love?

She's a sweet kid, but I don't love her.

To be honest, if I met you first, you're the one I'd have gone for.

Come on, Bobby, you're chatting me up

cos you're desperate to stay in England!

Do you blame me? If I get deported, I'll be drafted into the army

and sent to Vietnam.

Come on, marry me, please. I'll pay you to do it.

I'll wire my folks for some money.

And how much would you pay, Bobby?

How much is a wedding ring worth?

How could you?

No, Viv, it's not like it seems.

It's exactly like it seems!

- I heard every word. - God...

I hate you! I'm finished with you.

Finished with everyone.


- Let me explain! - Viv, you'll hurt yourself.


Let me explain!


Police House, Aidensfield.

Slow down, just tell me what happened.

BOBBY: 'She just took off on the bike.'

She can barely even ride the thing.

I guess she headed back to the campsite,

she has a few of her things there.

OK, go and wait there for me. If Viv's there, try and calm her down.

So this coin expert you talked to reckons they're genuine and rare.

Yeah, that's right, a unique collection.

How could he tell without seeing them?

Ah, well, you see I...

Sorry, what was that, David?

I described them to him very fully.

Knows his coins, does Jake.

Jake? Do you mean Jacob Levy, the jeweller in Whitby?

No, not that Jake,

another Jake.

So, when can we come in and collect our sovereigns?

We'll be in touch in due course, Mrs Armstrong.

Well, you better be, because I shall be in asking every day.

I really need to talk to her, man.

Maybe she's not too keen on talking to you after what she heard.

I didn't mean to hurt her!

I didn't think her folks'd ever let me see her again.

I thought it was over.

That's hardly an excuse for turning round

and asking someone else to marry you.

It would have just been an arrangement.

I know how bad this looks, but it's my last chance to avoid the draft.

Do you know of anybody or anywhere that she might have gone to?

How about a special place that she liked to visit?

The only thing she really talked about was going to art college.

- Any particular college? - I don't know,

there are a few in London. One called Slade or something.

Would that bike of yours make it to London?

Sure, but not with Viv riding it.

I can't imagine she'd even try.

All she's done is ride round here a couple times.

So she might go to the station, get there by train perhaps?

She'd be more likely to get a coach, it's cheaper.

There's one that goes to London from York.

So most likely she's headed for the York road.

We talked about getting on the bike one day.

Just taking off, hitting the road.

I'll take a look.

Gimme a ride, I need to talk to her, man.

I think you've caused enough trouble already.

Music: 'Woman' by Free

♪ Carry me away

♪ I know your angel eyes

♪ Can see through me

♪ Carry me away

♪ Far away from the love you give

♪ So generously

♪ So generously

♪ Woman, oh...

Delta Alpha, two four to Control.

I've found the motorbike crashed, no sign of the girl, over.

Er, what's your position, Joe, over?

I'm on Green Lane, a mile from the York Road junction.

Could you contact Nurse Cassidy? Get her to meet me there.

Vivienne might be injured, over.

Will do, Joe. Out.

♪ I need to tell you that I never get enough

♪ Never, never, never never get enough

♪ Woman... ♪

Are you all right, Vivienne? Are you injured?

The sheep ran across the road, I just skidded and lost control.

Nurse Cassidy will be here in a minute.

- She'll check you over. - No need.

Then we can get you home.

I'm not going home.

Oh, well, where are you going?

The bus to York is due in a minute.

I'll be in time for the next coach to London.

London? Then what?

I don't know, I'll get a job.

Try for art school and just do what I want for a change.

There's no harm in having plans.

But maybe you should discuss it with your parents first?

Do all this when you're in a better state.

No, I've finished with my parents.

- Come on... - I'm !

I'm a grown-up now.

I can do what I like.

Your parents will be devastated.

London can be a dangerous place for a young person with no proper plans.

I'm getting this bus.

- You can't stop me. - Actually, I can.

You took that bike without permission, I could arrest you.

Go on, then, do that.

It's the only way you'll keep me here.

You're a talented girl

with your whole life ahead of you.

Why don't you go home and apply to an art college properly?

No, I'm getting on this bus.

You'll have to arrest me to stop me.


No, I'm not going to.

Let's get you home, eh?

Here's Carol, come on.

Oh, thank goodness.

Are you all right, darling?

I want to talk about going to art school.

And I want you to take me seriously.

Of course we will, darling.

- Won't we, Rupert? - Yes, yes, indeed.

Look, I've... I've been very stupid.

Please forgive me, Vivienne.

You weren't entirely wrong about Bobby.

Come on. Come on.

Thanks for coming out so promptly.

I think the force owes you a drink.

- Cheers. - Cheers.

GINA: Well, you two look pleased with yourselves.

Is this find of yours worth a lot then?

Well, now, we're not saying anything

until it's been officially valued.

I mean, we don't want to raise false expectations, do we, David?

Thought I might find you here. Could I have a word, Mrs Armstrong?

Is it about them coins?

There's been developments. Made some enquiries

and it seems a collection of gold sovereigns

was stolen from a museum in York over years ago.

The theft was still on file.

- You what? - I contacted the museum.

The curator himself came over to have a look.

He was delighted to confirm them as theirs.

I don't believe it!

It's good news, isn't it?

And as a sign of their gratitude, he said he'd arrange for you

to have a guided tour of the museum when convenient.

A guided tour?

What about a cash reward of some sort, did he say owt about that?

I'm afraid not, no.

Oh, one more thing.

Jake, the coin expert you spoke to,

are you sure that wasn't Jacob Levy in Whitby?

Oh, no, no, no, it was another Jake altogether.

Strange, cos when I popped into his shop,

he definitely recalled you coming in asking about the sovereign.

All right! It might have been him.

In fact, he said you still had one in your possession.

I better take that now, seeing as I'm here.

Wouldn't want to break up a unique collection, would we?

- Joe. - Oh, see you.


You know, I couldn't help feeling sorry for her father.

He's learned a hard lesson.

He's from another age, isn't he, I suppose.

Maybe, but I can understand how he felt about her going out with Bobby.

Lock up your daughters, eh?

Not exactly...

But girls that age can easily fall for the wrong sort of guy.

Doesn't matter what age you are, we've all made mistakes

at some time or another.

Don't I know it.

Maybe we both need a fresh start.

Or at least some fresh drinks.

- Same again? - Yeah, thanks.