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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 10/01/23 10:35
by bunniefuu
That's 40 bags worth of my grub
that you've lost.

You've been robbed twice.

What you trying to do?
Make an habit outta this?

Bobby, I promise ya,
we're gonna get your money back.

Well, I know I will get my money!

But what you two should've said
is when.

You got three days.

Three days?

There's no way we're gonna get
your money to you in three days, Bobby.


I must've been off my f*ckin' canister
doing business with you two.

I told ya. You told me what?

We said we're gonna get his money,
we'll get his f*cking money.

Shut up, you prick. Calm down.

Listen, Bobby, we're gonna
get you your money, yeah?

All we need is some g*ns.



Don't make me laugh.

That's twice Kamale's come and robbed
us now. Both times he was carrying.

I ain't no hothead,
you know that.

I'm just saying,
we're gonna need some more time

and we're gonna need some g*ns.

You got two weeks.

That's it.

Now f*ck off, the pair of ya.

Go on, f*ck off.

They're gonna think
you've gone soft.


Well, that would be a big mistake, Lee.

You know what I'm thinking?

We got a snake, bruv.

That's twice -
that ain't no coincidence.

I ain't having it, man.
It's that kid with the dog, trust me.

I'm thinking it's worse than that.

What you saying?
I don't know, man.

Something ain't right.

Put your seat belt on.

Everything's alright,
but you're gonna have to take it easy.

You need to go home,
put your feet up and rest for a bit.

Rest'? I don't do rest.
It's not me.

Heather, I'm being serious.
That was a close call.

If you wanna keep this baby,
you've got to look after yourself.

Is there anyone
who can help you out?

Come on, Marnie.

Good girl.

Good girl.

Come on. Come on.

Come on, girl.

Here you go.

We need this to keep her warm.
Marnie, look what Ra'Nell got you!

Yes, you're a lucky girl.

Hey, come on, man.
You can kiss your dog later.

We're gonna be late for school.

Good girl.

I dunno. Are you gonna go?

Yeah, I think
it's gonna be fun.

Hi, Ra'Nell. You right?

I did a bit of extra cleaning for my nan
and I wanted to give you this.


You've been on your own
all this time.

I'm only trying to help.
I don't need your money.

How many times
have I gotta tell you?

When someone offers you money,
you take it!



Shit, there's that MILF.

Aren't you coming to class?
Be back in a minute.

I wouldn't do this, babes,
believe me,

but I've got no other choice.

I need to ask you a favour.

Come with me, yeah?

f*cking hell!

You've got a sick farm.

You ain't meant to know
about farms.

I'm nearly 14.
That's what I mean.

I wouldn't ask you to do this, Ra'Nell,
but I've been told to take it easy.

Or else I could have
another miscarriage.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk
about shit like that to you.

Anyway, you haven't gotta do much.
It's all pretty straightforward.

And I'll pay Va-

But I need to know
I can depend on you.

We'll have to be
very, very careful.

You can't tell no-one,
and I mean no-one.

Not your best mate, not your girlfriend...
Ain't got a girlfriend.

No-one. And especially
not your mum.

I won't say anything.

I could go to prison for this.

Do you understand?


Let me show you what to do.

This is long.

Kamale's gonna be hiding
in his yard right now.

He ain't gonna be out on the road.
f*cking 40 grand, you know.

He's gotta be
f*cking somewhere.

Well, we're gonna find him.

Right now,
I'm f*cking hungry, though.


You Chris Hill'? That's right.

You are? Agh! f*ck me!

On, my God!

Leave her alone!
Leave her alone!

Get off of me!
Get off of me! Arggh!

Get off me! Get off!

Your brother Dushane owes me
40 grand, the little c**t.

Look, I'll pay, OK'?!
I'll make sure he pays!

Listen, next time you see him,
you show him your chest.

No, please, get off!
Arggh! Arggh!

Bro, we got two weeks.

We have to work out
how we're gonna get to Kamale.

He's a smart brother. He's the...
Bruv, he's smart.

Bruv, he's on the 20th floor,
he's at the top of the block.

You know the lift ain't working
in that bitch, yeah?

Man's gotta climb
all them f*cking stairs,

get into the flat,
then deal with them,

and then get all the way
back down again...

without getting seen.

I can't see it happening, bruv.
That's on top.

You know what? We should've just
k*lled him when we had the chance.

f*ck it.

What you saying?
What, you're ready to k*ll, yeah?

Thanks for coming, Ra'Nell.

You don't understand
what a relief this is.

It's cool.

How's your mum'?

She's in hospital.


What do you mean
she's in hospital?

Why didn't you tell me?

What's wrong with her?
What's happened?

Ra'Nell, what's happened to your mum'?
Can you talk to me?

Chill out, she's gonna be alright.

Look, it's all gonna be cool.

She's just a bit tired.
Leon said she'll be home soon.

What about you?

Who you staying with?

Who's looking after you,

Well, look, do you wanna come
and stay at mine?

Nah. Leon brings me food and that.
It's alright.

Well, you call me
if you need anything.

Promise me. Yeah, I promise.


You f*cking bastard!
Nat. What are you doing here?

You f*cking bastard!

Whoa! What are you doing?!

Chris is in hospital because of you!
Why, what's wrong'?

Because you owe someone money,
they came into my house

and they put a friggin' iron
on his chest!

Who the f*ck
are you talking about?!

Natalie! What hospital is he in'?

No! You stay the f*ck away from us!

We don't want you
in our lives anymore.

f*ck this!

Oi, Dushane!

It's late.

Where you been?
I sent you a text.

I was busy, innit'?

Yeah, what was you busy at?

You ain't got the right to ask me that.
You ain't my old man.

As long as you wasn't hanging
with them boys on road.

I wasn't with them.


So where you been? With a girl.

A girl?

What's her name?

Precious. Precious?

Go inside
and smarten yourself up.

I got a surprise for you.


f*ckin' p*ssy!

f*ckin' p*ssy!

Oi, oi, move, move,
move, move, move!

You f*cking p*ssy!

Don't ever come after my family again,
you understand?!

You p*ssy hole, you're f*cked!

f*cking mugs.

Come on, then.

c**ts. Come on.

- You're late.
- Sorry. I got caught up.

You've got two minutes, Leon,
otherwise I'm f*cked.


Lise? Got a visitor.

Let me see you.

Are you alright, Mum?

I'm gonna get better...

I promise.

I won't ever leave you again.

Don't worry about it, Mum.

I promise.

I'm doing alright at school.


That's good.

I'm sorry you have to
see me like this.

It's alright, Mum.
Don't worry about it.

I'm sorry, baby.

Come on, we gotta go.

This is yours.

That ain't ours, bruv.

It is.

f*ckin' weirdo, man.

Open it up.


f*ckin' hell.


Must be Raikes's, innit'?

Now man's got these straps,
man can deal with Kamale, fam.

Yeah, but how we gonna do that'?
That's the thing.

We're gonna lure him out, bruv.

Lure him out. That's smart.

But yo, that kid
with the dog as well.

He's f*ckin' gotta get it
as well, you know.

Nah, man. You don't even know
if he's the snake yet.

Come on, man. What?

Bruv, who else
could it be, then?

You know what?
Do what you're doing, innit'?

Tell Dris and them
to keep an eye on him.

Don't do nothin' yet, though.
Bruv, what are you doing?!

Move from me.

Don't come near me
with that orange.

Stealing oranges from the market?

Old habits, you know...
you know how it is.

What are you looking at, blud'?
Here, here, take that bag quickly.

Take it, man!


Yo, Wendell.


That your son?

Yeah, this is Jason.

How old? Five.

Jason got any brothers or sisters?

One of each. Twins.

Three now.

What you sayin', little man?
You alright?


You livin' round here now'? No.

His mum's mum lives
round the corner.

You're looking good.

Yeah, you too.

Yeah, you know, gettin' older.

I gotta go pick up the twins
from school.

Good to see you.

Yeah, you too.

Yo, Jason.

Take care, yeah?

Say goodbye, Jason. Say goodbye.

Don't have to be shy
with me, you know.

I'm your brother.

I'm Dushane.

See ya later.

Who's the older, fam? No-one.

Come, man!

Go on, go and steal some meat!

I might do.


How's that feel?

It's alright.

You ever see Wayne?

I don't have much to do with Wayne
no more, you know.

You must see him around.

I see him around
from time to time, but...

How was he?

Wayne's Wayne.

He got a woman?

Lisa, look, right now...

I didn't need to ask that,
did I?

If there's one thing Wayne
couldn't do without is a woman.

She's welcome to him.

Does he ever ask about me?

What about Ra'Nell?

Does he ask about his son?

Wayne ain't gonna change, Lise.

I can let you have that
for three and a half, yeah?

Alright, George.

What day for'?

On the 26th?

I can do that. Alright?

Yeah, alright. Bye-bye.

Thank you. Ta-ta.

Bobby? Yeah, go on.

Cor, f*ck, look at the state of you!

What's happened?
They f*ckin' jumped me!

Who do you think? Dushane and Sully!

There's gotta be comeback, Bobby.
There's gotta be comeback.

They can't just disrespect me.

If they disrespect me,
they disrespect you!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, course,
course, mate, but...

People saw what f*ckin' happened
in the club! They f*ckin' saw it!

Yeah, but, Lee,
here's my problem, mate.

Them two little f*ckers
owe me a lot of money.

Now, anything happens to them
and I don't get my money,

then I'm outta pocket.

f*ck that! This has got
f*ckin' political, mate!

They can't do what they did and expect
nothing to come f*ckin' back at them!

Well, then go and k*ll 'em, then, Lee,
if that's what you wanna do.

But if you do that,
then you have to take on the debt.


Right, Lee, listen,
I tell you what we do.

If they don't meet that deadline,
then be my guest, you can k*ll 'em.

But if you do anything beforehand,
then the debt becomes yours, my friend.

Here's that little snake, bruv.

I need to keep an eye on that yout,
swear down.

Wha gwan, Gem?

What you sayin', cuz?
Yeah, alright.

Yo, Gem, what ya doin'?
Nothin', just buyin' paint.

What you buyin' paint for,

Painting Ra'Nell's
mum's room, innit'?


What colour?
It's like yellowish.

It's loyal wheat, man.

I like yellow, innit'?
I got that in my room.

Hey, Gem, you coming?

In a minute.
Leave the door open.

So, what, does your dog
do any tricks?

Yeah. Marnie?

Sit. Sit!


Come on, girl, beg. Beg! Beg!

Usually does it, but...

Marnie, sit!
The dog's dead, bruv.

That dog's shit, man.

Balance. Balance. Balance.

Aw, that's hard skill!


- That was hard.
- Good girl! Good girl.

The dog's sick, bruv.

Oi, Ra'Nell.

Is there anyone troublin' you
or disrespectin' you, fam'?

'Cause if anyone tries it with you,

come see Gems
and I'll f*ck 'em up good for you.

Man's got mad backup now, fam.

Hey, why they being
so nice to you, anyway'?

'Cause they respect me, bruv.
Why do you think?

Does Chantelle respect you?

I think so.
She loves Marnie as well.

I see the way
you look at her, man.

I know you like her.
Shut up, man!

Are you gonna take pics?

No, no,
I'm not gonna take pics.

When are you gonna
ask Chantelle out?

I'll ask her
when I think it's ready, innit'?

I don't need you
telling me what to do.

Hey, I'm starting to get
bored already, man.

This is so shit.

This is gonna take long, man. I should've
stolen a roller instead, innit'?

Can you remember what you were like
when you first came in'?

Not too well.

You were extremely withdrawn,
very down.

Well, that's common
with psychotic depression.

But you've come a long way.

You're interacting much more
with the other patients now.

And you've started using the gym,
I see, with Leon.

Leon, yeah.

Leon's been very nice to me.

There's a light at the end
of the tunnel, Lisa.

We're gonna help you find it.

How would you feel
about going out for a day?

Would you like that'?

I think so.

Yes, Doctor.

Get ready, blud.
Are we going, then?

Come on, let's go, innit'?
Just come, come on.

Where's your clothes?

Yeah, let's go. Come.
Where we going?

Just put your clothes on.
The f*ck outta here.

I'm not gonna put
my clothes on.

Where's my keys?
What's the hurry?

I'm asking you to stop.

You've been asking questions
all the time, man.

Alright, alright.

Got nice feet. Thanks.

Yeah! Come.

Come on, you're next.


Yo, I might've seen Kamale.

Where? In the bowling alley.

Ninja and Tyler
and a couple of the Field g*ons.

Alright, bruv, go to the back, yeah?

I'm gonna meet you there.
Alright, cool, cool.


Tareek just saw Ninja and them
in the bowling alley, fam.

Yeah? Kamale there?
I don't even know.

Ring Dris and tell him to go and pick up
the pieces from the little ones, yeah?

Yo. Keep that low,
'cause it's bait out here.

Cameras, innit'?

Alright, just look out for me, fam.

What you saying?

I've seen someone
who looks like Kamale,

but I'm not sure if it's him,
to be honest.

There's no point in goin' in there
unless we know for sure, bruv.

You know Ninja and them, man,
they always carry.

I hear that, but this could be
our last chance, yeah?

You lot know
what Kamale looks like'?


Yeah, that was good.
That was alright.

Can you see if Kamale's with 'em?

I can't see...
and I don't wanna look.

So just chill out.

I didn't know they had g*ns.

Did you know they had g*ns? No.

You stay here.

I'm gonna go to the ladies.

Ain't him. f*ck!

Dirty shame, bruv.

f*ckin' come down
for no reason.


Not bringing up my kid
round here, no way.

It's not that bad.

Yeah, that's 'cause
we're used to it.

There are places, believe it or not,
where you can let your kids out at night,

don't have to worry about them
being stabbed or picked on by the police.

That's one of them places
I wanna live.

I found this lovely apartment.

It's on the river.

It's a new development,
really quiet, beautiful.

It's just perfect.

You gonna go move there?

Well, all depends on the crop,
don't it, how much I get.

Don't get enough from this crop,

you could just grow another one
and be rich.

I've thought about that,
but it's like gambling, innit'?

You say you're gonna do one more
and stop, but you don't.

People get greedy
and that's how they get caught.

So don't tell...

or I'm dead.

I won't. Good.

Yo, look who it is.

Who is it?

That's Shaun. Who's Shaun?

Kamale's cousin.
Year below us in school.

Yeah, yeah, but he ain't
even on the road, bruv.

He don't run with Kamale
and them lot.

Yeah, but he's family, blud.

You know what I'm sayin"?

- All set?
- Yeah.

You need to be back in the hospital
by 9.00pm. Don't be late.

That's very important, OK?
I won't.

Have a great day.
Thank you, Doctor.

Listen, Dushane,
we're running out of time, bro.

We don't get this money, trust me,
we're f*cking dead meat.

If we mark Shaun
like they mark Chris,

I'm telling you,
sends man a message.

We hurt one of your family. We'll keep
doing it till we get our f*cking food back.

Yeah, but Shaun ain't on the road.

f*ck, Chris weren't on the road.

That didn't stop them.

Trust me, bro, it's better
they ain't on the road.

That way it sends a bigger message.

You know what?
I got a better idea.

Man grab him, just hold him.

Kamale wants his cousin back,
he has to bring the food, innit'?


That could work still.


Can you weigh that
for me, please?

Yes, certainly, I will.
Thank you.


Can I get that?

Do I owe you money?

No, that's alright, darling.
You don't owe me nothing.

No, it's alright, love.
You don't owe me.

Thank you.

I'll put all this in there for you.

That's that.

OK. Thank you.

Stay bliss.

And you.

Hey, bruv. Dris told me
that you're a virgin.

Is that true? Yeah, so what?

You serious? Yeah.

Bruv, what is up with that?

I'm holding it for
that special girl, innit'?

Bruv, you sound gay.

I'm not gay. I've got girls.

You've got girls?
Yeah, I got plenty girls.

So, what do you do with these girls
if you're a virgin, then?

I get my thing sucked blatant.
Is it?!

What else do you do, then?

I get a smelly finger.

That it'? Yeah.

Sure you ain't pushing
nothing in there?

Like your tongue'? I ain't a bocat,
if you're trying to say that.

Bruv, you're a bocat man, sharp.

Nah, that's dirty, man.

Bruv, any girl will tell you
the tongue is a good tool.


Hey, our Gem!

I bet snake's a bocat.

Gem ain't no snake.
Ain't what Dris says.

You alright, man?
Yeah, I'm good.

Where you going? To our den.

What's that'?

Where me and Marnie go and hang out.

Why don't you come check it out?

Yeah. Oi, you coming?

No, I'm cool, man.
I'm going home.

You sure? Yeah.

Alright, cool.

Come on, girl.

This guy's a bocat, you know.

Shut up!


Ra' Nell


- Ra'Nell'?
- Heather, it's the pump.

It stopped working,
I can't get it started.


Listen, I'll be there
as soon as I can, alright?


You've gotta keep
the plants watered, alright?

Do it by hand. Remember.
OK, I'll do that now.

Listen, I've really gotta go.

I'm sorry, Marie. I've got an emergency.
No worries.

Alright, I'm sorry.

Well done, Ra'Nell.

Come on, Marnie.

This place is sick, man.

How'd you find it?

Me and Ra'Nell found it when we used
to play run-outs when we were kids.

Is it'?
It's been our hang-about since.

Aw, and you got
a little bed for Marnie!

That's proper cute.

We sometimes sleep here
in the summer.

Do you?

What, don't you get scared?

No, it's cool. I've got Marnie.

So, what, don't your parents
ask where you are?

No, it's just me and my dad
and he's always at the chippie,

so he don't really realise.

Where's your mum?

She went away.


You for real?

Don't know where your mum is?


I'm not even cool
with my mum either, man.

Feel like Dushane and Sully,
they're like my family, innit?

So that's the only people I kinda got.

What, ain't you never
been drunk before'?


Are you serious? Yeah.

Go on, man.

What perfume are you wearing?


What perfume are you wearing?
You smell nice.

Thank you.

Natural smell? Yeah.

What, do you have a girlfriend?

You ain't got no girlfriend'?!

What, are you gay or something?

No, I've just...

None of the girls in my school
are as pretty as you.

Don't make me blush.

But you're nice, though.
You're really nice.

Thank you.
Boys are not usually nice to me.

It's cold.

Hey, Mum, you gonna
make me some of that pepper sauce?

Pepper sauce takes
too long to make.

Mum, what you being like that for'?

What's wrong with you?
Come on, you know I need my sauce.

Else I can't eat nothing,
I'm gonna start losing my appetite

and then I'll lose weight.

I'll be all skinny and that.

Alright, I'll make you pepper sauce,
but you have to do something for me.

Well, of course.
Come to church with me on Sunday.

Man. Mum, I'm going, I'm going.

Especially if you want pepper sauce!
Stop! I'll go!

I'll see you later, yeah? I love ya.

Who's that?

I dunno. I'll check it later.


they let me out for the day,
I'm at the flat.

Where are you?

Well done, babes.
I think we're gonna be OK.

Thank God.


Ra'Nell, what's the matter'?


Excuse me, blud,
do you mind helping me for a second?


Why you hit him so hard, man?!

We've got him. Go.


This brother's heavy, man. f*ck.

Careful, careful.

But he's out.

Boy, I wish
we could see Kamale's face

when we tell him
we got Shaun, you know'?

Right, get out the f*cking car.

Something ain't right.

f*ckin' dead, bruv!
You k*lled him, blud!

I can't believe this shit, you know!


Fam, what the f*ck is wrong with you?
What, you think I meant that, bro?

For f*ck's sake, man!

Shit! I didn't mean this shit!

Well, he's f*ckin' dead
now, innit'?!

What are we gonna do?

My God. Jeez...

Come, man.

It's Lisa.

Hi, Lisa.
Did you have a good day?

Yeah, it was nice.

Thanks. Yeah?

Thank you. That's good.