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03x04 - Bonfire Night

Posted: 10/01/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!

D'you see I caught it
with my bare hands, man?

Well, your bare hands
look like a blue net.

Yeah, my hand is the net.

Go on, look at it. Can you see it?

Can you stop coming to me?

Don't you f*cking dare.

I wanna show you what I'm gettin'.
It's a crab.

Hold this.

Come help me look for them, man.

Do you reckon we can get water snakes?

You're such a doughnut.

I got another one. I got another one.

Look at it. It's all movin' and that.

-What you gonna do with it?
-I'm gonna cook it.

What are you gonna make?

I'm gonna make lobster.

It's a crab.


-Pick it up.

Funny, not picking, I'll touch it.

-Nah, nah, nah, nah.
-Nah, pick it up.

Stop being a p*ssy, man. Pick it up.

I'm not a p*ssy, man,
but these things are dangerous.

They're on Deadly 60.
That means they can k*ll you.

Allow it, fam.

-Allow what?
-Dashin' the food.

These seagulls are boujee,
they want the fish.

Can you stop it, please?

Jase, I always knew
you were scared of birds.

Not like that, I'm not scared of 'em,
I just don't like them, bro.

Thought I'd find you with 'em.

I ain't never seen you with a bird,
is it, though?

You think you're smart?
You think that was smart?

-Hey, where you from?
-Hey, don't even look over there.

- Oi! Where you from?

You foreign?

-Why you talking to him for?
-Nah, we're from Hackney.

What about your brown mate?

What are you doing here?

We're on holiday, bruv.

Keep walking.

You f*cking don't ever listen!


Sorry, sweetheart.

I'll do it later, when you get back
from your school trip.

-Promise. Go on. Don't be late.

This deposit ting.

Sugar didn't mention nothin' to me
about no deposit when we talked.

Ain't no ting, cuz.

-So why didn't he mention it, then?
-Don't even try and get into this, bruv.

I speak for Sugar,
I ain't here to negotiate.

The food's coming in tomorrow morning.
7:00 a.m. Blue Sky Industrial Estate.

If you're late, you don't bring the 10K,

your cousin in Jamaica goes away.

You understand?

I hope what I'm saying
is getting through to you.

f*cking dickhead, man.

What's up?

You look like shit, fam.

Are you all right?


-Yeah, I didn't take my meds.

Forget that.

Bruv, it looked like you was out cold,
fam, making a fit or something.

Blud, I didn't take my meds one time.

It ain't happened before,
it won't happen again.

-Do you still need that ten bags?

I got a name of some yout
that's holding Ps for some Muslim g*ng.

-Tower block. Bow.

Loads of CCTV. And he holds straps.

So if we wanna suck him,
we gotta roll in there heavy.

Should I set it up?


I'm gonna try something else first.

In a bit, bro.

-Yo. What you sayin'?
-Yo, man.

How's uni? I hope you're not letting
that girl distract you, you know.

Nah, man.

She's just as nerdy as me.
In fact, nah, she's way smarter.

-Abby, innit?
-Yeah, man.

She gets As in everything.

How's it going with her?

Yeah, it's calm, it's calm.

You using protection?


What you don't want is for Abby
to turn around and say, 'Yo, look, Aaron,

I missed my reds.'

Yo, this is nasty, man.

It's not nasty, it's called parenting.
It's called being a good dad.

- You ain't my dad, bruv.
-Yes, I am.

-No, you're not.
-Yes, I am.

No, you're not.

Listen, big man ting.
See me. I'm your father, yeah?

I'm your mother. I'm your older brother.
Do you understand?

-See, when you're grown up.

-Do you understand?
-I'm 19.

It's not about the years you got.
It's about the head you got.

You got a lickle boy's head, Aaron.

So when I ask you somethin',
yeah, you answer, innit?

-Are you using protection?
-Yeah, man.

Why couldn't you say that from the
beginning? That's all I wanted to know.

-'Cause it's private.
-Bruv, not with me it's not.

Are you done?

Nah, one more question.

Are you satisfying that girl sexually?

Hey, what's wrong with you, man?

'Cause a man must never finish
before a girl, you know that, innit?

-You're annoying me now.
-Bro, I'm telling you for your own good.

See, if you satisfy that girl sexually,
yeah, she will never leave you.

Fam, have you stopped?

-I'm telling you. She will never leave--
-Have you stopped?


And what about you, anyway?
What about your love life?

That's a good question, man.

Wouldn't mind having a bit of fun
if I'm being honest.

It's out there, man.
You just have to go get it.

You know what?

I'm gonna be your wingman, you know.


Why you laughing, fam?

-You're a wasteman.
-Oh, man.

You know, bro, I mean it, though.

Me and Stef,
we appreciate what you're doin',

what you gotta do out there, so...

We need to go out there,
have some fun, innit?

Listen, don't worry about me, man.

f*cking joke.


Eight twenty-three.

Excuse me. Excuse me, miss.

What you got under your coat?

Well, she's an approved asylum seeker.

You would not believe the problems
these people are causing us.

They think they can just come in here
and take whatever they want.

Do you know that you're gonna be deported?

Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

When they convict you,
you're gonna be deported.

-What'd she take?

You got a baby, Hediya?

You got a baby?

-Was that everything she took?
-Well, she had some other bits,

but this was the stuff that she had
hidden under her coat.

-So she paid for these?

Nappies are five quid, six quid.
Baby food's a couple of quid.


-So what's that, not even a tenner?
-Yeah, about that, yeah.

-I've got a fiver.
-Sorry, what's going on here?

Dean, she's a thief.

They've just caught her red-handed.

We need to take her in,
go round her house, give it a spin.

-God knows what we're gonna find in there.
-She took nappies and baby food.

Wait a minute.
This woman was caught shoplifting.

And you're not going to arrest her?

-This is a joke.
-Come on.

Right. The items are paid for in full.
Come on, miss, get your bags.

-I don't believe what I'm seeing 'ere!
-Can you lower your voice, sir?

She'll be seriously reprimanded.
She won't be back in here again.

Is this is what I pay my taxes for?

There's one just up the road,

There's a garden, perfect for the kids.

Can I view it today?

I should be able to make
a few phone calls to see it today.

That would be brilliant.

Can I help you?

I'm looking for Chris Hill.

Is he expecting you?

Doubt it.

Er, I'll take this one, George. Thank you.

What you sayin'?

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I've gotta talk to you.

-Is it Mum?

I know this is out of the blue.

I know you probably
don't wanna see me right now, but--

No, it's not probably. Definitely.

I definitely don't wanna see you.

Just give me ten minutes.


This ain't right.



f*cking shaking your head, bruv.
Where are you taking me, man?


You look like shit.

Yeah, so everyone keeps telling me.

And you look good.

You know Natalie left me.


After those f*ckers broke into our flat
searching for you,

she said she was too scared
to sleep there anymore.

I'm sorry, bro.

I am.

What the f*ck do you want, Dushane?

-I need to borrow some money, bro.
- Yeah, there it is.

Bro, hear me out.

It's a loan.

Ten thousand.

Two days, three days at the most.


You really must be desperate
if you're coming to me for a handout.

-It's not a handout.
-Yeah, you got some nerve, you know?

I'll give you that.

These guys, man.

If I don't get them their money,
they're gonna k*ll Donovan, bro.



Beg me.


Well, if you need it that bad,
as bad as you say you do...


Get on your f*cking knees
and beg me for that money.

I was f*cking branded
because of you, Dushane.

I've had five skin grafts, and I'm still
in pain every minute of every f*cking day!

And you're standing there
in front of me asking me for money.

You're a joke!

-f*ck you.
-No, f*ck you, man!

f*ck you.


- Wah gwaan.

That ting we talked about.
Set it up, yeah?

-You really wanna do this?
-No, obviously, bro, I...

I don't wanna do it.
Ain't got no choice, have I?

You know it ain't gonna be easy, bruv.

All right, bro. Cool.

-The f*ck do you lot want?
-Can you give us a hit?

-There ain't no food.
-Oh, come on, man, please.

Listen to what I'm saying.

There ain't no f*cking food
on the road right now.

Not even just, like, a little bit of weed?

Everyone's always got weed.

We gave you the, you know, the wink
about the undercover copper, didn't we?

Go over there.

Go there, man.

Are you sure?

Aight, cool. Go on.

So what, you lot got Ps, then?

No, but Dris said
that you'd tick us for it.

- Tick 'em for it.

Go on, then, f*ck off.

So, yo, you heard anything
about the Fields, then?


So one of the youngers
was just telling me

that her cousin lives over there, yeah?

Having a party in the yard.
Bro, they had bare food.

-Where'd they get it from?
-I don't know, fam.

But someone's got food and we don't.

You see what's happening here,
innit, Cornell?

I could k*ll you right now, you know that?

-Jamie, just--
-Shut the f*ck up, man!

Man could finish you off right here
with one f*cking b*llet.

I'm not gonna do that.

I'mma let you live.

Remember that.

Listen, show this to your people, innit?

And when I talk, you lot listen.


Er, who are you?

You're supposed to say hello. It's polite.

Oh, sorry. Hello.

My name is Tish and you're Dushane.

And how do you know that?

You're Auntie Pat's son.

She has lots of pictures of you
in her living room.

Okay. Is Auntie Pat in?

Tish, what you doing?

Talking to Dushane.

Come in. Sorry.

Go and finish your homework.

Don't make no sense you having to knock
every time you wanna come see your mum.

If you're gonna be sticking around.

Well, that's the plan.

Yesterday, what you saw...

that ain't me.

Just going through a little thing
right now.

Lost my head for a minute.

But it's not who I am.

Is everything all right?

It will be.


That dog
just looks fat to me, cuz.

Nah, fam.
That dog is pregnant, trust.

Belongs to a girl in maths club.
She won't shut up about it.

You got any idea
how much bulldog puppies go for online?

-Two grand.
-No way!

That's an ugly-ass dog.

We ain't never gonna get that.

'Cause we ain't got no paperwork
or nothin'.

-But even if we just get 20 percent--
-You wanna steal it? Steal a dog?

It ain't stealing.
We're just gonna borrow her.

- No way.

You're mad.

Watch the house, bruv.

Where you goin'?

Come back, man.

- Oi! f*ck off!

Quick, man, let's go!

Who's a good boy?

- Sammy!

-Say 'wah gwaan.'

-Hey, Sammy.


- Hand.
- Hand.

Spud? You don't want a spud?

What'd you say?

I said it smells very good, as usual.

What is it?

This is, uh, chickpea soup

with aubergine and pepper.

- Hey, where's Sammy?
- What you sayin', Sammy?

Please. Enjoy.

What the f*ck you doin'?

They asked if we wanted to eat with them.
It's nice.

We don't eat with them, Jase.

-And put that baby down.
-But, Sul...

Put the baby down.

It's okay.


Listen, don't treat them like mates.

They're not your friends.
They work for you, you know.

But it's shit, bruv. See Faez, yeah?

He was studying to be, like, a doctor
or something back in his country.

Yeah, I hear that.
But he's here now in this country.

He's takin' the money
we're givin' him, nah?


Look, man, we're payin' 'em a lot
of money to stay in this sh*thole.

That's more than anyone else
is doin' for 'em.


- Hey! Hey!

Now what's this?

Every week, they do something like this.

We do nothing to them! We stay inside!


Hey, Sul.

Now get this shit cleaned up.
And cover that door with something.


Quick, bruv!

Bruv, it's my only clean uniform.

Just gotta stick it all in, man.

- How do you make it go?
-I know.

You sure that's right?

That's what Jamie does.

Washing machines all work the same.

Right, that's enough.

Fam, let's not steal another dog.

Where's your mum?

She's meeting with some lawyer
this afternoon.

What, about the immigration?

She's really sad, man, like all the time.

I don't know what to do.


Can't open it!

-Stop kicking it.

I told you, the kicking works.

Dad? Mum?

-This is Aaron.

-Good to meet you, Aaron.
-Nice to meet you too.

-I'm Michael.
-Hi, Michael.

-This is for you.

Oh. How sweet.


-Yeah. Thanks.

So do you need help with anything,

-He's got it.
-We're good.

- Come, let's go to the garden.
-See ya.


-Is there more at the back?

- This is bare nice, you know.

Dad says it's more trouble
than it's worth.

-You could've told me they were posh.
-We're not posh.

Sorry. Don't hold it against me.

What do they do again?

Dad's a surgeon.
Mum's an interior designer.

- Wow.
- What? It's not a big deal.

You don't think that's posh?

- Okay, maybe a little bit posh.
- Exactly.

Get out of the f*cking lift, man.

Get out of the f*cking lift, man.

f*ck. Get in there, man.

-Get the f*ck in there.
- Where am I?

Get on the f*cking floor, man.

f*cking idiot.

Ay, what?

f*ck you!


This is for Tilly, you f*ckin' p*ssy.

Aaron's smashin' it. Top of his class.

He's gonna launch a startup
when he graduates, aren't you?

-Yeah, um, that's the plan.

If I can get the seed money together.

That's exciting. In what field?

Er, branded content.

-So I produce photos,

videos for brands' social media.

And what do your parents do?

Oh... Well, they're, sort of--

Aaron's parents passed away.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Uh, four years ago.

Yeah, Dad came down with this cough,

and, uh...

he went to go get it checked out.

They said he had pulmonary cancer.

Yeah, they said he probably had it
for years without even realising.

And a few months later,
Mum had some abdominal pains.

Went to get it checked out.

They said she had stage 4
metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Yeah, it had already spread to her stomach
and to her liver,

so she went down pretty quick.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah. We tried to help at home, but...

my dad was in bed by then too.

So, they had them both moved
to the hospice.

Yeah, um...

They had beds next to each other, though,
so they could hold hands.

And Dad died on a Sunday.
Mum died on a Tuesday.

Well, who's been looking after you?

My older brother. Jamie.

Um, he'd just turned 18 when they died
so he became my legal guardian,

for me and Stef.

Stef's Aaron's younger brother.


See, Stef was kinda young
when it all happened,

so he didn't really understand everything,
but Jamie was really good with him.

He was good with both of us.

I mean, he made sure
we always went to school.

Never missed a meal.

Yeah. He'd do anything for us.

Well, I think your brother Jamie
sounds like a remarkable young man.



Remember what I said, innit?

When I make the call, you lot come. Yeah?

Well, come now.

I is at Blackwall House.

Yo. Get him ready for his friends, innit?


Yo, these man's are stunting, you know?
Like, proper.

Youse lot done a good job still.
There's a little bit extra for you guys.

Just make sure
you go through the back, innit?

Listen, that's you.
But don't put it all in your f*cking arm.

I won't. No, I won't, I won't.

I'm gonna need you when we come back
to set up another shop.

Safe, Sully.

- You done well.
-You're good, my guy.

Rah! How much money is there, bro?

About enough to rent a yard.

Somewhere with a hot shower,

'cause I ain't felt f*cking clean
since I got here, Jase.

What? And then we can watch Arsenal?

-Yeah, right after we beat.
-For real?

What, you ain't got no woman
waiting for you?

A woman waiting for me? Nah, man.
I'm not into all that, man.

You're not into women?

Nah. I'm into women,
but it's the relationships.

I just think they're so long,
getting tied down and that, man.

Don't worry, when we get back,
me and you gonna find some proper tings.

-Trust me.


But right now, it's bedtime, bro,

'cause tomorrow, first train, 4:55.

4:00! Know how early that is, bro?

I know, but don't worry, I'll wake you up.

Cool, cool.

- What's good?
-What's going on?

So we all set, yeah?

Where d'you get these?

Antiques Roadshow.

That's a bit better.

You wanna watch somethin'?


We'll hit 'em
first thing in the morning, yeah?

Yo, D. Wah gwaan.

Hey, cuz.
Yu tell the ladies, yeah?

Yeah, yeah, I told them.
They're all excited, bro.

-You all right, bro?
-Yu chat to di immigration lawyer yet?


Look, it's gonna take some paperwork
and that, but...

Anyway, don't worry.
I'll get you out here, man.

I'm not worried. I know yu have this.
Yu neva let me down yet.

Yeah, I know.

I never will.

Come on, come on, come on.




-Where's Jason? Where is he?

Where is he?!


- Sully!

Help me!

-Just jump.
-Help me!

- Jason!
-Help me, man!

- Jump!
-I can't breathe!

- Jump!
- Help me! I can't!

Sully! I can't! I can't! I can't!

Break it!

f*cking break it!

I can't! I can't break it!

Jump, man!

You'll die!

- Sully!





Jase! Jason!

- Shh, shh, shh, shh...

Want me to drive?

Nah. I'll drive.

-Sure you're ready to do this, bruv?
-'Course, man. Come on.

Let's go--

What you doin'?


Well, what the f*ck is goin' on, man?

So, this thing. Go on, then.

Big man.

What is it?

It's big.


Five white.

Five dark. First shipment.

Where from?

Bruv, put the g*n down.
Take the g*n out my--

Where from?

Sully, put the f*cking g*n down!
There's windows--


Where from?

You ain't gonna be keeping shit
from me again.

I ain't less than you.


We can get as much as we can move
if we do this one right.

What's the split?


Us and the supplier.

If we do this right, bro,

we're back on top.

No more of that f*cking around
on the street corners and them shit.

Me and you.

Equal partners.

Listen, Dushane,
this is how it's gonna work.

This first shipment, two-to-one my favour.

-Bruv, you can't do--
-You need my money or not?


And everything after that,
down the middle.

Bro, are you gonna tell me
what the f*ck happened?

What's goin' on?

Sully, where's Jason?

He didn't make it.

I'm sorry to hear that.

That kid never had no luck.


-You gonna disappoint me?
-Depends what you're hopin' for, innit?

Why does this smell like
a f*cking bonfire?

Bruv, it's all there.

You can count it if you want, you know.

You was hoping it wasn't, innit?

If you f*ck up,
it makes me look bad in Sugar's eyes.

That's not a healthy situation.

So you need to pay Sugar
what you promised him. You understand?

Yeah. I think I get it.

Next time, it'll be double that.

You told Sugar he's gettin' serious money.

Serious money's what he's expectin'.

That's what we'll send him.

And we'll make sure
you look good in Sugar's eyes, yeah?

- Bruv, who the f*ck's Sugar?
-I'll tell you later.

Good, yeah?



Let's get the f*ck out of here.