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03x12 - Bir Ölür Bin Diriliriz

Posted: 10/01/23 14:13
by bunniefuu
How does this end, Mother?

We haven't been this fortunate
for a long while.

This means we can finally breathe easy.


There is...

an inexpressible anxiety
within you, isn't there?

Indeed, Mother.

Ertuğrul Bey doesn't trust Ural Bey
or Candar Bey.

He chooses his words so carefully,
you've seen that.

Well, what about Aliyar?


Aren't they the children
of the same father?

What if a situation escalates

and gets out of control in the future?
What would we do then?

Would Aliyar and Aslihan walk over
their father and brother to save us?

And that woman, Aslihan...

What about her?

Why did she ignore the interests
of her own people

and tell Ertuğrul Bey
about the French traders?

When it came to light, she continued
to go against her own father over it.

There's also that woman called Çolpan.

She's got cruel eyes.

But don't forget that they're
going to help you in the rug house.

Whatever you want
they'll do what's necessary.

We're only after our daily bread.

We'll go to the bazaar every day
and weave rugs.

What comes after that is up to God
and Ertuğrul Bey.

As we rode our horses to the West...

I saw how much the world order
has changed.

The only thing that rules the East
and the West is gold, Turgut.

They buried our God inside of us.

And they covered it with gold.

The Crusades of the Christian world
only cared about gold.

If you can keep up, you'll survive.

Those who can't...

will die.

Like a salamander in the desert.

No one will remember them.

The door always opens
to those who are willing to see it.

If only the man would keep his eyes open.

Here you are.

We were talking about
how gold rules the world

and provides new
opportunities to people, brother.

And to a warrior
as great and as brave as you.

The whole world comes to hear of
the accomplishments of brave warriors

such as yourself.

Everyone knows what you
and Ertuğrul Bey did

to that Mongolian fool.

What was his name?


If you knew how many lives we lost

because of the mistakes Ertuğrul Bey made
before we got rid of that Noyan scumbag,

you wouldn't say that.

Ertuğrul Bey's lack of foresight doesn't
overshadow your bravery, Turgut Alp.

The marks the Templars left on your body

are testament to the fierceness with which
you fought against those degenerates.

How do you know about that?

I know a great deal about the crimes
the Templars committed against our people

under the command of the degenerate Pope.
And how they tortured them.

The Templars m*rder*d our family.

Only Maria and I survived.

They slaughtered our family
because we didn't share their beliefs.

The belief we have in Jesus
wasn't enough to save our family.

My condolences.

Master Simon, you've got a visitor.

If you'll excuse me.

What happened?

The Sultan's spy got away, Master Simon.

How did you let Ertuğrul run away?

Ertuğrul is not the Sultan's spy.

-What did you say?
-I had him. I talked to him.

It wasn't Ertuğrul.

Then his men came and k*lled ours.

If it wasn't for Tristan, I'd be dead now.

So you saw his face.

Tell me. Who is he?

We didn't find out who they were.

But he knows who you are,
Master Simon.

What did you say?

He asked me about John the Baptist.

He said he was going
to knock his place down.

If Ertuğrul is not the Sultan's spy

we still have to get our revenge for
Master Petruccio and Knight Titus.

Ertuğrul must die tomorrow, Master Simon.

Ertuğrul is coming to see me tomorrow.

I'll do what's necessary.
Take every measure.

Take every measure necessary
inside and outside the inn.

No one acts without my order.

Why don't we finish the business
right away?

Because I'm not sure the man we found
was actually the Sultan's spy.

After that

we let the sl*ve trader and the guy
who looks like a fighting cock run away.

-Where is Doğan?
-He carried out his mission.

Now he's back in hiding
and awaiting your next order.

They surely can't still believe
you're the Sultan's spy.

They must have been so surprised when
they saw it was Doğan and not you.

We can't be so sure, Dündar.

We have to take care of John the Baptist
right away.

Even though he hides among
the Orthodox Greeks,

he's obviously one of the Templars.

A wolf in a sheep's clothing.

They want to k*ll you.
That's why they've called you in.

-We're still going to go, Dündar.
-What if it's a trap?

They're going to try to k*ll you.
It's too dangerous.

I'll let him live
until I learn everything about him.

If he wants to k*ll me,
I won't hesitate to k*ll him first.

We'll go to that inn tomorrow.

We'll see who lives and who dies.

Sir, Master Hacaturyan
wants to see you.

Show him in, Abdurrahman.

Come in, Master Hacaturyan.

I have... great news for you.

Tell me.

With the help of God...

I think we found the seam of gold.

I don't know how much is there.
But we should certainly mine it.


Don't let anyone know about this,
Master Hacaturyan.

Don't breathe a word about it.

Return with the men
who first accompanied you there.

Your wish is my command.

Whatever happens...

take care of this matter
with Simon tomorrow.

-Here, Father.

Don't you dare...

cause any problems
or ignore what your brother Aliyar says.

I'll support whatever is good
for our people, Father.

I see that what is good...

is that which passes
between your holy lips.

Çolpan, don't ignore Halime Hatun.

Do not worry, Bey.

If you'll excuse me.

Do you have something to say, daughter?

I've been hearing a lot
about Halime Hatun's mastery in weaving.

She learned a lot
when she traveled through

many countries with her princely father.

This way we'll learn more from

what she knows and has experienced.

Well done, daughter.

If we look at things with our minds
and not with our pride, we will succeed.

Aliyar, do you have anything to say?

Your decision has proved
to be a wise one, Father.

Our women would not have been able
to finish those rugs in such a short time.

With regard to Simon...

We'll get to work with Ertuğrul Bey
and get it done, Father.

Good luck.

The arrow has already left the bow.
And it landed in your heart.

How many times will my father trap me?
How many more betrayals, Çolpan Hatun?

I can't count anymore.

You've put Ertuğrul in his place.

You prevented the Kayis challenging us
by burning their rugs.

In the new world's order,
you've done what's necessary.

Your father is incapable of understanding
the importance of what you've done.

Because he is afraid,

he has let Ertuğrul, his wife,
and his know-all mother become a nuisance.

He offered them this job
on a silver platter,

knowing it would cost us thousands.

But rest assured,
I'm going to take care of this business.

My father, Aliyar and Aslihan
will get what they deserve.

And then?

Let's say you sort this problem.

What happens next?

Who knows how many more traps

and betrayals you'll suffer
at their hands?

Your father obviously favors
your siblings over you.

You come after them.

They get the praise
while you get to run errands.

I told you, they'll get what they deserve.
Don't worry about that.

I never worry when I'm with you.

But as long as Aliyar and Aslihan live,
we can never be too sure.

The path of our people
is a long and holy one, Hatun.

We are noble and strong.

Under the command of the weak,

under the sword of heathens,

we'd melt away
like a snowflake in the sun.

But your man Ural
will never let that happen.


I know a way

of making it impossible

for either of my siblings to remain here.

My father will be alone.

How do we do that?

Through the one they rely on, Ertuğrul.

When I make my move tomorrow

he'll be left humiliated.

And Simon will crush him like an insect.

You smell so nice.

Just for you.

-Thank you, Halime Sultan.

Are you still nervous, Halime Sultan?

Ural Bey will do whatever he can
to prevent this from going ahead.

Simon is a merchant.

In the end, all he cares about
is the gold he'll get,

not Ural Bey's tears.

You're right.

-What about Aslihan?
-What about her?

I can't decide if she's really naive
or really clever.

What does that mean, Halime?

Aslihan Hatun was the one who told you
about the French getting the rugs.

Why did she do that?

What are you thinking?

I don't know, Bey. But it seems like...

She has as much respect for you
as she has for Aliyar Bey.

I can see that.

On one side is Çolpan and Ural,
on the other Aliyar and Aslihan.

I think...

we have come between
Candar Bey's children.

Our work will not be easy.

As long as you're taking care of things
everything will be fine, Halime Sultan.

That's why I wanted you
and my mother in charge.

I know things wouldn't have
worked out otherwise.

Besides, thanks to you, the Cavdar tribe
will learn how to weave rugs properly.

Let's try to come
to an agreement with Simon.

What was the disagreement between
my brother and Toktamis Bey, Aslihan?

Tell me.

Did it have something
to do with Simon's bazaar?

Yes, that despicable bazaar

ensured the hostility
between them only grew.

What happened? Tell me, sister.

Toktamis Bey found out Ural
was making an unfair profit.

On one hand there's Ural,
on the other, Çolpan.

How will we get through this?

You take care of Çolpan,
and I'll take care of our brother.

If you ever hear something's wrong
you must tell me right away, Aslihan.

Don't worry, brother.

My, my.

Good night.

I've come to give you some advice.

Don't dare follow Ertuğrul
and bring trouble to us.

The fact we can sell our products
and our animals at the bazaar,

we owe to Simon.

If not for this we'd be destitute,
just like Ertuğrul's people.

Ertuğrul is here today, gone tomorrow.

But Simon? He'll always
be in charge of the bazaar.


Is it true you teamed up with Simon
to steal our people's money?


Aslihan tell you that?

Tomorrow, two groups come together
to do serious business, brother.

We all need this.

Don't you dare...

try pulling any tricks on us...


While the wrongdoers run wild beside me,
I have to wait politically.

It's tough. I feel humiliated.

The skill is not to pull out your w*apon
until you can look the enemy

in the eye at the right time.

There is a right time
for an enemy to be defeated.

The enemy is what makes you brave
and like a lion.

When can I unsheathe my sword
and make life unbearable for my enemy?

There are many varieties of cruelty, son.

The sheath stops
the cruelty of the sword,

traps will end tricks' cruelty
and money will end money's cruelty.

A Bey's skill lies in

knowing if the devil is coming
from the right side or the left side.

Being a Bey is a grueling burden.

Yusuf was left in the well
and Ibrahim was thrown into the fire.

Why do you think they
were exposed to such suffering?

If the well didn't exist,
Yusuf wouldn't exist.

And if suffering didn't exist,
humans wouldn't be humans.

Mankind's trials are various.

Some will come out of the well like Yusuf,

some will become the devil
and get kicked out of heaven.

A trial is tough, son, it's tough.

As the Bey, you have to face the cheats
and appreciate justice.

You have to fall into traps,
so you can learn how to get out of them.

You have to experience disloyalty
and betrayal to see loyalty and sincerity.

And then you'll climb out of the well
you fell into

and become the Sultan of your land.

May God help you.

May God give strength to your muscles,
the courage to your heart

and clarity to your mind.

My God.

Eliminate the traps
on our path of holy w*r.

Grant us wakefulness against the enemy.

My God.

Give our weapons the strength of Zülfikar
and give our hearts the courage of Ali.

Don't let anyone who wants to ruin our
brotherhood, unity and peace succeed.

We ask only for your help
and we kneel down in front of you alone.

Don't let us be without you, my God.

My God.

Today is the day, brother.

When we clean Jerusalem
of the Muslims, that'll be our day.

When we reclaim the Temple of Solomon.

As long as there are knights
such as you... the day is close.

Soon our nemesis Ertuğrul will arrive.

Sometimes our enemies
become our closest friends.

We might have to make deals with them.

Will you accept his offer
of establishing a rug house?

Why shouldn't I if he comes up
with a good offer?

Ural will be enraged.


Then things will go crazy.

We'll k*ll two birds with one stone.

Maria won't leave Turgut's side.
I guess she's fallen for the man.

Was it Maria who found Turgut
when he was wounded?

Philip was with her too.

So either of them might
have found the dagger.

Is that what you're saying?

Maria is a naive woman.
She wouldn't understand.

How would she know
about Batuhan's dagger?

Only Philip could be behind something
like this. And if Philip is involved...

-It means Simon is involved too.
-Don't doubt it.

-Did you get the thief I asked you for?
-It was very easy.

I only had to say there would be
gemstones in the pouch he always carries.


I'll be back.

I'll wait for you, my Ural.

I can't bear being without you.

Bey, they are bent on causing hell.

For Christ's sake, for Muhammad's sake,
give some money to this poor man.

Ever since the birds started perching
on the master's balcony

the crows have gone mad.

May God and all his saints be
on your side, brave man.

May God protect the believers
and those who fight in his name, old man.

Bey, where are we going?

-I'd like to see Turgut.
-I understand, bey.

Shouldn't we take care of our business
first and go see him later?

I miss my brother too but we don't
know what's waiting in there for us.

Welcome, Ertuğrul Bey.
Innkeeper Simon is waiting for you.

Fine, then.

What happened to your foot, Philip?
You're limping.

The work of an arrogant drunk.

I suppose you put him in his place.

A Bey's skill lies in

knowing if the devil is coming from
the right side or the left side.

I am Suleyman Shah's son Ertuğrul!

I want all the world to know...

that any fool who
hankers after what's mine...

will pay the penalty.

Take this bastard away.


Thieves run wild here
and you're completely unaware of it.

Sometimes the dagger comes from
the place you trust the most, Ertuğrul.

You couldn't protect
your rugs against thieves.

You owe money to the French.

We're here to agree business
which might give bread to everyone.

But I see you are still wounded.

If we sit down at that table and...

shake hands, I believe that will
salve the wounds each of us bear.

There's no point dragging this on,
Ertuğrul Bey.


Ertuğrul Bey.

I have no wish to offend a kind man
like yourself, nor a Bey like Aliyar.

Go ahead Ertuğrul Bey,
be the guest of honor at my table.

I told Simon everything
you discussed and agreed

with Candar Bey, Ertuğrul Bey.

What do you want, Simon?

Firstly, please forgive me for the
unpleasant incident that just occurred.

Let's disregard it.

And hope that it protects us from
further such wickedness.

All right.

I like to gather
business partners together

and have them shake hands.

The demands you and Candar Bey make
seem very reasonable to me.

I see that...
both sides are in agreement.

All we can say is "good luck."

And that, from now on...

my brother will take care
of business such as this.

What do we do now, Bey?

We'll show them who Ural is.

Turgut Alp.

How are the wounds
inflicted by your Ertuğrul Bey?

My wounds are fine.

But he's not my Bey anymore...

he's your partner.

It is you who must now
worry about being wounded.

What do you mean?

He's like the wolf
which has its claws in its prey...

he won't let go before
he gets a bite of its flesh.

When he goes hunting,
he never comes back empty handed.

And if he's out hunting with his pack...

there won't be any prey left.

Speak more clearly.

What I'm saying is...

be careful, Ural Bey.

You'll live to regret knowing him,
just like me.

I'd like to have a long talk
with you some time,

and hear more about your experiences.


I live here now. I'll be waiting.

I stood up against the Pope's
scoundrels who vandalized Constantinople

and the many barbarians
who came from the North.

I lost my son, my wife,
and many men to this cause.

I established this bazaar with everything
I had left, Ertuğrul Bey.

I saw that the most difficult thing...

is to have brave and honest men
beside you that you can trust.

I've crossed many lands with my people.

I've seen every trick,
I've seen every act of treachery.

I could make a castle
with the enemy heads I've decapitated.

What I learned was

you couldn't trust anyone in those lands.

That's why my men will protect
the women in the bazaar.

I wouldn't want that burden anyway.

You Turks love fighting
as much as we love gold.

You get the battles... we get the gold.

One day, you'll wish
you had a sword at your side,

instead of pouches full of gold.

Let's not disrupt the peace, Ertuğrul Bey.
Let's enjoy the agreement.

Maria, let's get the table ready.

But don't bring wine.

We don't want to offend
our Muslim guests.

Ural Bey is a little upset about this,
am I right, Aliyar Bey?

I doubt it.

Ural Bey is skilled at trading.

He'll use his knowledge.

I see you're feasting before you
have paid your debt, Ertuğrul Bey.

My debt is still valid, Ricardo.

You can't come to my inn
and question my guests, Ricardo.

You want your gold?

Philip, give him his gold.

Your account is closed, Ricardo.

Now you owe me, Ertuğrul Bey.

You can pay me when
the rug house starts to make money.

Thank you.