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03x08 - Oh Horrible! Most Horrible!

Posted: 10/02/23 07:51
by bunniefuu
Hi, Cheryl.

What the f*ck is she doing in there?

They were f*cking on the couch.

Oh, Van. No!

You'll see d*ck. Just not
going in and out of Pascalle.

It's a p*rn film! d*ck
is what it's all about.

It is erotica. For women.
For the last time!

You're pissed I nailed
your mum. I get it.

I can't do this.

Are you breaking up with me?

Yeah. Cos you're toxic. I don't
want you anywhere near my life.



Kind of k*lling the mood, Loretta.

Oh, crap. It's not your birthday,
is it? Or some stupid anniversary.

Because if this is our 'we've
been dating exactly six months—'

Am I an anniversary kind of guy?

No, but what's with all the candles?

Congratulations. You're
a real live director.

[ Champagne?

f*ck champagne.

♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.

♪ You in my heart. ♪

Tell me again.

You're the hottest, sexiest woman—

No, dickhead. The bit about
the Asian distributor.

Cash, kudos, biggest
market in the world.

But it won't be seen here?

What's the point? You got your copy.

But what about the small but
highly-regarded festival where
a famous person spots my work?


Sounds far-fetched, but
stranger things have happened.

The Asian version needed
just a tiny bit of retooling.

Don't panic. It was just a language
thing. There were cultural issues.

'Don't panic'?

Nothing major. It was just dubbing.

Hayden, this is my film you're
talking about. Why wasn't I there
to do it?

Because you don't speak Mandarin.

Yeah. As in Chinese.
That's all it was.
You said retooling.

I meant dubbing. I oversaw it all
myself. Not that I understood it.



Good. Cos we have to forget all
about this one and start work on
the next one.

I already have started
thinking about it.

Horror? Comedy?

Psychological thriller. Intelligent,
complex. I've already done an

Well, now that you're a real live
director with a genuine credit,

I though you might like to take
a little bit of time to celebrate.

That's what I am. Finally.
An actual director.

We've got corned beef tomorrow
night. You're welcome to come
round if you want.

Thanks, but I have to decline. Even
though you do make the best cheese

It's just packet.

I never knew that.

Extra big serve for you.
You can bring Kasey.

I can't.

Look, whatever happened between you
and Van, you can sort it, can't you?

Come on, Munter. You can tell me.

Sorry, Mrs West.
No, no. Call me Cheryl.

I couldn't do that, Mrs West.

Munter, you and Van, you are it for
each other. Ever since you met in
Primer .

I mean, God, you both pissed
in the sandpit together.

I pissed further.

(LAUGHS) We used to come and get you
from school cos your mum forgot to
pick you up.


Van was so excited. You know, he
never had a friend like that before.
Not a real friend.

Jethro always ran them off.

Look, there's no more me and Van.
Not after what happened.

What did happen? I mean, I
know she brought him back from
the Coromandel. Bloody Draska.

I just have to forget him, that's
all. Thanks for the beer, Mrs West.

You know she's still
on the scene, Munter?

Nah, 'course she is.

Remember when she tried to
pretend to be up the duff,

and we sent her packing? You
and me. It was you, mostly.

Maybe he deserves her.

Come on, Mun—


Bugger, bugger.

Oh, sh*t!


Hey, you squeezing
those oranges yourself?

Retooling? Is that what you meant?

Taking my film and sticking in
disgusting sh*ts of d*ck and
dildos and fannies and arseholes.

Yeah. I knew you wouldn't be happy.

The sh*ts don't match. The lighting
is sh*t and no way is that Pascalle.

You know your own sister that well?

It's like you've taken bits of
Z-grade p*rn and just slammed
them in anywhere.

f*cking hell. That is what you did.

[ I was in a hurry.
I had to do something.

You didn't!
You wanted your film sold,
and I got it sold.

That's not my film.

Parts of it are.

Except plot, character,
anything resembling a story!

I tried to sell that version. Truly,
I did. But nobody wanted soft-core.

It is erotica, you fuckwit!

'Too many talking heads. Not enough
action.' Which is pretty much what
I said when we were sh**ting it.

Oho! So you planned this
from the beginning?

No! But I was worried—

Oh my God, you bastard!
Calm down, Loretta.

Don't tell me to calm down!

You have k*lled my work,
and you have ruined my film!

You are a lying, cheating,
no-talent prick! How could you?


f*ck me. I'm feeling it today.


Why don't you piss off home, then?

That was for Van. God,
he's even worse than I am.

You must be so worried about him —
the way he's acting right now.

I know he's trying to get over his
grief, but it's self-destructive.
What do you think, Cheryl?

I think you should leave.

Someone's got to look after him.
Do you want him out nicking cars?
Especially now Munter's not around.

What do you know about that?
Nothing. But at least
Van's got me, right?



Oh my God. Are you crying?

Piss off!

You guys. Come quick.

Don't believe you.

First I heard the freaky noises.
Then I saw her face and it was
all purple and pink.

And there was snot.

Even when she was a baby,
she never cried. Just stared.

Loretta, we just want to help.

WHISPERS: And take a photo.


Is Loretta in there?

You've done something to her.

She's been bawling, apparently.

Eh? Nah, Loretta doesn't cry.

Well, she does now.


Can I come in?

[ Get lost.


Do you mind?

Hay fever.


I'm sorry.


I forgive you.

I understand that you didn't
betray me and ruin my film.

You had to do it for the money.

No! f*ck off!

The next film will be
the one, all right?

We've got experience now.
We'll double the budget.

So we can have gold-plated
dildos this time?

I know.

I should've talked to you.
You were so attached to it.

Oh, bullshit. You didn't
think I'd ever find out.

Tell me what I need to do
for us to get past this.

Anything. You know
what you mean to me.

Recall every single copy of the
Asian version and take my name
off it.

That's impossible.

You want to make it right?

I can't, OK? I'm not able to

and it would cost a b*mb.

You said you'd do anything!
Loretta, I am not going to do it.

Yes, you are!
Be reasonable!

Well, if you don't do that,
then we're over!

Like an ultimatum?
Mm. Well spotted.

I know you're upset.
No, I am humiliated and furious and
more betrayed than I've ever been!

And if you even gave a small
rat's arse, you'd do it.

I can't.

Then we're over.


Nice knowing you.

Pascalle, Ted. Might
see you round, eh?

Oh my God. You're so dumped.

OK. Here's what I think. She went to
the Coromandel, she got to Van, and
she stirred up Munter.

Draska. She broke them up.

Oh, it wasn't her.
Who was it, then?

I can't. I'm sworn to secrecy.

f*ck that, Kasey.
Come on, who was it?

This is so awful and so appalling.

Look, Van and Munter have never had
a fight. They're like brothers.

Except a brother does not do that,
and not with his brother's mother.


Oh, crap.


Van and Karla?

Please don't say anything to Munter.
He'll k*ll me if he finds out.

Jesus Christ!

And he got her pissed first.

Oh, right. That bloody explains it.

What are you saying?

Karla will go anything
when she's on the piss.

Yeah, and who put her back there?

Munter wasn't there?

In the grip of a full body stone,
watching his best friend and his

You know, nine months she'd been on
the wagon. Munter was so proud of

Then along comes Van. Poor Munter.
It was like reliving childhood,
except this time,

the loser guy shagging his
mum was his best friend.

All right.
You can stop trying to fix it.
There's no point.

No. Van's going to apologise.
I'll make him.

Maybe things are better this way.

No. Munter's not happy.
I know he's not.

Yes, he is!

I mean, I know he gets a bit wistful
when he listens to ACDC or eats
fish 'n' chips or rolls a big one,

but he's better off without Van.

You can't say that.
Excuse me, but I can.

I have found myself a sweet,
sensitive guy, with a huge todger,

who knows foreplay is more
than buying me a rum 'n' Coke.

So I'll be f*cked if I'm going see
your son lead him astray and land
him in jail. No offence.

Hey. You OK?

Piss off.

So,... did he cheat on you?

Cos, you know, it would kind of be
like karma. You know, cos you got
with Hayden right after me.

Not that I care now, cos I've got
Bruce, but it was still totally

He didn't screw anyone else.
Just my film.

Is that out already?

Only in Asia. No one
will see it here.

Oh, fantastic.

It's not fantastic. And I don't
want to talk about it.

Look, you haven't done the whole
break-ups thing, and I have — heaps.

Normally I'm the one doing the
dumping, but you still have to
pass through the stages.

I don't need this sh*t.
Yeah, you do.

No. Cos Hayden can't do this to
me. And pretty soon he's going to
realise that.

That is so positive.

Revenge is the first stage.

Personally, I think the best thing
is just go and sleep with his best

Oh, wait, no. That's Jethro.

Pascalle, I can do this my own way.

OK. But if you need me...

I don't.

When you're at the depressed,
'Why wasn't I good enough for
that prick?' stage, I'll be here.

I won't do that.


Sure you won't.



Van. Van, food.

I know what happened
in the Coromandel, Van.
Sleep. ]

How could you do that to Munter? You
don't treat your friends like that,
Van. Your only friend.

Van! Jesus, Van, look at me.

Van. I want you to get
round there and apologise—

What's the point?!
I know you've been through a—

Who gives a sh*t?!

I do!

I do.

SOFTLY: Sweetheart.

Baby, Shanice Poleglaze's, um, st
is tonight. I thought we could go.

She's a stupid mole.

Well, all the more reason why
we should go. If you want to.

No. No. You're out of here.
You're out of my house.

She's staying. ]
She's not welcome.

She's staying.


Ahh! f*ck.


(CHUCKLES) Yeah, nice try, Loretta.


Bitch! ]

It's OK. I'm fine.


Took your time.

Yeah. I couldn't bail
on my client. Sorry.



Definitely one of her better ones.

Yep. She's graduated
from frozen chicken.

How is this better?

Obviously, you've never had a
chicken rotting under your floor.

That form one teacher
regretted failing her.

Mate, can you just get on with it? I
haven't had a piss since lunchtime.

Expensive trousers?



It's all good. Loads of fun.

Get that down you.

I know why she's doing this. She
wants my attention, right? She ain't
going to get it.

No response whatsoever.

All this sh*t that she's ruined, all
replaceable by insurance. She ain't
going to get to me.



Cheers, mate.



Can you smell that?


I used to have this girlfriend,
she would, um...

Oh, sh*t.


Hair-removal cream.



Ow! ]

Have you got any plasters? I've
ripped my feet walking home on my

Shame it was just your feet.

Van wanted to get a taxi tonight,
and he wanted to grab the cash box.

But I said, 'Nah, babe.
Bad idea.' Because I care.


Coming, baby!

OK, you pasty slapper.
I get the point.

No, Cheryl, I don't think you do.

Because we all know that Van's only
listening to one person right now,
and that's yours truly.

Me. So it'd be a good idea to be
a little bit more f*ckin' polite.

(CHUCKLES) To you?

If you're nicer, then I'd
be more inclined to help.

Jesus, you little f*cking bitch!

Hey, hey, hey!

Yeah. I need to go look
after my boyfriend.

God! Bloody Van.

What happened to the great reunion?

(SIGHS) It's harder than I thought.

Well, give it a couple of weeks.

Munter will get over it, and he'll
be back here, stinking of pot and
eating all the roast potatoes.

Don't think so.


I feel like I've lost him.

She is all over him like a maggot,
and he... he lets her.

Look, you were prepared to chuck him
out before. Maybe that's what you
have to do.

Where would he end up? God knows
what would happen to him.

Look, Draska's a menace, but
maybe she's better than nothing.

No. I do not kowtow
to that little ho-bag.

Look, come on. OK. OK. He's gonna
get sick of her eventually.



I got your message.


Who are you calling a chicken?

If you have issues, Loretta, do the
mature thing and talk to me, OK?

All right. Rusty Nail. One hour.

You owe me for my car, my
furniture and my appliances.

Take it out of the profits.

What if I'm only just breaking even?

What if I only went into it
because of a certain person?

Who would that be?

Are we done with the act yet?

That depends. Have you recalled
the DVDs and taken my name off?

Not going to happen.

I always get what I want, Hayden.

And what do you really want?

You know what I want.

(SCOFFS) Not this time, sweetheart.

Is that your final word?

No, not quite.

Mess with my hair again,
and you'll be really sorry.

You messed with me.

You never had a film
career until you met me.

In fact, there was something else
you'd never had, wasn't there?

What was it?

You and I both know this isn't over.


Take my name off...

and we're back in business.


Thought you might say that. Hasta la
vista, baby. Unless you get a better

Word to the wise, you don't put
your personals up in the bogs
in this establishment.

It is frequented by good,
hard-working family men.


And those guys.


What's happening, fox club?

Hello, my love. Good morning.
You want some breakfast?

How 'bout I get you some water?

Hey, you know what? I've actually
got some Southern Comfort under
the bed.

Come and have some
breakfast, Van. Van—


It's gonna be OK.
No, it's not.

Say one thing for that girl —
she's got stamina.

She's got a f*cking nerve, is what.

OK. Now I'm really worried.

It's called eating. It's what
people do when they're not models.

Upset people lose their appetites

or they eat way too much
to fill the void.

Go away with your stupid stages.

They're there for a reason.

If you're not up to wallowing, you
should be up to getting pissed with
your friends.

Except you don't have any.

Maybe I'm not like other people.

He was your first boyfriend. You
can't be up to recovery yet. You
haven't even slept with anyone else.

I'm way too busy for that.

Anyway, Hayden will
come to his senses.

How do you know that?

Because I've made a list
and I'm working through it.

A list?

Of his weak points.

You mean you're still on stage one?

He's got a lot of weak points.

Like, he's crap in the mornings.


LORETTA: Really crap.



f*ck off!

And he's way, way
too fond of his car.

And he hates insects.


Especially arachnids.

Yeah. That got his attention.

OK. I don't get this.

He didn't cheat on you, give you
crabs, sleep with your best friend.

What he did was way worse than that.

It was just a dumb movie.

And if he thinks he can get
away with it, he's wrong.

He also thinks that b*ll*ts
bounce off him — also wrong.

Did you sh**t Hayden?

Don't be stupid. That
would land me in jail.

I did this instead.

Oh my God. You didn't.

Expensive per word, but worth it.

This isn't normal.

I thought it was stage one.

Ripping up clothes, sleeping
with friends — that's revenge.

This is... This is like that old
movie with the woman with the bad
spiral perm and the rabbit.

Fatal attraction. Yeah. But
unfortunately, Hayden doesn't
have a pet.


I was checking to see if the
cancer had got Pat O'Hora—

You have all the fun.
...and there he was. Hayden
'poofter' Peters popped his clogs.



It's not true.

Don't ruin my day.

The early morning serenades, the
pervs and the weirdos. Just changed
my number.

But the spider and the damage
to my car, and now this.

It doesn't say how you d*ed.

My mother nearly had a heart att*ck.
My staff are freaking.

My f*cking brother-in-law came to
get my car before anybody else could
claim it.

I'm starting to think your
sister's got a mental illness.

She's a -year-old...
with a broken heart.

How many of them do
crazy sh*t like this?

Thought we had a o'clock.

Yeah. Can we finish this later?

No. We f*cking can't,
because this is the last straw.

What's going on?

Uh, Hayden's an old friend of mine.

Not for much longer.

Can you give me ?

Glad you can spare the time, mate.

There you go. And you've actually
got nine bucks in late fees, but
it's OK. You can get it next time.

You're in good shape. For
someone whose ex just d*ed.

I'll live.

Hayden's mother might not. She's
been admitted to hospital suffering

When Hayden turned up, she thought
he was back from the dead.

If Hayden wants to stop this,
then he knows what to do.

Jesus. Loretta, give it up.

Jethro, your opinion
really doesn't matter.

A business deal didn't go your way,
so now you're having a tantrum.

It was a bit more than that.

It won't be the last time.
So suck it up.

He was the person who was supposed
to know me better than anyone.
He knew what that movie meant to me.

Then to not even apologise. To walk
away like I'm nobody, like I'm some
stupid girl who doesn't even matter.


(CHUCKLES) Oh, sh*t.

Making someone's life a living hell
ain't going to get him to come back
to you.

I do not want him to come back
to me. I don't want to see him.

This is a lot of investment, then.

Jethro, it's a matter of pride.
You don't f*ck around a West!

You playing that card now?

Jethro, I do not love him! I hate
him! And that's why I'm doing this!

And I'm going to keep f*ckin' doing
it until he gets it, because he has
to get it!


You saw the death notice?

Mm. Very disappointed.

In Loretta?

That it wasn't true.

No joke, Grandpa.

She's gone beyond revenge
and into something else.

It's going to end up with
the cops... or mental health.

Over that w*nk*r?


She loves him.

Someone has to talk to her.

Vannie, are we going?! ]

Yeah. Whatever.

What the f*ck?


You want to put me back
in the shower, as well?

You sure could use one.

You're not my f*cking father.

Well, he's not here, is he?

f*ck off.

f*ck you!

You want to go lower than low,
I don't care. But don't do this.

Is this more sh*t about Munter?

This is about you breaking
your mother's heart.

Now, I don't know why or how, but
that woman loves you no matter what
you do.

And you can piss on anything else,
but you don't piss on that.

Are you OK, babe?


You w*nk*r.

He's not dead?

Cheryl said it was a misprint.

I saw him in here
trying to pick up men.

I knew he was a h*m*.

Well, Loretta will go back
to being a d*ke now. You watch.

It's all so confusing.

Don't look now, stud muffin.

Don't worry, baby. We don't
have to talk to that loser.

It's half-price drinks at
the Hook, Line and Sinker.

Nah. This is our local.
We stay at our local.

You are such a spunk, Munt.

Hi. Do you sell silicone spray?
It's a heavy-duty metal lubricant.

OK. Bye.

Silicone spray?

Yeah. Funny on toilet seats,
but dangerous on doorsteps
and driveways.

Rita had a few fallings-out in her
time. Ngaire Munroe for starters.

Lefty's wife.

They never spoke again after
the incident with the rat poison.

Only one person your grandmother
hated more than Ngaire.
Bert Thompson.

Oh, she hated him on account of the
Smith and Caughey cock-up. But there
was someone worse.

Slutty Pants.

Yeah. We call her Mum or Cheryl.

Rita got a few hits in, then she
realised — Slutty held all the

You kids. She could take you away
from Rita any time. So she did
something I never thought she'd do.

Worse than rat poison?

She apologised.

She had to. She loved you kids.

If you're going to destroy someone,
you have make sure you never want to
see that person.

And I don't know why you'd ever
want to see him again. Hayden bloody

If I'd known you were in here,
I would have waited.

Don't want you pissing yourself.

I wouldn't.

Nah. You got a good bladder.

Standard four camp.

Matamata. You didn't go for a whole
day cos there was a dead bird in the

You shifted it.

Yeah. Cos you were too p*ssy.



I, um...

You better get out here. Girl fight.

I was here first, you old ho.

Old? I'm . And how old
are you, you fat, ugly slag?


What the f*ck did
you say to me, bitch?

This is bad.


Hey, let her go. All right?

Munter the loser finally gets
laid. You f*cking bitch!

He is not a loser! Not like
your f*cking boyfriend.

Just break it up.


You can't speak to her like that,
all right? Just f*cking cool it.

Don't f*cking touch her.



f*ck you.
Nah, f*ck you!

Nah, f*ck you!
Nah, f*ck you, bro!

Nah, you!
Oh, baby.

Let's go. Leave these bastards.

f*ck you!
f*ck off!


You're bleeding.

f*ck off.

Come have a drink. ]

No. It f*cking hurts. ]

Come on, baby. You
gotta disinfect it. ]

Hold still.

It's going to help you.
Piss off.

What the hell's happened now, Van?

You should be asking 'who'. It was
your precious Munter, actually.

What? Munter smacked Van?

There's a whole pub full of
witnesses, if you don't believe me.

You OK?
Yeah. Yeah, couldn't be better (!)

Playing on your own?

Practice, eh?

I'm sorry for hitting your son,
Mrs West. It had to be done.

It's about time someone smacked him.
He's been a real sh*t lately.


Thing is, now that you've got it out
of your system, maybe you guys could
sit down and sort it out.

It ain't gonna happen.
Isn't it what you do? You smack each
other and then it's best buddies.

Me and Van — it's a relationship
that's run its course.

No, Munter.

What do you expect, Mrs West?
You don't know.

Well,... I do.


Who told you?

Oh, doesn't matter.

What matters is that Van is a mess.

And he's sorry.

No, he's not. Look, we had
a good thing, OK? The best.

And it became abusive, and there's
only one way to deal with that.

Only cos he's f*cked in the head.

Yeah, and I gotta
walk away from that.

Is this Kasey talking?

No. It's me. Stop
hassling me about it.

Munter, I'm not hassling you—

Just don't contact me any more, OK?


It's been nice, Mrs West. I've
enjoyed the roast chickens

and the ice cream with the
chocolate, strawberry and
vanilla in.


And I'm gonna miss the way you've
always got clean towels and spare
bog paper.

And how you made me feel
like I was part of your family.

No. Don't do this, Munter.

Look, we can't see each other again.

Except, you know, if it's in
the car park at Hoochie Mama
when I'm picking up Kasey.

Or at the supermarket or the pub.

But, anyways, you know,...

thanks for everything.

Really, thanks.

All right. This is what
I want. Van's to get a job.

Full or part-time?
Full. I want him occupied.

And he's not to drink.

I can give you cutting down.
Light beer, maybe?

But he's not to fight or
steal or get arrested.

That's a lot of demands.
It's time to walk the walk.

Ooh, I'm not going anywhere.
But I have a few conditions.

More f*cking politeness?

I am to be treated with respect from
everyone here, including Loretta,...

and especially from you.

No one is to call me a ho,
a whore, a slut or a slapper.

Root-bag's OK, though, eh?


No name-calling, no insults.

I am to be treated as family.

You can't do that if we
can't call you names.


But fine.

What I'd like most of all...

is an apology.

From you.

I want you to say, 'I'm sorry'.

To you?

What for?

For punching me in the face.
For humiliating me.

For ruining my wedding. And for
accusing me of faking a pregnancy.
You did fake a pregnancy.

I still want an apology, and I'm
not going anywhere until I get it.

Oh, for f*ck's sake. All right.

Need a f*g.

What's this?

sh*t. (EXHALES)

All right. Get off my property.

Why are you selling your house?

I'm leaving.

Where? The street? The suburb?

Like I'm going to tell you.

[ Hayden, I'm here...

to tell you...

that I'm sorry.

Well, you're trespassing.

Didn't you hear me?
I want to apologise.

Get off my property right
now or I'll call the cops.

Because of a few harmless pranks?


I'm going nuts, every day wondering
what fresh horror is going to face

I can't sleep at night for fear
that my house is going to burn down!

Oh, come on. You know I'm not that
psycho. It was a game, that's all.

A game?

Yeah. And... I thought
you'd give in.

Go! Get out of here now.

No. I can't.

What I mean is,....

I'm sorry.

Good on ya. Bye.

You're not listening to me.

I'm sorry.

Well, sorry doesn't cut it, Loretta.
Not after what you put me through.

Well, what about 'I love you'?

Hayden, I honestly love you.

And it's not just a crappy song.
It's why I was hurt and why I was
freaking out.

And why I was maybe handling things
a bit badly and it's why you cannot

Are you high?

No. No.

I love you!
I never want to see you again.

No, you can't do that.

You are a nutbar, all right?
You're a wacko.

And I don't want to
see you ever again.

I wish I'd never met you.


Just get out of my life.

It's not that hard, Cheryl.

Not if you want my help.

All right. All right.

I'm s—


and sincerely sorry...

for all the pain and unfairness
I've inflicted on you, Draska.

I haven't got all day.

All right.

I'm-I'm s...


I'm sorry for pissing you off,
for slapping you, stuffing up your
wedding, and I fricking apologise.

You don't know how much
that means to me, Cheryl.


So do we have a deal?

Everything... will be
sweet from now on.

You'll see.




♪ Something snaps in life.

♪ Dissolves

♪ in the furthest of
your mind's resolve.

♪ You're on the dark side.

♪ You're on the dark side.

♪ You're on the dark side of me.

♪ You're on the dark side.

♪ You're on the dark side.

♪ You're on the dark side again. ♪

Pascalle, are you awake?

No. Piss off.

Pascalle,... you know
the break-up stages?

There was the wallowing stage, and
then you mentioned the stage about
getting pissed.


But you didn't mention the stage
where your stomach's filled with
writhing snakes

and your heart really hurts

and it feels like
it's going to burst.
