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03x06 - Consilium Abditum

Posted: 10/07/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
You're not an year-old undergraduate.

You're a woman, and I'm very attracted to you.

I'm not attracted to you, professor.

I want you very much, Susan, and I'm going to have you!

Stop it!

I think it'll be difficult to tell Spenser.

We're gonna file a complaint.

Might file one of my own.

You need me for something?

- Talk to Susan. - My Susan?

(Spenser) 'You should've told me..'

They got you on as*ault and battery with a deadly w*apon.

What? I pulled a g*n on him now?

[muffled scream]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

(Spenser) "What is the city but the people?"

Shakespeare asked that, and even though Billy

wasn't talking about Boston he did know his stuff.

Bostonians are a people of great pride.

Pride in the things they love most.

Education, athletics, politics, the arts.

But above all the people of Boston are kind

warm hearted, gentle

and full of good cheer.

[indistinct chatter]

Just leave me alone.

You bastard. I'll get you--

Come on, I got some more for you.

Hold it, hold it, look, you're not gonna hit her again.

- You wanna bet? - Look.

You're a lil' out of her weight class, don't you think?

So why don't you calm down and just talk this over?

Because he's got all his brains in his butt!

So much for talk.


'Goin' down.'


Stick a fork in him, honey, he's done.


Ah, Susan.

Eh, sorry I'm late, session in my private practice ran long.

That's fine. That's fine.

Adolescent stress, huh?

It's an area I worked in when I was at Harvard

for my masters.

Huh, it's a good subject.

Not overworked by any means.

A well presented dissertation could have

a real impact.

Add to the existing body of knowledge and all that.

It's good, it's very good.

You excited?

Yes, it feels good to be getting down to the final push.

Well, you'll do fine.

You've worked hard for your doctorate

and you should earn it.

Of course..

...a friendly relationship with your thesis advisor

couldn't do any harm either.


Professor, I've seen this coming

and, uh..

...I don't want to pursue it.

Why? Why can't we have a friendly relationship?

Say starting with dinner tonight?

I'm afraid not,

I don't see any reason for us to have contact

outside of out normal sessions together.

Oh, I disagree.

Are you involved with someone, Susan?

Yes, I am.

Huh, that doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter, he doesn't have to know..

And what's more even if he did know?

What's more understandable than a student

spending a night or two conferring

with her thesis advisor?

A night or two, professor?

I'm not sure I know what you mean?

Oh, Susan, drop the coyness, it doesn't become you.

You're not an year-old undergraduate.

You're a woman.

And I'm very attracted to you.

But I'm not attracted to you, professor.

I doubt that.

I doubt that, but..

...even so, in time we'll see.

Your arrogance doesn't become you, professor.

And I find this entire conversation way out of bounds.

I'm going to leave now, and hope we can both

forget this ever happened.

But I won't forget, Susan.

I think you should think about it, reconsider.

There's still time.

I want you very much, Susan.

- And I'm going to have you. - Stop it!

I have put up with your staring at me and your hints

for weeks, hoping to God that you would stop.

Are you quit finished or are you gonna

carry on all the way to hysteria?

I am gonna carry this to the administration.

I'm gonna file a complaint with the board of conduct.

Go right ahead, young lady.

It's your word against mine as to what happened here.

The board's heard all of this many times before.

They're going to hear it again. From me!

[instrumental music]

(Spenser) 'I'm telling you, I should've thrown the guy'

right out the window!

I mean, this goofball starts beatin' on his girlfriend

and what a piece of work she is.

Thirty, forty people start looking at their feet

and headin' for the exits, but not ol' Spenser. No, no, no.

I just go charging right in. I'm never gonna learn.

You know you did the right thing.

And this girl, what did she do?

She completely changed the story to the police

and I wind-up being the guy who started the whole thing.

[keys clacking]

I mean, did I miss something?

Maybe the parable,the, uh, good Samaritan along the road

you know, the poor traveler at the end where he files

civil and criminal charges.

You witnessed an as*ault and you acted on it.

You didn't look for the exit or try to ignore it

you did something.

Look, I think you need to get your mind off all of this

and I think taking me to dinner will do that very nicely.

I can't, I gotta, I gotta meet Hamilton in minutes.

- Jim, your lawyer? - 'Yeah.'

That's what I'm tellin' you, these people are filing charges

against me.

Ah, I'm sorry I'm going on and on about this.

Look, I-I promise, I'll take you to dinner tomorrow

we'll have a good time, we'll talk, huh?

Did you have a good day?

Not much to tell really.

It'll keep.

[instrumental music]

Last time we were like this you had trouble.

It was when I told you I was leaving for San Francisco.

Think you understood better than anyone why I had to go.

I just listen, like now.

- Seein' your eyes-- - I need to talk.

Not a Spenser kinda tell either.

Well, it is, but now isn't the time

to bring anything to Spenser.

- He's in trouble. - Man usually is.

Truth is, Hawk, it isn't something I'd feel comfortable

telling Spenser.

Not that easy to tell me.

- The same reason I suppose. - What's that?

He'd explode, he'd run off to fight my battles

and end up getting himself in more trouble

than he's already in.

I don't want anyone to fight this one for me, Hawk.

Including you, I can do it myself.

It's.. Hawk, someone is harassing me.

Sexually harassing me.

How do I tell Spenser that?

Well, first you tell me.

It's this like collegey professor, my thesis advisor.

Damn it, Hawk, he's a man in a position of power.

With the students at least.

I'm sure he's come on to other women.

'And his attitude, he's so condescending'

'so sure of himself.'

You tell me who he is, where he is, run it.


But I meant what I said, I can handle it.

I'm going to file a complaint.

Might file one of my own.

What's this all about? I'm not even supposed to be here.

- Remember? - Don't worry.

Webster's on vacation for two weeks.

- Yeah? Where'd he go? - I don't know.

Revere beach I think.

Well, I'm supposed to be across the street

in the court house for a hearing in two minutes.

This is about your hearing, Spenser.

What about it, the only thing I'm guilty of

is trying to protect this young girl.

The bruises on her face will corroborate my story.

- I don't care what she says. - She says you hit her.

Come on!

She says you tried to pick her up, she resisted

you got physical and bopped her.

The boyfriend rushes at you and you cock him too.

Oh, get out of here.

I mean, they sure have done some work on their story

since the last time I saw them.

Yeah, well the DA's done some work too, Spenser

on the charges, they got you on as*ault and battery

with a deadly w*apon.

What? I pulled a g*n on him now?

Well, they got a shysta lawyer who's done his homework.

You're an ex-prized fighter, a professional.

Your fists got you the deadly w*apon..

- Argh! - Spenser.

You go to the hearing and I'll nose around

see what I can dig up on this slob you decked.

- Or his girlfriend. - Thank you, thank you.

And you owe me, Spenser, don't forget that.

- Who are you? - A messenger.

Oh, well, anything you have to deliver

just, uh, leave it outside on my secretary's desk.

Message I got is private.

Look, I'm a very busy man, I don't have time for all these

absurd games, so just leave--

If you don't like games let's just quit

right now, shrink-man.

One way to get you out of here. Ah!

You got a student named Susan Silverman?

If you don't leave right now, you're gonna be in more trouble

than you ever bargained for.

You already there.

Message time, professor.

Susan Silverman ever hear you talkin' about late dinner

meetings, that kinda thing, I'll be back.

Susan Silverman ever have your hands on her again

I'll be back.

Susan Silverman ever leave this campus

with so much as a hair out of place

I'll be back.

You hear me?

Talk to me, professor, or we start from the top.



One more thing.

I was not here.

[intense music]


Carl, I need to see you, right away.

Damn, Spenser.

Bag had a white flag he would've waved it a long time ago.

Well, look at you, lookin' all fresh and dandy.

You wanna go a couple rounds?

I'd like to oblige, but I'm in an o-boogity mode right now.


Pardon me for noticing, but you don't seem to be boogity-ing.

Not just yet, it's just taken me a minute to find out

about your latest scrap with the law.

What, is there a new Spenser hotline on ESPN?

No, no, no, no, just listen to the drums, Spenser.

Just listen to the drums.

So tell me, how long is it gonna take you

to finish your latest go around with your American justice?

Couple of weeks until the trial, and then the..

civil suit, uh..

- You need me for something? - Negative.

But the woman of silver might.

Can we just drop the Delphi Oracle bit for a second

and you tell me straight out what you wanna say.

- Straight out? - Yeah.

- Talk to Susan. - Susan?

Mu Susan?

W-what's wrong with her?

Her story, let her tell it.

[instrumental music]

Come in, Susan.

I've come by to pick up my notes that I left with you.

I'll need them when I apply for a new advisor.

You're serious, aren't you?

Can't you see how juvenile and petty this all is?

No, I certainly don't see that.

There's nothing petty about sexual harassment.

Oh, God, the hysterics again.

What should we do, professor? Just sweep it under the rug?

Get back to business as if nothing ever happened?

No, professor, it doesn't work that way.

I won't, I can't forget.

The complaint is filed and there will be a board hearing.

You're really chomping at the bit, aren't you, Susan?

Rarin' for a fight.

You'll go to the board truth on your side

you can't lose, huh?

Well, if you think for one minute, young lady

that I'm going to sit back without a fight

you've got another thing coming.

'I'll not see my career jeopardized'

by some hypersensitive graduate student

with some twisted sense of feminism

of whatever the hell it is you call it!

Damn you and the whole sick attitude you stand for.

You've really got this down to a science, don't you?

You're allowed to leer and touch

I play along, trade my self esteem for a degree

and everything is fine, but if I refuse

'and everything turns sour, then suddenly I'm at fault.'

I hope to God I can get you thrown out of this university.

You better hope that

because if things don't go well for you at the board

I'll see to it that you get thrown out

of the doctoral program.

You'd do that.

Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

That's your warning, remember it.

Hey, Spenser.

What're you doin'? Callin' legal aid?

Very funny. I'm trying to reach Susan.

- Don't seem to get her. - Well, cheer up.

I'm here to brighten your day.

That's all the info Mr. Computer spit out

on Stan Sims, alias Stan Sawyer.

- Alias Steve Swan. - Look at this record.

All the way form Bayonne to Providence.

Well, well, well, insurance fraud.

The cop I talked to in Jersey says they call him

Stan the scam.

That poor guy is accident prone, Spenser.

Head, lower back, both legs.

He's been in court three times alone

on career ending neck injuries.

Well, I really know how to pick 'em, don't I?

'Yeah. This guy is a real pro.'

He's slipped on wax floors, he's choked on restaurant food.

His usual is toolin' around in some b*at up wreck

with no tail lights, waitin' for some poor geek

'to crash into his trunk.'

First word out of his mouth as a baby, whiplash.

'Probably sued his mother for diaper rash.'

Anyway, you slip that to your lawyer, he'll run it down

and you'll bury this bum in court.

What about the girlfriend?

Yeah, I almost forgot.

- Her name is...Ruth Shawowski. - 'Shawowski?'

Shawowski. She's a, uh, an exotic dancer.

You know, the kind where the dance becomes more exotic

the longer it goes.

She shakes it nightly at a little place

called the Runway over on Tremont.

If I hurry I can get a front row seat.

Someone's causing me a great deal of trouble, Carl.

Actually, it's a student of mine.

- Oh, like before. - That's right.

Yes, I'm being accused of things I haven't actually done.

I helped you before.

I can do it again.

I'm glad to hear you say that, Carl.

Otherwise it might lead to an investigation.

I might have to stop my practice.

No, no, I don't want that.

I need you. You listen to me.

That's right, I do. And I want that to continue.

I know what to do.

I can stop the trouble.

I think you should.

Just tell me who it is.

Here's the address.

Her name is..

...Susan Silverman.

Hey, listen, you know, Stan is due in here any minute.

- I would get lost if I was you. - Oh!

Stan's comin' by? That's good. That's terrific.

Listen, let me ask you.

How long have you known Stan?

Mm, couple of months, why?

This may come as a big shock to you

but Stan's got a record longer than you barbell.

- So? - So..

So you two a-are a team, you're going in together to court.

An-an-and I think that, uh..

...although you're having a real swell time with Stan

because he's such a smooth guy

that you're gonna have to learn to live with some of the bad

as well as the good.

See, we're gonna present the judge with a list of Stan's

prior fraud cases.

And he's gonna maybe begin to look at your testimony

as lying.

Perjury. People go to jail for perjury,


Hey, what, what're you doing here layin' all this on me?

How'd you get that?

Couldn't you make a problem with a hammer?

- Did he hit you a lot? - No.

Well, sometimes he smacks me, you know.

Yeah, I know, he's a real nice guy.

Yeah, well, Tom Selleck hasn't been callin' me

for a lot of dates lately. You know, honey?

Uh, maybe not, but Stan? Come on!

He's a four time loser, a coward and a bully.

He bullies people like you.

What am I supposed to do?

Change my story, have Stan comin' lookin' for me?

I'll find you too.

Thought you might show up sometime.

So I brought along my buddy. Phil.

Hi, Phil, what do you hear from your neck?


(male # ) 'Okay, come on, girls, back stage.'

Real good, Spenser.

We could add this to our story.

Right, Ruth?

There's not gonna be any story, Stan.


- What're you talkin' about? - I'm changin' my tune.

I-I'm gonna go to the cops and tell 'em the truth.

Like hell you are.

I think this is where I came in.

Now, if you touch her I'm gonna have to do somethin'.

Now, I know you got your friend Phil here.

But he's not feelin' so good.

So why don't you, uh..

...get yourself some buttoned down collars

and go straight, huh?

It's all over, get out of here.

Well, I'm proud of you, Ruthy.

Look, I got this police sergeant Belson, he's a friend.

He's a good guy, no, you tell him your story

and he's gonna have a little talk with Stan, I know him well.

The guy's not gonna bother you anymore.

(Susan) 'Well, I'm not crazy about Hawk coming to you'

about me.

(Spenser) 'At least he said something.'

Well, I would've too at the right time.

But you have problems of your own.

It doesn't matter what I'm going through.

I want you to.. You should've told me.

Look, you're the most important thing to me, do you know that?

You should've told me about Dorian right away.

What, so I could hide behind you

while you went out and solved it all for me?

That's what San Francisco is all about for me, Spenser.

Trying to take care of myself on my own.

I understand that, but you should've told me.

I want you to be able to tell me anything at anytime.

If I'm not listening tell me again.

I'm a little slow sometimes, you know?

Well, I'm glad you got the as*ault business

taken care of anyway.

Now we can talk.

[intense music]

You want me to come over?

No, it'll keep till tomorrow.

- Hey, Sus. - I'm fine, I promise.

I love you.

I love you too.

[music continues]

[glass shatters]

[music continues]

[ominous music]


[music continues]

[muffled screaming]

Wait! Don't you fight me. Shh!




[people laughing in distance]

[indistinct chatter]

[glass shattering]

- Watch out! - Careful!

- Let's go see. - I'm gonna check it out.

[tense music]

Hey, bud, you okay.. Hey! Where you goin'?

'Are you alright, man?'

[engine revving]

[indistinct radio chatter]

...and it was dead, and I..


Thank you, ma'am.


It's okay.

[instrumental music]

Shh, it's okay.

[indistinct radio chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

[knocking on door]

Called Susan, operator said the line was dead.

Come by here see lights flashing

hear the sirens screamin'. I am filled with wonder.

Somebody att*cked her in her own home.

- Somebody's got to pay. - Yeah.

I can't stay here.

Will you please just take me back to your place

and stay with me?

Yeah. Get your things.

Susan. You know this man?


I must inquire.

She doesn't want any trouble I will try to avoid it

but I must inquire.

[bell tolling]

(Susan) 'In the course of the few weeks that Professor Dorian'

'was my thesis advisor we met on several occasions.'

In those encounters I became aware

of a certain behavior on the professor's part.

- A certain behavior? - Yes.


A great deal of eye contact.

Casual touching.

Occasional sexual references and innuendo

innuendo in our conversations.


Well, at first I thought he was just being..

I don't really know what to call it, um..

...innocently flirtatious I suppose.

(Peters) 'But your impressions changed?'


Three days ago, in his office I was made a rather blunt

sexual proposition, which I declined.

We argued and I left.

It was actually the next day that Professor Dorian

threatened me.

And what was this thr*at?

That he would take steps to remove me from the PhD program.

Oh, please.

Alright, thank you, Ms. Silverman.

Professor Dorian.

I'd like to begin by saying that..

...the story you've just heard is false

malicious fantasy.

Nothing of what this woman claims to have happened

actually occurred.

So, why would she say it?

In the two months that I've had Ms. Silverman

as my doctoral candidate

I found her depth and grasp of knowledge in her discipline

to be severely lacking.

'Her proposed dissertation topics I found'

'were cliched, overworked rehashes'

'of prior studies.'

And you discussed this with her?

Several times.

I even went so far as to suggest she rethink

pursuing her doctoral program.

That isn't true. That never happened.

Ms. Silverman. Please.

(Dorian) 'Sir, I didn't wanna bring this up'

but I think there's something else at work here

now I think I must.

Where did you get those bruises on your face, Ms. Silverman?

Professor Dorian, I think it's our place

to ask the questions here.

(Dorian) 'I understand that, sir. I understand that.'

But I think you'll find that this is a direct bearing

on the case.

There's a reference in this mornings newspaper

in the reported crime section.

That a Susan Silverman was assaulted

in her home last night.

Break and entering, no apparent motive, etcetera.

Was that you, Ms. Silverman?


Members of the board.

This young lady here claims that two days ago

I made sexual advances towards her

in my office, and then on the very next night

she suddenly becomes the victim of yet another man

and another as*ault.

Feel I should speak as a psychologist here.

How many other men have harangued

abused or att*cked Susan Silverman?

'In my work I look for patterns.'

'And what I find emerging here'

'is very disturbing.'

'It begins to paint a picture of a very'

troubled person.

[instrumental music]

I'm gonna get this guy, Spenser.

He's smart, he's mean, he'll fight dirty.

But I'm gonna go back in there and I'm gonna get him.

God bless him, how?

'Look, I can begin to understand why you didn't tell me.'

But now I'm involved, alright?

Spenser, I want your help.

I want you to go out and find that creep

who broke into my place, and I hope he gets put away for good.

But just leave Dorian to me, okay?

Why, Dorian is very much--

Because it's more than just something that happened to me.

This is an issue that I wanna fight.

'This is something that happens everyday to women everywhere.'

To think from a friendly pat on the bottom at work

to forceful att*ck.

Men are deadly serious about it.

But when you call them on it..

'...suddenly it's your fault.'

Hey, you're overreacting. Lighten up. What's your problem?

'It's humiliating, Spenser.'

Women are afraid of losing their jobs.

Other appraisals.

That's why most of it never even gets reported.


Dorian's yours.

With just a little bit of help from a first rate private cop.

Can you give me a list of his former students?

What do you know about his past?

Believe it or not, he made his reputation

in rehabilitating convicts.

He even wrote a whole series of books about his work.

Can you imagine, Dorian working with prisoners.

He belongs in prison himself.

- Funny, isn't it? - Mm.

Yeah, somethin' else is funny.

Busy guy like Dorian, with, uh, students, classes

private practice, even an ethics committee hearing today.

And he still had time to read the newspaper this morning.

You think there's a connection between Dorian and last night?


(Spenser) 'The number of men that Dorian counseled in group therapy'

in prison totaled .

It'll take you forever to track them all down.

Take Belson at least that long

'to get mugshots on these guys.'

You know, my list of ex grad students is much shorter.

Why don't we start there?

- Dance with your fingers. - What's that?

This is an appointment calendar book.

Open says me.

It's Dorian's.

From his Private Practice.

Hawk, he's obviously going to miss this.

Probably gonna miss his front door, too.

Give me the names of the patients he saw last week.

Um, Wilkerson.

- No Wilkerson. - Abrams.

- JL? - Mm-hm.

- Uh, Shearson. - Shearson.

First name Carl?

- Yes. - Bye.

I gotta make myself an appointment with Carl Shearson!

We're gonna check out some of Dorian's former students.

Understand you'd like a piece, I will try to save you a taste.


[instrumental music]

(Spenser) Susan and I visited six

previous students of Dorian's with no luck.

Most people would've started thinking about giving up.

But not Susan.

She was prepared to go on for a month if she had to.

She would've made a great PI.

Ms. Silverman, Mr. Spenser, sorry to keep you waiting.

Why don't we go in here?

Sorry about this mess, but my office is being painted.

So, what can I do for you?

We'd like to talk to you about Peter Dorian.

We understand you know him.

Yes, quite well, he was my advisor.

But I haven't seen him for several years now.

He's my advisor, too.

I apologize for being so blunt, Dr. Blackmon.

But I'm currently filing charges against Professor Dorian

for unethical conduct.

'For sexual reasons.'

Susan's been a target of Dorian's.

And the other night she was att*cked by a man

in her own home.

We think they may be connected.

My God!

Dr. Blackmon..

Did anything like this ever happen to me?

It did, didn't it?

My final year.

He pressed and pressed, finally I gave in.

(Spenser) 'Would you be prepared to tell you story'

to the academic board?


I can't.

I'm married now, and, uh..'d it make it all look?

A woman who slept with her professor to get a degree.

I'm a good psychologist, I love my work

and I can't throw all that away now.

- But you can't let-- - I'm sorry.

So am I.

Thank you. doctor.

[music on jukebox]

Somethin' you want, slick?

Not on the menu.

Friends say I can meet a man here most nights

named Carl Shearson.

Never heard of him.

- Callin' it a night, huh? - Yeah. I'm goin' home now.

You got some sort of problem with that, mister?

(Hawk) 'Hell no, I just thought I might take a walk'

along with you, Carl.

[chuckles] Who's Carl?

My name's Jimmy Weathers.


Now you listen here fry cook.

Now either you gonna tell me where Carl Shearson lives

or I'mma tag your head into right field.

You got cork in here?

(Spenser) The area around Grand Street wasn't my favorite.

And according to Hawk it held one attraction.

Carl Shearson's apartment.

- Is he home? - Out running the streets.

Been inside, thought you ought to see.

What kinda freak do we have here?

Stop. Look.


(Susan on recorder) 'No! Stay away!'

'No, no, please.'

Grisly stuff, huh?

It's sick.

Tapping as a tax.

Yeah, this lunatic was into it all.

Watching, listening, recording.

- Got anything on him? - No, I got an APB out though.

Hell if this guy slips through, Frank.

Hey, don't worry, Spenser, he's not gonna.

He's an ex-con, I got photos and prints.

He's the kinda guy to get nabbed if he starts to run.

So you think he'll hole up?

That's my guess.

This is unbelievable.

We counted over a tapes.

We're gonna wade through 'em downtown,

You come up with anything let me know.

Hey, did you run Dorian's name?

Yeah, we've got him on file.

Uh, nothing on him really, except he was mentioned

as a witness we interviewed a couple of years ago

in a m*rder case, uh, a student of hiss was k*lled.

Vicky Harbaugh. She was pregnant.

How was she k*lled?

Was beaten to death in her apartment.

[instrumental music]

- 'I can stop the trouble.' - 'I think you should.'

- 'Just tell me who it is.' - 'Here's the address.'

(Dorian) 'Her name is Susan Silverman.'

This guy just didn't record his att*cks.

He was always wired.

We got tapes of his sessions with Dorian alone.

- All neatly labeled. - The DA have this tape?

No, I'm takin' it over at .

'Course, there's always an if, you know, Spenser.

Did I get the tape legally, can the experts say

that's definitely Dorian's voice, you know the questions.

Yeah, you got him, but maybe you don't.

- What about Shearson? - Nothin' yet.

I wanna borrow this tape.

Be my guest.

[instrumental music]

(Dorian) 'I might have to stop my practice.'

(Carl) 'No, no, I don't want that.'

I need you. You listen to me.

No, no, I don't want that.

I need you, you..

That's right, Carl, you need him.


[line ringing]

- 'Yeah.' - Hawk.

(Hawk) 'I still say you in the wrong lane of traffic on this one.'

Man has to be a fool of the first order to come here.

Shearson is dependent on Dorian.

You hear it in his voice on the tapes.

Now he's in trouble, he's on the run.

He needs him even more.

Now you still think that Dorian would agree

to see this boy? Then we got two fools!

- Who says he even called? - Who says he's gonna show?

Don't start with me now.

Well, looky here, looky here.

You back on my Christmas list.

Nice and easy.

[intense music]


[music continues]

[music continues]


Not as much fun when somebody's hittin' back, huh?

Not like fightin' a woman, is it?

Do not k*ll this man here.

Let Susan put the ID on him, then he'd tell us about Dorian.

Then they'll throw away the key.

[indistinct whispering]

Why are all these outsiders here?

Sit down, professor.

Or stand, I don't much care.

This is Sergeant Frank Belson of the Boston police.

'And I believe you know Dr. Blackmon.'

What right do these people

Dr. Blackmon visited us yesterday.

And have us a detailed statement

concerning an affair you had with her a few years ago.

One that started from a coercion.

- She was a willing-- - 'Remain quiet.'

Until I'm through.

(Peters) 'Sergeant Belson is here in conjunction'

'with an as*ault and battery case.'

'And a m*rder investigation.'

We'll get to that later.

In all my years of university life..

...I have never encountered such an individual as you.

You have used your position as a teacher

for your own lewd, personal desires.

'As a psychologist'

'a profession which well beyond most demands honor'

'and morality.'

'You have manipulates patients'

on your own criminal behalf.

The mere fact that you could've been associated

with this fine university for so many years

is unspeakable.

'We have already recommended that you be relived'

'of your teaching post immediately.'

'Pending a full investigation by the entire board of trustees.'

What will follow?

It is our sincere hope

there'll be felony charges by the District Attorney's office.

- You can prove non of this! - 'Oh!'


(Dorian on recorder) 'Someone's causing me a great deal of trouble, Carl.'

'Actually it's a student of mine.'

- 'Oh, like before.' - 'That's right.'

Yes, I'm being accused of things I haven't actually done.

Well, you said you were gonna take care of him and you did.

I'm proud of you. No, really, I am.

With Shearson's testimony and, uh, the tapes.

Well, Dorian's definitely going to jail.

I wish I could forget it ever happened.

It's good to know that Dorian's gonna have to pay

for what he did.

Yeah, he finally picked on the wrong woman.

So what about your dissertation?

Well, I talked to some old friends at Harvard.

There's been some attrition.

Looks like I can get back in this year after all.

- Good. Good. - Yeah.

We never did get to finish our discussion.

About what?

Not telling you right away about Dorian.

Well, I think you explained yourself.

You know I learned something.

That accepting your help didn't make me any less of a person.

I was just so glad that you were there when I needed you.

I'm always there, Sus. Always there.

Besides being involved with a lawsuit

you know I might've made things worse.

- Might have? - Well..

I don't know how I would've handled it.

I mean, it's not certain that I would've just

marched right over there and ripped Dorian's head off.

Oh, yeah, what would you have done?

Would've marched over there and ripped Dorian's head off.

The man I love.

[instrumental music]

You know you could still stay at my place a while longer.

No. I'm fine.

[music continues]