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05x22 - Body Electric

Posted: 10/08/23 05:50
by bunniefuu
( Tires screeching )

Help me, please!

help me, please!
help me!
Are you all right?

I didn't see you.
He's trying
to k*ll me.

easy, talk to
me-- who, who?
He's trying
to k*ll me.

There he is, up there!

All right, wait here.

Freeze, police!

( Woman gasps )

( Car engine starting )

( Tires screeching )

( Fence jingling )

He's gone.

Are you all right?


Thank you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You sure you're
all right?

Yeah, thanks to you.

That was really
courageous of you.

Oh, boy, you tore
your beautiful jacket.

Ah, so much for
good clothes.

I, uh, I've seen you
around the building.

I just moved in
about a month ago.

Yeah, I know.

Summers, Amanda,
unit C.

( Laughing ):
Very good.

Price, Michael,
unit K.

( Chuckles )

Actually, I was looking
for a good excuse to meet you.

Well, the, uh, woman-in-
distress angle always works.

I think I would
have been happier

borrowing a cup of sugar.

So I understand
you're a policeman?

Uh, detective,

Sounds dangerous.

It's got its moments.

So satisfy my
professional curiosity

and tell me why this guy
was chasing you tonight.

Oh! I just want
to forget about that.

Uh, yeah,
well, I can't.

It's against my nature.

come on, what was it--
a prowler, lover, what?

( Chuckles )
Michael, you're a prince.

Most people would have turned
the other way.

Also against my nature.

( Sighs )

I know that, but please
don't press me on this.

It's part of something
that I wish...

I wish would just go away.

And it will, if I just give it
a little time.

Can you understand that?


But if that's what you want.

It is what I want.

( Claps hands )
all right.

So... uh...

you know, if you have
any more trouble, or, uh...

You want to borrow
a cup of sugar...

Um... you know.

( Both chuckling )

all right, well, I might
just take you up on that.

good night.

Good night.

Oh, Michael,

your jacket.


Thank you.
thank you.

Good night.

Good night.

So that's it?

She-she didn't tell you
what else was going on?

No, and I
didn't push it.

Well, that's
a first.

What is all this,
this stuff?

The grand jury moved up
our hearing

on the Decarlo case,

so Donovan and I have to go in
this afternoon, so, uh...

Tell me,
what's she like?

What do you mean?

She's, uh, like, a girl.

( Chuckles )

well, that covers
more than half the planet.

That's only because
you outlive us.

see, now you're
dodging the question,

which means you think
she's pretty hot.

Okay, all right, look.

She's fantastic, right?

She's got honey brown
hair, green eyes

eh... she's a goddess.

What do you want?

That's all.

For now.
Price, Rawlins, my office.

Hi, George,
hi, cap.

Hi, guys.

Hey, yeah. Hi.

You about ready, Holly?

Yeah, I think
I've got everything.

Good. I want to make a stop
by the crime scene

to refresh our memories.

I'm there.

Hey, cap,
you all right?

Yeah, I'm great.

What do you got here?

Hawaii, Tahiti, Mexico.

Hey, you going
on a trip?

no. We're thinking
of redoing the bathroom.

And maybe
we're going to go

with a world travel motif.

What do you think?

Do I detect a note
of sarcasm, cap?

A note? Huh.

I'd call it a full-out
symphony, detective.

Now, do you mind?

Can I have a minute here
with George, please?

What's going on
with him?

I don't know,
you got me.

What's this?

I don't know, is it ticking?

Doesn't even rattle.

It's on your desk.



I can't even afford
to park there.


"thanks for a
memorable evening.


Must have been
pretty memorable.

It's bucks
worth of cowhide.


I tore my jacket, but this is...

A little bit over the top,
don't you think?

So what are you going to do?

I'll keep you posted.

( Mouthing )

( Knocking on door )

Who is it?

Michael price.

Hi, Michael.


Come on in.


I see you got
my little present.

Yeah, I did,
Amanda, and...

How do you like it?

I guessed on the size.

It's beautiful.

Look, and I am
really grateful, but...

Oh! I'm the one
who's grateful.

The way you rode in
to my rescue,

like a knight in shining armor.

it was more like a cop
in a pair of blue jeans.

Look, the point is,
I can't accept this.

It's just a replacement

for the one
you tore last night.

I got it on sale
at a men's store.

If I return it,

I'm only going
to get a credit.

What am I going
to do with that?

Come on, try it on.

( Chuckles )


It feels
so good on you.

And you know...

I've always been a sucker
for a man in black.

( Phone ringing )

( Sucks through teeth )



I wish you would
just leave me alone,

you son of a bitch.

( Hangs up )



Do you want to tell me
what that was about?

No. This is my problem.

There's really no need
to pull you in on this.

Hey, it's all right.

I've come this far.

I know,
and I'm sorry.

Michael, I think it'd be best
if you left.

It's your call.

Thanks for the jacket.

You're welcome.



That was my ex-husband.

You see, there is
another man in your life.

Yeah, well, this one's
supposed to be out of it.

He just refuses to
get that it's over.

So this is the guy
from last night, your ex.


ever since we broke up,
he's just been calling me

and following me around.

Sometimes calls and threatens.

Sometimes just like that...
calls and hangs up.

You could put a stop
to that, you know?

You can get a
restraining order.

( Chuckles )
Believe me,
I've thought of it.

I'm just afraid...

It would make him
more furious.

You don't know this guy.

Why don't you
tell me about him.

His name's Noah Burke.

He's rich and takes
what he wants.

He saw my homecoming picture
in the paper,

decided he had to have me.

Just like that.


I was .

He swept me
off my feet.

wasn't long before I found out
what kind of guy he really was.

What kind of guy is that?

The kind of guy

I'd really rather not talk about
or even think about.

now I just want
to get on with my life,

meet somebody new,

somebody nice.

That shouldn't
be too hard.

( Clearing throat )

Am I interrupting

No. Not at all.

Michael price, my friend.

My attorney, Nate Rockford.


A lawyer who makes house calls.

Wouldn't you?

I just have some things
for you to sign.

If this is a bad time,
I can come back later.

No, it's no problem.

I was just leaving.

I'll see you later.

You promise?

Oh, you can count on that.


Do you have
plans tonight?

I mean, for dinner.

Oh, yeah, I got a big date.

Me, a freezer,

and a microwave.

Well, I think we can
do better than that.

What do you say,
Dominic's, : ?

And I really had my heart set
on mystery meat.

( Chuckles )
I'll see you then.

Every time I see this angle

I can't believe Decarlo
made that sh*t from here.

Yeah, well,
don't analyze it too much.

You don't want to make
the grand jury nervous.

Yeah, but I mean,
from this kind of distance

you know,
you've got to factor in

projectile deceleration,
wind velocity.

Not to mention the fact
that the guy had one sh*t

to hit his target.

Yeah, well...

I mean, hey, kids,
don't try this at home

the guy's a professional.

I'm a professional, and
I couldn't make that sh*t.

Better not tell
the captain that.

He'll probably send you down
for a performance review.

What is going on
with him?

He's been
on edge lately.

Well, you know, I mean,
first Chris's death

then Rita leaving.

Now this retirement
thing coming up.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Run that by me
one more time.

You mean you didn't know?

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't
have said anything.

No, now, George, the cat is not
climbing back into the bag.

the end of the month,
the cap's hanging them up.

You're kidding me!

I wish I was.

We worked together
a long time.

It won't be the same place
without him.


you're right about that.

You know, I can't remember

the last time I had
a dinner like this.

And the best is yet to come.

To the best.

I'll drink to that.
( Glasses clink )

You know...

they say you can tell
a person's fortune by the way

the wine settles
in the glass.

well, I've never been much
of a fortune teller but, uh...

I'd bet that a tall,
dark stranger

is about to come into your life.

Really? Don't forget handsome.

( Violin playing
romantic music )

Uh... that's okay,
really, thank you.

That is delicious.

That's him.

It's Noah.

All right, look,
that's enough.

Hey, Burke.

Burke! What's your hurry?

Something on your mind?

You know the way
I see it, pal,

you're becoming a
real pain in the ass.

Since when did that become
your problem?

Since last night,

when you chased Amanda
in front of my car.

If I had done that, they'd be
scraping her off the pavement.

Don't get cute with me.

That's not my style,
but for the record,

I don't have any idea
what you're talking about.

Now, why don't you
get out of my face

before I remove yours?

now, that might be
a real tall order, man.

All right, tough guy.

Now I'm going
to tell you once.

I am a cop.

Now, you cross me,
you bother Amanda again,

I'm going to ride your ass
downtown like Juan Valdez.

We're not finished, you and I.

( Engine starting )

( Tires screeching )

Come on,
let's get out of here.

You want to come in
for a nightcap?

I think I've had
enough to drink.

Oh, not the type
of nightcap I meant.

( Chuckles )

( Keys dropping )

Now, wretched excess.

( Moaning )

♪ ♪

( Garage door humming )

( Groaning )

( Scuffling, grunting )

( Objects clattering )

A message from Noah Burke:

Stay away from Amanda.

( Screams )
Please don't hurt me!

( Laughing )

Oh, god, please!

You know what happens to little
girls who don't obey?

Please... I'll be good.

Just don't hit me again.

I'm going to teach you
the lesson of your life.

( Screams )

Freeze! Police!

What the hell is this?
Uh-uh, you first!

You come knocking down my door,

you damn well better
have a warrant.

I heard
a lady screaming.

That's all the warrant
I need.

You all right, honey?

Tell them, baby...

This is just
a little game

consenting adults.

He's right,
we were just kidding around.

Hey, D-don't
I know you?

I don't think so.

Yeah, yeah, I do.

I arrested her a
couple of years ago

when I was
working vice.

What about it?

You working now?
Don't say a thing.

They can't
prove anything...

Nobody was talking to you.

Now answer the question!

No, we're just
good friends.

Yeah? You let
all your friends
treat you like that?

( Sighs )

You got about three seconds
to start making some sense,

or my lawyer's gonna
make your life

your life a living hell!

Let's just cut out
the middleman, all right?

Come on, take your best sh*t.

Cool it, Michael.

You better listen
to your partner.

Amanda's got you
so twisted up

you'll have to yank
your head out to see straight.

yeah, I was seeing just fine
before you sent those guys over.

if I'd sent guys over,
you wouldn't be standing here.

This is twice
you've accused me

of something I didn't do.

Don't let it
happen again.

I'm walking to that phone,
and I'm calling my lawyer.

And when I
turn around,

you'd better be gone.

Nate Rockford,

Yeah, Noah Burke calling.

What's up, cap?

It might be somewhat evident

that I am not having the
greatest of weeks, hmm?

Uh... just a guess.

This is something to
do with Noah Burke?

I just got off the phone
with his attorney.

what is this something
about busting his door down,

making threats, accusations?

No... see, he's stalking
his ex-wife, cap,

and Michael was
trying to help her out,

but he gets a couple of g*ons

out there
to b*at him up.

you okay?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

But we went over his house
to speak to him,

heard a lady screaming,
so we saved ourselves a knock.

Yeah, turns out he was b*ating
up a hooker... just for fun.

You have proof of this,
of course?

Well... uh...

It's kind of the gray area.

Gray area. Oh.

well, then let's cut to
the black and white, shall we?

Your job here is homicide.

You leave the domestic
stuff to the uniforms.

the last thing I need
at this point of my life

is to defend the indefensible.

Is that clear?!

( Grunts emphatically )

What, what? Was there something?

When were you
going to tell us?


The gold watch.

Oh, that.

How did you find out about that?

( Laughs )
It's kind of tough to keep
that one under wraps, cap.

Well, do me a favor, okay?
try real hard.

I don't want
a whole big deal about it.

Yes, but it is a big deal.

not to mention
a really big shock.

Oh, it's been coming
for a while.

Chris's death,
Rita leaving... ah...

( Sighing )

I look at my desk
and I ask myself,

"is this why I became a cop?"

( Grunts in disgust )

I don't want to grow old here.

Oh, that's a long way off, cap.

( Scoffs )

Easy for you to say.

I got a full pension.

what the hell
am I hanging around for?

because there are a lot
of people here who need you...

Like us.

I appreciate that...

More than you know.

uh... okay, so...
Get the hell out of here

and get back
to work, all right?

Before I get all
sappy, you know?

Yech, go ahead. Go, go.

You know what you've
got to do, right?

Yeah, buy him a nice
card or something.

I'm talking
about you and Amanda.

I knew that,
I knew that.

So what are you
going to do?

The only thing
I can do, I guess.

( Sighs )

you know,
we got to break this off.

( Man chuckling )

Yeah, that's what I came here
to tell you.

( Both laugh )

Noah's a bastard.

He's never going to let me
be with another man.

Yeah, well, he's never
met a man like me before.

Yeah, well,
neither have I.

He's already
come after you once.

( Teasingly ):
He's dangerous.

( Giggling )

So am I.


Well, that's what
I love about you.

( Amanda giggles )

You know we're both crazy.

Yeah, I know, we're lunatics.

( Laughs )

Sit down, Michael.

Everything you wanted to know
about Noah Burke

but were afraid to ask.

Why did you do this?

I thought you needed
a little extra motivation.

as*ault-- probation; Extortion--
dismissed; Fraud-- acquitted.

this is
a really bad guy, Michael.

And you got to kind of wonder
why Amanda hooked up with him.

It was a mistake, all right?
she was .

I hadn't made all my mistakes
by the time I was , did you?

Besides, she's not
with him anymore.

There's no record
of a divorce filing,

no official separation.

Legally, they're still
man and wife., that was
really terrific.

Oh, you like to dance?

Oh, you know
I like to dance.


We need to talk...

Can you give us
a minute, Nate?

I'm just the lawyer.

I believe that
this is yours.

Michael, what's going on?

You lied about your so-called

He's not really an ex, is he?

Listen, I can explain.

Save it!

I don't like liars,

and I don't dip my brush
into other men's paint.

Michael, don't be cruel.

Hey, under the circumstances,
I'd say I'm being a Saint.

My marriage is over.

Nate was about to file
for divorce.

There was a time where I thought
maybe we can reconcile.

That's not going to happen.

Neither are we.

I was drawn to you

like I've never been
to another man.

I couldn't tell you.

I didn't want to scare you away.

I thought I could get
this divorce happening,

going before...

Well, you thought wrong.


( Phone ringing )

( Groaning )

Yeah? Cops 'R us--
we never sleep.



You got to help me.

What is it? What is it?

It's Noah; He's crazy.

He's on a rampage.

Where are you?

I'm at his house.

I'm locked in the bedroom,
Seabury, please hurry.

I think he's got a...
( Dial tone )

( Siren wailing )

Patrol units, L responding
to a domestic disturbance--


Requesting backup, code two.

( Tires screeching )

( Woman screams )

( g*nsh*t )


Freeze! Drop it!


no! Oh, my god!
stay away from him.

No, no!

Noah-- you k*lled him!

You k*lled my husband!

No, leave me alone!
listen to me!

Listen carefully.

Do you know
what you've done?

For god's sake,
what have you done?

Amanda! Amanda, wait!

( Screaming
and crying )

( Sobs )

So you came over
to talk

about the divorce settlement?

Yeah, that's right.

detective price claims
you called him in a panic

saying your husband
was on a rampage?

( Sighs )

We'd had a few drinks, you know?

Things got
a bit nasty.

Noah took my car keys, and he
wouldn't let me drive home.

So I called
Michael to see

if he'd come pick me up.

Why didn't you
just call a cab?

I was upset!

I needed a friend.

I can't believe
this has happened.

What exactly
did happen

after price got here?

( Police radio chatter )

Well... he pulled in,

and I saw him
from the window.

( Sniffling )

But he didn't come
to the front door.

He went around to the side.

Why would he do that?

I don't know.

He claims he heard a g*nsh*t,
and a woman screaming.

I didn't hear that.

Noah saw Michael outside and...

He went to
check it out.

( Sobbing ):
And that's when Michael
sh*t him!

He just kept sh**ting

and sh**ting, again and again.

Detective Rawlins?

We've been over the grounds

with dogs, metal detectors,
the works.

the only g*n here
belongs to detective price.

( Crying )

She's lying!

You don't know how much
I want to believe that.

All right.

Now, the only thing
I can figure

is that Amanda
took away the g*n.

Why would she do that?

the same reason
that she's lying.

It's to pin this on me.

Look. You sh*t
him, Michael.

That's not in dispute.

The only question here
is self-defense or cold blood.

Noah Burke had a g*n!

All right? I will bet
my badge on that.

That's a given.

But unless we find it, you lose.

all right,
I'd better get to work then.

Hold on, detective.

I.a.'S calling it a bad sh**t,
and your girlfriend

has already filed
a wrongful death action,

which places you on leave,

you're saying
I can't even defend myself?

If I were you,

I'd lock myself
in a very small room

and throw away
the key.

Cap, I can't do that.

Make no mistake about it,
detective price, we can. You,


Give me your badge.

Are you okay?

It just does not get
any worse than this.

Excuse me.

What the hell are
you doing here?

I could ask you
the same question.

You know that your
client set me up!

You are in no position

to be making accusations,
( Laughs )

Back off, Michael.

Hey, hey, price!

Come on, you're
out of here, now.

Go ahead, go ahead.

This isn't over.

Oh, not by a long sh*t.

But it's over
for you.

There's nothing worse
than a rogue cop.

Who is it?

It's Michael, Amanda.

Open the door.

I can't do that.

We need to talk.

Now, please... open the door.

( Latch clicks )

I can't talk to you.

My lawyer, the police...

Why are you doing this to me?

I don't know what you mean.

The scream, and the g*nsh*t--

why didn't you tell them?

the g*n, Noah's g*n--
what did you do with the g*n?

Michael, you're scaring me.

you're scared?
I am fighting for my life here!

No, go away!

not until
you answer the question.
( Screams )

I'm sorry.

I-I didn't mean to do that.

Please go away.

Don't hurt me.

No, no, I couldn't hurt you
if I wanted to.

Then get out.

I already told you I have
nothing to say to you.

look... now, I
know you set me up.

all right?

Now, I don't know why, lady,
but I am bringing you down.

Michael, what's
going on here?

He broke in here.

He tried
to k*ll me.

Get real, lady.

Not another word, Michael.

Are you all right?

I think so.

You, outside, right now.


Take him out.

I'm really, really sorry
about this.

( Chuckles )
Not half as
sorry as I am.


oh, come on,
I can explain that.

I'm sure you can, Michael,

and you're going to get
your chance, I promise,

but right now, I've
got to advise you

to keep quiet.

You sound awfully official.

I'm sorry, Michael,
but, um...

You're under arrest
for suspicion of m*rder.

You have the right
to remain silent...

All right, look, if I was going
over there to k*ll him,

why would I call for backup?

Right now, that's your only line
of defense.

there were a few neighbors who
claim they heard the sh**t,

but none of them swears
they heard a single sh*t

before you
opened fire.

Yeah, but I am saying
that there was.

No b*llet, no g*n, no case.

No, no, no, I saw the g*n.

All right?
Now, that's means

that Amanda must have just
gotten rid of it

after the sh**ting.
( Scoffs )

Michael, come on.

You know what the prosecutor's
going to say to that.

You were feet away,
it was dark out--

who knows what you saw?

Besides which, you're sleeping
with a married woman.

At least a dozen witnesses

claim they saw you as*ault
and thr*aten her husband

the night before the k*lling.

oh, come on,
that bastard was stalking her.

You claim you chased him down
that alley the night before?

Now you're saying I didn't?

I'm saying
that we have a witness

who will swear Noah Burke
was with her the entire night!

yeah, right,
the hooker he was with

when we went
to question him.

yeah, right,
there's a reliable witness.


her reliability
is not in question here.


Are you sure it was him
you chased?

Look, it was dark.

I didn't get a really
good look at him, but I...


With that "but" your credibility

goes flying out the window
along with your defense.

yeah, right, and I suppose I
b*at myself up, too, right, cap?

Don't press that angle, kid.

It only adds to
your possible motive.

Come on, if I was going
to go over there

to k*ll that son of a bitch,

don't you think that I'm smart
enough to plant a g*n on him?

I've got a real problem
with this, cap.

Well, maybe you should take
yourself out of the loop.


No, my partner's
being set up for m*rder.

There's a big
black hole

between knowing it
and proving it.

But, if it wasn't Noah

who chased Amanda
into Michael's car,

why did she say it was?

More to the point,
who was it?

( Footfalls )

I want you to know this has been
the hardest hours of my life.

Welcome to the club.

I've done everything I can
with the county attorney.

I don't know what to tell you.

Just play 'em straight, George.

He has elected to proceed
against detective price.

( Sighs )

Oh, man.

Turn to the left.


yeah, yeah,
just stay on it, okay?

Call me if anything
comes up. Thanks.

Still nothing, huh?

( Sighs )

All right, try this on.

Amanda makes the
call to Michael.

Michael comes running.

Amanda's got somebody
stationed out back

to fire that first sh*t.


Which alerts both Michael
and her husband

and places them both
on a direct collision course.


Okay, Amanda gets
the husband's g*n,

passes it off to
her partner...


Michael takes the
fall, she collects.

You checked with probate?

Noah Burke d*ed

which means Amanda
gets everything.

And take a wild guess
who represents the estate?

The ubiquitous
Nate Rockford.

you got it.
( Chuckles )

All of which goes
flying out the window

without the b*llet
or the g*n,

both of which seem
to have disappeared

off the face of the earth.

Not necessarily.

The vandalism report,

which ordinarily
I would have ignored,

except somebody capped
a stained-glass window

at our lady of the sands
the night before last.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
I know where this is.

It's, it's like a half a mile

from Burke's house.

So... what goes up...

allowing for trajectory,
wind resistance, deceleration

must come down.

That's it.

Now, while you're on that,
I got a team working

out in Michael's neighborhood

on the description of the guys
that b*at him up.

Bet you a week's pay
Amanda set that up.

Did anyone ever tell you
you're a great cop?

That's why I got
the gold bars, detective.

Why such a big

all of a sudden?

I mean, the damage
was minimal,

and we've already
repaired the window.

It may be tied
to another case.

At first, I wondered,
"why would someone

want to fire through
one of our windows?"

But you're saying
we weren't the target.

I'm saying
it's a possibility.

( Chuckles )
That's a relief.

Now, do you know the time
that this happened?

Well, I was in my study
working on a sermon...

Uh, before sunrise.

That's when I heard
the glass break.

But funny thing:

I didn't hear a sh*t
or anything.

Well, we think
it may have come

from some
distance away.



Well, I'll be damned.

Uh, what?

Um... so to speak.

Yeah, thank you very much.

I'll have somebody get down
there and take a statement.


That was the owner
of Dominic's restaurant.

Noah Burke had a reservation
the night that Amanda

and Michael
went in there.

In fact, he's got a
standing reservation

every week at that
exact same time.

Which Amanda knew when she
brought Michael in there.


Well, look, ballistics confirmed
the b*llet we found

is from
a nine millimeter.

And there's
a matching caliber w*apon

to Nate Rockford.

But without
the actual g*n,

that doesn't mean
he's the sh**t.

It doesn't mean
that he isn't, either.

No, but...

( Phone rings )

Yeah, what? What?

Give me it. Uh-huh.

You, you got a name?



All right, thanks,
we're on it.

The boys turned
up a witness.

Possible I.D.
To one of the guys

that b*at up Michael.

I'm going.

Tony Stockton?

that depends.
Are you buying or you selling?

No, but let's talk about you.

( Chuckles )

That's my favorite subject.


you were in a garage a few
days ago with a couple of guys

delivering a message to a guy

named Michael price.

Don't know him.

But why would that
be a problem of yours?

Well, I'm a cop.

And he's my partner.

And you're in way
over your head.

How is that?

Noah Burke is dead.

And the way I figure it,

you're a key player
in his m*rder.

Oh, yeah?

Figure again.

( Wrench clatters to ground )

( Tires screeching,
siren wailing )

Drop it!

Get down! Now!

( Stockton grunts )
cuff him.

( Panting )

Assaulting a
police officer.

Conspiracy to m*rder.

You're going to be
rebuilding your anatomy

for a long time, Tony.

I know nothing about nobody.

I didn't even know he was a cop.

I just got paid
to do a little dance.

you know what
I'm saying?
Who paid you?

Who paid you?!

A lawyer-- Nate,
Nate Rockford!

Read him his rights.

( Prisoners
murmuring in background )

( Key turning
in lock )

( Footfalls )

Come on, partner,
you're out of here.

you didn't think I
was going to let you

rot in here
forever, did you?

Well, no, no, but, but how?

I'll tell you
on the way-- come on.

Where we going?

Where else?
To get the bad guys.

( Chuckles softly )

Quite a pair, huh, Nate?

I'll say.

( Chuckles )
I meant you and me.

I knew that.

We actually did it.

Without a will,
it's open and shut.

And, of course, no will
is ever going to turn up.

Mmm... thanks to
the lawyer from hell.

Aren't we all?

( Chuckles )

I just have one question.

Mmm, name it.

Well, to put it

( Kisses )
Now that
it's all over,

what could I possibly
need you for?

Because it isn't
over, Amanda.

Not as long as I have
Noah's g*n, remember?

That's my insurance policy.

well, then, I guess
I'll have to make sure

that you never cash in on it.

All right, put it down, Amanda.

( Giggling ):
I don't think so.

no, no, don't you see
you're blowing everything?

I mean, don't let greed destroy
the perfect crime.


isn't that what
it's all about, Nate?

You stupid bitch!

you're dead,
and you don't even know it.

Don't you have that backwards?

( Door crashes open )

Drop it, Amanda!


( Groaning )

You all right?

I've been better.

I'm so sorry.

Don't even bother,
all right, Amanda?

( Into phone ):
Holly Rawlins...

It's just that,
you and me,

we could have been
so good together.

If I ever believed you,
I don't believe you now.

Just save your breath.

Paramedics are
on their way.

You want to do the honors?

Be my pleasure.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say...

So the lawyer copped
to f*ring a sh*t

and getting Noah's g*n
out of there.

You never saw a guy
grab a deal so fast.

He's even the guy I chased
down the alley that night.

This was a setup
from the get-go.

I never saw it coming.

Well, you know
what they say.

Love is blind.
( Sighs )

( Cheering )

Wha-what is this?

It's a retirement party, cap.


Well, I'm very touched,
of course, but...

Don't you think

it's a little


well, we thought
Come on.

You guys need me too much!

This division would
go to hell if I left!

That's what we've been
trying to tell you.

What's the big deal here? What?

a slice of cake, a couple
of parting gifts, that's it?

( Laughter )
What, do you think you're
going to get rid of me

that easy? Ha, ha!

So you're staying?

You're damn right, I'm staying.

All right.

Now that
that's settled,

back to work.

( Light laughter )

We cut the cake.

( Laughter )

( Cheering, applauding )