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03x28 - A New World Order

Posted: 10/20/23 11:08
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Jaden: did we make it back?

Yes, we're home.

I can't believe we actually did it.

Can you, jesse?


The duel...

He said he was giving his all.

Oh no. Jesse!

Bastion: a portal is trying to open again

Between our two dimensions!

Axel: jaden, wait!

Bastion: it's too dangerous!

I have to rescue jesse!

But I'm not even sure that this portal leads

To the same alternate dimension we came from!

That may be, but it's a risk

I'm willing to take.

Yeah, well... Not alone, you're not.

Wait up!

No, I already involved jesse in this.

I'm not gonna involve you guys, too!

Well, I hate to break the news, mate,

But it's too late for that.

We're friends. So...

We're involved whether you like it or not.

The portal's stabilizing!

Atticus: and then some!


[All screaming]

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Re'dthat portal take us too, bastion?!

An alternate dimension...

But not the one from before.


Well in that case, we need a read on this place.

Time for a little recon.

And I'll-- heh heh-- stay behind.

Ahh, me too.

It's just, ya'know, that, uh, my boots,

They're not the best for hiking

Through alternate dimensions.

Yeah right. Well I'm going.

Count me in too!

Fellas! Shirley and me want in on the action, as well!

Axel: nah. Let me scout things out first.

Hey, where's jaden?

He's not here.

Huh? Huh?

[Thinking] where ever could we be?


[Thinking] how did I let this happen?

Let's go!

Catch ya later, partner!

Aah! Aah!

If you're here, jesse,

I promise: I'll catch up with you...


But somebody better catch me first!



That hurt.


Whoa, what is this place?

Huh? Some prints!

Jaden might be in a whole lot of trouble.

Huh? Train tracks?!

I wonder where they lead.

Ha ha ha!

Whoa. What was pushing that cart?

If it's anything like that last world,

I better be ready.

Hmm. Aah!


I wouldn't draw too much attention yet.

We're here to find jesse,

And it'll be easier if there's no interference.

But how? My calculations should be correct.

What am I missing?

Carry the one, and then--

Hold up. This can't be, unless...

I recalculate my findings based on this new reading.

Ah, yes, perfect, the breakthrough I needed!

Did you all hear something?

Just your knees knockin'!


Not exactly the breakthrough I meant.

Aah! It's you!

We need to find a way out of this cavern.

Your friends are worried.

But jesse!

I gotta make sure that he's not down here.

You're right!

But doing this on your own is way too dangerous.

We're all here to help.

So let's find a way back to our friends first!

Ok? Ok!



That you, jaden?!

You know her, j?

Yeah! We had one heck of a duel!



Jaden: glad you could join us, bastion.

Bastion: so tania, a portal opened in your world

And brought you to this dimension?

Yes, and it happened to others as well.


And when we arrived, we were all forced down here.

Jaden: but where is here?!

It's a new world of some kind.

A world that appears to be run by duel monsters.

Or at least a select few of them.

See those winged beasts down there?

They seem to be the ones calling all the sh*ts.

So, can we do anything to help stop 'em?!

I'm working on it. I've got my soldiers good-to-go,

But we need a distraction.

Straight ahead is the winged beasts' headquarters.

We're planning to ambush them,

But with all those kuramas playing guard duty down there,

We won't be able to take them by surprise.

Axel: where I'm from, it's always best to att*ck under cover of night.

Do you know what powers those lights?


So do you have a plan?

You better believe I do.

Tania: this way!


Pick up the pace, or else!

You! Faster!


Heh heh! Now!


Someone save me!

We gotta help him!stop!

If you go now, you'll end up just like them, jaden!

Tania: up there is the power source for the lights.

We gotta keep that guard busy.

Here's what I'm thinkin'.

Cut the power, cut the light!

N' without light, those winged beasts won't see us coming!

Exactly! Now I'll distract him

While you cut the power.

How bout you deal with the lights,

And I deal with him!


Axel, you're the man with the plan.

I'll keep 'em busy, while you pull the plug!

Here we go! Stop him!

Dueling here is not the same!


Hey, birdbrain!

Huh? Ahh, a human.

What's a pathetic little worm like you doing up here?

Lookin' to take you down!

Down to where? Your human level?

Listen up! Who gave you and your feathered friends

The right to boss everyone?

Right? You mean pleasure.

Ha ha ha!

Humans never understand their place

In the pecking order, but I'll teach you.

Is that so?! Then educate me!

We have to stop him!

When you duel here, there's more at stake

Than just losing the game.

You challenge me?

Now who's the real birdbrain!

Get your game on!

So be it.

Prepare to get swooped off your feet, pal!

Let's duel! Let's duel!

But, jaden!

When you do battle in this world,

The damage you take is for real!

Once your life points fall to zero,

Then it's game over.

And you get sent away straight to the stars!

To the stars?!

That's right and there's no coming back, you insolent human!

You think we're playing?

It's not a game, "jaden."

You see, the only way to battle is for you

To put all of your precious duel energy on the line.

Don't duel, jaden!

It's too dangerous! Listen to me.

We just don't know enough about this world yet!

I'm sorry, it's too late for your friends to save you,

So prepare to duel!

And now, the only way the duel can be stopped

Is if you b*at me, or if I blast your energy to the stars!

And once that happens, they'll be no more dueling for you ever again!

Ya'know, if you think that

These stakes are scaring me,

Then you've totally flown the coop.

Now let's get started.

I don't have time to wait around,

So get ready, 'cause you're about to get scrambled!

You cr*ck me up!

Well, I tried! But this duel's going to happen!

And in this battle...

Losing is not an option!

I'll take the honors.


I play summon storm!

If he pays of his life points,

He can instantly summon a wind attribute monster!

Like my whirlwind prodigy!

Get ready to be blown away!

Because by sacrificing my whirlwind prodigy,

I'm allowed to summon another wind monster!


So say good-bye to my prodigy

And hello to my simorgh bird of divinity!

Bastion: twenty-seven hundred att*ck points?!

Thank goodness he can't att*ck this turn!

I wouldn't exactly count on that!

I lay a facedown

And play the spell level tax!

But before finishing-- ha ha ha--

I activate my simorgh's special ability.

Now we each take a thousand points of damage

During every end phase!

A thousand points!

Go divine wind!




Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

But you said we both take damage

From its special ability!

That is true!

But I'm protected!

As long as I have a spell card and a trap card

Out there on the field, which I do!

[Thinking] hang in there, jaden

'Cause you and I both gotta be lights out

If we ever want to get outta here!

Alright, pal, it's my move!

[Thinking] hmm, now if I fuse my bubbleman

With my clayman to form elemental hero mudballman.

He'd have enough att*ck points to take down his simorgh,

But, if I summon a level monster or above,

That level tax spell card of his

Will wipe out the same number of life points

As mudballman's att*ck points.

And with his simorgh's special ability

Waiting in the wing,

I'd be an att*ck away from losing the duel.

It looks like jaden's not sure what to do.

Well, with level tax still in play,

Jaden has to be very careful what he summons out to the field.

Now I see! With that spell card activated,

Jaden can't fuse any monsters!

And without any fusions he's gonna have to find

Another way to win!

[Thinking] okay jay, don't let the fear

Of going to the stars get to you.

First things first!

We gotta stop simorgh's special ability!

Don't worry I know just what you're thinking.

I've seen it before.

"How will I ever win, if I can't summon out

A high-level monster?"

Ha ha ha!

I'm playin' my bubbleman in defense mode!

And due to his ability, I get to draw two more cards!

[Thinking] perfect! These'll protect me

From simorgh's att*ck!

It's your move!

Go divine wind!


Bastion: look! Jaden's safe!

For now. But, bastion,

Something in the air is telling me

That this isn't gonna be a breeze!

You're right, but jaden won't just blow over!

Caw! I play tornado bird!

By paying life points, I can activate tornado's

Special ability-- wing requital!

And for every winged-beast monster on the field,

I get to draw another card!


Of course, to use them,

I have to wait until my next turn!

But in the meantime...

Simorgh will take out your bubbleman

While tornado bird blows away some of your life points!


Before I end my turn, I lay down two facedowns.

And now my divine wind takes affect!

Ohh! Phew.

Pathetic! You have no offense,

And your defense won't protect you from me forever!

I'm undefeatable!

It's the oldest law of nature--

Only the strong survive!

And the weak get sent to the stars!

Ha ha ha!



Time to show you some offense!

I play the spell graceful charity

And draw three cards!

Now I'll send these two cards to my grave

And summon neo-spacian grand mole!

All that for a level three?

There's more to him than meets the eye!

But you'll find out soon enough!

'Cause my grand mole's about to dig me out of trouble.

He best dig deep.

Now grand mole, it's time to ruffle some feathers!

att*ck his simorgh, bird of divinity!

And due to his special ability,

After attacking, both monsters return to our hands!

Ha! I don't think so!

I play a trap!

Oh, no, if he equips that to simorgh,

Then jaden's mole'll--

Be destroyed!

It also negates the effects of its att*ck.

Looks like your mole's not so grand after all.

Ugh! Not my monster!

Ha ha ha!

This doesn't bode well!

With one card, he thwarted jaden's plan.

What could be next?

Looks like your weak monsters are as ineffective

As your strong ones!

It's time I end this

With my icarus att*ck!

Now by sacrificing my tornado bird,

The two protection cards you have on your field

Are automatically destroyed!




And to keep things exciting,

I play expl*si*n wing!

Now with this trap in play, for every card that was

Destroyed this last turn, you take points of damage!

Five hundred?!

Jaden lost his three cards!

'N' that means he takes fifteen hundred points of damage!


Jaden! Jaden!


[Thinking] if I don't win this, I'll never find jesse.

[Thinking] fight back, jaden!

I just need a little more time so that I can get

To the top and turn off these lights

'N' without any further ado, you little worm,

It's time I sent you to meet with the stars!

How 'bout we just put that trip on hold.

I play two facedowns!

Looks like someone gets to live

To duel another round!

Unh! Ugh!

I hope you have something up your sleeve, jaden,

'Cause it looks like that birds about to blow away

The rest of your life points

It's been quite entertaining watching you

Squirm throughout this duel.

You've put up quite the fight.

But now I intend to blast you away once and for all!

[Thinking] there's gotta be something

In my deck that can clip this guy's wings.

Simorgh, finish him off!

This is good-bye!

Now go with divine wind!

I play my trap! A hero emerges!

You sure about that?

'Cause my level tax spell card is still in play!

So, as soon as your hero emerges,

Your few remaining life points

Will be completely destroyed just like you!

Is that a fact?

Okay, then go right ahead and pick the hero I get.

Ha ha ha! It doesn't matter!

But...i'll choose the middle.

Hmm. Looks like I get winged kuriboh!

And you know what that means!


With that little fur ball?

Ha ha! It means your deck's weaker than I believed!

It means that you're in a heap of trouble!

With winged kuriboh, your level tax

Is 'bout to get refunded!

'Cause big surprises are often found

In small packages!

Remember! Level tax doesn't

Affect level one monsters.

N' guess what.

I got another surprise.

I activate transcendent wings!

This should even the playing field,

Dontcha think, winged kuriboh?


It can't-- but he's just level one!


Not after I send two cards to the graveyard!



Winged kuriboh's now a level ?!

And, bastion, even with level tax spell card,

Jaden's got enough points to survive!

Aah! Unh!

Now it's your turn! For what?

For my winged creature to att*ck!

Now my evolved winged kuriboh's special ability

Destroys all your monsters!

And you get hit for all their att*ck points!



Caw! Caw!

Aah! Unh!

Caw! Bacaw!


Jaden! Jaden!

You alright?

I think.

Thanks, bud.

[Thinking] now to k*ll those lights!

The darkness worked!

It did.


Jaden... Hmm?

Oh, no. Oh.

What's...gonna happen t' you?

My energy will now be absorbed

And sent to the stars.

Before I go, I beg of you

Please do all you can to defeat him.

All of this is his doing.

He must be stopped before he does any more harm.

Promise me you will defeat the supreme king!

It is you who should rule this world!

You must be king!

Me a king?


Do not rest.



This will lead you to another realm in this world.

Perhaps, you will find your friend jesse up there.

I cannot go, as I must restore order

For my people.

Okay! Good luck.

You know where we'll be.

Hassleberry: let's go!

Syrus: yeah!

I'll stay with tania.

How come? She your girlfriend?!

It's like before.

She cast a love spell, right?

A love spell?!

I assure you it's nothing like that at all.

She might have vital information

That we can eventually use to get us home!

Once I figure things out, I will come and find you!

Alexis: thanks, but don't take too long.

[Thinking] don't worry, jesse.

I know you're up there somewhere.

And no matter what's on the other side of that door,

We'll fight our way through and get you back home!

♪Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪