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03x35 - Sight Unseen, Part 1

Posted: 10/20/23 11:14
by bunniefuu
Last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx..."

We're looking for this person.

Seen him?


Your friend is probably gone.

This place isn't safe for duelists anymore since the supreme king came.

Who is this supreme king?

He is the one who rules this world.

And it is he who is behind the evil that transpires throughout this land.

Jaden is now a prisoner of the king!

It's best if you stay here

And help combat the fiends when they return!

We can't stay. We have to leave.

But your friend is lost.

He'd do everything to save us, and now we have to do the same!


The village must have been att*cked!

[Attacking roars]

How could they?

They were just innocent people!

I can see someone!


We couldn't defeat him!

Fight the fight.

I've seen enough of this!

It's time for revenge.


Supreme king!

I challenge you!

Very well.

I accept!



Is that... Jaden?

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now let's go! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jim: you gotta be kiddin' me!

Is that really jaden down there?

Nah. It can't be.


Ah! Ah!



You okay?![Sword unsheathing]

Huh?one more move...

And it'll be your last.

Hey, shirley, you good?


But you won't be, soon enough.

Jim: I don't know who you guys are,

But you're not getting in the way of me and my friend.

So, move it, and get outta my way!

J! You're havin' a laugh, right, mate?!

Where'd you find these jokers?


Slime like you may not address our king.

It's all right, lads. He's a friend.

Tell 'em, jaden!

So they'll get these swords outta my face.

No more warnings, mortal!

Ah! Jaden! Ah!

Back off!

Come on, j.

What's goin' on?

And what's with the outfit?

Where you goin'?!


I summon fire trooper!



Let's go!

They're gone!

Huh! Scared little bugs.

They will not get very far.

Let us go hunt them down!

Leave them alone! Huh?


They're insignificant.

I'm only interested in warriors brave enough to fight.

Found some water.

Thanks, axel.

Open up, shirley.


There you go.

Did you see that blank look

On jaden's face?

It was like he didn't even recognize us.

Tell you what,

I'm not even sure that was him.

I hear ya.

Somethin' dodgy's going on.

But it was jaden.

Hmm?i could see our pal

With my true eye.


Your true eye?

Axel: jim, what do you mean, your "true eye?"

It's a long story.

Well, my "true ears" would love to hear it.

You believe people have, like, an inner spirit, right?

A spirit that never goes away?

Sure... Hold up--

Are you saying you can actually see inner spirits?

Kind of.

[Growl] huh?

Like when I first met jaden, I could see he was an okay bloke.

Jaden: I'm sorry, jim!

I just thought that maybe shirley

Would trust me as a friend as well!

Hmm?come here, girl.

Mmm. This sure smells delicious.

Eat up!

Look, guys, five fingers.

Good girl, want some more?

How 'bout these? With cream filling!

Jim: I couldn't believe how fast shirley took to jaden.

It's almost like they had a special connection.

And it's them connections I can see.

Just by looking at someone, I can tell what's going on inside them.

I don't know how else to describe it.

When I meet someone,

I can see their true essence.


People can try to hide their true intentions,

But I can get past all that.

It's like I can tell who a person really is.

Huh.i used to think I was just

Good at first impressions.

It all started after I saved shirley.

See, one day I was going around setting off traps

That the cruel poachers had left behind.

Shirley was with me messin' about, like she does.

And then she decided to come over and play.

She was about to step in one of them traps.

I jumped to stop her.

But that's when we went for a bit of a tumble

Straight off a cliff and into a river.


When I woke up, I began to see things

In an entirely new light.

Huh? [Sighs]

Man: well, well! You're awake.


I saw what you did.

What do you mean, "what I did?"

Who are you? [Groans]

That bandage must stay on until the time is right.

What'd ya do to my eye?

Do not worry. All will be okay.

I saw you aid your friend.

You put your own life at risk.

I'd do anything for shirley.

Which is why you are worthy of the sacred eye...

The eye of orichalcum.

The eye of the... Orichalcum?

An eye forged long ago, it provides its owner

With the power to see the good and evil in a person.

I've been looking for someone to pass it on to for quite some time.

This eye will help you save a dear friend in need.

Until the appropriate time arrives, you must keep it covered.

When will I know if the time is right?

Behold. [Gasps]

The comet above travels over many worlds.

Next you see it, you will know the time is near.

Only when the comet's tail turns towards you

Will you know what needs to be done.

That's when you are to remove

The wrappings that are covering your eye.


A comet turns.

A friend walks lost.

A bandage falls.

The eye sees the truth.

A friend shows us the way.

"A comet turns.

"A friend walks lost.

"A bandage falls.

"The eye sees the truth.

A friend shows us the way."

I always thought the old guy was off his rocker,

But now the pieces fit.

Well? How's she look?

Ahh! You weren't kidding.

What's that thing made of?

You got me. I've never seen it.

So, what do you think that riddle's supposed to mean?

What truth are you seeing?

What friend is gonna show us the way?

I could still see the jaden you and I know.

And the friend he spoke about, that's jaden.

I'm to save him so he can show us the way.

To what, jim?

I don't know. Home, maybe?

Either way-- "a friend walks lost,"

And I'm gonna try and find him.

You're gonna duel him.

That's right.

If somethin' happens to me, take care of shirley.

Right, mate.

All right, then.

Time to get my friend back!


Good luck, jim!

Here we go.

Supreme king!

If you can hear me, mate, come on out!

Skull knight: look who it is.

[Evil laugh]

You came back.

This time, you won't be leaving.


Take a hike, boys! I'm not here for you.

I'm here to challenge your supreme king to a duel!

Get back!


This duel is all mine.

All right, jim, let's see what you can do.

Game on!

Supreme king or not,

I'm gonna rule this battle.

And I'm gonna get my friend back.



So, what are you waiting for? Make a move.

Thanks, your highness.

Don't mind if I do!

Here we go, then. I draw!

And summon shell knight in defense mode!

When he's successfully summoned to the field,

My opponent takes points of damage.

att*ck him-- now!

Go, shell burst barrage!

I place one card face-down

And end my turn.

Not bad-- he dealt some damage

And set up some defense.

[Laughs]that defense is useless.

Simply pathetic.

With moves like that, this shouldn't take long.

I draw!

First up, I play a rather "fiendish" spell.

Dark fusion.


What could that be?

I don't like the sound of that.

That's a new edition to jaden's deck.

I wonder what he's gonna do with that.

With dark fusion,

I combine elemental hero avian

And elemental hero burstinatrix...

To form evil hero inferno wing!


So, dark fusion takes two good guys

And makes one bad guy?

Go, inferno wing!

att*ck this worm with inferno blast!


I play my face-down.

Sakuretsu armor!

This card destroys an attacking monster.

Yes, normally that would be the case, but--

Because of dark fusion, things are different.

Inferno wing can't be destroyed by spells or traps.

Say what?! Ah!


But my shell knight is in defense mode.

So how come I took damage just now?

By attacking you, her special ability gets activated.

And then she deals damage equal to your monsters' att*ck or defense points,

Whichever one is higher.

Since shell knight has more defense points,

You lose two thousand life points.

Aw, man![Growls]

He's not long for this duel, is he?

No one is when the king duels.

Look at him!

Jaden.... Huh?


What's that?


I know you're in there, j.

I see you... The good you.

You're afraid.

You're hiding 'cause you feel bad about something.

But there's no reason to hide any longer.

It's finally the time.

Old man: a comet turns.

A friend walks lost.

A bandage falls.

The eye sees the truth.


A friend shows us the way.

The eye of orichalcum is at last revealed.

I can see you, my dear friend.

You're trapped. But I'll set you free!



What-- what's this about?!




Hey, jim, where have we been sent to?

Is your eye playing tricks on us?

Look. Huh?

I'm sorry.

What have I done?

I can't believe this is my fault.

I've ruined everything, and... I can't fix it.

I'm so sorry, but I can't fix it.

Hey, jaden.

I'll find a way to fix it or lose everything trying.

Jaden: I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.

I just don't understand where I went wrong.

I don't get it.

That's what happens when you duel only for yourself!

You see, jaden, you've always been a selfish duelist.

Don't you see that every duel you've ever been a part of

Was played to satisfy your self-centered desire to be number one?

Satisfying your own interests ahead of the needs of others.

That must be an easy way to live.

Looking out for yourself

And never caring for anyone else.

I didn't think I just looked out for myself.

I thought I was a good friend.

Don't listen to him.

Maybe I am selfish.

I just focused on what I wanted.

Now my friends, they're gone.

I'm sorry!!



Ah, what's going on?

This is some kind of trick, right?


You won't like what you hear.

Tell me!

He's up there, in the stars with your four friends!

You'll never see him again!

They're all gone, and it's all my fault.

I didn't listen to them, and now they're gone.

I am selfish! I'm the worst!

I only did what I wanted to do.

And now I'm alone. I'm all alone.


Supreme king: of course you're alone.

Everyone's alone.

There's no such things as friends.

There's just you...

And you... And you...forever!

So what if your friends are gone?

You can't change the past.

You can only look to the future.

Tomorrow is yours for the taking, but you have to truly want it.

And in order to take it, you must have power!

And if you want this power, you have to be merciless.

Use this card, and you can conquer anything that gets in your way.


Don't listen to him!

He's just trying to trick you, mate.

He's just using you.

If you can hear me, jaden,

Just turn around and walk away.

Supreme king: silence!!

You okay, jim?



The eye of orichalcum has shown us the fight going on

In jaden's mind between good and evil.

Darkness has not fully taken over.

There is still good, and the only way

To get him back is to b*at his dark half--

The supreme king!

I know that you can hear me, jaden, so please, listen up.

Don't give in!

Just keep fightin', and together we can make things right again.

It won't be easy, but you got us!


Right then!

I draw!

You're not the only one with a fusion card up your sleeve.

I'm activatin' the spell fossil fusion!

Now I can remove shell knight from my grave

And elemental hero burstinatrix from yours...

To fusion summon...

Fossil warrior skull bone!


And next up, I sacrifice half my life points

To play time stream!

Now I can devolve my skull bone

From the cenozoic era to the mesozoic era,

Giving me a new fossil warrior!

The skull knight!

Jaden, sorry, but this is the only way to help.

You'll thank me when it's over.

You ready, supreme king?

Go, skull knight!

att*ck with swiping knight slash!


Next, I'm activatin' the spell card,

Half life, which lets me summon back

The same monster I just destroyed to your field.

Only this time, it's got half its original att*ck points.

And now for my knight's special ability.

See, if there's a monster out on your field,

Skull knight att*cks again.

Take another swipe at her!




Jaden! Can you hear me?

You gotta fight him.

You need to want to be free!

Come on, pal!



Those eyes are your eyes.

Come on, jaden.

Let's get out of this place.

You fool.


Your eye is no match for the power of darkness.

Can't you see that?

Jaden and I are one spirit.

How can this be?

If jim's eye can't defeat the darkness controlling jaden,

Maybe his dueling can.

It looks like the only way to get the jaden we know back

Is to duel his dark half and send it to the stars.

Now, jim's gonna have to play his cards right

Or else this duel might be his last draw!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now let's go! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪