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01x15 - The Switching Stone

Posted: 10/22/23 11:54
by bunniefuu
- Hi.

- Hello.

- Down here.

We'’re putting on a puppet play,

Because today,

All the magic words start with the sound "puh"

And this letter.

The letter "p."

So we made puppets

And a palace.

King norville, is there anything I can get you?

A pizza perhaps?

- A pizza? Uh-huh.

- And now, the royal pizza party.


- Pizza! Whoo-hoo!


- Norville, the pizza is for the puppets.

- Oh.

- But maybe your puppet will share?

- Will you share, puppet?

Uh-huh. Hooray!

Here you go. Thank you.

This is good pizza.

- [Giggles] that puppet, what a pal.

[Upbeat music]

- ♪ Wally found a stick

♪ Waved it in the air

♪ All these magic words

♪ Went flying everywhere

♪ If you need a friend

♪ To lend a helping hand

♪ You can call on wally

- ♪ Say "wallykazam!"

- ♪ Anything is possible with wally ♪

♪ All you need is a word

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

All: ♪ wallykazam!

- ♪ Say it, say it

♪ Hear the music playing now

♪ Say the word, say the word ♪

All: ♪ whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo

- ♪ Wally, wally, wallykazam! ♪

- [Barks]

- Hi, we'’re collecting rocks.

I found a lot.

- Here you go.

- Ooh, great one, norville.

- Thank you.

- But now I can'’t see.

Ooh, I have an idea.

I can make something to hold the rocks.

Let'’s see.

The magic words start with the sound "puh" today.

What about a pail?

Yeah. Pail starts with "puh."

So I can make a p...ail.



- Hey, wally.

I got a big one.

- Wow, that is big, gina.

We got some good rocks today.

- Yeah.

Black ones, gray ones, grayish black ones,

Blackish gray ones.

- [Barks]

- Oh, norville'’s got one more.

- [Barks] look at this.

- Whoa. It'’s glowing.

I'’ve never seen a rock like that before.

- Can I hold it, norville?

- Uh-huh.


- Uh, what'’s happening?

[Gasps] wah!

- Wow.

- Ah, you changed sizes.

You switched. How did that happen?

- I don'’t know.

We just touched the rock, like this.

Both: ah!

- I think the rock is doing it.

- Touch it again.

- Ha ha! - Ah!

- Whoa.

The rock is doing it.

- [Gasps] it must be a switching stone.

- Huh? - A switching stone?

- I'’ve heard of these.

They'’re magic.

Whoever touches the stone

At the same time switches sizes.

- So when norville and I touched it,

I got smaller and norville got bigger.

- He sure did.

- Uh-huh.

[Slurps] - whoa.


- And now, I'’m wally-sized.

Wally! - Gina!

- [Stomping]

- What you got there, norville?

Both: ah!

- [Barks]

- Oh, you wanna play fetch.

- [Howls]

- This is too big to play fetch with, buddy.

- No problem. I got it.


- Uh, gina, you'’re not a giant anymore.

- Oh, yeah.

- Come on, we'’ll lift it together.

[Both grunting]

- Whoo-hoo. [Growling]

- [Laughing]

He likes being a giant.

- You should try it too, wally.

- Yeah.

- Okay, norville, let'’s switch.

It'’s happening. - [Barking]

- Wow. Norville, I'’m a giant.

- Wow.

- Isn'’t it great, wally?

- Yeah, look at me.

Giant wally.

Giant jump!


Giant cartwheel!


[All giggling]


Everything looks so different from up here.

- Hey, wally. Pick me up.

- Sure thing, gina.

I'’ll give you a ride.

Hmm, I wish I had a pouch or something.

Ooh, pouch.

Does pouch start with the sound "puh"?

Yeah, it does.


Gina, in the pouch.

- Nice pouch.

- Thanks. Now hold on.

[All giggling]

- Huh?

Who'’s making all that noise?

Bobgoblin is trying to take his beauty nap.




- [Gasps] a giant wally trollman?

What is going on?


Wally trollman. Wally trollman!

- Oh, hi, bobgoblin.

- Why is wally so...tally?

- Hi, bobgoblin.

- Whoa.

And why is gina giant not so giant?

- We were out collecting rocks,

And norville found this.

It'’s a switching stone.

First gina and norville touched it, and they swit--

- Bobgoblin has heard enough.

Bobgoblin wants to be giant!

Both: it'’s happening!

- [Chuckles]

Bobgoblin is a giant!

- Uh-oh.

- Bobgoblin is now big-goblin.

Ooh, how far can big-goblin jump?

Very far.

- Careful, bobgoblin.

- My name is big-goblin.

Now let'’s see how strong big-goblin is.

Very strong!

- Bobgoblin, giants aren'’t supposed to pull trees

Out of the ground.

- Okay, okay, I'’ll put it back.

There. Perfect.

- [Groans]

- Bobgoblin loves being big-goblin.

- Ooh, what'’s over there?

All: wah!

- And giants don'’t stomp near their friends.

What are we gonna do, wally?

We got a giant goblin on the loose.

- This could be bad.

Bobgoblin, come back!

- Whee!


Ooh, cupcake.

- Bobgoblin, that'’s a bakery!

- Blech. Bakeries taste terrible.


Ooh, for me to play.

- Bobgoblin, that'’s the music store.

- Yeah. Yeah. Store solo!

[Mimics guitar]

- Bobgoblin isn'’t listening,

And he'’s really noisy.

- What? Sorry, wally, I can'’t hear you.

Bobgoblin'’s really noisy.

- We need to switch him back.

Come on, buddy. - Yeah.

- [Mimicking guitar] - hey, uh, big-goblin?

- Yes, smally wally?

- I know it'’s fun being a giant...

- So much fun.

- But it'’s time to switch back to your normal size,

Which means you and gina have to touch the switching stone.

- Hmm, let me think about that.

Mm. Hmm.


[Grunts] [laughs]


- Oh, boy.

- If he doesn'’t switch back,

I'’ll never be a giant again.

- I know. We'’ve got to stop him.

- Uh-huh.

- Come on. After that giant goblin.

- Whoo-hoo!

- He'’s really fast, wally.

- Maybe there'’s a word that can help us.

Magic stick, give me a word.


Can you help me read this word?

What word is that?

Yeah, pit!

That'’ll stop him.

- And then we can talk to him.

- All right, pit!

- Uh-oh. Whoa!

Ooh, nice pit.

- Oh, wow. - Yeah!

- We did it!

- Now let'’s switch him back.

- I'’ve got the switching stone.

- Big-goblin can jump very high.



- Here we go again.

- Yeah.

- They won'’t stop chasing me.

- Ooh, big-goblin will hide from them

Behind this tree.

- Bobgoblin, it'’s time to switch back.

- I'’m a tree.

- We see you. - And trees don'’t talk.

- Oops.

- [Barks]

- Bobgoblin, hiding isn'’t working.

- I am a rock.

- We can see your ears.

- I'’m a rock with ears.

- And rocks don'’t talk either.

It'’s time to switch back now.

- No, big-goblin never wants to switch back.

Ever. - Huh?

- I liked it better when he was a rock.

- [Gasps] they'’re still after big-goblin.

Ooh, I know how to stop them.

I'’ll make a giant wall.

Big-goblin is so smart.

And strong.

And smart.


- [Gasps] wally, look out!

- Uh-oh. - [Barks]

- Stand back, I'’ll stop them.

- Uh, gina, you'’re still not a giant.

- Oh, right, right, right.


- Maybe I can turn those giant rocks into tiny ones.

Wait, I think there'’s a "puh" word for tiny rocks.

What is it?


Oh, yeah. Pebbles.


[All sigh] that was close.

Now let'’s go find big-goblin.

- [Barking]

- [Stomach grumbles] whoa.

Big-goblin'’s stomach is making funny noises.

Big-goblin is hungry.

Where can big-goblin find a big snack?

Ooh, in a big house.

- He went in your house, gina.

- Oh, no. There'’s a giant in my house!

Wait, there'’s always a giant in my house.


But this is a giant bobgoblin.

We gotta stop him.

[Cheerful music]

- ♪ What are we gonna do?

♪ Bob'’s a giant instead of you ♪

♪ He'’s as big as a barn, you'’re almost small as a mouse ♪

♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in my house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in my house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪


- ♪ He'’s playing with all my stuff ♪

♪ Wearing my dad'’s slippers and being too-- ♪

- ♪ Ruff

- ♪ Jumping up and down all over the couch ♪

♪ There'’s a giant problem in my house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in my house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in my... ♪

Both: ♪ bobgoblin'’s runnin'’ around ♪

♪ Bobgoblin'’s turning things upside down ♪

♪ He'’s throwing pickles in the air ♪

♪ Thumping and jumping everywhere ♪

- ♪ He'’s messing up every room ♪

- ♪ I wish he had a giant broom ♪

- ♪ Can he really fit that whole sandwich in his mouth? ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in your house ♪

- ♪ There'’s a giant problem in my house ♪

- ♪ A giant goblin problem in your house ♪

♪ A really big bobgoblin in my house ♪

Both: ♪ uh-oh uh-oh

♪ Uh-oh uh-oh

- ♪ Uh-oh uh-oh

All: ♪ there'’s a giant problem in the kitchen ♪

- These snacks are giant but not very tasty.

These tomatoes aren'’t even rotten. Blech.

- Now he'’s eating all my snacks.

We have to make him touch the switching stone, wally.

- Well, we can'’t make him touch the stone,

But maybe we can trick him into touching it.

I have an idea.

We can hide you and the stone

Under some food.

Then, when bobgoblin reaches for the food,

You touch him with the stone, and you'’ll switch back.

- Great idea.

I'’ll hide under this pickle.

How'’s this?

- I can still see you.

One pickle isn'’t gonna do it.

We need a pile of pickles.

Wait. Pickle. Pile.

Pickle. Pile.

What sound do those words start with?

Yeah, pickle and pile both start with "puh."

That means I can make a pickle pile!

You okay in there, gina?

- Yup.

- [Barks]

- There'’s no good goblin food in here.

- Psst.

- Huh?

Mmm, pickles. Yes.

Wait, did that pickle move?

Huh, that pickle looks a lot like gina not-so-giant.

[Gasps] wait a second.

That pickle is gina not-so-giant.

[Both gasp]

- [Gasps] - quick, gina.

Touch him with the stone.

- Yah! Ah!

[Both grunt]

- [Shouts]

Gotcha! - Oof.

Oh, dear. - Now we'’re in a bowl.

- Now you can'’t touch big-goblin with that stone, smally wally.

- [Barks] - oh, no.

- Ooh.

Big-goblin is going to throw

The switching stone into a--


A deep lake!

Then no one can ever make big-goblin small again.

I probably shouldn'’t have told you my plan.

Oh, well.


- If he gets rid of the switching stone,

He'’ll stay a giant forever.

- And I'’ll never be a giant again.

- We need a way out of here.

Magic stick, give me a word!


Wow, that'’s a big word. - Uh-huh.

- I'’ll help you read it, wally.

You do the first part, and I'’ll do the second.

- Good idea, gina.


P...op. P...op.

What does that say?

Yeah, pop!

- And this part says...



- Pop. - Corn.

Both: popcorn!

- Popcorn? How'’s that gonna work?

Let'’s try it.


- Mmm. - It'’s working.

- Yeah!


- Yeah! - We did it.

But how are we gonna catch up to bobgoblin?

- Hmm. [Gasps]

We can fly a pickle.

- Yeah. - Oh, yeah.

- Wait, what? - Huh?

- A pickle can'’t fly.

- It could, if we give it a propeller.

- A propeller? - A propeller?

- It'’s a giant word. Try it, wally.

- Okay. Propeller!

- See, propellers spin around and help things fly.

- A pickle with a propeller. Perfect.

- Whoo-hoo! - Whee!

- Yeah.

- [Barks]

- There he is!

- [Gasps] and there'’s the lake.

We'’ve got to get the switching stone before he throws it in.

- Huh? What'’s that sound?

- The propeller'’s too loud.

Bobgoblin can hear us.

- There'’s got to be a quieter way to get down there.

Maybe we can float down on something,

Like a parachute or a kite.

Um, which word starts with the sound "puh"?

Parachute or kite?

Yeah, parachute!

Wallykazam! Wallykazutes!

Let'’s float down on some...


Remember, keep it quiet.

Three, two, one.

- Whee. - Whee.

[Both grunt]

- Huh?

- Bobgoblin feels a tickle.

- [Gasps] - [gasps]

- Aha!


Oh, well.

- Grab the stone, gina.

- [Straining] [gasps]


- Good-bye, stone.

Bobgoblin will be a giant forever!

- Oh, no. He'’s gonna throw it in the lake.

Norville, try and catch it.

- [Barks]

Whoo-hoo! Got it.

- Throw it, norville.

- [Grunts]

- Yah. - [Gasps]

- Aha!

- Oh, no. It'’s happening.

- All right! - We did it!

- Yay!

- [Sighs]

Big-goblin is bobgoblin again.

Well, that was fun.


- Wally, I'’m a giant giant again.


- Can you believe it?

We got everybody back to the right size.

- Yeah, that was fun,

But I'’m glad we'’re back to our normal sizes.

- Me too. - Me too.

- Me too!

How do you fly this pickle?


[All laughing]

- Wallykazymes, let'’s make some rhymes

With wally and... - Bobgoblin.

- Let'’s see if you can figure out what game I like to play.

Wallykazam. Wallykazeek.

I like a game of hide-and...

- Bobgoblin!

- No, see, it has to rhyme with "kazeek."

- Oh, okay. Try again, wally trollman.

- Wallykazam. Wallykazeek.

I like a game of hide-and...

- Beak.

"Beak" and "kazeek" rhyme.

- "Hide and beak" isn'’t a game.

- Oh, yeah.

- Okay, one more try.

Wallykazam. Wallykazeek.

I like a game of hide-and...

- Seek. - Yeah.


You got it, bob--

Bobgoblin? Where are you?

- Hiding. Bet you can'’t find me.

- You'’re right there.

- Wow. He'’s good.

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wah

All: ♪ bah-bah

- Wallykazam!

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, wally

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally, whoo

- ♪ Wally, wally, wally

- Wallykazam!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- Wally!

All: ♪ do, do, do, do, do

- What?

All: ♪ wally, wally, wally, wallykazam! ♪