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02x17 - Movin' On Up

Posted: 10/23/23 05:07
by bunniefuu
I love the first few weeks of school.

Like, no real homework.

New classes, new books, sparkly pencils.

Sparkly pencils.

Oh, yeah, it's a brand-new year.

Oh, come on, Gordo, it's like seventh grade never happened.

We could all come back as totally different people.

But no one ever does.

Good ol' Gordo.

Some things never change.

How can you say that, Gordo? This year is completely different from the last.

How's that? We're the same people.

You haven't changed.

I've totally changed.

Just look at me.

All right, bad example.

Last year, we were so freaked out over what to wear for our school pictures.

This year we're totally beyond that.

Great shirt.

Do you think everyone will like it? Attention.

Will David Gordon please report to the principal's office immediately.

Gordo, what did you do? It can't be me.

It's got to be a mistake.

I repeat, will David Gordon please report to the principal's office immediately.

You were right, Gordo.

Nothing different about this year at all.

If you believe We've got a picture-perfect plan We've got you fooled 'Cause we only do the best we can And sometimes we make it And sometimes we fake it But we get one step closer each and every day We'll figure it out on the way Lizzie McGuire S02E17 Movin' On Up Gordo.

He lives.

Gordo, where have you been? You have missed all of your morning classes.

I've been in the principal's office the whole time with my parents.

Alas, poor, Gordo.

I knew him well.

What did you do? It's nothing.

It's something that they want me to do.

Something they want him to do? Of course, Gordo's a secret agent.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

No one could be that smart in junior high It's so weird.

I've been given the opportunity to skip ahead.

Go to high school.


The only thing cooler than secret agent is high school student.

You're going to high school?! I-I don't know.

Gordo, what's there to think about? High school is way cooler than middle school.

Yeah, the whole point of middle school is to give us something to do before we go to high school.


High school means getting your license and going to concerts on your own.

And having a later curfew and drinking coffee Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down there, Dawson's Creek.

I'm not going to high school to do any of those things.


So, why go? To challenge myself and to learn things.

For a smart guy Gordo sure doesn't know what high school is all about.

Gordo, this is a huge opportunity for you.

You have to go.

Do you guys think it would be a good idea for me to do it? Uh, yeah.

Even though it would mean leaving you guys here? Leave us behind? That's not cool.

I've got a lot to think about.

See you later.

Okay, this is going to sound really dumb but it didn't occur to me that Gordo going to high school would mean that he wouldn't be here with us.

Does that make any sense at all? No.

But I thought the same thing, too.

-How's it looking down there? -Dark.

-Do you need any help? -No.

Okay, okay, why don't I take a look.

-You broke the sink, didn't you, Dad? -Did not.

It's okay.

Mom will fix it.

Mom, Mom, she's our man.

If she can't fix it, no one can! Go, Mom! Hey, what about me.

I tried.

Where's my cheer? Don't worry, Dad.

I'll come up with a cheer for you.

I need all the practice I can get.

-Why? -Lanny and I are trying out for cheerleading tomorrow.

Cheerleading? Dad, Dad, he's our man.

If he can't fix it Mom sure can! Go Mom! Cheerleading? Oh, it sounds like fun.

Hey, could you give me the wrench, please? Yeah.

I don't know.


It kind of sounds girlie.


If it's something he wants and he's willing to work for it, how is that girlie? And by the way this is not a wrench.

These are pliers, Mr.

Fix It.

Yeah, baby.

Mom, Mom, she's our man.

If she can't fix it, no one can! Go, me! How am I supposed to be learning about photosynthesis when Gordo could be leaving? Miranda what if he really goes to high school? Lizzie, he hasn't even made a decision yet.

Yeah, but what if his decision is to go? Come on, this is Gordo we're talking about.

He wouldn't decide to go without us.

I guess you're right.

And he didn't sound so excited about the whole thing.


So let's not think about this test, either.

I like the way she thinks.

Miranda, that's the one thing we do have to think about.

Lizzie, Lizzie, she's our girl.

She's the girl who makes me hurl! Lizzie! Uh, uh, don't ask.

I just live here.



Dad, Dad put me down! There's no time to fool around! Matt, are you up for a little traditional male bonding? Sure, you can help me with my cheerleading tryouts.

I don't really know anything about cheerleading, son.

But I know about a lot of other stuff.

Guy stuff.

Macho, macho man.

Macho man (Village People - Macho Man) Got to be a macho, macho man, yeah I've got to be a macho Macho, macho man, yeah I've got to be a macho man Matt? Lanny's here.

Well, Dad, it's been fun but Lanny and I got to go practice our cheerleading.

Come on, son, just one more hand.

You're right, Lanny.

Dad you've got to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

Come on, Lanny.

You guys want to try fishing? Why don't you just support Matt with his cheerleading? It's probably safer, in the long run.

Gordo, what are you doing? Uh, don't you know you're supposed to clean out your locker at the end of the school year? Well, it's the end of my school year.

I'm going to high school.

La, la, la, la, la, la, can't hear you.

You're really going to high school? Without discussing it with us? Yep.

And, uh, it really just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? "Gordo's going to high school.

" -Well, what about yesterday? -What about it? The whole "I don't know if it's for me" thing, "I'm gonna have to think about it" thing.

Well, I thought about it.

And, uh, I'm going to high school.

Just can't say that enough.



We couldn't be happier for you.

-Right? -Right.


Gordo's leaving us and Miranda's already throwing his going away party.

You were right.

Why should I stick around middle school when I could just go to high school? I'll give you two good reasons.

They're standing right in front of you! I'm going to miss you guys.

Uh, but things won't change.

We'll still see each other.


Say something.


-So, I'll see you guys around? You know where to find us.

Last chance! Say something.

We'll be here.

Bye bye, Gordo.

-You must be new here.

-How can you tell? Can't get your locker open.

Hey, you got your elevator pass yet? Usually, they're ten bucks but I never use mine so I can give it to you for five.

Oh, thanks.

So, uh, who do I need to give my elevator pass to? Nobody needs an elevator pass.

You must be new here.

I should have said something to Gordo.

Yeah, you should have.

What are you talking about, Miranda? You practically pushed him out the door.

I was trying to be supportive.

Oh, well, you supported him right out the door.

One friend abandons me and the other supports him abandoning me.

I'll just stand out here in the rain alone without a jacket.

Lizzie, I'm sorry, but what can we do? He's gone.

I just didn't actually think he'd leave.

Me, neither.

But this is a huge deal for Gordo.

Well, it's a huge deal for us, too.

Lizzie, he's not doing this to us.

He's doing it for him.

Come on.

Friends should always want the best for each other.

Yeah, but what about me? I-I know you're right, but I guess I just should have said something.

-Like what? -I don't know.

Just tell him how I feel.

-How do you feel? -I just miss him, that's all.

Yeah me, too.

But he's in high school.

And we're here with a science test in two hours.

I wonder what Gordo's doing right now.

He's probably having the time of his life.




- Everybody Hurts) If you're on your own in this life the days and nights are long when you think you've had too much of this life to hang on Well, everybody hurts but sometimes everybody cries And everybody hurts Hi.

What are you doing here? What does it look like I'm doing? I'm here being happy for you, you big doof.

It's not every day that one of my best friends goes to high school.

How was it? It was, um It was great.

I like my classes, and my teachers are pretty cool.

So, did you make any new friends? Yeah, there was, uh There was this one guy.

He sold me an elevator pass.


Ask him! You know you want to.

So, do you miss anything about middle school? Like me! Come on, take the hint! Well, gym's a lot harder.

How did someone so clueless get moved up to high school? Do you want to come over? Uh, Miranda and I are going to hang out later.


I've got tons of homework to do.

-Oh, right.

-But I'll see you later, right? -Sure.


I'm happy for him.

I am really happy for him.

-Hey, have you seen Matt around? -No.

Why? You need to plan your next traditional male bonding activity? No.

I just wanted to see if he could use some help with his cheerleading Really? My dad always tried to get me to do things he wanted to do not what I wanted to do, and I hated that.

So I`ll be proud of Matt no matter what he wants to do.

Now, see that's my big strong man.

I'd like to welcome everyone to cheerleading tryouts! I wish we could take all of you but we can't.

We're looking for five new girls and only one new boy.

So, let's stop being students and start being cheerleaders.

Let's go! Matt McGuire, you're up.

One person at a time.

I said one person at a time.

That was the greatest routine I have ever seen! So, which one of you wants to be cheerleader? But-but we were great, and we worked so hard.

We only have one boy's uniform.

Keep your uniform.

No one splits up Matt and Lanny.

I met Gordo at the bus stop after school today.

So, how was his first day? It was great.

He couldn't have been happier.

Then, we couldn't be happier for him right? Right.

No, really.

I'm agreeing with you, okay? I can't keep him from doing something that makes him happy just because I miss him.

You know what, guys? It's really hard growing up.

I mean, you guys have been friends with Gordo for a long time and things always change.

And that's life.

Leave it to Mom to get all Lifetime movie on us.

I just didn't think things would change so soon, you know? Just because Gordo's going to a different school doesn't mean we're not gonna be friends anymore.

-Yeah, but things will certainly be different.

-Yeah, well I hate being right.

-But I'm not going anywhere.


Think you guys are gonna be okay.

Hey, guys.

How were your cheerleading tryouts? They were great! We got standing ovations from everyone.

Really? I guess I owe you guys an apology.

I'm going to be at every one of your games cheering you cheer them.

Congratulations on making the team.

Thanks, Dad, but we didn't make the team.

You just can't split up Matt and Lanny.

That's a great idea, Lanny.

Maybe we could join the circus! Let's go practice.

-He's got a pretty great dad.

-Yes, he does.

You McGuire boys always seem to land on your feet.

Ow! A little help.

I wouldn't go out there.

It isn't pretty.

-Gordo! -Hey.

The pictures from Coaster Kingdom.


You guys totally fought over -Who would sit -Who would sit next to you on the ride.

I don't remember Gordo putting up a big struggle when it came the Annihilator.


That ride was dangerous.

It was advertised "So fast it will pull the flesh off your bones.

" -But you went on.

-You guys said it'd be okay.

Okay? You threw up on Sophie Oberman's hair.

Well, after that, it was okay.

Gordo we're really proud of you.

For riding the Annihilator? -No.

For going to high school.


We're really proud.

So, Gordo, give us the 4-1-1.

What's high school really like? Well, actually I hated it.

What?! I thought you loved high school.

What about all that stuff you told me? -I lied.

-Why? You know, because it would have been admitting that I made a mistake.

Okay, so the work's too hard.

That's okay.


That's not it at all.

I was just at home doing the homework to prove I can do it, and I can do it.


Now, you've lost me.

Well, I can graduate high school in two years and start college by the time I'm 16 but I don't want those because what I would get out of it wouldn't be worth what I'm giving up.

Just ask him! Which is what? Well, you know, my life.

Ask him again! Anything else? Well, yeah.

Surprisingly the food at our cafeteria is a lot better than the stuff they give you in high school.

Ugh! He is never gonna get it.

Just tell him! Tell him! -I really missed you, Gordo.

-I missed you, too.

And I missed both of you guys.

Life just wasn't the same without you.

Which is why I'm coming back to middle school tomorrow.

Gordo, are you sure that's what you want? Yeah, because whichever you choose, I mean, we will be behind you 100%, right? What she said.

I'm sure.

High school was kind of like the Annihilator.

It didn't actually pull the flesh off my bones.

But until I do it with you guys I'm not going on it by myself.

I can't believe I missed him so much.

Why did I miss him so much? So, is there anything we need to know about high school? Well, you're gonna need an elevator pass but don't worry.

I'll sell you mine cheap.

Welcome back, Gordo.

Alas, poor Gordo.

I knew him well.

Listen, Jake, are you ready for a little old-fashioned male bonding? I'm Matt.

What did I call him? Jack?