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04x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 11/05/23 12:03
by bunniefuu
Thomas Malone, convicted for
the m*rder of Lizzie Kilmuir,

was released this morning.

Why did you go after
Malone in the first place?

He cried like a baby
at Lizzie's funeral. It was odd.

I've withdrawn my transfer request.

I think whatever
decision you made,

I'm just glad you're staying.

Drew McColl called in.
His daughter seems to be missing.

It looks like she was strangled.

He knows you're too scared
to arrest him again.

He did it then,
and he's done it again!

The daughter of the policeman
that put you in prison

- has been found dead.
- I couldn't even tell you what the girl looks like.

I left.
I left her.

Stop it!
Stop it!

The number on the Post-it
was registered

to an Andreas Hagan.

He's a health
and safety officer at Forst Energy.

He's the one
saying Danny was drunk

when his arm got snagged
in the drive shaft.

But it's a barefaced lie.

- You're dead!
- Get out my house!

Bury him!

Have you got
that passenger manifest yet?

Hagan's confirmed as being
on the first flight to Bergen

the morning after
Sally's m*rder.

- Morning.
- Morning.

How did you go on at the Taj?

Alan kicked off
when someone jumped the queue.

But apart from not eating
his takeaway,

not much to report.

How are we doing?


there's a possibility that her
m*rder could be connected to

an article that Sally was
working on.

It looks like she was going to
accuse Forst Energy

of corporate manslaughter,

so we'd really like to speak to
their safety officer,

Andreas Hagan.
But he's AWOL in Norway.

Tosh is going to talk to Forst
Energy this morning

and see if we can track
his movements.

You looking at Alan Killick?

He thought that Sally was
having an affair, so...

Drew is not the only one who's
going to take a lot of convincing

that Malone didn't do this.

It would be very neat
if Thomas Malone did it,

but all three of them have a motive.

With you in a minute.

I'm a free man, eh?


Get some heat in you.

If somebody hurt you,
I want to know about it.

They think I k*lled Sally McColl.
And you do.

I'm trying to keep an open mind.

You don't make it easy,
when Gail gives you a false alibi

for the night Sally died.

Maybe she thought you wouldnae
believe the truth.

You've got an answer for everything,
haven't you?

The reason I gave you my card

was because I wanted to help you,

cos you sat for years
in a prison cell,

and the only thing you had to do
to get paroled

was to admit you were guilty.

The fact you couldnae bring yourself
to do that,

that means something to me.
But don't push it.

They put a hood on my head

and they... threw me
in the back of a van.

And when I wouldn't confess

to k*lling Lizzie or Sally,

they knocked me out...

.. and they buried me alive.

Any idea who it was?

You going to tell me?

I'll not be pressing charges.

Billy, we're looking for
a high-roof transit van

on the road between Malone's farm
and Laxo last night.

- I'll get on it.
- See whoever did this?

We go after them, hard.

I want everybody to know that
Thomas Malone is off limits.

- Understood.
- And get Sandy

to check out the site
where he was buried.

He's up at Jo Halley's place -

she thinks someone's
staking it out.

Right, I'll go and
check it out myself.

Can you see the scratches?

Could have been a polecat, maybe?

A polecat didn't open the gate,
or knock over the plant pots!

And the last couple of nights I saw
lights going up and down the old track.

I wouldn't be calling
if I didn't think it was important.

I understand you're concerned,

after what happened to Sally,

but try not to think the worst
all the time.

If you get a look at this vehicle,
you let me know.

Can't you have a car parked
at the bottom of the road?

Just make sure you're taking
the usual security precautions.

Which you are.

Have you news?

Has there been a development?

Oh, no, nothing major, I'm afraid.

Actually, I was wondering
if you could tell me

a wee bit about Alan Killick.

I don't know why you'd
be looking at him,

when Malone's around?

I... It's just...

The time his mother
said he got home

the night Sally was att*cked

doesnae quite match
his actual movements.

Are we talking a big difference?

Half an hour one way or the other
doesn't matter.

It takes longer than that
to get to Fladdabister and back.

Er, and there's just one more
question, if you don't mind.

Thomas Malone's been att*cked again.

So I have to ask you
where were you last night?

It's just procedure, Drew.

Given the fact you were
involved last time.

I was here.

Was anybody else with you?

Donna Killick dropped around
for a while. She's a good friend.

She left around ten.

Does that get me off your hook?


I'll leave you to it.

He knows I'm lying.

This is ridiculous.

I should have told him the truth.

Thank you.

Hey, Alan?

I need to talk to you.

I have to ask you again,

what time did you get home
the night Sally died?

I dunno.
Whatever my mum said.

Yeah, she said wrong.
That's why I'm asking you.

I wasn't keeping
my eye on the clock.

I went for a takeaway,
went home, crashed out.

I hear you weren't in
a great frame of mind?

You got in an argument
with somebody...

.. and then didn't even eat
the takeaway?

You binned it.

I didn't have that
much of an appetite.

How come?

I drank too much, I suppose.

You see, a cynic might argue

that you were trying to
give yourself an alibi.

I'm not finished yet.

I know you're grieving,

and I know that we all deal with
that stuff in our own way.

But you have to answer my questions.

- Sorry. It's...
- I know. Shall we just do this?


Where were you last night?

I was here, on my own.

I watched a film...
and then went to my bed.

Can you open the doors
of that van for me?

I'm gonnae want forensics to come
up and have a look at that.

In the meantime, I'll take the keys.

Hi, I'm here to see your head
of Human Resources.


DS Mclntosh.
Don't need one.


Cass! There's a face only
a father could love!

What do you want?

You need a job.

- In a newspaper?

Well, I could have
e-mailed you a link

to a recruitment site, but then I would
have missed this vision of loveliness.

So how're you doing, anyway?

Don't ask.

Thought for the day.

You can't control
how others treat you,

but you can control
how you react to it.

You been at the self-help
shelf again?

Come on,
give it a bash.

- It's not as if you're up to anything else today.
- Actually, I am.

Today, like every other day
since my life ended,

I'm going to be stalking Edison

I'm sorry.

I mean, what kind of name's that,

- Not helpful.
- I'm sorry.


Detective Mclntosh?
Sorry for the delay.

Had to have a hunt for
Mr. Hagan's HR file. He...

he normally works
out of our Norway office.

That's funny.
They had it the other way round.

- Is that everything?
- Mr. Hagan

was due in Bergen yesterday,
but he didn't show.

Do you know where he is?

It's possible
he had some leave to take.

Could you find out?

To be honest, I don't actually
have much contact with Mr. Hagan.

Too busy writing his reports,
I imagine.

Like the one
he wrote about Danny Hamilton.

Mr. Hamilton died when his arm

was ripped off by a rotating
driveshaft on one of your rigs.

Last night Mr. Hagan filed

a request for five days'
annual leave.

Does it say where he went?

We don't tend to ask.

Do you know Sally McColl?

She was at your company's
charity ball

a few weeks ago?

That's entirely possible.

Would she have met Mr. Hagan there?

If he was invited, perhaps.

Now, I'm gonnae need to
see the guest list.

Plus a copy of the report
that Mr. Hagan wrote

exonerating Forst Energy
for Danny Hamilton's accident.

And a record of all the routine
drug and alcohol tests

carried out on Danny Hamilton's rig
in the last year.

And I'm gonnae need them today.


"Gone out"

I'm looking for Donna Killick -
the woman who runs the sanctuary?

She's not here.

It's just that... I saw her
advert in The Chronicle.

- Looking for volunteers?
- This isn't a good time.

- When would be?
- Just... not now.

Only, I cycled all the way up here.

The advert said you could just show
up during opening hours, I didn't...

Can you just go, please?
Just leave.

Are you OK?

It's OK.

Mrs. Hamilton?

- It's me - DS Mclntosh.
- I'm in a rush.

OK, but I need you to make
that statement we talked about.

- I'm sorry.
- Just repeat what you said

the other day, about Andreas
Hagan's safety report?

How he lied about the cause
of your husband's accident?

He didn't lie.
The report was right.

But you said Hagan
blamed alcohol,

and your husband was teetotal?

Danny spent half his life
in the middle of the North Sea.

How would I know
if he had a drink problem?

- You're his wife!
- Widow!

And dead men
don't bring home a wage.

- How much did they pay you?
- Don't you dare judge me!

Look, Danny didn't drink,
but he wasn't a saint.

There is nothing left
for me and the kids.

And with no insurance pay-out...

You take that money and Forst
get away with corporate homicide!

If conditions on that rig
are as bad as Danny claimed,

more men could die.

Look, I'm sorry. I'm out.


Jeez, it's like a freezer in here!

I've still got to get
the generator going.

Does your daughter want to come in?

Well, that's partly
why I wanted to see you.

The incident at the bus stop?

You scared the wits out of her.

I didn't mean to.

Well, maybe you need to think about
how you're coming across?

Maybe smarten up a bit.

Unless you're

trying for the Charles
Manson look deliberately?

Well, while I'm giving
unwanted advice,

what about getting a job?

Who would want me?

Not everyone's against you.

someone sent some lads

round here last night
to bury me alive.

Who would do that?

I don't know.

- Is that food?
- Aye. Chilli.

- Eat it while it's hot.
- OK.

Well, get that generator fixed,

Aye, I will do.

A farmer out by Malone's place

spotted a van driving along a
track at three in the morning.

The owner's been traced.

He says he sold
the van yesterday

to a garage down by the harbour.

Proprietor, Mr. Benny Ray.

So I'm presuming
that's the same Benny Ray

that was a witness at
Malone's trial?

OK, get up there and talk to him.

Also, Jo Halley has
been in touch again -

she mentioned something
about a vehicle

churning up some old
tracks out by her croft?

See if you can get a tyre print.


Someone's bought
off Meg Hamilton.

I ran into her
at the Forst Energy offices.

She backtracked on everything
she said about Danny's accident.

She was also holding an envelope

that was a hell of a lot thicker
than Hagan's personnel file.

I had to provide more
information than that

when I wanted to join the Brownies.

Forst are hiding something.

The emergency contact, who's she?

The landlady of his place
on Whalsay,

who hasn't seen Hagan since the
last house inspection a year ago.

I've finished the filing.

You know, you should really
think about going paperless.

I-I brought you a coffee.

I'll stick it down here,

for when you're ready.

Hey, listen.

Sorry about before.

I feel like a right d*ck.

I can't believe I didn't make the
connection between you and Sally McColl.

The last thing you need right
now is someone rocking up,

wanting to play
with the baby seals.

I'm glad you came up today.

I'm not really on top of things

I don't know when I will be.

If you could stay
for a few more days?


we're closed for visitors today.

It's fine, Mum.
She's a volunteer.

She's gonnae help out round here
until things get back to normal.

Hi. I'm Cass.
Cassie Perez.

- The policeman's daughter?
- Yeah. That's right.

I best get back.

Can I help?

DC Wilson.

- Is this your digger?
- No.

I'm looking for a transit van
that was sold for scrap yesterday.

You've just missed it.
It's off to the crusher.

You ever been one
of my customers?


I need to talk to your guys.

I'm going to need to know
where they were last night.

We were all together.

Few drinks.

We had a wee party to ourselves.

Which pub?

We got a carry out.

Do you think Cass'll leave?

I don't know.

Duncan reckons if she stays,
she's gonnae be selling herself sort.

Like me, you mean?

No, you did the right thing.

You think?

Aye, you'd hate the white pudding
suppers in Edinburgh.

Still can't get used
to people doing that.

Considering Hagan is Norwegian,

I was hoping for something
a bit more hygge.

Is that a Norwegian thing?
Or is it Danish?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Yeah, you do.
It's that cosy thing

the Scandinavians do to get
through the long winter.

It means the complete absence
of anything annoying.

Yeah, unfortunately,
that's not a concept

I'm familiar with.


Think this is Hagan?

Take a snap shot,
see if the landlady can ID him.

It proves that Sally
was in contact with Hagan.

Yeah, but we're gonnae
need more than that.

How did you go on at the garage?

Benny gave me
some cock and bull

about him and his lads going
drinking last night.

However, the tyre tracks
up at Jo Halley's?

They are a match for the ones
at the Malone burial site.

So much for Jo Halley
being a paranoid fantasist.

- I never said she was.
- You don't have to.

It's all over your face
every time you talk to her.

OK, come on!

I need more on Benny Ray,
so ask around.

Billy, what's the matter?

I just had DNA Database on the line.

The sample of DNA
we took from Alan Killick...

- Yeah, what about it?
- It's a partial match

for the secondary DNA
found on the scarf

used to strangle Lizzie Kilmuir.

Which would mean that
our unknown suspect

would have to be
related to Alan Killick.

on the male side, aye.

Well, that narrows things down
quite a bit, doesn't it?


We're closed to visitors today,
but I can take a donation?

What are you doing here?

Duncan thought I needed something
to take my mind off being dumped,

so I'm volunteering!

This was Duncan's idea?

Detective Perez?

I'll take you home
when I'm done.

I want a word.

I said I'd help out with
the evening routine.

OK, we'll talk tonight, then.

Alan's DNA is on that scarf?
That's impossible.

He wasn't even born
when Lizzie was m*rder*d.

I said a partial match.

Which means that DNA belongs to
a direct male relative.

Father, grandfather,
so on down the line.

Alan's father was an only child.

And old man Killick
and his brothers

were long dead
when that girl died.

So it must have been my dad?

You think Kevin k*lled
Lizzie Kilmuir?

I can't rule it out.

Until I can get a sample of his DNA
so we can cross-check.

Do you have anything of Kevin's?

An old toothbrush,
a comb...


He's been dead eight years.

No-one keeps their partner's
belongings that long.

Maybe your marriage
was happier than mine.

If we can't get a sample of DNA,

then we would have to disintern.

So what, you want to dig up
his grave?

I take it
you need our permission for that?

Because it's not happening.

Given the gravity of the situation,

we would get permission eventually
with or without your consent.

What's the point -
just let 'em get on with it.

Mrs. Killick,
can you see me out?

Drew's not doing so good.

He said you dropped
over last night?

Just for an hour or so.

But yet you didnae get back
until the wee small hours?

I went for a drive.
I lost track of time.

So what about the night
that Sally got k*lled?

Did you lose track of time
that night as well?

Cos we know that Alan
wasnae here

- when you said he was.
- Is that why

you sent your daughter
up here?
To spy on us?

No, I didnae send my daughter
up here.

Believe me.

I just wanted to let you know

that there was some activity
up here last night,

but it was connected to a crime
somewhere elsewhere on the island.

You weren't the target.

People think I'm paranoid.

I'm not.

You and Alan and Sally look like you
were pretty close?

We got on well.

Did Alan stay over here much?

A few nights a week.

You OK with that?

He could have stayed more,
I wouldn't have minded.

Can you have a look at this for me?

Does that look like the man Sally
was talking to at the festival?

I think maybe he was younger,
but I can't be sure.

Are you sure that they were
speaking Norwegian?

Well, I don't speak it much,

but I lip read
but I know the shape of the language.

He was denying something.

You know,
with his hands up.

That's the stuff in from
Forst Energy.

Hagan was at the charity ball,

and Danny Hamilton mysteriously
managed to avoid

every single random
drug and alcohol test

in the two years
before his death.

Right, so they've just wiped him
from the records?

How else could Hagan claim
a tea-total man was an alcoholic?


I was checking to see if Kevin
Killick had any kind of record

and I found these.


Donna Killick logged
several reports of as*ault

but she always withdrew the charges.

Right, so she protected him, then.

She won't give a DNA sample now,

so she's protecting him still.


Some victims can form a bond
with their abuser.


It's all right.
I understand.

You know, I was thinking maybe
you should...

Don't suggest a silent retreat

unless you're wearing
a s*ab vest.

No, I was thinking
more along the ways of a night off.

See some of your pals?

But whatever you need -
just ask.

You said to come back
if I was struggling?

Well, I'm not.


I'm coping really,
really well.

I know that
because I watch myself all the time.

To be sure

that I'm not letting...

.. what he did...

change my behaviour


alter my choices

or define me.

24/7, I'm keeping it together.

And it's exhausting.

Benny Ray.

Shetland's answer
to Liam Gallagher.

He had terrible hair!

I mean, I know we all did back then,
but his was just spectacular.

- I can't place him.
- No?

But then I wasn't really in the same
crowd as you and Lizzie back then.


You mind when...

me and Liz finally let you come
to one of our house-parties

and you puked all
over my mum's sofa?

Happy days!

Until Lizzie.

The day the music died.

Did she know Benny well?

I don't think so.

Mind you, she did talk
about having an older man,

- so you never know.
- Seriously?

Of course not, you idiot.

Jeez! I think someone
did take him on.

He's got a couple of grandkids,
or maybe one.

Be careful.

With Malone.
Don't get too involved.

I won't.

- I don't see the problem.
- You don't? Really?

The Killick family are smack in the
middle of a m*rder investigation,

- that's the problem.
- You honestly think

he'd k*ll his girlfriend?
He runs a wildlife sanctuary!

Right, and-and Hitler
was a vegetarian.

I like it up there, OK?

For the first time in ages, I didn't
spend the day thinking about Edison

and feeling like an idiot.

And tomorrow's going to be even
better. Alan's taking me to Unst.

He's what? What,
just the two of you?

Yeah, someone reported a couple
of beached seals on the shoreline.

We're going to catch
the early ferry.

Is there anything else
for the rubbish?

Cass, Cass, wait, come here.

You're not going there with him.

Do you not think I'm a bit old
to be ordered about, Dad?

OK, just imagine for a second
that I'm a police officer

and I'm advising you
for your own safety

that Alan Killick is a person

of interest in a m*rder

which means that
he's not in the clear yet,

and until such times as he is,

you are advised not to
be on your own with him.

How's that?
Is that OK?


He was just standing there,
looking into the house.

Is there a problem?

You told me to keep in touch, so...

Is it OK if I come in?

And you were worried about me
hanging out with Alan Killick?!

Very nice!

I'll leave you to it.

That's tasty.

- Is that your wee girl, eh?
- Aye, Cassie.

You know what, Thomas,
this really isn't a great time.

It's nothing important.

I was just walking by and I...
I saw your wee lights on there.

It looks very cosy.

Well, you know.

Maybe once your compensation
comes through,

you can get your place sorted.

You know, I was thinking that

you could help me fix it up.

Were you?

I'm gonnae get you a lift home.


Your family ever visit you
in prison?

In Glasgow?

What about your mum, though?
She visit you?


When you were being
held in Shetland,

did she visit you
in the station?


What did you talk about?

She told me it was my own fault.

Because of the way
I am with folk.

She told me if I pleaded innocent,
it would be the death of her.

I might as well put the scarf around
her neck and k*ll her dead, too.

Aye, she told me to confess.

And you always did everything
she told you?

I just wanted her to love me.

- Is that yours?
- Aye.

Jo! It's me.
It's Alan.

It's Alan.

You scared me!

I'm sorry.

I didn't
really feel like talking.

I wanted to spend the night
in Sally's room.


But next time, just...

ring the bell, or text me.

I will.

Do you want a coffee?

If you don't mind
I just need a wee bit of headspace.


Morning. Sorry for leaving you
in the cold like that.

Morning. Right, get a hot cup of tea
in us, eh?

You said I should get a job.

I was thinking maybe
I could help you out around here?

How did you know Sally was cheating?

Did that thing on your phone where
you can find someone's location.

Then she went to Norway
for a few days

and lied to me about
where she was.

Think she was leave me anyway,
to be honest with you.

You can't keep someone
if they don't want to be with you.

You can't make someone love you.

Looks like the seals
have gone back into the water.

Aye. If they were ever here at all.




Oh, I'm just about getting there.

You know, there were
guys in the prison who had these,

but I never wanted near one.


There's only one way to smuggle a phone into a prison, you know.

OK, thanks. That's a wee bit
too much information.

- I'm sorry.
- That's all right.

I'm going on a coffee run.

- What do you want?
- White, three sugars?

I'm liking your style.

- Hey, Cora.
- Good morning.

I hear Cass is back.

Aye, dragging her heart behind her.

She'll get over it. We all do.

So what happens now?

We run him to the morgue.
Take a sample.

Whatever's left.

I am sorry to make you do this.

No skin off my nose.

Though there are some who find
the whole process harder to stomach.

So what do you know about Benny?

He lives with his grandson.

Just the two of them?

Yeah. Well, his mother died - dr*gs.

And Benny was a dealer
back in the day?

They used to call
him Benny Blue?

and he was arrested
more than once.

- Never did time?
- No.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Billy, is there a list anywhere
of the informants

we used in the 1990s?

It's on the notice board there.

Next to the
Neighbourhood Watch poster.

Can you could ring around and
see if there was ever a Benny Ray

- on the payroll?
- Will do.


I got you...


Sally's expenses...

Put together, these are better
than a diary. Times, places.

I was able to cross-reference
her movements

with security footage
from Norway.

This is from her most recent trip
a few weeks ago.

She visited this cafe in Bergen.
Two minutes after she arrived...


They were in there for 23 minutes.
Sally paid the bill.

170 krone
for two lattes and a skoleboller.

It's a wee pastry thing.
Possibly made from solid gold.

- The prices in Norway are nuts.
- No, this is excellent.

That's proof positive
that they were in contact,

so get hold of Bergen

and tell them tracking
this guy is a priority.

Just got a result
from one of the old boys.

At the time of the Malone trial,

Benny Ray was on Drew McColl's

Mr. Ray?

I'm DI Perez,
Shetland Police.

I wanted to talk to you
about the evidence

that you gave at the trial
of Thomas Malone.

I'm picking my grandkid
up from the school.

Yeah, sorry. It won't take long.

You mind telling me again what you
saw that day on the Ferry to Unst?

It was more than 20 years ago!

Well, all the same.

Malone. On a boat.
With his mother's car.

- Anything else?
- I didn't pay him any attention.

I didn't know
he had a body in the boot.

But you worked for Drew McColl.

Didn't they ever tell you that
as a police informer

you shouldn't have been
allowed in that witness box?

The fact that you were discredits
the whole trial.

All I know is that
if I hadn't spoken up,

that pervert Malone
might have got away with it.

What kind of justice
would that have been?

You know the night before last, somebody
threatened to bury Thomas Malone alive.

You mind telling me
where you were that night?

Watching the Disney Channel.

You told DC Wilson
you were at home

- with a carry out with your mates.
- Aye.

While watching
the Disney Channel.

All right, wee man?

- Is this the figure you wanted?
- Wrong one!

It can't be!

That the one you're looking for?


Be careful where you drop things.

Did you lie for Drew McColl
about seeing Malone on that boat?

Just like you're lying about now

about putting Malone
in that hole in the ground?

It's a lot of years for perjury,

Benny Ray was
an informer on your payroll.

We knew Malone was guilty.

So when Benny came out and said
he'd seen him on the Unst ferry,

the fact he was an informer
was irrelevant.

No, not in the eyes of the law,
it's not!

Sometimes you have to take a chance
to get the right result.

Is that what you were doing when
you persuaded Malone's mother

- to pressure him into confessing?
- That's ridiculous!

You did what you
had to do to get the conviction,

and hoped you wouldn't live
to regret it.

I don't think you regret a thing.

Don't know how you can say that
to me.

If I hadn't screwed up
the Malone case,

he would never have been released.

And I wouldn't be looking
for a picture

to use for my daughter's
memorial service.

Norway called.
They've found Hagan.

I thought I'd nip home
and grab a bag.

Unless you'd rather go with Sandy?

No, no.
Hagan's yours.

As long as you're up to it...

The flight's at seven.

OK, then, I'll meet you
at the airport.

Thomas Malone?
In the house? Really?

Aye, for two seconds.

She's a target because of your job,
you do know that?

Who gave her the idea to volunteer
at the Wildlife Sanctuary?

Alan Killick doesn't
have an alibi

for the night Sally died,
did you know that?

- You think Alan was involved?
- I'm not sure,

but thanks to you,
him and Cass are bosom buddies.

I didn't mean for that to happen,

- I was just trying to get her out of the house.
- No, I know.

But she's all grown up
and she's done listening to us,

and we're going to have to
get used to it.

It was easier when she wasnae here.

I know.

Let me try and talk to her.

Aye, all right.

Tosh, I cannot come with you. Sorry
something's come up with Cassie.

You're going to meet
a Detective Strom

and she's going to point you
in the direction of Hagan.

All we need to know is
if Hagan was the guy

that Jo saw
talking to Sally.

Yeah. Don't worry, I can handle it.

All right.

There you are.

Are you hungry?

If my dad was a k*ller,

what does that make me, then?

You're nothing like your father.

Why are you even thinking like that?

I don't want his DNA
on that scarf.

Even just the possibility
that he was...

a k*ller...

.. I couldn't...
I couldn't bear it.

I'm going to check on Jo,
see if she's OK.

Come on, Thomas, let me in!


I brought you some food.

I'm not angry about the phone!

Don't shut me out!

How was Unst?


There was no stranded seals

but there was a definite sighting
of an undercover cop.

He was supposed to keep
a low profile.

Yeah, well, someone needs to go
back to police academy.

I know you worry about me,
but you don't have to.

What's with the fancy biscuits?

Does that mean
I've been forgiven?

No, that means we've got
a visitor on the way.


Hi, Jimmy.

There's been a development.

Kevin Killick's DNA result
came back.

It doesn't match.

What, it doesn't match
the DNA on the scarf?

It's not even the same
DNA as Alan Killick.

Kevin isn't Alan's father.

We have to assume that Donna
knows who the father is,

and that she's aware
that whoever he is

is a suspect in Lizzie's m*rder.

So who's she protecting?

I hate to admit it,
but Drew did cross my mind.

He thinks I don't know about him
and Donna, but I've known for years.

No, it's not Drew.
CCRC tested his DNA.

We have to find out who that DNA
belongs to, Jimmy.

Because until we do,

people are gonnae keep assuming
that Malone k*lled Lizzie.

Have you changed
your opinion about that?

Would it surprise you to hear that
I'm keeping an open mind?



Nah, don't worry.

I'm just waiting on someone
picking up a motor.

Thanks, Pal.


You on your own tonight,

All right?