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01x04 - Overnight Billionaires

Posted: 11/07/23 18:43
by bunniefuu
We evolved lungs

to breathe air.

The lungs have about

a football field of surface.

They're huge, if you take

all the little bubbles and lay them out.

If you could

look at a lung, it's very pink and lacey.

And doctors say the only thing

that should be in your lungs is air.

What goes into your lungs

often stays in your lungs.

The lungs are fragile,

and so anything that gets inhaled

besides air is worrisome.

The most addictive way

to deliver a drug is to inhale it.

It goes to your brain in a few seconds,

and you get a big hit.

The diabolical genius

of this industry

is turning what essentially

is a form of enslavement

to a product

as addictive as heroin or cocaine

into a form of liberty.

It was the July 4th weekend, 2019.

We thought it was going to be

a pretty quiet a pretty quiet weekend.

I take a deep breath,

and it hurts.

It was so painful to speak,

or even breathe.

I feel like I'm dying.

Three more kids came in.

It just kept building.

There were hospitals across the country

that were reporting this.

Three young people in Illinois,

and 11 teens and young adults in Wisconsin

have been hospitalized

with severe lung disease.

What all had in common

was that they had been vaping.

- It's quite a story

- $38 billion valuation

$17 billion stake in San Francisco

e-cigarette maker JUUL.

Christmas came early

for employees of JUUL,

the popular e-cigarette maker.

They got a $2 billion bonus

coming their way.

It'll be split among

the company's 1,500 employees,

which breaks down

to about $1.3 million each.

- Wow!

- Secret Santa around the office.

- That's right.

- $1.3 million, incredible.

I was woken up by my mother.

"I just got a call from Bobby Levine."

She saw on the Today show

every single employee at JUUL

is now a multi-millionaire.

So I look on the internet,

I turn on the TV.

Sure enough, all of JUUL's employees

woke up this morning millionaires.

Jumping up and down, like,

"It happened! I'm a millionaire!"

You are, according to valuation

of your company, a billionaire.

And that's the club you want to be in

because that is truly rarefied air,

even in the tech industry.

We all piled into

this big lunchroom.

There was a lot of excitement.

Kevin, Adam, and James

announced the Altria investment,

and they were of the mindset

that this was a huge step for the company.

When they were breaking down how

the bonus was structured, they were like,

"Everyone will get this much money."

I'm like, "What?"

So Kevin went through the numbers,

and then I went back to my desk

and I figured it out. It's like, "Whoa."

And, of course, Adam and James

became billionaires overnight.

It was an interesting room to be in.

There was a lot of celebration.

But it was definitely

a divisive sort of announcement.

There were some people

that raised their hand

at the all-hands and said, "Hey

are you telling us that

we're now owned by Big Tobacco?"

It was shocking.

I could no longer

turn to my friends and say,

"No, we're not Big Tobacco."

A lot of people thought

this was going the wrong direction.

It didn't align with their values.

We were anti-Big Tobacco.

Yes, we sell nicotine products,

but we're not like them.

We hated Big Tobacco.

That hate was very much

a unifying part of our mission.

It's something that motivated us,

and all of a sudden it was like,

"Now we are Big Tobacco."

Kevin came up, and essentially he gave

a presentation to pull his team back.

The reason why this happened is we said,

"Okay, tell you what."

"You want to invest in our company?

You want to buy us?"

"We'll take all the money

that it would require to buy us,

and we're going to give you 35%."

They were going to put

an advertisement for JUUL

inside each and every

Altria brand cigarette package.

That's probably the best

direct-to-consumer marketing

that we could ever get.

Altria would provide

legal and regulatory support,

as well as sales and marketing support.

We were actually

taking over shelf space.

Instead of having

eight slots of cigarettes,

it would be 4 slots of cigarettes

and 4 slots of JUUL.

They were gonna allow us

access to their email database.

If you want to reach adult smokers,

who has a bigger database than Altria?

They wouldn't control the company,

so that made me feel a lot better

about the investment.

They were also committing, by 2050,

to get rid of combustion completely.

Who in their right mind

would ever agree to any of those things,

let alone all those things?

Someone who knows they lost.

The three of them

turned the tide, even for me,

in a way that I had not anticipated

that they would.

The way that it was positioned

was that this partnership with Altria

could help us accomplish

a huge part of our mission.

Altria had to believe

that JUUL not only was becoming the thing,

but that it would overtake cigarettes.

This is them admitting defeat.

We had struck a blow to the Goliath.

They were kowtowing to us now.

JUUL's ended cigarettes.

They're admitting it.

"It's just a phase-out."

They're switching to us.

That's a pretty powerful explanation

that that sounded like

the best thing I've ever heard.

And more than welcome, any of you,

to send out questions, concerns,

to all of us.

We would love to answer them personally

for all of you.

A lot of people walked out of that meeting

not knowing what to think.

I didn't think that I could stay,

because if I accepted the money,

it was like blood money.

And I thought a bit about

how my dad would perceive it.

He had been a smoker my whole life,

and he ultimately d*ed of lung cancer.

I essentially came to the conclusion that

if Altria is gonna help us do

what we've been trying to do anyway,

then it's for good.

So that was how I justified it.

But I will say it was not an easy

conclusion for me to come to.

I still feel weird about it.

When Gottlieb and I learned,

Gottlieb being the Commissioner

of the Food and Drug Administration,

that, unknown to us,

those companies were in secret

negotiations for a $12.8 billion deal,

we were incredulous.

Both companies had engaged

in disingenuous behavior with us,

and we felt betrayed.

It seems to Gottlieb,

JUUL and Altria

were trying to undermine the FDA,

preparing to sell

even more of the vaporizer

that was most popular among teenagers.

It called into question

the integrity of the individuals.

But I've learned over time

to be very skeptical

about what comes out of the mouths

from anybody in the tobacco industry,

including e-cigarette manufacturers.

For us to successfully fulfill

our mission of helping adult smokers

we must be trusted.

And we must earn that trust.

That starts with action, not words.

We thank Commissioner Gottlieb

for his leadership in this area,

and we look forward

to working with the FDA

to solve this issue

on an industry-wide basis.

I questioned just how genuine

any statement from the head of JUUL was

about sharing

a common goal with regulators

about reducing youth use

of their products.

Big Tobacco never went away.

They play the long game,

and they must replenish their customers,

or they will put themselves

out of business.

The parents of this country are fed up.

You're not taking this generation.

Eff you.

We're going to make it really hard for you

to continue addicting kids.

My daughter was 15

and a sophomore in high school

when she first tried vaping

with some girlfriends.

She's been addicted to the JUUL products

since she was about 13, 14 years old.

Please tell the FDA now is the time

to put our children's health

over the profits of Big Tobacco

Parents were sending

thousands of letters to FDA

saying, "Get rid of the flavors,

get rid of online sales."

"We want action. Go after this company."

We're trying to protect kids, and I think,

"Now we just have to get the FDA

to do that too, and we'll be all set."

This was becoming

an increasingly political issue,

so Gottlieb was taking all of this heat

for trying to implement the framework

that we'd come up with in 2017,

where there was a place

for alternative and less harmful products.

But then, we get this disastrous data

on the expl*si*n of e-cigarettes

with children and adolescents

in 2017 and 2018.

At some point, the youth use

of those products becomes so intolerable

that they have no redeeming health value,

and we'll have to sweep the market

of those products, including JUUL

Scott Gottlieb

changed the deadline

for when companies like JUUL

had to submit their

Premarket Tobacco Product Applications,

and if they couldn't prove that JUUL

was appropriate for public health,

it could be removed from the market,

and the company

would have to go out of business.

People jumped on the bandwagon

because it's Big Tobacco all over again.

"We thought we'd eradicated this."

I think that was the big narrative

that drew people in.

I can see how

the way the media portrayed it,

it was like,

"It's Big Tobacco all over again."

I would have conversations

with a stranger,

and I was always worried

that if I told him I worked for JUUL,

it'd be like, "How does it feel

working getting nicotine to kids?"

Someone came up to me

at a party, not knowing it was me,

like, "There are a bunch of people

from that f*cked-up company JUUL here,

that made all this money and think

they're hot sh*t now." And I was like


This was misreported pretty broadly

about how much money people made.

Somebody wrote

that when Altria invested $2 billion,

they were splitting it among

the 1,500 employees evenly.

So there were all these people

on LinkedIn being like

"Do you need help

managing your millions?"

And I was laughing. I was like,

"I literally just made enough

to pay off my parking tickets."

It was unfair

how the media was portraying JUUL.

The marketing of

that acquisition

could have been done better

to portray the real benefit

that this would allow JUUL

to reach more older smokers

that are smoking and k*lling themselves,

and have a much more positive effect

on the health of the nation.

The Altria deal made it even harder

to earn public trust,

and if you lose the public's trust,

you lose the permission to operate,

to be a business.

It's easy to judge the company.

The mistrust is understandable.

Big Tobacco did some

really messed-up things,

so we're not even

starting from a good place.

We have to try and make up for that.

The onus is on us.

We better get to work.

There was a sense of urgency,

without a doubt.

They said, "We want you to be

the Director of Product

for Youth Prevention."

"If this company is going to survive,

you have to solve this."

They wanted me to focus

on the retail end of it.

Underage kids

going into a convenience store

and making a purchase

without being carded.

But as much as every retail store can say,

"Yeah, we'll make sure to card,"

there was no technology or anything

to guarantee that would happen.

So we built age verification technology,

where you have to swipe a driver's license

to complete a purchase.

JUUL was doing something

no other company was doing.

Anheuser-Busch wasn't telling

all their retailers,

"You have to add age verification."

The founders and the company

truly believe that they're saving lives,

and children getting access

to this product

is only distracting

what the company's vision is.

The mission was so important.

I was a smoker.

I knew what the product had done for me,

I knew what it could do for others.

So with all the negative publicity

around JUUL

and the perception that JUUL

was causing all of this harm,

there was this whole group of people

that JUUL was helping.

We started to hear from people

with real stories.

We used that database of stories

to cast our commercials,

and what became

the Make the Switch campaign.

Popped a pod in it,

took a couple of puffs,

and I was surprised

at how similar it was to a cigarette.

I felt a sense of pride

that I was able to let go of that habit.

I wanted to help other people

who had similar stories as me

get off of cigarettes.

We didn't pay them.

They weren't actors.

There was this desire

to be very deliberate

in how we portrayed ourselves.

"Make the Switch."

As a marketer,

it's the simplest message there is.

If they thought that by Make the Switch,

they could put the toothpaste back

in the tube, they were fooling themselves.

It was too late.

Millions of children

are already addicted to e-cigarettes,

and millions more will follow

if we don't act.

This is what I think sometimes

you see happen with companies.

If they perceive

that public officials are timid,

they take advantage of it.

From my perspective,

JUUL was preying

on the timidity of the FDA,

and as a result, it was left

to San Francisco to do their job for them.

We're introducing today

groundbreaking legislation

at the Board of Supervisors

that would prohibit the sale

in San Francisco

of any e-cigarette that has not undergone

FDA pre-market review

That was a bill that

Parents Against Vaping fought hard for,

and that was a huge victory.

There's no reason that our kids

should be used as human guinea pigs

for the e-cigarette experiment.

Banning vaping in San Francisco's

a f*cking travesty.

This product helped people

like myself get off of cigarettes,

but suddenly,

it's more difficult to purchase.

Meanwhile, the thing that I've wanted

to quit for so long is readily available.

It seems kind of ass-backwards.

Interesting that their hometown

just banned the product.

It is fundamentally retaliatory,

short-sighted, and political.

Some say that this is

Nanny State-like and puritanical.

I don't agree with that.

You just have to have been approved,

as required under the law,

before you sell in San Francisco.

Pretty simple.

Now the sides were drawn.

It was the good guy crusaders,

the liberal democrats,

against Big Tobacco.

Kids in nice prep schools

in New York, Silicon Valley,

have taken up these e-cigarettes,

and there was kind of a moral panic.

These are parents with money,

these are parents with influence,

these are parents

with political connections.

- Thank you for having me.

- We saw each other this weekend.

I told Dorian I would cover it,

and here we are

It's a classic example

of a narrow interest group

using their political clout

in a way that does not benefit

the broader good.

People say it was only rich white kids.

I don't think that's entirely accurate.

We represent millions of parents

whose lives have been upended

by the youth vaping epidemic.

And there's only anecdotal evidence

that adults are helped by e-cigarettes,

but there's proven evidence

that kids are harmed.

When you know someone is harming children,

how do you look away?

The summer of 2019,

I saw JUUL marketing everywhere.

I also started hearing

from my own children about this.

We were in a youth vaping epidemic.

28% of high schoolers were vaping,

almost 11% of middle schoolers

were vaping.

JUUL was everywhere.

The biggest concern

that I was hearing from parents is that

JUUL was marketing directly to their kids.

We first asked JUUL for any materials

surrounding the sales and marketing

of these devices.

They basically slow-walked us.

And then at some point,

Kevin Burns, the CEO of JUUL,

actually tried to go over my head

to my chairman,

and Elijah Cummings said to Mr. Burns,

"If you f*ck with my people,

I will nail you to a cross."

JUUL, at that point,

produced 55,000 documents to us.

And the documents were so damning

in terms of showing exactly how

they were using social media influencers,

and that there was no evidence

to support a lot of their claims

that JUULs were safer

than combustible cigarettes.

That's when we decided, "We need to bring

these folks in to explain themselves."

We asked for James Monsees

to actually testify

because we really wanted to hear

from the founder of JUUL under oath.

I felt badly for James

as a person and as a friend,

but it was time for us to be public

in responding

to everyone's valid concerns.

Good afternoon. Sorry for the delay.

The subcommittee will come to order.

The atmosphere when

James Monsees entered the room was tense.

The room was packed.

You had all these

anti-youth-vaping advocates.

Mr. Monsees,

do you swear that the testimony

In just under 15 years,

James had gone from a Stanford

graduate student presenting his thesis

to defending the product

that resulted from that thesis

in front of Congress.

This was a high-pressure situation.

He was fighting

for the life of his company.

Everybody in the office

was either in a conference room

with it on the TV,

or on their laptops with headphones.

You know this is going to be

a defining moment.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

We need to work together to make sure

that no underage consumers

use this product.

We want to get on to the business of

eliminating cigarettes and saving lives.

He was trying to implore,

"Let's work together to figure this out."

And they turned around

and said, "You're a monster."

JUUL began developing a pod

to deliver more nicotine to the blood.

Is that accurate?

Uh I'm not sure what you're referring to.


that you don't know the answer.

How many are available today?

I I don't know

If you say

you don't know something, but you do,

it's the same thing as a lie.

Do you agree that the ad

conveys that your product

can help smokers quit smoking cigarettes?

- This is the pattern of action

- You try to get around FDA regulations.

The vibe in the room

that day was clearly

that JUUL was responsible

for a health crisis

and should be held accountable for that.

Here I was,

watching this billionaire founder

telling the truth in some ways,

but then not being candid in other ways.

People did not have

the stomach or appetite

to let them continue doing

what they were doing.

That's why you saw

so much anger at the hearing.

I just want to tell you

You, sir, are an example

to me of the worst of the Bay Area.

You're nothing but a marketer of a poison,

and your target has been young people.

I yield back.

I believe that it's the government's

responsibility to protect children.

This hearing is adjourned.

That's why we made it very clear to JUUL,

our kids are not for sale.

It's easy

for politicians to say

they're protecting kids

by taking on Big Tobacco.

But at the end of the day,

they're standing between smokers

and a potential

life-saving route away from smoking.

I don't see it as political theater,

I see it as the proper and judicious use

of a government organ.

Holding liable and accountable

those who do misdeeds.

Everyone at the company

was very focused on,

"We need to take charge

of youth prevention."

"We can't just let

the government figure it out."

We are spending 80 hours a week

doing nothing but thinking about

teen vaping and how to solve it.

And I remember thinking,

"We can only go up from here."

I vaped a lot.

It never left my hand.

It showed, for sure.

I looked dead,

and it's because I was constantly

intaking something that wasn't air.

The end of my senior year is when

the progressive symptoms began happening.

It was very gradual,

so I took it as, "You're just sick."

It wasn't big until

every day got worse.

The first symptom I had

was slight throat pain.

Next day, further down to the chest,

and it just went downhill from there.

I was in so much pain that I had to crouch

because the deep breaths, I couldn't do.

A step hurt to take,

and I could not eat anything.

If I did, it would come right back up.

I was told

I looked like a walking skeleton.

I said to my mom, "I feel like I'm dying.

Like, genuinely, I feel like I'm dying."

Going to the hospital

was a very big blur, but

I remember waking up in an ICU bed,

with my family by my side, um

It was just a really hard experience

to go through, you know

You don't know what's going on,

and you're so sick to a point where

you're in your own little world of pain.

And I was going through

respiratory failure,

so I essentially could have d*ed

in that moment.

I was on call that weekend

at Children's Wisconsin,

and we thought it was going to

be a pretty quiet weekend,

but by the time we realized we had four,

and probably five, of these kids,

all of them with the same symptoms,

fever, cough,

shortness of breath, and fatigue

this was just not coincidental.

And when antibiotics weren't working,

then it was,

"Let's move on to the next step

and try to figure this out."

And what all five of the teens

had in common

was that they had been vaping.

A children's hospital in Wisconsin

is sounding an alarm

about serious health problems

linked to vaping.

Eight teenagers were admitted

just this month with serious lung damage.

A fourth death has been reported

from a severe lung illness

linked to vaping.

Six deaths

have been confirmed

in California, Illinois, Indiana

43 confirmed cases

69 confirmed cases

of hospitalizations

127 people in 15 States

are seriously ill with lung damage

It was eventually known

as EVALI, which stands for

"E-cigarette or Vaping Product

Use-Associated Lung Injury."

This was related to vaping.

That was all we knew.

The CDC and others

are racing to figure out why.

I was with my friend,

and I told her,

"I keep on feeling

this sharp pain in my chest."

It's almost like a needle,

plucking at my chest once in a while."

We go over the children's hospital.

I think they're going to do

an X-ray or an EKG

and tell me,

"Everything's okay. Here's a Tylenol."

And then a team of surgeons run into

this room, screaming at me to wake up,

saying, "We need to rush you into surgery.

Your lung collapsed."

I said, "Can I call my dad?"

They said, "You can, but he's not gonna

be here in time for what we have to do."

I hear the tube go into my chest,

and it sounded like branches

being stepped on.

Yeah, sorry.

And I thought, "If I'm gonna die,

I'm gonna record everything."

"Everyone will know how I went out."

That's when things started to take off.

I remember being overwhelmed

with the amount of people

that were flooding my messages.

I've never seen anything like it before.

People were sending me videos of them

destroying their vapes and JUULs.

A lot of my friends wanted

to quit out of just being scared.

All the headlines said

it was linked to JUUL,

and with so many people getting sick,

I think it really caused a panic.

The only goal I have now

is to spread the word

and make sure no one

has to go through this again.

There were huge protests

outside of the office.

That's scary as an employee

because I didn't want

to be a part of a company

that had a connotation

that was associated with k*lling people.

I don't think anyone

would want to be a part of that.

We are taking our lives back.

I'm getting rotten eggs

thrown at me. "Yo, kid k*ller!"

I realized real fast,

if I go anywhere with anything

that says "JUUL,"

I might get beaten.

JUUL is getting richer

while kids are getting sicker!

I thought that JUULing was safer

than smoking regular cigarettes.

I was wrong.

It was like a wave

had swept over, and everyone was like,

"I don't know if I want to vape anymore."

JUUL Labs CEO Kevin Burns.

He's responding to the growing number

of breathing illness cases

in people who vape.

I can't imagine we had the data to support

that we're selling a product that is

damaging to the American public,

and we had that data,

that we'd continue to sell that product.

I ask is because the tobacco industry

doesn't have a great track record

when it comes to telling the truth to

Americans about what they're selling.

Do you understand why people find it hard

to trust you? You also sell nicotine.

Sure. Sure.

It's a lot of association

that comes with that,

in terms of being in nicotine business.

I understand.

People came to me and said,

"Robbie, could that happen to me?"

I didn't necessarily know myself.

JUUL was such a young product,

we didn't have that ten-year data to say

definitively that it was not the issue.

as the Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention

says that it has identified

a chemical of concern

in the deadly vaping outbreak.

Vitamin E acetate

may be linked to the national outbreak

that sickened thousands

across the United States.

They collected all of these

bronchoscopy samples,

and vitamin E was found

in the vast majority of them.

It's a thicker liquid,

sort of like a mineral oil,

which is why inhaling it

causes so many problems in the lungs.

Vitamin E oil looks

just like THC.

You can get it right at a drugstore.

You can take empty,

old discarded cartridges

and fill them with vitamin E oil,

and say that they're THC.

It had nothing to do with JUUL.

For me, it didn't take very long

before JUULing got old,

and I was like,

"Oh, let's try something different."

THC is a whole 'nother world.

The flavors,

the holographic designs on their boxes,

tailoring to what we wanted to see.

Everyone had them.

I thought to myself,

"It must be safe, right?"

Brothers Tyler

and Jacob Huffhines

sat at the same table in court Thursday,

charged with manufacturing

tens of thousands

of illegal THC vape cartridges.

We as a brand had problems

with counterfeit products.

You can take JUUL

and put any pod in it that you want.

It's what's in the cartridge that is

what is going to cause harm to you,

not the JUUL itself.

Good news for JUUL that

the scrutiny now is going to land on

black market THC as opposed to teens,

who are vaping from a JUUL.

These people weren't using JUUL

or using conventional

nicotine vaping products,

but that didn't get out in the media.

Even though this lung illness outbreak

is apparently tied to THC,

it doesn't matter. In people's minds,

it's all the same, it's vaping

Even when it comes out that,

actually, the problem is not JUUL,

the narrative that JUULing is bad for you

becomes really hard to shake.

Maybe they wouldn't

bring up JUUL's name,

but the videos that they were using

and the background imagery

were all JUUL products.

So, psychologically, people at home

were connecting these

tragic circumstances to JUUL.

News companies

aren't going back and saying,

"By the way, JUUL didn't cause

any of those deaths."

Fact checks never go as viral

as the lie.

People read the headline, not the article,

and once that headline is in their mind,

that's what they'll believe.

Being the biggest in your space

is dangerous

because when people need a story to tell,

they will tell it about you.

What we don't know may,

in fact, really hurt us

What gets attention

is very much a product of the media.

It can create genuine concern,

it can create false concern.

JUUL got unfairly blamed

for these diseases

caused by something else.

Even after it started to become clear

that most EVALI cases

were linked to vitamin E acetate,

the CDC seemed very hesitant

to clear JUUL's name.

What we're recommending is,

if you're concerned

about your health risks

in light of this investigation,

that you consider

not using e-cigarettes or vaping products

To some people, that seemed like

the CDC was taking this as an opportunity

to make people quit vaping

whether it was because of JUUL or not.

North Carolina suing

the e-cigarette maker JUUL.

The Office of the Attorney General

is launching an investigation

into JUUL Laboratories

A comprehensive lawsuit

President Tr*mp proposing a ban

on the sale of most flavored e-cigarettes.

We're using the power

of the Minnesota Attorney General

to bring a lawsuit against JUUL Labs

on behalf of the state

and the people of Minnesota.

Everything was coming at us everywhere,

all the time.

It was like, "Do we need one more thing?

We're trying so hard here."

New York, Michigan,


they were going to take all

flavored vaping products off the market.

People say JUUL is toxic.

Is it?

The product or the company?

And he was on television,

and Kevin came off looking disingenuous.

People say the long-term effects of vaping

are not known. That's true.

That's true. That's a true statement.

Then how can you sell it every day?

Aren't you selling first

and asking questions later?

We think we have a product

It didn't present well.

It was believed that he hurt the company

and reputation more than he helped it.

All of this together has led

to this terrible misperception

about the dangers of vaping.

More than half,

perhaps as many as 75% of Americans,

think that e-cigarettes are more dangerous

or as dangerous as combustible tobacco.

Now, there is no reputable scientist,

not one, who would tell you that's true.

We know more bad things

about e-cigarettes today

than we did five years ago.

There are many adverse

health effects of e-cigarettes.

The machine is detecting a higher velocity

of flow through these vessels.

The animals' arteries stiffened

almost as much as those exposed

to cigarette smoke over the same time.

One has to be really careful

to generalize from animals to humans.

We did one of the first studies

of the toxins in e-cigarettes,

and we found that it had almost none

of the carcinogens in cigarettes.

For about two hours,

the NYU team simulated

smoking four packs of cigarettes.

Oh, the aroma. Do you smell that?

The differences were plain to see.

- So this right here, this is tar.

- Yes.

The vapor from a coffee-flavored e-liquid,

not so much.

There's a little dampness.

- Smells like coffee.

- Yes.

Millions of people around the world

using e-cigarettes,

there is not one documented death

from an e-cigarette.

They're probably less carcinogenic

than a cigarette.

But that's like saying

jumping out of the 15th story

isn't as dangerous

as jumping out of the 50th story.

It's not black and white.

Both sides need to acknowledge that

and try to figure out a way

to have some kind of common grounds.

But obviously that hasn't happened.

It's not surprising

that the public health community

is divided on this.

They are so desperate

for a genuine solution,

and have been fooled so often by low tars,

and lights, and ultra lights, and filters.

That has led to suspicion,

rightly or wrongly,

that even when something

truly safer comes along,

how can we trust this industry?

What they're united on is that

the cigarette is

the world's deadliest product.

We need to find some exit from that.

Is JUUL the great savior,

or is this just the next new gimmick?

Darsana Capital has cut JUUL's valuation

by more than a third.

2019 was a disastrous year

for JUUL, financially.

From week to week,

they could see the numbers falling.

There is a major shake-up

underway this morning

at e-cigarette giant JUUL Labs.

The company's CEO, Kevin Burns,

is being replaced.

There was an all-hands meeting,

and it was short and sweet.

"I'm going to spend more time

with my family. I'm out."

I don't think so.

He was fired. Come on,

spend more time with his children?

It was announced

that he had picked his replacement,

and that it was K.C. Crosthwaite.

Who the heck is K.C.? I had never

heard of him. I didn't know who he was.


Philip Morris.

Of course,

so many of us feeling suspicious.

Big Tobacco exec coming in.

To a lot of people, it felt like

this was always in the plan.

People were very upset.

Like, "This is our CEO?

I can't work here anymore."

He talked a lot about

if we wanted to achieve the mission,

we needed to have public trust.

And a lot of us were like,

"Yeah, no sh*t."

"This is why we were suspicious

of you and the Altria deal."

The fundamental thesis of our company

is not changing

It's like none of the things

we were promised ever came to fruition,

and the things everybody would have feared

did start to happen.

When K.C. took over,

there were people who came in

who were tobacco executives.

They had been working for this company

that I considered to be the root of evil.

A lot of the original people

that were

at the start-up at the beginning had left.

Neither James nor Adam was playing

a key role in JUUL by this point.

And now, with someone

from Altria coming in,

they were even more marginalized

within the company.

K.C. Crosthwaite decided

to move James and Adam

into what he called a "Founders Office."

No such thing as

a Founders Office. Never heard that term.

It came across as

they're being pushed out.

K.C.'s directive

was "Right JUUL's Path,"

and Adam and James' influence

was seen as a distraction from that.

Adam made the decision

that he was ready to leave JUUL.

There was no big announcement.

He was ready to put

the JUUL chapter behind him.

And not long after,

James sent a company-wide memo.

That was the turning point.

Old JUUL was gone.

We believed that this was

going to change the world for the better,

and to see it reduced to where it was,

puppet-mastered by Big Tobacco

It was just too much for him to bear.

James was seeing JUUL become

something he didn't envision it to be,

and it was like, "Maybe this is

the best time to walk away."

I felt badly for him

because it had been something

he worked so tirelessly on,

and it was such

a big part of his identity.

James' departure

was the last step in its transition

to a company that looked

fairly indistinguishable

from the tobacco industry that it

had originally sought to disrupt.

You initially think

you're saving the world,

and then all of a sudden,

people are saying, "No, you're the devil."

Is it even possible

to make a safe cigarette?

The ultimate tragedy

in the tortured story of JUUL

is, wow, they had succeeded

where every predecessor had failed.

They had succeeded with technology

that more efficiently delivered

the nicotine into the lungs

without having to burn tobacco leaves

and inhale tobacco smoke.

The tragedy isn't the product

that they produced,

the tragedy is that they then engaged

in advertising, marketing, and promotion

coupled with a product

that did a better job of delivering

an addictive drug that appealed to kids,

whether they intended it or not.

And by doing that, they blew up

all the progress that was being made.

That is the ultimate tragedy.

JUUL will always go down

as the case study

of when a company moves fast,

it breaks things,

and cannot recover as a result.

The mission was perverted

by an incredible,

astronomical potential for wealth.

It was greed. Pure, unadulterated greed.

"f*ck it, ship it"

may work well

if we're talking about

an iPhone or a toaster,

but it's not really appropriate

when we're talking about

chemicals going into the lungs.

If I had a crystal ball

and could have seen the underage usage

take off like it did,

I'd have done something to stop it.

But none of us have crystal balls.

People say, "Our products are being used

in ways we didn't anticipate."

It's like,

"You should have, that's your job."

"You should have anticipated

those things and solved them,

and otherwise,

you should not have put these out

in front of thousands,

millions, billions of people."

It was the perfect news story,

guaranteed to get you views

guaranteed to get you clicks.

No one could stop talking about it

and doing their advertising for them.

Even this documentary

is doing it right now.

We're going to show the Vaporized campaign

to potential teenage users.

JUUL Labs isn't Big Tobacco.

We are here to eliminate its product,

the cigarette.

It's political theater. Show upset moms

that he's got this issue under control.

Adults make their own decisions.

They have developed brains.

But our kids have to be protected.

As a vaper, who is standing up for me?

We can't completely help

35 million adults,

and completely ignore

protecting our teens.

But it's not either/or, it's both/and.

So we have to keep our eye on the prize.

Adam and James demonstrated

vaping is an alternative.

You will see your grandmother

finally quit smoking.

You will understand why this is important.

They better use me as

a test study,

'cause been doing it from day one.

One reason why

I haven't really tried to quit yet

is because I haven't wanted to.

Right now I'm 24,

and I like to go out with my friends,

and it's just not something I feel like

I need to change in my lifestyle yet.

♪Wake up ♪

♪ You're getting high on your own supply ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

You're still alive

♪ When you could have d*ed ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ The world is not around because of you ♪

♪ You know I'm not around because of you ♪

♪ You've got a mouthful of diamonds ♪

♪ And pocketful of secrets ♪

I know you're never telling anyone ♪

Because the patterns

They control your mind ♪

♪ Those patterns take away my time ♪

♪Hello, goodbye ♪

♪ Wasted ♪

You tell the truth

♪ When you could've lied ♪

♪ And troubles ♪

Are on the rise

♪ 'Cause you're in disguise ♪

Oh ♪

♪ And if it isn't me ♪

♪ Then pack your bags and leave ♪

I wish I could believe blue devils

♪ Won't take you back ♪

♪ Out to the salty sea ♪