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06x17 - Valhalla

Posted: 03/05/11 01:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Criminal Minds...

Ian Doyle vanished from prison.

Interpol can't find him.

Am I in danger?

We all are.

As far as Doyle is concerned, Lauren Reynolds d*ed in a car accident.

You d*ed and we're all good.

Prentiss: How did he get past security checks?

Clyde: He chartered a private jet.

He used an alias.

He sent me flowers, so I think it's safe to assume he's coming here.

Hello, Lauren.

Oh, wait. Lauren Reynolds d*ed in a car accident, didn't she?

I was doing my job.

You took the only thing that mattered to me.

So I'm going to take the only thing that matters to you...

Your life.

[Indistinct pa announcement]

Tv: A strong storm is expected to hit the eastern seaboard within the next 72 hours.

Could be a bad one.

Let's see how it's looking right now.

Now, what we have is an area of low pressure that's getting stronger and moving off the eastern seaboard.

Then comes the fear of damage...

5:30 on the dot, as promised.

And at the same time, another heavy snowfall event will create travel chaos and power outages throughout the district.

Cold air moves in...

Getting ready for the storm.

Can you believe it?

[Speaking italian]

Hey, I'm talking to you!

Don't make me come and get you.

I used to fit into this.

I blame your cooking.

It's just too damn fine.

Man: Like your ass.

Now let's go.

We're late.


[Glass shatters]

Frank? Honey, you ok?



I love you.

[Muffled cries]

Please, please, my family has done nothing to you.

Please, I beg you.

Why are you doing this?

Please, my son.

My son. Let my son go.

He's innocent.



Good evening.

Luckily for you I'm not working for Doyle.

We got on three stops ago.


You ok?

Ian Doyle is here in DC.

How can you be so sure?

I sat next to him last night.


He said if I warned my team or told anyone, he'd k*ll them.

Why didn't he k*ll you?

And more to the point, why didn't you k*ll him?

He's not working alone.

Then he's just playing with you.

No, no, he's a power assertive psychopath.

He doesn't play games.

He's meticulous. He plans everything down to the last detail.

Yeah, that last detail being you.

Maybe you should tell your team.

No. No way.

This isn't their fight.

And I won't take that risk.

We stay together, we can get him.

We already tried.

Look how that ended up.

Wait. Wait. When you went undercover, I promised no one would harm you.

I'm not undercover anymore.

DC isn't his comfort zone, it's mine.

This ends here.

[Car alarms blaring]

Two DC homes torched, two families, on the same night, last night.

I'm surprised it still hasn't hit the news.

It's already mid-day.

Yeah. All anyone's talking about is this storm that may or may not hit.

I managed to find an online article about the fires written by this guy Jeff Hastings, but no one's running with it.

How strange.

They usually thrive on tragedy.

Yeah, and it gets weirder.

Ron and Lauren Cosenza and their 10-year-old son were found in the master bedroom of their home, each sh*t through the forehead.

The g*n belonged to the father.


Well, it looks like Metro PD's investigation is going that way, but it's still the first 48.

They want our help.

Kerry and Frank Fagan, like the Cosenzas, were found in their master bedroom from a suspected gas leak.

It had to be massive to cause that.

How does the news miss a house expl*si*n?

Any connection between the families?

Only one. A continent.

Kerry Fagan was born in Germany, Ron Cosenza is from Italy.

So 2 of the 5 victims are from Europe.

How does that help?

It doesn't. I'm just stating the facts, and the facts happen to be...

Guys, I'm sorry I'm late.

You ok?

Yeah, it's just one of those weeks, I guess.

I'm sorry. What did I miss? Arsonist?

One appears to be m*rder-su1c1de, the other a freak accident.

So why are we looking at it?

House fires are rare.

Add to that a few Miles apart, within the same hour, kind of tips the scales of coincidence.

Yeah, if somebody did this, they're highly motivated and organized.

And if he wants to strike again, he's got 72 hours before the storm shuts the city down.



What's his name?

I'm sorry?

Oh, answering a question with a question.

That's interesting.

Stop it.

Stop what, probing?


I'm gonna make it my life's work to find out who this boy is...

Stop. Just stop.

We have enough to worry about already, don't we?

Prentiss: Lao Tzu said, "when I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."

Ok, thanks.

That was weird.

They're not coming.

There was some mix-up with Metro pd and we're on our own.

What do you got?

Well, the fire didn't spread because they had hard-wired smoke alarms and a sprinkler system.

What's with the security.

Why the steel door?

What did he do for a living?

Oh, computer networking, and the Fagans were financial advisors.

These neighborhoods don't require anything more than an average deadbolt, certainly nothing on the bedroom doors.

It's like a panic room.

Yeah, but there's nothing in this room that's high tech.

There's no surveillance cameras, average alarm system.

In an average area.

But he had a 40-caliber and a load of locks.

What was this guy afraid of?

Or who.

Maybe himself.

If he actually k*lled his family, then he's been hiding something.

There is no history of any kind of psychological weirdness with either family.

They were healthy, happy, fit.

Until last night.

Any signs of financial stress?

No. They were healthy on that front, too.

What's with the...

Oh. The heat is out in my lair.

Not a single snowflake has fallen and yet the weather remains the top news story.

Nothing about these cases?

No. They're bound to get hip to it.

Once our presence is felt and we connect the cases, it'll be a ballroom blitz.

What is it?

Reid: Hmm.

You know, considering the time these fires occurred, the habitual patterns of both families were in direct conflict with where the bodies were found.

The master bedroom.

Yeah, normally Lauren Cosenza would be downstairs helping her son with his homework, and Ron wouldn't even be home from work yet.

What about the Fagans?

Their routines were less established.

They traveled a lot.

But they were expected at a dinner party last night.

If someone did this, what are the chances these victims are random?

What do you think?

Two families, same night, mysterious deaths.

Doesn't happen every day.

The gas leak at the Fagan house and then the other fire suspected to be set by Mr. Cosenza to cover the m*rder-su1c1de.

Well, I know the investigators reported that, but it doesn't fit with what I found.

The Cosenza family didn't have any smoke in their lungs.

He k*lled them, set the fire, then k*lled himself.

That fits.

He didn't have signs of smoke inhalation either.

Even though the fire started in the master bedroom?

He should have had traces of smoke, even if it was a minute before he pulled the trigger on himself.

He was dead when the fire started.

Garcia hasn't found any connection between the victims.

Prentiss: There has to be one.

On paper they're perfect.

Everything's clean.

But what happened to them last night was anything but.

[Cell phone beeps]

You ok?


People text like it's not as intrusive as a phone call.

You know, you haven't had a vacation in a while.

Weren't you talking about Italy?

My mother extended her trip there.

It wouldn't be much of a vacation.

It's a big country.

Not big enough.

Well, think about it.

I will.

[Elevator bell dings]

And pick a place where that thing won't work.


I'm sorry.

I thought you were in there.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm... I'm...

I'm sure these victims overlap somehow.

Garcia pulled their phone numbers, but so far I can't find anything.

You just jumped.

I've been having these really intense headaches lately.

Have you seen a doctor?

Yeah, a few. None of them have been able to figure it out.

Oh. I'm... Sorry.

Does anyone know?


I won't tell anyone.

I know.

They'd just worry.

Not that you're not gonna worry, but they'll just make me feel like a baby.

You know?

I do.

How are you?

I'm good.

You've been picking your fingernails again.


You only do that when you're stressed.

It's just a bad habit.


You coming?

Yeah. I'll be there in a minute.

The media blitz I promised never came.

The original online article written by a one Mr. Jeff Hastings... pulled.

So with your permission, sir, I would like to track him down and figure out what the hell is going on.

It's a small one.

What's the connection?

Both families coach soccer on the hill.

The Fagans didn't have children.

No. But kerry Fagan coached her godson's team.

The two victims from Europe were the soccer coaches.

It makes sense, doesn't it?

I'm beginning to think that they've crossed paths before.

I ran the victims'

phone numbers.

They never contacted each other, but there is a common number between them.

Give it.

Uh, 703-555-0118.

Byron Delaney, his wife grace d*ed last summer, children grown.

What do you know?

He's British.

Garcia, send me the address.

I'll grab Prentiss.


So what's your take on these guys?

They're contradicting themselves, exposing bodies but then going through all of this to hide it.

Do you think they wanted us on the case?

Us, the BAU?

Why would they?

Ego. Control.

Some kind of agenda.

I don't think we're even on their radar, Prentiss. Do you?

You're right.

Why would we be?

Put the shoe back on.

Hold up.

What is it?

Black fella and a woman.



Are they alone?

Is it her?


You sure this is it?

Maybe nobody's home.

Garcia never got an answer.

Prentiss, get down!

Move! Move!

Keep moving.

Look out!

Let's go.

Get in the van.


[Engine starts]

No! Wait!

Go, go, go, go!

[Horns honking]


Well, this is one story that's not gonna get buried.

He's just a kid.

He can't be more than 25.

A kid with an as*ault w*apon isn't just a kid anymore.

4 rounds total.

That one's yours.

You hit his femoral artery.

He was dead and they knew it.

Bet he didn't bargain on that when he signed up.

He's got 2 sh*ts to the head and then one in the wrist. Why the wrist?

To make sure he can't return fire?

He was dead before his head hit the sidewalk.


He's got a tattoo, at least what's left of one.

They blew a hole through the tattoo because we could have I. D.'D him.

So they're confident we can't I.

D. His face or prints.

No GSWs, no signs of strangulation.


His shoe's untied.

Injected between the toes.

Made to look like a heart att*ck.

Armor tech windows, 6-pin locks on the entrance door.

Same as the Fagans and the Cosenzas.

20,000 in cash.

Passport. This guy was on the move.

Outgoing calls.

3218. That's kerry Fagan.

10:30 A. M.

10:31, Delaney calls the Cosenzas.

Both calls last only seconds.

Didn't leave a message.

Didn't try to warn them.

Somebody warned him.

If not on the phone then in person.

Whatever these victims have in common or whatever they were a part of...

Didn't happen on U. S. soil.

3 of the 6 victims are from Europe.

And the mini beryl says they're serious.

We saw how they move.

They've got be ex-m*llitary.

European hit squad cleaning house?

It's happened before.

They could have taken us out... easily.

Why didn't they?

FBI agents gunned down in DC would have definitely started a w*r.

A w*r this kid wasn't prepared for.

He's just a foot soldier.

Whoever sh*t him is the leader.

Someone must have warned Byron Delaney to get out.

And whoever it is is next on the list.

Thank you.

"The helmsman's wife."

I just finished it.

It's so sad.

I just started it.

Oh! Sorry.

It's a great read to that bit.

The end, the sad bit, with the wife, super tragic. You know?

I do now.

You're Jeff, right?

You are...

Penelope Garcia.

Nice to see you.

I'm sorry, I don't think we've met.

Oh, we haven't.

I've with the FBI.

Good for you.

Why did you pull that story?

You should know.

The FBI didn't tell you to pull it, did they?

No, no, no, I'm not saying Jack to you.

You already ruined one ending for me.

Listen, two families d*ed in those fires.

You were suspicious and you were right to be.

You don't look like an agent to me.

I'm a... Hired nerd for the behavioral analysis unit.

You think it's a serial k*ller?

I think that theory should be at the beginning part of your story.

There's no story.

Not... not the one that I want to tell.

Ok, maybe not now, but when whoever is telling you to pull it is no longer a thr*at, with the right source it could be front page.

It could be the next Watergate.

It could lead to a book.

Your book.

The thr*at being to the shareholders.

Shareholders that are affected detrimentally?

I think you mean financially.

Follow the money?

Oh, that sounds like a very good ending.

For you, I mean.

Yes, it does.

Reid, you got anything?

The damage is pretty extensive, but luckily some of the tattoo remains.

Seaver, get the victim's photo out to the press.

I think I know who dug the hole.

The journo told me to follow the money, like straight up, that's what he told me, so I did.

It turns out "the gazette" is owned by a multinational global conglomerate... oil, new technologies, shipping, air and ground transportation, all of which employ the services of one company... CWS.

Clear water securities?

You know them?

I've come across them.

They're a private counterintelligence group out of Geneva.

Ron Cosenza, Byron Delaney, kerry Fagan all worked for CWS.

7 years ago.

How long ago?

Seaver, hang up.

Do we have a problem?

Well, CWS does.

Got it.
[Cell phone rings]


Tsia: What's going on?

Are you ok?

Oh, uh, yeah, I'm good.

I'm not a profiler, but you...

Don't start.

I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm gonna be all right.


I'm just really worried about you.

I think the flu is going around.

Are you pregs?

[Laughs] No. No.

No, I'm just...

I'm not sleeping.

I'm having this nightmare.

It's a recurring nightmare.


There's a hill, and there's a little girl on top of the hill.

She's like 6 years old, dark hair.

And she's just dancing in the sun.

But somehow I know that she's waiting for me, so I start to walk up the hill...

But the hill gets steeper and steeper, and by the time I climb to the top, the little girl's gone.

And I look everywhere for her, and when I can't find her, I start to panic.

And I panic because I know what's waiting out there for her.

I know what the world can do to a girl who only sees beauty.

Like you.

Somehow you...

You always make me smile.

And I don't think I've ever thanked you for that.

Hotch needs you in the Scif.


Exactly why did you bring us here?

And why is the BAU interested in CWS?

Why did you pull that story?

Hotch: That's how you remember them.

And that is now they are now.

You warned your friend Byron Delaney.

You knew him the longest.

It's too bad you were too late.

If you're looking for reactions, this is our business.

Rossi: Business?

Ugly as that sounds.

Kerry Fagan, Ron Cosenza, and Byron Delaney, they all worked for CWS.

As do 40,000 other subcontractors all over the world.

So they were subcontracted to you.

If you're looking for answers, take it up with the main contractor.

And that would be?

Your government.

Whoever is k*lling these families holds your company responsible, not the government.

We run operations from the middle east to Antarctica.

Going over them all will take months.

So you've already started investigations?

That's why you pulled the story.


The cases these people were involved in are protected by a multinational official secrets agreement.

Even if I wanted to...

These people were k*lled on U. S. soil by trained suspects who fired on federal agents.

As a courtesy and out of respect for the predicament your company now faces, everything in this room is off the record.

However, outside this room, if you withhold information about the case, you and your company will be held fully accountable.

All right.

What do you know?

We're looking for a European team, with considerable training.

And for one of them, it's personal.

Why do you think that?

Because they could have spared the child, but they chose not to.

The k*lling of Samuel Cosenza by one of the team was personal.

One of the attackers sh*t last night had the remains of a tattoo on his wrist.

Morgan: On the surface the tattoo may look like a simple four-leaf clover.

But the stem has a "v" at the end.

We believe this is associated with a hidden sect of fallen warriors.

It's also the name of a ship famous for its journeys from dublin to America, the "Valhalla."

Have you seen that before?

We ran an operation to capture the leader of a breakaway ira faction years ago.

He assumed that moniker.

What's his name?

Ian Doyle.

[Choir singing]

Happy Birthday, my love.

Ok, Ian Doyle's officially on everyone's list.

His mug is all over the place.

He's not gonna be able to get out of the district unless he sprouts wings himself.

It's not that I'm not happy that we have his name, but how are we supposed to know who's on his list?

We study his life and every single person he's ever come in contact with.

Look, Doyle's been away for 7 years, but he still managed to figure out who the players were.

Maybe we should start with how he got out of prison.

Russia, I think.

Well, where was he locked up?

Actually, there are no extradition papers on him.

Was Doyle on your radar when you were at interpol?

Uh, sure, I had heard of him, but direct contact?

I'd have to ask around.


Good guys and bad keep files close to them.

What are in these files?

It's intel. Insurance. Protection.

For times like this.

Maybe I should go to Byron Delaney's house and see what I can find.

Take Prentiss with you.

She might have some insight.

No one's getting back to you?

I only have a couple of contacts, but they'll get back to me.

What, are we being followed, 007?

No, but you should go through the city.

66 is gonna be miserable right now.

We'll get there.

Oh, before Doyle takes somebody else out?

He's sh**ting up federal agents.

What's he gonna do next?

What would you like me to do?

Get creative with your driving.

I'm working on it, Prentiss.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey. Thanks for getting back.

I need some intel on Ian Doyle.

Are you alone?

Not at all.

Anything you can spare.

Is your team in danger?

Absolutely. You should start with our victims, Ron Cosenza, kerry Fagan, Byron Delaney.

See if they connect to Doyle in any way.

I'll send you a document.

I'll be waiting for it.


They got something?

I don't know. We'll see.

You know, Emily, you really need to trust people.

I trust people.

No, you don't.

You don't because you can't.

And I get it. Every time you tried to count on someone, they let you down, so you go it alone.

You'll never admit that because you're just too damn stubborn.

It's all right.

It doesn't really matter.

But I'll tell you what does matter.

That you can trust me, Emily.

With anything.

I'm serious. No matter how awful you think it is, I promise you, you are not alone.

I just wish you'd believe that.

I do.

You profile me again, you'll wish you hadn't.

The more players we get on this board, the sooner Erin will get her nose in it.

Strauss already knows.

I'm surprised she wasn't in the Scif.

She's on vacation.

Oh, great. Now she'll never take another one.

Is everything about this guy classified?

Somebody knows him.

We just haven't found them yet.

There's a safe in the bedroom.

Behind a big painting?

Yeah, it's not gonna be in there.

It's gonna be somewhere where he can sit and still gain access to it.

And he's gotta be quick.

Get outta here.

That's Dreyer.

Kerry Fagan, Ron Cosenza.

Delaney's not in it.

Why would he have that picture?

Maybe he was their handler.

Here's the million-dollar question...

Anyone know what language that is?

Those are villages in north Korea.

I love you.

Of course she does.

There's a political prison near Haengyong-ni.

Camp 22. Kwan-li-so.

North Korea denies it exists.

You think they took Doyle there?

That would explain why he's after them.

Even his prison is off the grid.

All we know is that he was never married, had multiple residences, and was arrested at his tuscan villa.

There's paperwork to back that up?

And a list of who was there that day.

There may be photographs.

Reid's looking into that now.

Right. So those people need to be warned that he's on the warpath.

They have been. But there's a whole different life he's led, one that isn't in any file.

Prentiss, did you hear from your European associates?

I'm waiting for them to send me a document.

We need it now.

He's locked in this hellhole for 7 years.

How did he get out?

Does it really matter?

Doyle was in Kwan-Li-so?

Ah. Well, that was on a need-to-know.

You didn't think I needed to know that?

Are you kidding me?

And what good would that do?

You don't get to decide what's good for me anymore.

What else aren't you telling me?

That's it.

You said he was in Russia.

No, actually, Sean McAllister told you that.



Get him off the phone.

What are you gonna do, em?

Huh? What are you gonna do?

You gonna run away?

Yeah, you're good at that.


Bloody hell.


You can't trust him.

You have got to get out of there right now.

You are safer on your own.

Do you remember 9th street?

Corelli's. How the door works?


He's still there.

You will be in and out in 5 minutes.

Got it.

Do not let Clyde follow you.

And, tsia, be careful.

You, too.


Hey, what's that?

Uh, oh, this is the only lead I have so far.

What about you?

Seaver said you were looking for photos of, uh, Doyle's tuscan villa?

I couldn't find any stills from the day he was arrested, but there may be some surveillance footage from the sedans.

They generally record everything.


You get a document from your contacts?

Bank accounts traceable to our first two victims.

We might be able to match the rest of those faces.

Hotch: Good.

What else have you found?


[Door buzzes open]

Ok, look in the peephole.


My mother made it.


Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

That journalist is eating out of my hand.

He had no idea I was promising him a full-fledged manhunt.

It's way more than that.

I've counted reps from 5 agencies.

Oh, I love me and multi-agency taskforcing, and on our turf.

It gets my blood up.

When are we going to get started?

Oh, he's drawing up the battle plan with the troops.

What's holding us up?

We're waiting for somebody from DC Metro Police, then we can start.

Who's got updates on roadblocks?

They will. All parkways and interstates in dc, Maryland, and Virginia have station checkpoints.

Doyle has the means to get in and out of the country.

What makes you think he won't get out of the district?

It's the best we've got right now.

[Knock on door]

Metro got held up.

Double homicide on k and 9th.

They want me to take a look.


Vic's apartment looks like a black market forger.

The other victim?

A woman, 30s, no I. D., outside his door.

I'm coming with you.


Hey. You sure you want to leave?

We're only passing through.

But she's the one.

You just gonna leave her?

Think she'll follow us?

Me. She'll follow me.


Because she must.

This guy took 2 in the chest.

He went quickly.

One straight to the forehead.

The holes were made by a .45.

So she comes to the door, and he sh**t her.

She didn't stand a chance.

This has to be the work of our guy.

She might be on our list.

We should run her prints.

I need some air.


What did you do, pull a whiskey Pete's?

Uh, I don't know what that means.

But if it involves getting vomit on your boots, then, yeah, I'm guilty.

You need a soda?

What can I do?

[Clears throat]

I live 10 minutes from here.

Can we just swing by?

'Cause I think I got it on my pants, too.

Hotch wants us to get back.

I know. I'll be really quick, I promise.


It'd be so easy to take her out here and now.

She hasn't confessed yet.

All roads coming and going are blocked.

If we don't make it out of here, she wins again.

Have a little faith.

[Alarm beeping]

[Disarms alarm]

It's not often that we know a subject's name, and in this case, knowing Ian Doyle's identity doesn't give us very much.

He's known to a select few, and those who know him well either work beside him or they're on his list.

2 or 3 of his victims worked for cws and were responsible for his transport to north Korea.

There were 7 operatives on the mission altogether, and the remaining 5 have been warned.

All the federal and international agents responsible for tracking him down are now on his list of targets.

We'll find Doyle the way we find any other offender...

By studying his behavior.

We'll dissect his every move since he regained his freedom.

When he escaped from north Korea, he k*lled a man and he used his vehicle to cross the border into Russia.

[No audio]

You good?

I'm good.

Prentiss: Journalist Dorothy Dix wrote, "confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets and takes its own punishment in silence."