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04x12 - The Tale of the Unfinished Painting

Posted: 11/10/23 05:32
by bunniefuu
[Swings squeaking]

[Thunder rumbles]

[Person crying]


[Eerie music]

[Crickets chirping]



Gary, over here.

What's the matter?

I still haven't come up
with a story.

I'm empty, blank, drained.

Hollow, shallow, brainless.

This is serious.

I've been thinking all week.

Nothing is coming.

You're just blocked.

Stop trying so hard.

Something'll inspire you.

In two minutes?

No, by next week.

I knew you were having trouble--

Having fun, guys?

Uh, no.
I mean, yeah.

So who's up tonight?

Tucker, right?

Yeah, right.

This better be good.

I just had the--

Tuck, I know this is unusual,

but would you mind
if I went tonight instead?

I got an inspiration, and I'd
really like to tell the story.


I mean, hey,
when inspiration hits,

you got to go with it.

Is that okay with you guys?

- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah, sure.

You never know when
inspiration is gonna come.

You can't touch it.
You can't see it.

You can't buy it.

It's something mystical

that opens you up
to new possibilities.

But what if you could control
someone's inspiration?

It would be like
touching their mind.

Think of how fun it could be.

And think of how dangerous
it could be

if used for evil.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story:

Cody was a talented girl
with a real passion for art.

But like with all artists,

sometimes inspiration was
hard to come by.

I knew I'd find you here.

Mom's gonna be ticked
if you're late for dinner again.

Let me see.

What's wrong?

what do you see over there?

A tree.

That's what I see too.

You lost me.

if you want to create art--

I mean, the kind of art
that moves someone--

then you have to see more
than what's obvious.

You have to become a part
of what you're drawing,

or it's just gonna be lines
on paper.

I know how to make lines.

I'm not so sure I'm ever gonna
know how to draw.

I think you're the most
talented person I know.

Hey, you'll get it.

Be patient.

So you really think

I'm the most talented person
you know?


Then again,
I don't really know many people.




What's your name?

Can I draw your picture?

Why don't you sit down?



Your hat!

[Sign creaking]

Welcome to the Hunter Gallery.

The little girl
that just came in here

dropped this hat.

There is no little girl here.

Oh, she must've just gone
out the door.

I'll keep it
in case she comes by.

I love the paintings.

Thank you.

It is some of my best work.

You're the artist?

I am.
Mrs. Briar.

Oh, I wish I had your talent.

Are you an artist?

Sort of.

Right now, I'm kind of blocked.



It seems the harder I try,
the further away it gets.

These are wonderful.

There's almost something
mystical about them.

It's no coincidence that
you've come here today, Cody.


Let me show you something.

I think this might interest you.

How did you know
my name was Cody?

Are they yours?


They came to me
from many sources.

It's like they were abandoned.

Well, sometimes
an artist's vision

will simply end
before it's complete.

I keep these as a reminder
that art is a struggle.

Take your time.

Perhaps they will inspire you.

Jenna, what are you doing?

Oh, the brush you gave me
is too thick.

I needed a finer tip.

I have told you to use
only one brush.

Jenna, you know my philosophy.

Inspiration comes from
the artist, not from tools.


Are you all right, dear?


The painting--

how sad it never got finished.

Perhaps you'd like
to finish it.


I often allow young artists to
complete one of these paintings.

Jenna is working on one now.

Sometimes it's just the thing
they need

to overcome an artistic block.

I'd love to.

There's one thing.

My students all work here,
where I can help them along.

Oh, yeah.

Sure, of course.

This is great.
When can I start?


Tomorrow's perfect.

Thank you.

You know, you won't regret this.


I'm sure I won't.

Another lamb
has wandered our way.


[Horn chirps]

The morning light is much better
on this side of the room.


And now...

I prefer that you use
one of my simple brushes.

Inspiration comes from
the artist, not from tools.

I'll get your paints.

[Instrumental music]



It's late.

I must have fallen asleep.

Let's go.

This isn't the way home.



Don't finish the painting.

Destroy it before it's too late.


It's freezing,

and you're laying on the ground.

I know; you're artistic.

You live in the Ozone.

I just had the weirdest dream.

Oh, so you're sleeping
on the ground too?

Lucas, I'm not so sure

I should be working
on that painting.


I don't know.

It's somebody else's work.

Maybe it's wrong.

Well, I don't know much
about art.

I do know
you've been stuck for ideas.

And since you started working
on that painting,

you're drawing like crazy.

If it works, stick with it.


There's only one thing missing.


Your signature.

But it's not really
my painting.

You gave the painting life.

You deserve to sign it.

There's a new painting
in the art gallery,

the three girls.

One of my favorites.

Wasn't that the painting
Jenna was working on?


In fact, Jenna will not be
coming back.

Why not?

I do not know.

She phoned to say
she would not be returning.

I see you are nearly finished.

You should get to work.

[Gentle instrumental music]

[Ominous music]

[Water gurgling]

It's my dream.

[Girls screaming]


[Phone line ringing]

Please be home.

Come on.
Somebody please pick up.

- Hello.
- Lucas!

Lucas, you have to come
and get me.

Something really weird
is going on here.

I don't know,

but something really bad

to the girl
that was here before.

I'm scared.

What are you doing?


Uh, looking for paint thinner.

I finished the painting.


May I see?

Talent like yours
is a rare gift.

All you have to do is sign it.

Uh, I wouldn't feel right

signing my name
to somebody else's work.

This is your work, Cody.

You created the soul
of this painting.

Be proud.

And sign it.

- I--I really have to go.




I'm sorry.
The gallery is closed.

Where's Cody?

I don't know anyone
by that name.


She came here
to work on this painting.

I dropped her off myself.

Perhaps one of my associates
would know of her.

Please wait here.


There will be others.

Where is she?

Where's who?


The lady from the gallery.


You should come with me.

I want you to meet someone.

It's the brushes.


Become a hunter for me,

and live forever.


I think you'll like him.

It's the brushes.

They trap people
inside paintings.


You tread on dangerous ground,
young one.

Give me the brushes.

Forget it.
You're done.

- Done?


I have hunted for centuries,

and I will hunt
for centuries to come.

You cannot stop me.

Maybe not.

But your victims can.




What happened?

Jenna, are you okay?

I think so.

Who was she?

I don't think we'll ever know.

Cody's artistic block
soon vanished,

because she was able
to draw inspiration

from all the spirits she freed
from their living nightmares.

The end.

Nice job.

- Cool.
- That was really good.

Thank you.

So you going next week?


I declare this meeting
of the Midnight Society closed.

That was a great story.

[Water sizzling]

I owe you one.

Oh, no problem.

You going to be okay
for next week?

I think so.

I just got to look around
for some inspiration.

What made you think
of that story?

- You.
- Get out of here.

I'm serious.

You were having trouble
being creative.

I saw a story there.



At least you're good
for something.

Come on.