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05x11 - The Tale of the Night Shift

Posted: 11/10/23 05:44
by bunniefuu


[Child's laughter]


Both: Oh. Sorry.

My fault.

Excuse me. I'm gonna
go get some more wood.

Did you tell her?

Oh, yeah. I said...

I said, "Sam, we've known
each other for a long time now,

"and you know how
I feel about you,

so maybe we should decide if
we should go out for real."

Yeah, and?

She said she liked me,

but didn't want to get
into a relationship,

because she had
a lot going on, and...

Who cares why.

She doesn't want
anything to do with me.

I should never...

We're here.
Let the games begin.

Who's up tonight?

I am.

I've been saving this story
for a long time,

and I think tonight's
the best night to tell it.

It's a story about illusion
and deception.

Some things may look familiar,

but they could
be hiding a secret

that you'd never expect.

It could be beautiful
or mysterious,

or like in my story,
something evil.

Submitted for the approval
of the Midnight Society,

I call this story...


P.A.: Your attention, please.

Visiting hours are now over.

All visitors are asked
to leave the hospital

by the main entrance.


Is this your
signature, zebo?

Uh, yeah.

You signed
for a water pump.

Did I say you could sign
for shipments?

No, but...

But you did--
now it's gone.

But the thing
is huge.

Find it, Zebo, or find
yourself another job.

Oh, hi, Amanda.
Bye, Amanda.

Hi, Felix.
Well, hold it.

Me too, me too.

Oh, I'm late again.

I just can't get used
to this night shift.

I mean,
how do you do it?

Oh, I've got school
till : ,

then practice, homework
and dinner.

If I want to volunteer,
it's the night shift.

When do you sleep?

I'm not sure.

Let me check
my schedule.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Number won't
take his meds,

his roomie's
got a fever,

number 's in pre-op,
and number --

wants her mommy.

I thought the night shift
was supposed to be quiet.


We've got a
new volunteer.

I want you
to show her around.

Margot, Amanda--
Amanda, Margot.

Now you're old chums.
Don't annoy me.



You picked
the night shift too?

Yeah. School kind of takes
up a lot of the day.

Tell me about it.


I'll be right back.

How do you lose
an entire water pump?

This is from the crate
it came in.

But how did it get--

Hi, Felix.

Come here. I want
to show you something.

You know, I don't
think we're supposed...

Hey. Guy in number says
he's a friend of yours.

Who is he?

Go see. He's cute.



Is that you?


What's wrong?

Tomorrow... getting
tonsils out.

I'm so sorry, I...


And you can
take care of me.

You want
some candy corn?


Come on. It was a goof.

No, you're a goof,
and I'm busy.

You're always busy.
I need comfort.

I don't think so.

You got to be nice
to me.

I might not make it
through surgery.

Yeah, I wish.



What room are you in,

Hey, you're not
supposed to...

Are we playing
hide and seek?

I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna scare you...

All I want is one date--

a movie, pizza, anything.

If you hate me after that,
I'll leave you alone forever.

I told you before.

I think
you're a nice guy,

but I am too busy.

Too busy for what,
to have fun?


Sorry. He got
away from me.

This place is so boring.
Let's go to the morgue.

I've got him.

Come on, speedy.

You're a patient.
Pretend you're sick

before we all
get in trouble.


but I'm not giving up
till you give in.


Oh, man, you scared me.

That guy's in my class.

He's been bugging me
for months about...


Sorry. It's only me.

Stop bugging me.

Go to bed.

My roommate's gone.

What do you mean, gone?

Who's your roommate?

Bud, the kid
with the broken leg.

He took off about an hour
ago, and didn't come back.

I'll tell Nurse Hantin.

I don't want to get him
in trouble.

Can't we go find him?

Oh, come on.
He's just having fun,

but I guess you wouldn't
know about stuff like that.

All right.
If I get in trouble,

I'll cut out
your tonsils myself.



Hey, this is like
the first time

we're doing
something together.

My life is complete.


Look out!


So, alone at last.

How can you
eat those things?

It's not even

I'm a rebel.

No, you're a geek who's
gonna get me in trouble...

What is this?

What are they?

Blood storage bags.

Yuck. Looks like
a rat got them.

Why do they keep them
in here?

They don't. Something's
gone wrong.

Nurse Hantin?

I found this
in the closet, empty.

There's a ton of them
in there.

Really? How strange.

They're shredded,
like a dog got them.

I think we better
call security.

You're right, Amanda.
I'll do that.



Sorry. Why are you
so jumpy?

I don't know.

Something weird
is going on.

Did Bud come back?

No. But I know
where he might be.

It's the one place
he wanted to see.

Well, he's not here.
Let's go.

Wait. Is that a body?

No, it's a pinball
machine. Come on.

I've never seen
a dead body before.


Colin, don't.

It's no big deal.
It's just a dead body.

It's Felix.



He works in maintenance.

Now anymore.
He's, like, really dead.

I just saw him tonight,
and he was fine.

Let's get out of here.


Nurse Hantin?


It's dead.

Just like old Felix.


Sorry. This whole place is
starting to feel like a morgue.

Security should have
been here by now.

I don't like this.
Let's go downstairs.

Evening, Amanda.

Jack, what happened
to Felix?


Felix is just fine.

It depends on your
definition of fine.

Why don't we go see him?

You go. Tell him
we say hi.

What is with that guy?

I don't know.
This is weird.

Let's just go down
to the lobby...

[Door closes]

Hello, Amanda.

Felix... but you're,



Sort of.

How can you be
sort of dead?

Oh, it's not so bad,

You'll soon find out
for yourself.


What are you doing, man?
What is your problem?


My problem is
I was the first.

The first what?

I drank too much,
and it made me like this.

we'll get you a doctor.

There are no doctors.

There are no nurses, there are
no patients. There's nobody left!

It's been feeding
on everybody,

but only enough
to control them,

not enough
to cause a panic.

Once it gets everybody,

it's gonna come back.

It's gonna
finish them off!

Who? What are you
talking about?

Maybe it's not too late.
It hasn't gotten you.

Maybe you can stop it!

Easy, pal.

Felix, you're scaring me.


Amanda, please come with me.

I'm getting weaker.

I don't know how much longer
I can fight it.

Fight what?

I'm changing...

And if someone
doesn't stop it...

It will do...

It shipped itself here,
can you believe it?

The box said
it was a water pump.

Funny thing is, I'm the
one who signed for it.

Yeah, that's real funny.

You guys are not
gonna believe this,

but you have to.

It's a vampire,

and it's hunting
in the hospital.

Get out of here.

You want me
to prove it to you?

I'm fighting the change,
but I can easily--


The only thing it needs
is that coffin.

If we can destroy it,

Amanda? Are you down there?

Margot, are you OK?

Sure. Felix is wrong,
you know.

Of course a vampire
needs its coffin,

but it also needs blood.


People have it
all wrong.

Vampires only need to feed
about every years or so,

and isn't a hospital
a great place for it?

It's like a candy store.

Who are you?

I made a mistake
with Felix.

He shouldn't have
turned so soon.

It doesn't matter.

I'm almost done here,

We're gonna go upstairs.

I don't think so.

We haven't been properly
introduced yet.


I should finish
what I started.

No! No!

[Felix screaming]

Sorry, kids.
No one leaves.

Are we
the only ones left?

Colin? I'm scared.

Yeah, me too.

This isn't exactly the
first date I had in mind.

If we get the chance
for a second.

The coffin.

The what?

If we destroy it,
we destroy the vampire.

But it won't let
anyone near it.

Except there's of us.

If I lure the vampire away,

you can drag the coffin
into the incinerator.

There's no way I can
move that big thing.

But maybe you can.

I'll lure the vampire away;
You can move the coffin.

Amanda, if it gets you,
you're dead.

If we don't stop it,
we're both dead.

Got any more candy corn?

Sugar. We're gonna lure
this thing.

Hey, maybe you should
come with us.

Tell your friend
I'll be upstairs.

Tell me yourself.

That's not a good idea.

I got to see the morgue,
for real.

I'm beginning to like
the night shift.

You wanted to see me?



It'll be less painful
if you give in.


You wanted proof?

Here it comes.

There's no use in running.

I'm far too good a hunter.


Felix, don't.

I don't like to work
so hard for my kills.

It's gonna get Amanda,

Bite me, and Amanda's done.




[Screaming] Please!

You're still in there,
aren't you?

Help me save her.



I should drop you, and
then lick up what's left.



The old-fashioned way
is best.






I really thought the night
shift was supposed to be quiet.

Are you OK?

Nothing a little sleep
wouldn't cure.


What happened
to the new girl?

Did I scare her
off already?

Yeah, something
like that.


Are you OK?
What happened?

It's over. Everybody's
back to normal.

They don't even remember
what happened.

There you are!

Finish mopping the lobby,

or I'll find somebody
who knows how to work.

I remember.


So, what was that
about a second date?

I'll have to
check my schedule...

But I'm pretty sure
I can squeeze you in.

Sam: The end.

Great. Cool.


Could you wait a sec?

Um, yeah, I guess.

Both: Ooh.

Keep walking.

It's getting
a little hot.

Come on.

Um, that story was about
someone so busy being busy,

they miss a lot
of possibilities.


Well, I was thinking

about what you said...

And maybe you and I have
some possibilities.

Really? That's great.

Why don't I
put out the fire--

No, not yet.

I want to watch it
a little while longer.