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01x19 - Rusty's Alien Invasion/Rusty's Running Car

Posted: 11/19/23 16:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go!

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Rusty Rivets' lab is in Sparkton Hills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ Inventions never seen before

♪ So let's go!

♪ Put it together Rusty Rivets

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets

♪ Yeah, let's go!

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go!

♪ Rusty Rivets, let's go! ♪

A few more slight adjustments--

And now Drillbot will drill again.

Or Drillbot will start dancing?

We still need to tweak it a bit.

Greetings. We are aliens from the planet Flugaria.

We have come to your planet to play with you.

Oh, no, Ruby, aliens!

It's okay, Rusty. I think they just want to play.

Got you! It's just me, guys!

It's Liam!

No way!

Aren't my new toy aliens awesome?

I gave them awesome alien names, too.

This is Maude. This is Todd.

And this is their supreme leader, Bob.

I am Bob.

I was hoping you could play with me, Rusty.

Go ahead. I can finish up the Drillbot repairs.

Okay, Liam, sure.


Okay, ready?

Hello, Earthling Rusty.

Let's play a fun game called "Hide and seek the alien".

This is going to be so much fun!

Hmm, these don't move by themselves?

No, they don't have to. I'll hide them.

And Space Ranger Rusty has to find them.

I could make these better.

They're already awesome.

The Flugarians are the best toys in the whole universe.

Come on! Let's play!

This will be a great hiding place.

Ranger Rusty will never find me.

Can I try Rusty-fying them, Liam?

It'll make them extra awesome.

Well, okay, I guess.

Thanks. I'll just make a few tiny, little adjustments.


Wow, they look exactly the same, only bigger.

Greetings, Earth creatures.

We have come to your planet

to show you how we play on Flugaria!

Never mind, not the same.

Whoa, you made them talk and move on their own?

Are you sure that's a good idea?

Of course. What could go wrong?

Thanks, Rusty. This is awesome.

Hey, Flugarians. Want to play?

Let's play the greatest game of hide and seek ever!

Hide and seek! Hide and seek!


Let's hide Bytes! Let's hide Bytes! Let's hide Bytes!

Let's hide Bytes! Let's hide Bytes!

Whoa, they did that all by themselves. Wasn't that awesome?

Umm-- Umm--

I mean, except for the part where they carried off Bytes.


Maybe you should have asked Bytes if he wanted to play.

I think he just wants to nap, not join our game.

Play a game! Play a game! Play a game!

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

What can they possibly do?

Play computer games!



What are they doing, exactly?

Umm, I think they just made the lab into a big computer game.

That's okay. Computer games are fun.

But who are they playing with?

It's us!

Grab a prize with the claw!

Bad, Bob, bad!

Play airplane!

They're trying to play with us. It's time to bolt.

Whoa! Whoa!

Let's play tag.

Okay, forget the driving, new plan. Hide!

Quick, behind here!

I'll catch you. We like to play.

I should have brought teddy bears over to play with,

not aliens.

Play! Play! Play! Play! Play! Play!

Don't wave at them!

They'll think you're toys to play with!

Oh. Oh.


Playtime's over.

Whirly, we need you to distract the flying alien toy.

Jack, Crush, Ray, try to keep the robo-spider busy.


No problem!

While the Bits are with the aliens,

we need to hurry and turn off the lab.

It's game over for the Flugarians.

It's a plan.

Let's do this. Let's do this.



Ooh, airplane race!

I spy, with my one eye--


Ooh, pretty lights.

Play with Bits! Play with Bits!

It's working.

Play new game! Play new game!


Play with Bits. Play with Bits.





That plan didn't work.

Playing is fun! Playing is fun! Playing is fun!

So, play hide and seek again?


Hide behind the gates!


Don't worry, guys. We'll be back. I promise.

Playing is fun!

Next time, I'll bring over checkers. Sorry, guys.

This is my fault, Liam.

I might have gone a little too far with fixing up the figures.

I should have played the way you wanted to.

That was way more fun than this.

Yeah, alien play time isn't fun at all.

Don't worry. We can rescue them.

We just have to get back in

without the Flugarians seeing us.

Ooh, maybe I can sneak over the wall. Give me a boost.



Hide again. Hide again.

Too bad we can't go under the wall.

Then they'd never see us coming.

That's it! We can dig under the wall!

One Drillbot coming up.

Great job, Ruby.

Now we can sneak in

and build something to stop this Flugarian playdate.

But what?

Whatever we build has to stop the plane, the robo-spider,

the claw and the aliens!

No problem, we'll make something that can do all of that.

Let's combine it.

And design it.


We'll start will Drillbot's ant body--

Then add wings from our Bit Bat--

Then attach the vacuum hose from the Vacu-Glider , .

Put it all together and we've got our plan.

Modified, customized, Rusty-fied,

the Play No More , --


Perfect for sucking the fun out of alien play time.

You guys distract the Flugarians.

And I'll vacuum them up. Let's do it.

Go, team! Yay!

Yoo-hoo, bet you can't catch me.

Play tag! Play tag! Play tag!

Got you.

You can't catch me, Flugarian.

I'm the tag champion of the Universe.

Tag, you're it.

He's fast. Rusty!

Two down, only one to go.

Hey, Bob. If your claw can catch me, I'll give you a prize.

Play time prize? Grab, grab, grab, grab, grab.


Ooh, better prize.

Come with me.



Hey, it stopped. What happened?

Yoo-hoo, Bob, I reprogrammed the lab.

I'm pretty good at computer games.


Aww, man.

Game over, guys.

You can stop bouncing now, Bits.



And now the aliens can play as much as they want,

without using us as their toys.

Tired, play time over.

Whoa, I think they tired themselves out.

Wow, I guess we won. What are we going to play next?

Liam, I think it's time to turn your action figures

back to normal.

Ah! The aliens are back! Run, Bytes!

All hail, Bob, champion of play time.

BOTH: Let's play. Let's play. Let's play.



(Phone ringing)

Rusty, Ruby, I need your help.

Can you come by the ice cream shop?

Uh-oh, we were just on our way

to drop off these robo-legs to Mr. Higgins.

But we can make a detour.

Hey, guys.

It looks like the wheelie sorbet mixer I made for you

is working out.

I think Sammy's the one working out.

I'm using it to make

my gooseberry and secret ingredient sorbet.

Oh. What's the secret ingredient?

I can't tell you. It's a secret.

Oh, right.

So, what can we help you with, Sammy?

Well, before I can add the secret ingredient to my sorbet,

I need to get it first.

I can give you a ride.

And I can keep mixing the sorbet until you get back.

You guys are the best.

Ready to switch it up, Sammy?


Okay, one, two, three, go!

I'm okay.

Come on, I'm parked out front.

Let's go!

I'll keep this churning. You guys have fun.

Whoa, cool side car.

Hop in.

Time to bolt.

Woo-hoo! Yeah!

So, what's with the robo-legs?

I was bringing some extra parts to Mr. Higgins.

But I'll do it later. Now where do we get the secret ingredient?

It's not too far.

As soon as I see it, I'll let you-- Stop! There it is!


(Tires screeching)

False alarm, that's just an acorn,

and a cute, little squirrel.

That was a little loud, Sammy.

Sorry, I'll try to be a little quieter

the next time I think I-- Stop! There it is!

Yes! It's beautiful!

Rusty, this is the amazing yummy flower!

Your secret ingredient is a flower?

This is the yummiest flower ever.

Anything it touches will taste absolutely delicious.


I guess that's the problem with yummy flowers.

Everyone else thinks they're yummy too.

With this last, amazing, yummy ingredient,

I'll be able to complete my sorbet.

Well, the quicker we put your flower into the sorbet,

the quicker we can eat it. So, let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't just pick it.

Once you pick the flower,

the petals will begin to turn blue, one at a time.

And that's bad?

A blue petal will make anything it touches

taste absolutely horrible.

Got it, I have a plan.

Don't you always have a plan?

On the count of three, pick the flowers and jump into your seat.

Are you ready?

One, two--


Ah! Hey!

Okay, no problem, still plenty of flowers around.

I'll just pick another.

Hey! All right, I'll just pick another.



Hey! Hey! Hey!


Only one flower left!


Rusty, he's got the last yummy flower! Follow that squirrel!

I'm on it.

He's too fast.

A petal on the yummy flower turned blue!

We need to get it back now!

It's time to switch this into turbo mode!


We're going to go faster than you've ever gone before.


I feel like I've gone faster than this before.

Chasing after that squirrel completely drained my battery.


Uh-oh, my cart's out of power.

But we have to get back to the sorbet before the--

There he is!


Two petals that are no longer yummy, let's get that flower.


A-ha, got it!

Awesome, good one, Sammy.

Now we can go back to the ice cream shop.

Except my cart is still out of battery power.



You are not being a very nice squirrel right now!

Oh, but you're so cute!


You guys--

Give it back!



Ah! More petals are turning blue!

There's only two orange petals left.

Come back here!


We still have to figure out a way to get home too,

without my cart.

Hmm, we probably have to run super fast.

The only way to do that is if we had giant legs,

or something like that.

We do have giant legs or something like that!

Let's combine it--

This is the part where Ruby usually says "And design it."

Oh. And design it!



First, we'll use my go-kart as the base.

Next, we'll add the robo-legs--


Then combine it with these sticks

to give us something to hold onto when we run.

Put it all together and we've got our plan.



Modified, customized, Rusty-fied,

now let's get that yummy flower

with the Robo Running Car , !

Woo-hoo, yeah!


We need to start working together as a team.

One, two, one, two.

One, two, one, two.

All right, we're doing it!



Looks like we have to do more than just run, Sammy.

If we can both jump at the exact same time,

we should be able to get the Robo Running Car to leap.

For the sorbet!

Okay, Sammy, here we go.


It's working!

No! No!


Woo-hoo, got it!

All right, Sammy!


Time to put this pedal to the metal

and get this petal where it belongs, in my sorbet!


(Whistle blowing)

Sorry, Officer Carl.

Sorry, Chef Betty!

Hmm, where could Rusty be with those robo-legs?

Sorry, Mr. Higgins! I'll bring them right back!

Almost there!

Hey, guys. Is that a running car?


And now to add the secret ingredient.


Okay, Ruby, I think you can stop mixing now.

Did we make it on time?

I don't know.

What was that thing, Sammy?

The secret ingredient!


But I don't know if I got it in the sorbet on time.

Oh, not so awesome.

So, who wants to try it?

On three. One, two, three!

Hmm. That is the most...

Delicious taste ever!

That's one yummy sorbet.

It's for you two. You guys always help me out so much.

And I wanted to make an extra special sorbet

and name it after you.


Seriously? Yep.

So, this amazingly delicious sorbet will forever be known as

"Rusty and Ruby's Extra Special, Super Yummy-licious Sorbet".

Awesome. Awesome.

Here you go, little guy. No hard feelings?
