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03x21 - Raceday Rescue

Posted: 11/19/23 18:01
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When Blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Yeah, let's blaze ♪

- Ladies and gentle trucks,

are you ready for some racing action?

[cheers and applause]

- Dude, I'm ready for some racing action.

- Me too! Me too!

- Well, then, hold on to your fan belts,

because today's race features three of the world's fastest

monster machines.

First up, when it's time to compete,

he tends to cheat.

It's Crusher!

[light cheers and applause]

- Ha-ha! That's me.

Future winner right here.



- Up next, they're never last,

'cause they go so fast.

It's Blaze and his driver A.J.

[cheers and applause]

- Ready to race, Blaze?

- You know it, A.J.

- And finally, when these two take the lead,

it's with shocking speed.

Please welcome Watts and her driver Gabby.

[cheers and applause]

- All right, Watts, show 'em what you got.

- Electric charge!

[cheers and applause]

Thank you. Thank you.

- Watts, Gabby.

- Hey. - Hi, guys.

- Are you as excited as we are for the big race?

- You'd better believe it.

Gabby and I can't wait to getracing.

Am I right?

- Oh, yeah.

- Hey, Blaze and I are heading over to pit row to get ready.

- Yeah. You guys want to come too?

- Sure. - Lead the way.

- Oh, I've got to win this race.

I've just got to win this race.

But how?

- Well, Crusher, you know what they say.

To be a great racer, it always helps to have a great partner.

I mean, just look.

Blaze has A.J.

Watts has Gabby.

And best of all, you've got--

- A great idea.


To win this race, all I have to do is keep those monster

machines far away from their partners.

I'll build a take away your partner machine.

Ha-ha-ha! Look at it. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

So long, partners.

both: Whoa.


- Hey, Blaze, have you seen Gabby?

- No, and I don't know where A.J. went either.

Where did Gabby and A.J. go?

- [grunts] - Hubcaps.

They're floating away in that bubble.

both: Whoa!

- Gabby! A.J.! Are you all right?

- [grunts]

- Someone trapped us in here.

- [grunts] And we can't get out.

both: Whoa!


- I don't understand, Blaze.

Who would try and get rid of our partners

right before the race?

- [cackling]

- Crusher.

Your cheating is not gonna work this time.

- Pfft! Oh, yeah? And why is that?

- Because Blaze and I are gonna rescue our friends

and get them back in time for the race.

You'll see.

- Come on, Watts. This way.

- Well, looks like nothing can stop me

from winning the race now.


Uhh...ahh! Ahh!

Ugh. Ohh.

[upbeat music]

-♪ Here we go

♪ We're on our way

♪ Ready set

♪ Let's blaze

♪ Through the turns and the straightaways ♪

♪ Hit the jump

♪ Let's blaze

♪ We're on our way

♪ Ready for action

♪ Whatever it takes

♪ Go see the day

♪ We can go faster and blaze a new trail ♪

♪ No time to wait

- ♪ Come on, come on

- ♪ Accelerate

- ♪ Come on, come on

- ♪ We're on our way

- We've got to get out of this bubble before the race starts.

Ready, Gabby? - Ready.

[both grunting]


- It's no use.

This bubble's too strong.

We can't break it by ourselves.

[musical car horn honking]

- Yeah, look.

Help is on the way.

- Blaze, Watts, up here.

- Don't worry, guys.

We're coming.

- Hurry.

This bubble's taking us over the junkyard.

- Come on.

We've got to catch up with that bubble.

- Hang on, Watts.

It's a warning sign.

It says "Beware of junkyardrobots"?

- Hey, look.

That must be a junkyard robot.

Huh, it doesn't look so bad.

- Watts, look out.


- [grunting] - Oh!

Lug nuts.

How are we gonna rescue Gabby and A.J.

if we can't get past all this flying garbage?

- I know.

We can get past the garbage if we suck it up with this vacuum.

- And to turn it on,

we just need a little electricity.

Electricity is energy that can flow from one place to another.

When a machine's cord is plugged into an outlet,

electricity flows through the wires in the cord

and gives energy to make the machine work,

things like lights or fans or vacuums.

- Well, if electricity is what you need,

then I'm your monster machine.

Help me give this vacuum power.

Say "electric charge."

Electric charge!

[vacuum whirring]

- All right! It's working.

This way, Watts.

[tires squealing]

- [babbling]

- Ee-yah!

- [babbling]

- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Augh.

- Whoo-hoo! We did it, Blaze.

We got past him.

- [giggling] - Careful, Watts.

- [giggling]

- There's another junkyard robot up ahead.

- And he's not throwing garbage.

He's throwing pieces of wood.

Heads-up! -Ahh!

[tires squealing]

- Whew.

- To get past this robot, we need something that can cut

through all that wood.

- Let's see.

I found a toaster and a saw.

- Hmm, which one can we use to cut through wood,

the toaster or the saw?

The saw! Right!

- Electric charge!

[saw whirring]

- [babbling]

- Ee-yah!



- Ya-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Nice going, Blaze.

And look.

We're almost out of the junkyard.

- [babbling]

- Oh, boy.

- Watts, take cover.


- Ahh!


There's one more robot.

And he's throwing big pieces of ice.

- Don't worry, Blaze.

I'll find us something that can melt that ice.

I've got a hair dryer and a clock.

- Which one can we use to melt ice,

the hair dryer or the clock?

The hair dryer!

- Electric charge!

[hair dryer whirring]

[tires squealing]

- [babbling]

- [grunts]


Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- [babbling]

- Way to melt that ice, Blaze.

- Thanks, Watts.

With your electricity, nothing's gonna stop us

from saving our friends.

- Electric charge!

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Electricity

♪ Moving energy

♪ Electricity

♪ Charge it up

♪ Tiny charged particles called electrons ♪

♪ That carry energy when they move ♪

- ♪ Electric current

- ♪ That current move on through wires and circuits ♪

♪ To power up machines around you ♪

- ♪ We're on the verge

- ♪ We're on the verge

- ♪ Of a power surge

- ♪ One two three whoo

♪ Electricity moving energy

♪ Electricity yeah yeah

♪ Energy that flows

- ♪ Hey hey hey

- ♪ From place to place it goes oh oh ♪

♪ Electricity moving energy

♪ Electricity

- ♪ Charge it up

- Hee-hee-hee-hee, this is so great.

Blaze and A.J. are gone.

Watts and Gabby are gone.

Looks like the only one left to win this race is me, me, me.


- Oh, Crusher, how'd you like to get a sandwich

before the big race?

- A sandwich?

Huh, that does sound good.

Pickle, where'd you go?

- Over here, Crusher.

Welcome to Pickle's sandwichstore.

And today we've got some delicious sandwiches.

This one here is a cheese sandwich.

This one here is a tomato sandwich.

- And what's the third one?

- The third what?

- The third sandwich.

What kind of sandwich is that?

- Oh, you wouldn't like that one.

- Why not?

- Uh, just because.

So which sandwich you gonnapick?

- I pick this third sandwich.

Ha, I'm not gonna like it.

I'm totally gonna like it.

What's not to like about a big, tasty...

- Ta-da!

- Crab sandwich?

Ahh! Oh! Ow!

- Oh, whoo-hoo.

- Come again.

[tires squealing]

both: Whoa! Whoa!

- Watts, there they are.

- Gabby, A.J., we're coming.

- Uh-oh, it's a traffic jam.

- We can't let this stop us.

We've got to find some way to get past this traffic.

- Blaze, Watts, look. There's a tunnel.

- We could use it to go under the traffic.

- Come on, Blaze. This way.

- Oh, whoa.

It's so dark down here, I can't see a thing.

- I can help with that.

Electric charge!

- Hubcaps. We're in a subway station.

- Wow.

Check out the tracks.

- Those special tracks are what gives subway trains

the power to move.

Subway tracks have electricity flowing inside them.

And when the train touches the tracks,

the electricity flows into the motor and makes the train go.

- Well, we've got the electricity.

All we need now is a train.

- Come on. Let's build the parts

to turn me into a subway train.

First, our subway needs a train car to carry passengers.

To make the train car, say "train car."

Train car.

Next, I need the sliding shoe.

It takes electricity from the tracks

and sends it to the motor.

To make the sliding shoe, say "sliding shoe."

Sliding shoe.

Now all I need are the wheels.

When the motor gets electricity,

it makes the wheels spin.

To make the wheels, say "wheels."


Oh, yeah!

I'm a subway train monster machine!

[electricity zapping]

[machine whirring]

- Wow!

- Hop in, Watts.

We've got some friends to save.

Hang on.

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

both: Whoa!

Ha-ha! Yeah!

- This is amazing.

We're gonna catch up with A.J. and Gabby in no time.

- Uh-oh, but look.

There's something on the tracks,

and it's blocking our way.

- Quick, Blaze, you've got to jump

to one of the other tracks.

- Help us choose s track with nothing in the way.

Which track is safe for us to go on,

the yellow track, the blue track, or the red track?

The red track. Yeah.

There's nothing on it.

Hold on, Watts.

Yah! - Whoo-hoo!

- All right!

- But look, more trouble ahead.

Which track should we go on this time?

- The blue track. Right.

- Yah!

- All right! - Oh, yeah!

Whoa, which track should we go on now?

The red track.


both: Whoo-hoo!

- Oh. - Oh.

- Now which track should we go on?

The yellow track.

Go for it, Blaze.

- All right!

- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- We made it.

- Blaze, Watts. - Up here.

- Look, it's Gabby and A.J.

- You've got to hurry and get us out of here.

- The race is gonna start soon.

- Hang on, guys.

We're coming.

[regal horn music]

- Well, folks, it's almost time to start the big race.

So if you're feeling hungry,

now's the time to get in line and grab a snack.

- Ice cream.

Get it while it's cold.

- Pickle, you've got an ice cream store now?

- Oh, Crusher.

Hungry for some ice cream before the race?

Well, lucky for you, I have three flavors to choose from.

There's vanilla ice cream.

There's chocolate ice cream.

- And?

- And what?

- And what's this last ice cream?

- Uh, it's nothing you'd want.

- How do you know?

- Well, I just don't think you're ready for that one.

- Not ready?

Ha, I'll show you.

I'm totally ready to eat this frosty, delicious...

- Yoo-hoo.

- Crab?


Get it off me.

[wind whistling]

both: Whoa!

- It sure is getting windy.

- Hang on.

both: Whoa!

- Gaskets, the wind is blowing

A.J. and Gabby's bubble super high.

both: Whoa!

- Don't worry.

We'll find a way to get you down from there.

- Watts, look over there.

It's a crane.

If we turn it on, it could lift us up to their bubble.

[tires squealing]

- Get ready, Blaze.

I'm gonna get this crane moving with my...

electric charge!

[electricity zapping]

Uh-oh, the crane. It's not working.

- To power up a crane this tall,

we're gonna need enough electricity

to get all the way to the top.

And that's gonna take this much electricity: amps.

- Whoa.

I've never made that much electricity before.

But I've got to try.

Come on.

Help me make amps of electricity.

Count to with me.

, , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, , !

[crane whirring]

- Whoo-hoo! You did it, Watts.

Your electricity powered up the whole crane.

It's working.

All right! - Yeah-hoo-hoo!

Whoa-ho-ho! - Ha-ha-ha! Whoa!

Yah! - Yah!

- Yeah! - Oh, yeah!

All right!

- We're free!

- Now, hang on, everyone.

- We're going down.

Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

You did it. You saved us.

- And just in time.

The race still hasn't started yet.

- The race. I almost forgot.

How are we gonna get there in time?

- Sounds like we better use some blazing speed.

- Yeah!

- Let's do it!

- To give us blazing speed, say "let's blaze."

all: Let's blaze.

[upbeat music]

[dramatic music]

- Ladies and gentle trucks,

it's time to start our race.

[cheers and applause]

Racers, are you ready?

- Hee-hee-hee-hee, I'm ready, and I'm the only one here.


- On your marks, get set...

[musical car horn honking]

- Huh?

- Wait just a moment.

- No, don't wait.

- Could it be?

- I hope not.

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- It's Blaze and A.J and Watts and Gabby!

They're back!

- Hey, there, Crusher.

I told you we'd be back.

- No, no, no, no.

- Racers, on your marks,

get set, go!

[upbeat rock music]

- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, they're right behind me.

I've got to do something to stop those guys.

Uh, uh, I've got to--I've got to...

Ooh, cheat!


- Uh-oh, look.

Crusher blocked the whole racetrack.

Well, that's not gonna stop us.

- A.J.... - Gabby...

both: Give us some speed.

Whoa-oh! Yeah!

- What? - Whoo!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- Yeah! - We won!

- They have done it!

What an "electrifying" race!

A "shocking" victory.

They've really put a "charge" in this crowd.

- Whoa-ho-ho-ho! - Yeah.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- I can't believe I lost.

- Hey-ya, Crusher.

How about an ice cold drink to cheer you up?

- A drink, huh?

What kind of drink?

- Let's see.

I've got an orange drink, an apple drink...

- And what about that one? - Which one?

- The last one.

- Oh, well, sorry, Crusher, but you can't have that one.

- Pfft! Oh, yes, I can.

Nobody's gonna tell me I can't drink a cold,

refreshing cup of...

- [giggling] - Crab?

Get it off me!

- ♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go with Blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪

♪ It's time for adventure extreme ♪

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air with Blaze ♪

♪ And the Monster Machines

♪ It's Blaze and the Monster Machines ♪