02x16 - Primum Non Nocere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation". Featured Movie "Immortality" aired Sunday September 27th, 2015.*
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An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.
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02x16 - Primum Non Nocere

Post by bunniefuu »




(A hockey game is being played on the ice. A player gets smashed against the safety glass smearing blood on it. The crowd surges to its feet.)

Terry: What are you waiting for? Call it!

(The REFEREE blows the whistle. The game is on hold as the player makes his way to the bench. The DOCTOR pushes his way to get to the player. He puts his bag down.)

Doctor: Come on, come on. Coming through.

(The player steps off the ice.)

Doctor: Sit down and let me have a look. Okay, you're out. DOCTOR: Myles will move in from the second line.

Terry Rivers: Forget about Myles, I'm going back in. Stitch me.

Doctor: Terry, will you relax? It's a weekend league, it's not the NHL.

Terry Rivers: It is to me.

Doctor: You're not 100%.

Terry Rivers: What are you, a doctor or a coach? Do me a favor, stitch.

(The game commences on the ice. The doctors stitches up the cut under TERRY'S left eye.

Terry Rivers: Come on.

(The DOCTOR hands TERRY some pills and he swallows them. TERRY goes back out on the ice. The game continues.)

(TERRY gets control of the puck. He takes it to the goal. He hits the puck toward the goal, but doesn't stop. He slams into the Goalee and flies feet over head. He lands in front of the goal. The other players tackle him and pile up on him. It's a big mess in front of the goal.)

(The REFEREE blows the whistle stopping the game as the players get on their feet.)

(On the bottom of the stack, TERRY lies there unmoving. His eyes are open.)

Referee: Hey Jack, get over here. He's hurt bad.

(The woman player takes off her helmet. The other player looks down at TERRY, not liking how he looks just lying there on the ice.)

Player: (worried) Get the doc.

(Camera holds on TERRY RIVERS.)


(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk out onto the ice. BRASS is already there in the center. GRISSOM looks around.)

Grissom: Where's the body?

Brass: On the bench -- he was moved there after he collapsed in front of the net. Apparently, uh the guy was responsive enough to be helped off the ice. He d*ed a few minutes later.

(BRASS, GRISSOM and CATHERINE cautiously walk toward the bench. BRASS removes the blanket covering the body on the bench. GRISSOM leans in to look at it.)

Grissom: (pointing) This looks fresh.

Brass: Well, according to the on-site doctor, he took on across the cheek earlier in the second period.

(CATHERINE points to the large gash in the side of the neck.)

Catherine: Well, I guess is must be from the third period. Looks like that other team worked him over pretty good.

Brass: Hockey, rough game.

Grissom: Yeah, it's m*rder.



(GRISSOM and SARA sit side-by-side in the stands.)

Grissom: Two minutes for elbowing. Four minutes for high sticking. Ten minutes, unsportsman-like conduct.

Sara: Boys will be boys.

Grissom: Yeah, sounds like these boys went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.

Sara: You just don't like sports.

Grissom: That's not true-- I've been a baseball fan my whole life.

Sara: Baseball. Well, that figures. All those stats.

Grissom: It's a beautiful game.

Sara: Since when are you interested in beauty?

Grissom: (without looking up) Since I met you.

(Startled, SARA turns to look at GRISSOM.)

Grissom: So, we'll start at the opposite goal work our way across the blue line to center ice.

Sara: Sure.

(GRISSOM stands up and leaves.)


(GRISSOM and SARA start to methodically walk the ice looking for evidence. They start at the far end of the ice.)

(Dissolve to: SARA and GRISSOM are at the middle of the ice ring.)

(Dissolve to: GRISSOM is up front. His kit is open and he puts his gloves on. SARA is in the middle of the rink and busy taking pictures.)

(Dissolve to: SARA is up front to the right of the rink. She's taking pictures of something on the ice. GRISSOM is in the middle to the left on his hands and knees looking at something.)

(Camera close up of a sliver of something off-white being picked up and put into a bindle.)

(Dissolve to: GRISSOM and SARA both on their feet and walking in opposite directions up and down the ice.)

(Dissolve to: GRISSOM on his hands and knees in the front left of the ice. SARA is on her feet in the middle right of the ice.)

(Dissolve to: SARA walks backward down the center of the ice. GRISSOM is way back on the left standing still.)

(Cut to: GRISSOM takes a swab sample of the blood on the safety glass. He caps the swab, turns and looks over at SARA. He walks over to her and kneels down looking at something on the ice. SARA puts something in a bindle.)

(GRISSOM takes a sample of the blood on the ice.)

Sara: It's not much to go on. Maybe we should be looking off the ice.

(And with that, an engine starts. SARA and GRISSOM turn their heads and see the zamboni machine enter the ice.)


(CATHERINE talks with the

Catherine: So, why did you move the body?

Doc: You ever tried treating someone on the ice wearing just street shoes?

Catherine: Then Mr. Rivers was still breathing?

Doc: When I brought him back to the bench, yes. Then I performed CPR, and he didn't respond.

Catherine: Did you also do the stitch work?

Doc: I'm the on-site doctor for this facility. The stitches held, and I advised Terry not to go back on the ice.

Catherine: So, if he'd listened, he'd still be alive.

(The DOCTOR sighs. CATHERINE turns around and looks at all the players in their towels.)

Catherine: What do these guys play for? A little money? Imitation Stanley Cup?

Tommy Sconzo: (quietly) We play for the pride of it.

(CATHERINE turns around to talk with the player dressing.)

Catherine: And the joy of kicking ass. You are...?

Tommy Sconzo: Tommy Sconzo.

(TOMMY turns around.)

Tommy Sconzo: Right wing, first line. Hitting's part of the game. Take away the physical aspect you've got figure skating. Guys out there doing triple lutzes.

Catherine: Is that how you lost the, uh...? The sit spin?

Tommy Sconzo: Second period, number nine. The guy's a real McCracken.

Catherine: Which means?

Tommy Sconzo: He gave me a high stick to the mouth. That's why my guys crashed the goalie. An eye for an eye, you know?

Catherine: That why your guy ended up dead?

(The question unsettles TOMMY.)

Tommy Sconzo: What can I tell you, lady? It all happened so fast, you know?

(He turns back to his locker.)

Catherine: Usually does.


(GRISSOM and SARA walk the hallway. At the end, they come upon the zamboni.)

Grissom: "There are three things in life that people like to stare at. A rippling stream, a fire in a fireplace and a zamboni going round and round."

Sara: Charlie Brown. "I love a zamboni."

Grissom: We all do.

(Cut to: GRISSOM uses a mirror and looks under the machine at its tires.)

(SARA looks at the zamboni's engine.)

(GRISSOM finds something. He picks it up.)

Grissom: The thing I love about zambonis is they pick up everything. Hey.

Sara: Yeah?

Grissom: I'm afraid the other part of this tooth might be in there.

(SARA turns to look at the large pile of ice against the wall.)

Grissom: Time to combine Foyeer's Law of Conduction with Newton's Law of Cooling.

Sara: Pile of ice measures nine feet by five feet ... by ... nine feet. Without the calculus, I'd estimate ... a hundred cubic feet. Current temperature, one degree celsius.

Grissom: The heaters max out at 90 degrees, but the variables are constantly changing.

Sara: Let's ballpark it.

Grissom: I don't know, 50-cubic-foot melt per hour, if we're lucky?

Sara: 120 minutes for a tooth ... the whole tooth ... and nothing but the tooth.


(NICK and WARRICK cross the lobby. They hear bells ring and an excited woman screaming at her win.)

Warrick: Whoo! There's a winner.

Nick: Easy come, easy go.



Lyric: If I should die this very moment / I wouldn't fear / for I've never known completeness / like being here / wrapped in the warmth of you / loving every breath of you / still my heart this moment / oh, it might burst / could we stay right here / to the end of time / till the earth stops/turning?

(WARRICK and NICK enter the lounge. NICK meets up with LOCKWOOD.)

Lockwood: Lockwood, Homicide. DFO's in the back.

Nick: Lead the way.

(NICK turns around to look at WARRICK who is simply mesmerized by the lounge singer. NICK leaves to follow LOCKWOOD. WARRICK remains behind and watches the lounge singer.)

Lyric: ...Seas run dry / I've found the one / I have waited for / all this time ...

(WARRICK leaves the lounge.)


Lockwood: Stan Grevey, 35. Backup sax player. One of the waitresses found him.

(NICK and WARRICK put their kits down and look at the scene.)

Nick: Tiny scrubbing bubbles.

(Camera zooms in to show the white powder at the corner of the victim's mouth.)

Warrick: Yeah, after somebody wiped them down. Paramedics?

Lockwood: Nope. Just pronounced, that's it.

Warrick: Just pronounced?

(NICK reaches over and lifts the victim's lip up. There's something caught in between his teeth.)

Nick: Had an interesting diet. Cowhide.

(WARRICK checks STAN GREVEY'S arm and finds needle marks.)

Warrick: He tied himself off.

Nick: Yup.

Warrick: All the signs of an O.D ... without any of the paraphernalia.

Nick: Your waitress say anything about a needle butane torch, that sort of thing?

Lockwood: No, not a word just said he reminded her of Coltrane.

Warrick: Coltrane, huh?

(WARRICK takes a sample of the powder on the table.)

Warrick: See if I can get this back to Gregor at the lab. He could tell us what we're dealing with. Two coasters, one glass?

Nick: What do you think? Our guy having a little party with the waitress?

Lockwood: She was just coming on shift. She came through me. Already cleared her.

Nick: Well, somebody was here ... grabbed the stuff took their glass.

(WARRICK takes the extra coaster. He looks over and also finds a soft contact lens on the table.)

Warrick: Forgot this on the way out.

Nick: Bet the contact wasn't his.

(LILLE IVERS walks into the back room checking up on her friend. She's smiling.)

Lillie Ivers: Hey, how's he doing?

(WARRICK stands up and stops LILLIE IVERS from walking in further to the room.)

Nick: Whoa, miss.

Warrick: Whoa, whoa ... miss, you can't come in here.

Lillie Ivers: Why not?

Warrick: I'm sorry, he's dead.

Lillie Ivers: (surprised) He's dead? What are you talking about? They told me he wasn't feeling well. He was backing me up an hour ago. (shocked) What happened to him?!

Warrick: (quietly) Miss ... why don't we step outside for a minute?

(NICK watches as WARRICK leads LILLIE IVERS out of the room. LILLIE turns her head to look back at STAN GREVEY.)


(GRISSOM walks into the room.)

Robbins: What took you so long?

Grissom: I was watching ice melt.

Robbins: Tox screen came up empty except for quinine. Must have had malaria in the past six months. Either that or he's a big gin and tonic drinker. I've ordered up his medical records. If I was this guy I'd have been popping pain pills. Hairline fracture of the ulna bruised kidney, ten stitches off the orbital bone fractured nasal bone, all recent. Healed rib fractures.

(ROBBINS opens TERRY RIVERS' mouth.)

Robbins: He should have worn a cage.

(Holds up the tooth. He puts it on the side.)

Robbins: I bet he was proud of every last battle scar. What is it about organized sports?

Grissom: Well, organized sports is the paradigmatic model of a just society. Everyone knows the same language everyone knows the rules. And there's a specific punishment handed out the moment someone tries to cheat. Instant morality.

Robbins: So, uh, what did this guy do in real life?

Grissom: Stockbroker.

Robbins: Competition junkie.

Grissom: Aren't we all?

Robbins: Not me, not anymore.

Grissom: No? How'd you get to be Chief Medical Examiner? Look, we're all carrying prehistoric genes in a postmodern world. We get our meat from the grocery store instead of with a club or a Kn*fe. We have to work off our, uh, testosterone somehow.

Robbins: Foibles of youth.

Grissom: Yeah. So, cause of death?

Robbins: Not sure. (ROBBINS sighs. He points to the cut in the neck.) This cut nicked his carotid. Double-edged, clean blade, hockey skate, uh ...

(Quick flashback to the hockey skate cutting the neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Robbins: Fun continues. Basilar artery also suffered significant trauma. Evidence of blood in the intimal space. Possibly enough to cause syncope.

Grissom: Loss of consciousness.

Robbins: Well, it could explain why the vic ended up in the bottom of that pile.

Grissom: So did his death cause his fall or did his fall cause his death?




(CATHERINE talks with BRASS. CATHERINE collects the team's gear.)

Catherine: What'd you get from area 51?

Brass: Terry Rivers was an instigator. Always stirring the pot.

Catherine: Every fire needs a match. So, I guess this is their equipment?

Brass: Yeah, down to the last stick. Here's a copy of the team roster.

(BRASS hands CATHERINE the list.)

Catherine: Okay.

Brass: See you later.

Catherine: Okay.


(CATHERINE looks at the list and calls out.)

Catherine: Ms. Gallagher?

(The woman near the motorcycle turns around.)

Jane Gallagher: Yeah.

Catherine: Catherine Willows Crime Lab. I understand you play for area 51. Did you see much ice time during the game?

Jane Gallagher: No, they just let me take off my cheerleader uniform and warm the bench.

Catherine: You know what? Been there, done that. Just asking a question here.

Jane Gallagher: I played 24 minutes, 12 seconds -- about my season average. I also lead the team in assists.

Catherine: Oh ... you've got good peripheral vision. You see the ice really well.

Jane Gallagher: I didn't see what happened to Terry.

Catherine: You're a real teammate. Down the line, just one of the guys.

Jane Gallagher: You're looking in the wrong direction. Now, we may have disliked Terry, but his own teammates ... hated him.

Catherine: Any reason why?

Jane Gallagher: How would I know? I'm just a girl. Can I go now?

(JANE GALLAGHER sits on the bike and puts on her helmet.)

Catherine: Nice bike.

(She rides off.)


(GREG looks at the eye chart with one hand covering his right eye. NICK and WARRICK walk into the lab. NICK clears his throat.)

Greg: Just getting into the mind of a potential k*ller.

Warrick: Potential k*ller?

Nick: Why don't you just catch us up there, boss?

Greg: In a minute. First things first -- your contact lens was worn by a near-sighted person. And since I was born with perfect eyesight I'm experimenting with what it would feel like to be near-sighted.

Warrick: Don't tell us you're wearing our evidence.

Nick: Come on, Greg.

Greg: Give me some credit. Borrowing a pair of lenses from Archie in A/V. Giving me a headache, though.

(GREG picks up the results from the printer and hands it to WARRICK.)

Warrick: Mannitol-- that's that baby laxative used to cut heroin with.

Nick: China white? You sure?

Greg: The GSMS does not kid around.

Nick: West coast heroin is MEXICAN BROWN. 20, 30% pure, tops. What's china white, 75%?

Greg: Uh, your sample's 91.

Warrick: 91%? No wonder the guy O.D.'D. That's a death sentence.

Nick: Doesn't make any sense, man. The money from dealing heroin comes from the cutting. The more you cut, the more money you make. There's no profit margin in selling stuff that's too pure.

Warrick: Unless you're looking to k*ll someone.


(CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk into the apartment.)

Catherine: So, this is what being a stockbroker buys you.

(CATHERINE sighs. She looks at GRISSOM.)

Catherine: How do men live like this?

Greg: What's wrong with it?

Catherine: Well, it's a cave with hardwood floors.

Greg: It's clean. Television, couch. What else does a guy need?

Catherine: Well, how about a plant? Anything to makes it a little more ... human. I mean, it doesn't seem like this guy had any ... connection to anybody.

Grissom: (looking at the bed) I don't know about that.

(He walks into the closet. CATHERINE takes out her ALS and starts examining the bed.)

(CATHERINE clears throat.)

Catherine: It's never a good sign when the number of women a guy sleeps with is more than the number of chairs he owns.

Grissom: So, what's the ratio here?

Catherine: Well, uh, ballparking it, I'd say ... four women to every one piece of furniture he owns including the TV.

(She stands up and sighs.)

Catherine: So... I guess our guy is about three things - pucks, bucks, and ... chicks.

Grissom: Well, we still don't know how or why he d*ed.

Catherine: Well, we know how he lived.


(SARA stands in the middle of the lab looking at the jerseys and hockey gear. GREG walks in.)

Greg: Any blood?

Sara: Take your pick. Testing for blood on a hockey jersey it's like handing out jaywalking tickets at a marathon.

Grissom: Well, speaking on a meta-level ... isn't it obvious? The overbearing patriarchal structure of modern organised sports represents a socially palatable sublimation of what Jung refers to as the "Shadow of the Unconscious."

Sara: You sucked at team sports, huh?

Greg: I was captain of the high school chess squad.

(SARA turns to look at GREG.)

Sara: Chess is not a sport, Greg.

(SARA walks to the first set of shoes and starts spraying them with luminol. GREG follows.)

Greg: Then why is there a World Chess Champion?

Sara: I think sports are physical by definition.

Greg: Well, sex is physical. Is that a sport?

Sara: Not to me.

(She continues to luminol the skates.)

Sara: These blades skated through the blood pool.

(SARA continues to spray luminol on the skates. She finds something. She picks up the skate.)

Sara: Blood spatter. Good guess -- this is the one that did the damage.

Greg: You know, I had a roommate in college freshman year, from Edmonton, went on to play for the Swedish Elite league. Anyways, he set his blade at half an inch, tops. And I should know, because he made me get them sharpened.

Sara: These blades are probably set at a quarter of an inch.

(Quick flashback to: Skate blades being sharpened.)

Greg: (V.O.) Well, that's as sharp as it gets.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Greg: It's a tough blade to skate on. We're talking Wayne Gretzky style

Sara: And deadly in a fight.

(SARA looks down at the card attached to the skate. It reads: "Hockey Skates /
1420 / C. WILLOWS")


(WARRICK and NICK go through the garbage bags.)

Warrick: Yeah, that victim was out of L.A. and I don't think the singer, Lillie met him before last night, so she may be in the clear.

Nick: Sure you don't want to start in the dressing room?

Warrick: (chuckles): Right ... like you're going to take dumpster duty alone.

Nick: Hey, just 'cause I've been on a personal losing streak with the ladies doesn't mean you should be, too.

Warrick: Man, I don't even know if I'm going there the odds haven't gone my way in a long time.

Nick: I'm talking about chicks, not gambling.

Warrick: Same difference.

Nick: (testing) Mind if I go for her, then?

(WARRICK turns around and looks at NICK. Point taken. NICK turns back to his garbage bags. WARRICK return to his garbage bins. NICK finds something.)

Nick: Warrick.

(Wrapped in a black scarf is the drug paraphernalia.)



Lillie Ivers: It's mine -- but anybody could have lifted this scarf from my dressing room.

Nick: It's still yours.

Lillie Ivers: You trying to pin this on me, now?

Warrick: We're just doing our jobs here.

Lillie Ivers: Well, did you find my fingerprints on anything?

Warrick: We won't know till we print you.

Lillie Ivers: Oh I'm not worried. What you see is what you get.



Jane Gallagher: You're putting words in my mouth.

Brass: You said everybody hated him-- now we know why.

Grissom: We opened up terry's hard drive. It turns out he had your entire roster knee-deep in the stock market.

Jane Gallagher: I don't play for the rat pack.

Sara: Not now ... but you used to.

Jane Gallagher: Okay, so I changed teams. Big deal. I wanted to win.

Brass: The fact that Terry Rivers churned and b*rned your brokerage account out of ten grand that didn't enter into it?

Jane Gallagher: Terry was a stockbroker. He did really well for himself --
Rolex, Beemer. He said he could do the same for me. I gave him some money. If I wasn't willing to take a risk I'd have put it in a bank.

Brass: You weren't the only one, were you?

Jane Gallagher: No. All the guys had money with him. I mean, Terry was a salesman. You listened to him talk for five minutes and your hair was on fire.

Grissom: Ms. Gallagher, your skate had a certain blood spatter on it. It indicates that you're the one that nicked Terry River's carotid artery.

Jane Gallagher: Look, it was pileup.

(Quick flashback to: The pile up in front of the goal. TERRY RIVERS on the bottom of the pile up with a cut in his neck.)

Jane Gallagher: (V.O.) Everything was a blur.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Jane Gallagher: That's ten guys with blades on. Hey, I was just looking out for myself.

Sara: He was a stationary target. Terry was on the bottom of all those bodies.

Brass: Like you said, nobody saw anything.

Grissom: Including your skate intentionally coming down on his neck.

(JANE GALLAGHER starts to look nauseated.)

Jane Gallagher: Oh, god.

(She throws up on the floor.)

Sara: You okay? You all right?

Jane Gallagher: (chuckles): I knew I shouldn't have had that shrimp salad for dinner last night. If you'll excuse me I'll get that cleaned up.

(JANE GALLAGHER walks away. GRISSOM looks at the mess on the floor for a moment. He moves to gather it.)

Brass: Wait, you're not going to ... what are you doing?

(GRISSOM looks up.)

Grissom: It's evidence. Food poisoning especially anything with spoiled mayonnaise can induce vomiting within 15 minutes. She said last night -- that was 12 hours ago.

(GRISSOM takes a sample of the mess.)


(GREG holds up an evidence container of the sample GRISSOM took from JANE GALLAGHER. GREG shares his findings with GRISSOM and SARA.)

Greg: She's a liar, and a mother.

Sara: Morning sickness?

Greg: Yep.

Grissom: And you know this how?

Greg: Well, first I tested for the presence of shellfish -- crustacean free. And then I figured if she's hiding that what else is she hiding?

Sara: Little lie, big lie.

Greg: There was blood in the sample. Not uncommon in early pregnancy. Women get mucosal tears in their esophagus because they yak so much. So, I tested the blood for the presence of human choriogonadotropins. She is definitely with child.

Sara: She wasn't showing. She's skinny as a rail. But ... still, why lie about it?

Grissom: Maybe she didn't know she was pregnant. If she had, would she have gone out on the ice?

Sara: I wonder if she would know who the father is... or was.

Grissom: Well, if it was Terry Rivers he was definitely deadbeat dad material. Which speaks to motive.

Sara: It's enough to get us a warrant.

Grissom: Except you can't safely test for paternity before the baby's born.

Sara: We could search Jane Gallagher's apartment. See if Terry Rivers might have left anything behind.

Grissom: Yeah. Say goodbye to Greg.

(GRISSOM walks out of the lab.)

Sara: Bye, Greg.

(SARA walks out of the lab.)


(NICK and WARRICK question BILL, STAN'S friend.)

Nick: I've got twins here, Bill -- one set of prints from your work card; another set from the drug paraphernalia we found in the dumpster.

Bill: Look, what can I say? He's got a son.

Warrick: Well, that's fine. That's not the issue. You tampered with the evidence.

Bill: He's eight years old. I didn't want Stan's son to hear that he d*ed in a lounge. Foam coming out of his mouth a needle in his arm. That's too much for a boy.

Nick: Yeah, but you got him the gig. You didn't know he was a junkie?

Bill: So am I. Former. Hell, we met in A.A. I thought he was clean. I got my fourth coming up.

Warrick: Could have lost your job.

Bill: Besides, Lillie's going places. You know, she's on her way up. I want to be along for the ride.

Warrick: So, you cleaned him up, threw away his works ... why Lillie's scarf?

Bill: I grabbed the first thing I could find.

Warrick: Lillie's scarf was there?

Bill: Yeah.

Warrick: Really? You mind rolling up your sleeves for us?

(BILL laughs softly. He rolls up his sleeves and shows NICK the scars on his arms.)

Bill: I've always had good veins.

Nick: Yeah, okay.

Warrick: Thanks.

Nick: Hey, one more thing, Bill. You wear contacts?

Bill: Not anymore. Lasik surgery.

Nick: How's that working out for you?

Bill: Great. One less thing I'm dependent on.

(BILL leaves.)


(LILLIE IVERS walks through the hallway. She hears soft jazz piano music coming from inside the lounge. She pauses, curious. She follows the music.)

(She walks into the lounge and sees WARRICK playing piano. When WARRICK sees her, he stops playing and stands up.)

Lillie Ivers: No, no, no, no. Don't stop.

Warrick: (shyly) I don't like playing in front of an audience.

Lillie Ivers: It's just me. What, are you uncomfortable in front of strangers or something?

Warrick: No, I just came by to ask you a few questions and I got a little carried away.

Lillie Ivers: Oh. (LILLIE sits down.) Well, if you keep playing I'll keep talking.

(WARRICK sits down and starts playing again.)

Warrick: So, um, how well do you know these people you play with?

Lillie Ivers: Oh ... well enough. (listening to the music) Who is this?

Warrick: I thought I was the one asking questions here.

(After a moment, he answers anyway.

Warrick: Warrick Brown.

Lillie Ivers: Lillie Ivers. So I guess we're not strangers anymore.

(LILLI stands up and leaves.)

Lillie Ivers: Maybe you should come by later ... so we can talk some more.

(She smiles at him.)


(GRISSOM and SARA examine JANE GALLAGHER'S bed sheets.)

Grissom: Well, Jane may play hockey, but her sheets are distinctly female.

Sara: There are semen stains everywhere. Not very Victoria Secret.

Grissom: What is Victoria's Secret, I wonder?

Sara: Beauty, Grissom. Remember? (SARA takes off her goggles and examines the sheets.)

(GRISSOM looks through the sheet and a nail falls out. He picks it up and looks at it.)

Grissom: Sheets may be female, but this toenail belonged to a man.

Sara: With all the sex these people are having maybe I should take up hockey.

(GRISSOM looks at SARA. She smiles back at him.)



Lillie Ivers: I told you what I make. What do you bring in? Fifty, Sixty a year?

Warrick: So, that's what you're all about?

Lillie Ivers: No, that's what the business is all about.

Warrick: Then run.

Lillie Ivers: Hmm. I just thought that with your kind of talent you know, I could dial you in. I've got a manager with a pipeline to god.

(She laughs.)

Warrick: Sounds like you're pretty dependent on him.

Lillie Ivers: I've been booked solid for the past two years. Next stop ... blue note, motown ... anything I want. Studio time, recording contracts ...

Warrick: Great.

Lillie Ivers: I'm a musician, Warrick, and I recognize talent. And the way you look ... you might as well be dipped in gold.

Warrick: I don't know about all that.

Lillie Ivers: What are you holding back for? You could be out there making a difference.

Warrick: I already do make a difference.

Lillie Ivers: Yeah, riding around chasing ghosts with that partner of yours. Nobody even knows you exist.

Warrick: You do.

Bill: Show time.

Lillie Ivers: (to BILL) Okay. (to WARRICK) Okay ...

Warrick: So ... knock 'em dead.

Lillie Ivers: I'll try.

(WARRICK turns his attention back to the bar. He sees the BARTENDER take something out of his pocket and slip it between two coasters. He puts the two coasters under the drink and serves it.)


(GREG catches up with CATHERINE in the hallway.)

Greg: Catherine ... you seen any guys with a broken tooth lately?

Catherine: Yeah, I saw ten of them.

Greg: Yeah, well, one of them is your suspect.

(SARA catches up with them.)

Sara: I got your page. What's the big news?

Greg: Oh, that tooth that you found at the bottom of the snow pile ...

Catherine: You got a match. To what?

Greg: To the nasty-ass toenail that Sara found.

Sara: What? I thought it belonged to the dead guy.

Greg: No, it belongs to a live guy.

Catherine: So, what you're saying is whoever was in Jane Gallagher's bed was on the ice the night Terry Rivers d*ed.

Greg: Gold.


(SARA and GRISSOM interview a hockey player.)

Tommy Sconzo: It's a temp.

Grissom: What about the girl? Is she a temp, too?

Tommy Sconzo: You know, I treated Jane better than that Mutt Rivers ever did. And it never cost her a cent.

Sara: Is that why you hated Terry?

Tommy Sconzo: He was on my short list, yeah.

Grissom: You know, I got a list. It's got a negative figure of 12,000 after your name.

Tommy Sconzo: Well, money's kind of like my tooth. It don't grow back.

Grissom: Did you ever hear the story of the 19th century chinese goldsmith? He lost a lot of money for his goldsmith buddies due to his shoddy business practices so they decided to k*ll him by biting him to death. 123 goldsmiths took a bite out of the victim insuring that no one individual could be blamed for the m*rder. For who would know which one administered the lethal bite.

Sara: You're the captain of the rat pack. You make it so everyone gets a sh*t in and no one takes the blame -- it's a win-win situation.

Tommy Sconzo: Well, it's a nice little bedtime story for your kids, but it doesn't have a lick of truth.

Grissom: Well, there's truth in this: Your friend Jane is pregnant.

Tommy Sconzo: I'm going to be a dad?

(GRISSOM'S pager beeps. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at it.)


(GRISSOM and ROBBINS walk down the hallway.)

Grissom: What kind of coronary anomaly?

Robbins: W.P.W.: Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Interferes with the heart's electrical system.

Grissom: I never heard of it.

Robbins: Well, it didn't show during the post, but I looked at the tissue sections in histopath.

(Camera close up of the atrium as seen under the magifying glass.)

Robbins: They showed a small defect in the atrium of the heart.

(Camera zooms in to the defect.)

Grissom: So, the game had nothing to do with it? It was the heart?

Robbins: Not necessarily. You know the quinine I found in his system? Lethal for someone with W.P.W. Big scars didn't do him in. It was the little scar.

Grissom: Someone still gets an assist.



(WARRICK is in the lab. NICK walks in.)

Nick: Hey, "Sara". If you come up here on your nights off, people are going to start confusing the two of you.

Warrick: You're here.

Nick: (clears throat) What's up?

Warrick: New lead. The bartender. Purple.

Nick: Marquis Mecke Froede.

Warrick: Test for opiates.

(WARRICK tests a sample of the coaster.)

Warrick: Purple. You know what that means.

Nick: The coasters test positive for heroin.

(Quick flashback to: The BARTENDER puts a coaster down on the counter. He pours the drink. He serves the drink with the two coasters.)

Warrick: (V.O.) He sandwiched the dr*gs between the coasters. That's how he hid it. He was dealing from behind the bar.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Warrick: When we found those two coasters in Stan Grevey's dressing room, we assumed that there was two people -- either a user or supplier. There weren't. Just our guy -- the victim.

(NICK is thoughtful and quiet.)

Warrick: What's wrong?

Nick: He wasn't the only one with two coasters, man.

Warrick: What do you mean?

Nick: Remember when we talked to Lillie about the scarf?

Warrick: Yeah?

(Quick flashback to: LILLIE holding a drink.)

Nick: (V.O.) She had a drink with two coasters.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Warrick: So what? There could be a hundred reasons why she ...

Nick: Did you not hear me? She might be involved. You got to walk away from this fast.

Warrick: We got the dealer -- the bartender. Let's just take him out.

Nick: And we will. What about her?

Warrick: : What about her? Why don't you ... Why don't you just let me handle my business.

Nick: Then handle it.

(WARRICK walks out of the lab.)


(In the stands, SARA and GRISSOM interview JANE GALLAGHER.)

Jane Gallagher: We were in the sack. Right in the middle of it. Next thing I know, he stopped ... how do I say this? He stopped ...

Grissom: ... "Doing it".

Jane Gallagher: Yes. Thank you. His face was flushed. He was sweating. It was all good, and then he just ...

(Quick flashback to: JANE GALLAGHER and TERRY RIVERS in bed. TERRY RIVERS passes out.)

Jane Gallagher: (V.O.) ... he went soft and passed out.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Jane Gallagher: I was scared. I called the team doctor. The paramedics came and rushed him to the E.R.

Sara: You know we got his medical records. Let me ask you a question. When Terry came to did he tell you what had happened to him?

Jane Gallagher: He didn't tell me anything. Neither did the doctors. I wasn't family.

Sara: What did you do?

Jane Gallagher: Took off. I didn't want anybody to know I'd been with him.

Grissom: Worried that the father of your child might find out?

(Stunned that they know, JANE GALLAGHER sits down.)

Jane Gallagher: I was sleeping with Terry, but I was dating Tommy.

Sara: ... and what's the difference?

Jane Gallagher: Terry was a bad boy. The kind of guy you just can't get out of your system. who's on your mind all the time. He used to drive my friends crazy. Tommy ... husband material.


(CATHERINE fills GRISSOM and SARA in on what she's found.)

Catherine: So we just double-checked the search warrant returned from Terry Rivers apartment. There was no quinine found in the location. He never had a prescription for quinine.

Grissom: Well, according to Doc Robbins he never had malaria.

Catherine: Do you have his medical file?

Sara: Yeah.

Catherine: Let me see it.

Sara: Right here.

(SARA hands CATHERINE the file.)

Grissom: So Jane Gallagher is officially no longer a suspect.

Sara: Didn't have access to quinine let alone know it would k*ll him.

Grissom: So who did know?

Sara: Terry was a roughneck. He dished it out so the other players dished it out harder.

Grissom: Which they wouldn't have done if they had known about his heart. They would have played tentatively. Which in hockey is a sacrilege.

Sara: Someone besides Terry had to know.

(CATHERINE finds something.)

Catherine: Somebody did. You can withhold medical information from your friends all you want but it's still going to be in your hospital record.

Sara: Anyone with access to Terry's medical records knew how to k*ll him.



Grissom: How many patients do you have with malaria?

Team Doctor: I'm an orthopedist. None.

Brass: Not according to the pharmacy in your medical building. Last month you wrote a prescription for quinine -- an anti-malaria medication.

Sara: Malaria in Las Vegas. No wonder they were out of stock.

Team Doctor: Look, a friend of mine was going to Africa. I did him a favor. That's it. Now, is there a crime in that?

Grissom: Well ... a man is dead.

Team Doctor: It hurts getting stitched. It hurts even more when you get home. I always give the guys something for the pain.

Sara: So you're the go-to guy?

Team Doctor: I am the on-site doctor for this facility. Nothing more and nothing less.

(GRISSOM picks up a framed photograph of the TEAM DOCTOR with JANE GALLAGHER.)

Grissom: Is this Umbria or Tuscany?

Sara: Italy. That's pretty serious.

(The TEAM DOCTOR stands up and takes the photo from GRISSOM. He doesn't say anything.)

Grissom: But Jane's had a couple of boyfriends since that trip, right?

(Quick flashback to: JANE kissing TERRY RIVERS in the locker room. The TEAM DOCTOR is in his office and he sees this. He seems upset by it. Cut to: JANE kissing TERRY RIVERS in the car and the TEAM DOCTOR walking outside and seeing JANE in the car with him. End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Grissom: Terry was an injury waiting to happen, wasn't he? And when it did, you were there on the bench with two little pills in your hand.

(Quick flashback to: TERRY RIVERS gets his cut stitched up. The TEAM DOCTOR reaches into his bag and pulls out the quinine. He gives TERRY RIVERS two pills. TERRY swallows them and heads back out on the ice. End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Team Doctor: So what? So what if I gave him quinine?

Brass: It's like giving a candy bar to a diabetic if you know he's a diabetic.

Sara: And you knew, doctor. Terry Rivers had a heart condition.

(Quick flashback to: TERRY RIVERS in the hospital with the doctors working on him. The TEAM DOCTOR stands out in the hallway with JANE GALLAGHER.)

Jane Gallagher: I need you.

Team Doctor: Oh, yeah, since when?

Jane Gallagher: Look, we tried it out, it didn't work. We're friends. I don't want the whole world to know that I've been with Terry. Please?

(JANE reaches up and kisses The TEAM DOCTOR. He agrees.)

Team Doctor: Okay, okay. I'll stay with Terry.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

Brass: You were always cleaning up her messes weren't you, Doctor?

Sara: Jane told us she paid you a visit a couple of days ago. She thought she had the flu ... but she didn't. She's pregnant. And with the father out of the way, you knew who she would turn to.

Grissom: But Tommy Sconzo is the father.

(The DOCTOR turns around to look at GRISSOM. This news surprises him. GRISSOM nods.)

Grissom: You k*lled the wrong guy.

(The DOCTOR hangs his head and takes a deep breath.)

Brass: (o.s.) Let's take a little drive.

(The DOCTOR stands and leaves. BRASS follows him.)


(NICK and WARRICK talk with the BARTENDER. The BARTENDER takes his contact off.)

Nick: You're nearsighted? I bet this is going to match the contact lens we found at the crime scene. Let me ask you another question. Why deal 91% pure china white? Did you have a beef with the victim, or what?

Bartender: I never met the guy.

Nick: You're going to have to do better than that. You intentionally sold him stuff that was too pure.

Warrick: We know he's not the only guy you dealt it to.

Bartender: Look, I didn't mean to harm anybody, all right? I didn't know what I was cutting. Probably got a bad batch.

Warrick: Bad batch?

(LOCKWOOD puts the cuffs on the BARTENDER.)

Nick: Hey, do yourself a favor, slick. If you don't know enough about something, stay out of it.

Lockwood: It's too late for that.

(LOCKWOOD takes the BARTENDER away. NICK and WARRICK remain behind. NICK looks at WARRICK.)

Nick: You want to talk about it?

Warrick: No.

Nick: Okay.

Warrick: I'm going to meet Lillie. I'll see you back at the lab. Okay? You don't know me.

(WARRICK leaves. NICK watches him leave.)

Nick: (quietly) Obviously.


(LILLIE leans on the balcony railing. She looks out into the night sky.)

Warrick: (o.s.) You hiding from me?

(LILLIE turns around and sees WARRICK walking toward her.)

Lillie Ivers: Are you looking for me?

Warrick: Yeah. (LILLIE smiles at him.) I wanted to talk to you.

Lillie Ivers: Oh, yeah? About what? (WARRICK hesitates.) Come on, tell me. We're not strangers anymore, remember?

(LILLIE puts a hand on WARRICK'S cheek.)

Warrick: Yeah, you're right.

(WARRICK reaches out an cups LILLIE'S cheek. She leans into his hand and smiles.)

Lillie Ivers: Warrick Brown. (WARRICK looks at LILLIE. He's not smiling anymore.) What?

(WARRICK reaches over and pushes LILLIE'S sleeve up. He sees the needle marks up her inner arm.)

Warrick: I'm sorry, Lillie. Life's too short. Good-bye.

(WARRICK lets her go and he takes a step back. He turns around and walks away from her. WARRICK leaves LILLIE on the balcony.)


(WARRICK walks across the lobby. He looks at the gaming table. He sits down. He pulls out his wallet and slides a bill at the dealer.

(NICK takes the seat next to him.)

Warrick: What are you doing here?

Nick: I'm playing cards ... with my friend.

(WARRICK looks over at NICK.)


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