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01x37 - Ba-a-a-ack To School!

Posted: 11/21/23 07:29
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

[upbeat music]

[hair dryer whirring]

[dog barks]

- [barks]

- Hi, I'm Calvin!

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

Morning, Zippy.

- [barks]

- Zippy says he wants to do some tricks to start the day.


Circle. Circle.

Now sit pretty.

Good boy.


I wonder where Zippy's going?


I know exactly what you're trying to tell me.

Zippy's reminding me that I made a promise

to take the class on a field trip today.

- [barks]

- Hmm. Good question, Zippy.

But I still don't know where we should go.

I'll think of something.

Right now, it's time to start school.

Come on!

[buzzer sounds]

Thanks, Zippy!

[bell ringing]

Good boy.


[bell ringing]

Give me a woof and a wiggle

if you're ready to start school.

- Woof!

I'm ready.

[laughs] - [chuckles]

There's Giggle, and there's Wiggle.

Hey, guys.

- [humming]

Oh, hiya there, Calvin. - Hey.

- Oh, I'm so excited to go on our field trip today.

Where are we gonna go?

- I don't know, Stuff.

Do you have any ideas?

- Oh, you bet ya.

How 'bout...

Mutt & Stuff!

Oh, wait, we're already at Mutt & Stuff.


somewhere else!

- Well, we have all day to decide.

Right now, it's time to start class.

Come on. - Great!

- Good morning, everyone!

It's time for the doggy role call.

Zippy, why don't you start us off with the first wolf.

[sheep bleating]


That was a funny-sounding bark.

[sheep bleating]

Wait, that's not a bark at all.


- [bleats]

- Two sheep at Mutt & Stuff?


Two sheep at Mutt & Stuff!

I'm not imagining it.

- Whoa!

Those fuzzy things are sheep.


- Yeah, that fuzzy stuff is called wool.

- Oh, those wooly things are sheep?


- I wonder what two sheep are doing at Mutt & Stuff?

Um, hi.

I'm Calvin.


- [bleats]

- That didn't work.

- Oh, Calvin!

Maybe "baah" means that they came here

to do an activity with us?

- [bleats]

- Maybe you're right, Stuff.

Hey, Giggle, can you spin the activity wheel?

[wacky music]

Play time! Great!

Maybe the sheep came here to play with us

on the playground.

Come on, guys!

- Okay, sheep.

Here we go, we're gonna play some playground games.

Now, Zippy here is gonna show you how to chase a ball.

You ready, Zippy?

Let's do it! Go!

[upbeat music]


Ha, ha!

Okay, sheep.

Now it's your turn.

Ready? Go!

- [bleats]

- Well, they didn't chase the ball.

And they're eating grass!


I don't understand sheep at all.

- Maybe the sheep came here to play

a different playground game?

- Oh, okay, Calvin.

Hey, let's play some other games.

Oh, yeah, this is perfect, guys.

Here we go.

Spin, spin, whoo-hoo!

Oh, it's so exciting.

Hey, sheep!

You want to hop on?



Ugh, I really don't understand sheep.


We need your help!

- Hey, Marty. - Hmm?

- I think those fuzzy dogs need a haircut.

They should go to the barber shop.

- Oh, Sid, those aren't dogs.

They're sheep.

- Um, pretty sure they're dogs.

- No, those are sheep.

- Oh.

Well, in that case,

they should go to the "baah-baah shop."


- [groans]

- Hey, Davenport?

Davenport! - [stammering]

- Oh, hi, Zoe. - Do you speak sheep?

- No, but I can sing pig.


[trombone blaring]

[both laugh]

[whistle sliding]

I'm okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

[Latin rhythm music]

- Maybe the sheep came to play a game

inside Mutt & Stuff.

Let's see if they're interested in playing limbo.

- Oh, he's--

Oh, nice!


- [bleating]

- Yeah! - Oh, good.

- [bleating]

- Okay, my turn.

Here goes.


- You got it. - I don't know if I do.



Okay, that's not gonna work.

Uh, hmm.

Uh, here we go.

Ta-da! - Perfect!

- Yeah, limbo is fun.

[sheep bleating]

So come on, guys.

We did it. You can too.

- They don't seem to want to play this game either.

- Well, if the sheep aren't here to play with us,

then why are they here?

- We need to find someone who can speak sheep.

- Oh, yeah.

- Someone like Dr. Kristina, our favorite vet!

She works with all kind of animals.

- Hmm, maybe she can ask the sheep if they want to

go on a field trip with us and then she can ask them

where they want to go.

- Yeah!

Let me give her a call and find out.

- Great!

- Don't worry, sheep.

Dr. Kristina will be here soon.

- Did someone call for a vet?

- Oh, hey, Dr. Kristina.

I could really use your help with the sheep.

They don't understand us, and I don't understand them.

- Well, Calvin, I don't speak full "baah,"

but I do dabble.

Let's see what I can do.

- Good lu-u-u-ck.

- Thanks, I'll ne-e-e-e-ed it.

- Dr. Kristina?

- Hello, sheep.

- Um, Dr. Kristina?

That's Giggle and Wiggle.

The sheep are over there.

- Ah, yes.

Now these are sheep.

It's been a while since I've spoken "baah,"

so sorry if my accent is a little off.

[clears throat]


- [bleats]

- Baah.

- [bleats]

- Baah!

- [bleats] - Baah.

- [bleats] - Baah!

- [bleats]

- Hmm, interesting.

- Well, what are they saying, Dr. Kristina?

- Baah.

- Hmm.

Sounds like they're singing.

- Maybe they're trying to say they came here to sing with you.

- Well, there's one way to find out.

It's time for music class!

Open the Doggy Everything Closet!

- Okay, sheep.

Are you ready?

And hit it!

[upbeat music]

- [bleats]

- ♪ Black sheep have you any wool? ♪

♪ Yes, sir, yes, sir ♪

♪ Three bags full

♪ One for my--

- [bleating]

- Hey, sheep, it's not your part yet.

- [bleats] - Um, sheep--

- [bleats] - Whoa, sheep!

- [bleats] - [groans]

- Maybe they didn't come here to sing either?

- [sighs] - There must be something else.

- Attention, attention!

If you're hungry, I have a snack for you.


- I know who that is.

Thanks, Bowwow!

It's snack time.

- Hey, Calvin?

Maybe the sheep came here for snack time?

- Good thinking, Stuff.

Come on, guys. Let's go get some kibble.

- Yeah!

[dogs barking]

- Follow me, kibble this way.

- [bleating] - Hmm?


That's right.


You guys don't eat kibble.

You like grass.

Hey, your snack is growing right outside on the playground.

And the playground's right through that door.

We'll see you guys after snack time, okay?

Baah-wow, time to chow!

[dogs barking]

- [humming]

Oh, hiya there, sheep.

Hope you had a good snack.

Hey, maybe they came here to hear a hilarious joke?


Okay, sheep.

Why are cows so good at math?

Because they have a built-in "cow-culator."


What, nothing?

Oh, well.

Maybe next time.

By-y-y-ye bye!


- Psst! Sheepy, sheepy, sheep!


Psst! Oh, sheep?

Hi there, sheepy sheep!

Are you guys having fun here at Mutt & Stuff?

Well, you know what's really fun?

Pulling this rope!

Ta da!


Come on, sheep, give it a pull.

If you do, something very funny will happen.


Come on, guys.


No, not me.


Come on, it's so easy.

All you have to do is pull the rope

like this.


[laughs] Whoa!

I can't believe it.

I fell for my own joke!


That was fun.


- Hmm...

Maybe for our field trip, we could go to the zoo,

or the beach, or...

- [barks]

- Huh? Oh, a doggy treat factory?

That's a yummy idea, Junior--

[yawns] Shades.

Oh, boy.

Playing with those sheepies gave me the sleepies.


- Well, sounds like you can use a nap, Stuff.

- Yeah.

- [barks]

- Huh? Oh!

Good idea, Junior Shades.

Hey, Calvin, maybe our sheep friends came here

to take a nap?

- Maybe you're right, Stuff.

Come on, it's nap time.

- Yeah!


[lullaby melody]

- [indistinct grumbling]


- What's wrong, Stuff?

- Oh, Calvin.

I can't fall asleep!

I guess I'm just too excited thinking about our field trip.

- Hmm.

Oh, I have an idea.

Why don't you try counting the sheep?

- Counting the sheep?

- Yeah.

Count the sheep until you fall asleep.

It works.

- Oh, Calvin, that'll never work.

I'm not sleepy at all.

- Let's give it a try, Stuff.

Just count the sheep.

- Ugh, okay.

But I'm telling you, it's not gonna work.


One sheep...

This isn't working, Calvin. I'm not tired!


Two shee--


- It worked!

Now all the dogs are asleep.

Let's see if the puppies are sleeping too.


Come on.

- [indistinct murmuring]


- Great, all the dogs are still asleep.

Hopefully, we'll figure out why the sheep are here

and where we're going for our field trip.

- [snores]

[upbeat jazz melody]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - [stammering]

Oh, hi, Zoe.

- Do you think counting sheep helps you fall asleep?

- Why, sure.

I could fall "a-sheep" right now.





[trombone blares]

[both laugh]

[whistle sliding]

I'm okay. - Meow too.

[upbeat music]

- [giggles]

Okay, I have an idea.

Maybe you guys came here today

because you want to see me dance.

- [bleats]

- I'll take that as a yes.


- [bleats]

- All right, maybe a different dance.

♪ A-one and two

♪ And one and two and

- Hey, Stuff. Whoa, nice moves.

What's going on?

- Well, I had an idea that maybe

the sheep came here today to dance.

But they just keep looking at this farm toy.

- Hmm. Wow.

The sheep really like that farm.

Maybe because sheep live on farms.

- Uh, Calvin, I don't think that sheep can fit in there.

- No, Stuff, I mean a real farm.

Hey, maybe the sheep miss their own farm home.

- Oh, I bet that's what they've been

trying to tell me all day!

They miss their farm!

- Stuff, you're so smart!

The sheep didn't come here to play.

They probably got lost and want to go back home.

- Oh, Calvin, we can bring our new sheep friends

back to their farm, and that can be our field trip!

- [bleats]

- Great idea, Stuff! - Yeah!

- You're such a good dog.

Come on, guys.

Paws up, tails out,

let's get these sheep back to the farm.

- Whoa! - [giggles]

My friend, Tex, knows how to round up some sheep.

I'll give him a call on the Paw Pad.

Hey, Tex, it's Calvin.

- And Stuff! Howdy!

- [barks]

- We need your help rounding up some sheep

here at Mutt & Stuff.

Can you help us?

- [barks]

- Can you get here fast?

- [barks]

- Great!

My friend, Tex, is on his way to help us right now.

[doorbell rings] [dog barks]

Whoa, that was fast.

Hey, Tex!

Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

Thanks for helping us round up the sheep.

They're on the playground.

Okay, Tex, round up the sheep

and bring them to the farm.

- [bleats]

- [barks]

[sheep bleating]

- Wow, he's doing it!

- Oh, it's like he's talking to the sheep

and telling them where to go.

- Tex is a very special dog.

- [bleats]

- [barks]

[sheep bleating]

- [barks]

[sheep bleating]


- You got it, Tex.

Tex says we should take the bus

and he'll follow us behind with the sheep.

- We'll sing nice and loud so he can hear us the whole way.

- Oh, great idea Stuff.

Come on! To the Mutt & Stuff bus!

- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

♪ The dogs on the bus go

[barking musically]

♪ The dogs on the bus go

[barking musically]

♪ All through the town

[horn honking]

[country music]

- I wonder if Tex got here with the sheep?

- [barks]

- Oh!

You did it, Tex.

You helped the sheep get back home.

- Oh, you guys must be so happy.

- [bleating]

- Well, even though I don't know how to speak sheep,

I still had a lot of fun with you guys today.

- Hey, that just shows that you don't need to

speak the same language to be someone's friend.

- Yeah, plus we can do a Super Paw in any language.

[together] Super Paw!

- What a great day!

Let's celebrate with a farm doggy dance party.

Come on, wag it like you mean it!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff

- Today, we had sheep visit Mutt & Stuff.

Two sheep at Mutt & Stuff!

I'm not imagining it!

- [bleats]

- Even though it was hard for us to understand each other,

we became good friends.

Then my friend, Tex, showed us the special way

he can communicate with sheep.

And he helped us bring the sheep back home.

And then we came to the farm for a dance party!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- Thanks for joining us today!

See you back at Mutt & Stuff.

- [bleats]

[upbeat jazz melody]

- Hey, Davenport.

Davenport! - Snickerdoodle!

Oh, hi there, Zoe.

- Why are you dressed as a sheep?

- Well, because I'm having a "wooly" good time.

[trombone blares]

[both laugh]

[whistle sliding]

Good by-e-e-e, everybody. - See you soon.

[quirky melody]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say "ready," you say "ruff" ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups

♪ Mutt & Stuff