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02x71 - Dog Submarine!

Posted: 11/21/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

[horn honks]

[dogs bark]

[horn honks]

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay ♪

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪


- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪

[organ music]

♪ ♪

- [barks]

♪ ♪

- Hello, Mutt & Stuff!

The air is warm and the field is freshly...

um, carpeted!

That's right. I say it's the perfect day

for a game of doggy baseball!

And here comes the first team.

Wagging their way onto the field,

it's the Dugout Doggies!

Princess Pickles... - [barks]

- Cuddles... - [barks]

- Zippy... - [barks]

- And Rocket!

♪ ♪

And here come their opponents,

the Woof Woof Woofers!

It's Grumbles, Pearl... [both barking]

Sonny, and that colossal canine, Stuff.

- [laughs] Whoo!

Hey, Noodles, I'm gonna touchdown so many goals today

there's no way our team won't get a hole in one.


- Um, Stuff, I think you might be mixing up baseball

with, uh, you know, every other sport.

[laughs] - Aw, well, I'm just so excited.

[laughs] Whoo!

- Now that is one pumped up puppy.

Okey-dokey-daisy, everyone's here.

Let's play ball!

Wait--wait a second.

Wait one cheesy second.

Everyone isn't here. We're missing our catcher.

Hey, Zippy, uh, little help, please?

[heroic music]

♪ ♪ [alarm blaring]

That must be him now.

Here comes Calvin, the catcher!

[upbeat music]

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- Hi, I'm Calvin. Welcome to Mutt & Stuff.

Today, we're playing doggy baseball.

Calling all dogs! It's game time!

[crowd cheering]

Okay, Stuff. Here's your baseball.

- Whoo, thanks. - And Cuddles,

you're first up to bat.

Play ball!

[organ music]

- And here we go, sports fans.

Here comes the pitch. - All right, here goes nothing.

Windy, windy, windy, wind, pitch!

- Cuddles swings and... [crowd cheering]

clobbers the ball!

What a hit! - [laughs]

Huh, well, maybe I should try a different pitch.

- And now it's Princess Pickles,

who royally swings and...

royally hits the ball! [crowd cheering]


- Okay, here goes number three!


- Ooh! Rocket sends one flying!

And now, the bases are loaded

[dramatic music]


And ladies and gentlemen, up next to bat,

the doggy king of swing,

that super shaggy star

the pup with power, it's Zippy!

[cheers and applause] - [laughs]

Get ready. Here comes nothing. [laughs]

Boo! both: Whoa!

- Hm? Uh. Hey, Sid.

- Yeah, Marty? - Did you see that?

Zippy really hit that ball out of the park.

- Oh, uh, don't you mean he hit it out of the...

Bark? [laughs]

'Cause he's a dog and they bark.

[laughs] - Oh, brother.

- I'm happy.

- Zippy knocked the ball right out of the park.

Come on!

[ball whistling] - Wha--

- It's still going.

Going, going--

- Whoa! Looks like a home run! [laughs]

Or maybe a school run. [laughs] Get it?

'Cause we're in school, not at home, so--


- Still going, going, going, gone.

All the way to the bottom of the ocean!

- Whoo. Wow, great hit, zippy.

[laughs] [sighs] But I guess the game's over.

'Cause that was our only ball.


- Don't worry, guys. We can still play.

We just need to get our ball back.

- Yeah, but how? It's all the way in the ocean.

- Oh, don't worry. We'll just take

the Mutt & Stuff submarine. - Oh, yeah.

The Mutt & Stuff submarine.


There's a Mutt & Stuff submarine?

-You bet there is!

Time to go , woofs under the sea.

Paws up, tails out.

To the Mutt & Stuff submarine!

- Yeah! Whoo!

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- If you're ready for a underwater adventure,

gimme a woof. [dogs barking]

- Woof! I'm ready.

- [laughs] Okay. Hold on to your tails!

- Ooh! [beeping]


Calvin, I didn't know you could drive a submarine.

- Oh, I know how to drive a submarine, all right.

Check this out. - Huh?



♪ ♪


- How about a loop de loop? - Yeah! Loop de loop!

Loop de loop!

[laughs] Whee!

Blah, whoa.

Aw, Calvin, you really know how to drive.

- Um, Stuff, I'm over here.

- Wha? Oops! Sorry. Got a little loop de loopy.


Wow, the ocean is so awesome.

It makes me wanna sing!

♪ ♪


♪ The dogs on the sub go-- ♪

[dogs barking]

♪ The dogs on the sub go-- ♪

[dogs barking] ♪ All through the deep ♪

[laughs] We're in the ocean!

Oh, Calvin. I really hope we find our baseball.

If we don't, then our game is over.

- Oh, don't worry, stuff.

How hard can it be to find a teeny baseball

in a super huge, gigantic ocean?

[dramatic music] I hope we can find it. [gulps]

- [gasps] Oh, no. Calvin gulped.

That can't be good.

- Hey, Davenport, Davenport!

- [stammering]

Oh, hi there, Zoe. - Look at us.

We're swimming in the ocean. - Yeah, just like a couple of

catfish. [trombone wails]

[both laughing]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Whoa, whoa!

- Floating away. Uh, floating away.

- I'm okay. - Meow, too.

[upbeat music]

- Hopefully we find our ball soon

so we can get back to our baseball game.

Keep a lookout, every doggy.

♪ ♪

both: ♪ Hello, doggy ♪

- [barks]

- Oh, Sonny, did you see something?

- Yeah, what was it?

both: ♪ Hello, Stuff ♪

- Who said that?

Huh. Sonny saw something and I heard something.

But what was it?

both: ♪ It was us ♪

- Razzle. - And Dazzle.

- [laughs] - It's our friends,

Razzle and Dazzle, the singing shrimp.

both: ♪ Welcome to the ocean ♪

♪ This is where we play ♪

♪ When we're not singing we dance and shout hooray ♪


- Ha ha! - Hee hee!

both: ♪ Stay a while, have some fun ♪

♪ We know we'll get along ♪

♪ And no matter what happens ♪

♪ We'll turn it into a song ♪

♪ We'll turn it into a song ♪

- [laughs] both: Thank you.

- Thank you. - So kind.

- Why, thank you. - Thank you so much.

- Say, Mutt & Stuff, what brings you under the sea? Hm?

- Oh, let me use my shell phone.

We're looking for our baseball.

Have you seen it anywhere?

- A who's-a-ball?

- A what's-a-ball?

- A baseball. It's white and round

and has little red stitches on it.

- Oh! - Ah!

- We saw one earlier.

- Yes, it floated--

both: ♪ Over there ♪

- [laughs] Well, thank you so much, Razzle and Dazzle.

- Anytime. - We love helping our friends.

both: ♪ Bye-bye, doggies ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ The dogs on the sub go-- ♪

[dogs barking]

♪ The dogs on the sub go-- ♪

[dogs barking]

♪ All through the deep ♪


- [barks]

- Did you see something, Grumbles?

- Shelp! Shelp! Somebody, shelp!

- There, there. That thing with the shell.

- Hi, I'm Calvin.

- And I'm Stuff.

- Shello. I'm Summer and I'm looking for my friend, Flip.

I can't find him anywhere!

- Missing animal, huh?

Well, I know someone who can find any lost animal.

- Who? Who's that?

- [blowing conch] - [gasps]

- Here she comes!

♪ ♪

It's Annie, the Animal Rescuer.

- I swam in as soon as I heard the...

[imitates conch shell] On my Critter Transmitter.

Everything okay, Calvin?

- Well, this is Summer

and she's looking for her lost friend, Flip.

- No problem. I am on the case.

It's time to consider the paw-ssibilities.

- [laughs] Oh, I love when Annie says that.

- Shello, Summer. I'm Annie the Animal Rescuer.

Now, tell me about your friend Flip.

- Well, he lives in the sea.

And he's kinda shaped like a star.

- So Flip's star-shaped and lives in the sea.

Then he must be a... [transmitter beeping]

sea star!

- Yes, that's exactly what Flip is.

- What? How did Annie put that all together?

She's amazing.

- Well, there's one thing I know about sea stars.

They love to hang out on rocks and round objects.

- Ah. - [gasps]

Summer, I think I know where Flip is!

- [gasps] You do? Where?

- Right...

Here! - Oh, oh!

Flip, you old trickster!

Were you there all along?

Well, why didn't you say anything?

[gasps] - [trilling]

- Oh, yeah. Flip can't talk.

But if he could, I'm sure he'd say thank you.

- You're welcome, Flip.

Actually, you're shellcome.

- [laughs] Did you hear that, Flip? That's funny.

- [laughs] Shellcome.

Silly Annie. Oh, hey, Calvin,

maybe Summer and Flip saw our baseball.

- Oh, yeah. Good idea!

Hey, Summer, did you see a round, little, white ball

with red stitches on it float by?

- Yes, yes we did. It floated by not too long ago.

Uh, right over there.

- Thanks, Summer. Thanks, Annie.

Come on, guys. Let's go get our baseball.

- Yeah. - Bye-bye and good luck.

♪ ♪

- [barks] - Ooh, hey.

Cuddles and Zippy see something. But where?


- [gasps] There!

It's our baseball! - [gasps] Yay!

We found our baseball!

The game is back on!

It looks like our baseball is stuck inside that rock.

- [grunting]

I'm not a rock.

- Ah! It's a talking rock. - I'm clam.

Sam the Clam.

And this isn't your ball.

It's mine! - No, that is our ball.

Can we please have it back?

[grunting] Nope.


- Calvin, if Sam the Clam won't give us back our ball,

then we'll never get to finish our baseball game.

- Don't worry, guys. We just gotta figure out

a different way to get our ball back.

- Mm-mm-mm.

Not gonna happen. [grunting]

- Hey, Davenport? Davenport!

- [stammering] Oh, hey there, Zoe.

- Why won't that clam give back their ball?

- Hmm. Maybe he's a little shellfish.

[trombone wails]

[both laughing] - Whoa!

- Ohh, boy!

- Whoa! - Oh, boy!

- I'm okay. - Meow too.


- Sam the Clam really doesn't want to give us our ball back.

But I have an idea. Zippy, can you do

one of your awesome tricks

and then when Sam opens his mouth to say, Wow,

he'll drop the ball.

[playful music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Sam, doesn't that make you wanna say, Wow?

- Ehh, ehh.

- Ah. - Guess not.

- Calvin, now what?

- Well, if Sam won't say, Wow,

maybe he'll say, Ahh.

Stuff, try your magic tricks.

- Huh? Ooh! Good idea.

I'll be able to dazzle Sam into saying, Ahh,

and then he'll drop our ball. [laughs]

[laughs] Huzzah!

I am the great Stuffini!

Nothing here, nothing here.

But with a magical flick of my paw,


Huh? Hey. Are you not amazed?

Ehh, ehh, don't you wanna go, Ahh?

- Mm-mm.

- Oh, well-- [scoffs] Ehh.

That's disappointing.

- Nice try, Stuff.

I know. We can make him laugh so hard, he drops the ball.

And I know just the silly dogs to do it.

Send in the clowns!

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- [laughing]

- Oh, I think it's working.

Sam might laugh the ball up.

- Yeah. - [laughing]

Ooh! [laughs]


- [groans] Well, I guess we better

just float back to Mutt & Stuff.

Sam the Clam won't give our baseball back.

- Well, there's still one thing we haven't tried yet, Stuff.

- Hm? - Asking Sam why he won't

share the ball.

- [humming]

- Oh, Mr. Sam the Clam? - Hm?

- We were all wondering why you won't share the baseball.

- [grunting]

Share? What is this word, share?

- You don't know the word share?

- Mm-mm. - Well, don't you share

with your friends? - Friends?

- Yeah, friends. You play with your friends,

you talk to your friends,

you share with your friends.

- Ohh.

- Oh, Sam? - Hm?

- Do you have any friends?

- No. I'm all by myself down here.

No friends. Just me.

- I see the problem. I think it's time

for a shell-to-nose.

- [grunting]

- Sam, now we all know why you won't give us our ball back.

- [grunting]

You, do? - Yeah.

It's because you never learned how to share.

Because you're all by yourself.

- Oh, you're right.

I wish I did have friends.

- Well, we're here. And we made

a bunch of great friends in the ocean.

And I just know that they'd wanna share with you.

- Oh, really? - Really!

Check this out.

Calling all friends of the ocean!

- Ah. - Sam the Clam,

meet Razzle and Dazzle.

both: ♪ Pleased to meet you ♪

♪ Sam the Clam ♪

- Summer the sea snail.

- Shello. Let's be friends.

- And Flip. - [trilling]

- Oh, oh, hello, everyone.

Hello. Oh, I have friends!

I have friends to share with.

- I'm so happy for you, Sam.

And I have a great idea for your first activity

with your new friends.

Wait till you see this.

[organ music]

♪ ♪

- I can't think of a better way to share with your friends

than with an underwater game of baseball!

- [laughs] - It's game time!

- Yeah! - Oh, no!

- Huh? - We don't have a player

to play outfield. - Wha?

- Don't worry, Calvin. Annie the Animal Rescuer

is here to play ball.

- All right, Annie. Now we're ready.

Okay, Sam. You're first up to bat.

- [grunting]

- And wind up.

And produce. - [grunts]

- Wha-- - It's going, going,

going, gone!

- [humming] Hm?

Oh, look. The baseball's back from the ocean.

I knew I'd sea you again.

[laughs] You get it?

Sea. 'Cause the ocean and the sea.

Eh, two hilarious jokes in one day

and still, no one's around.


- Oh, this is exciting! [laughs]

Yay! - All right!

[all cheering]

- Yeah! - That was fun!

- Good job, friend! - Well done!

- Thank you, friends.

Sharing is so much fun.

Oh. Mm.

- Yeah, sharing is fun.

But Calvin, we lost the baseball again.

- Oh, don't worry, Stuff. I know something else

we can share with our new friends.

Dance moves! Come on, let's have an underwater

Doggy Dance Party.

Wag and swim it like you mean it!

- Yeah!

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Hey, Calvin, what are we learning today? ♪

♪ Come, heel, sit, stay ♪

♪ Our pet pal Stuff is set to help and to play ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪

- Today, we played a game of Doggy baseball.

Zippy hit the ball so far that it landed in the ocean.


When we found our ball,

Sam the Clam wouldn't give it back.

- Mm-mm-mm.

- Then we taught Sam how to share

with his new, underwater friends.

- Sharing is so much fun.

- And now we're having an underwater Doggy Dance Party!

♪ ♪

Thanks for joining us today.

See you back at Mutt & Stuff.

♪ ♪

- Hey, Davenport. Davenport!

- [stammering]

Oh, Zoe. - Why do you have that?

- Hm, well, they're playing baseball.

And I thought they might need a pitcher.

[trumpet wails]

[both laughing]

- Whoo-hoo! - Whoops!

Good-bye, everyone. - See you next time.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ - ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪ ♪ Let's go to dog school ♪

♪ When I say ready, you say ruff ♪

- ♪ Mutt & Stuff, Mutt & Stuff ♪

- ♪ Bark along and put your paws up ♪

♪ Pets can't seem to get enough of ♪

♪ Calvin and his pups ♪

♪ Mutt & Stuff ♪