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03x05 - Rusty and the Search for Ozzy/Rusty's Dactyl Dilemma

Posted: 11/22/23 12:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets is back with some dino thrills ♪

♪ Yeah, he'll combine it and design it, build by build ♪

♪ Yeah, with Ruby, the Bits, and Botasaur ♪

♪ And friends you've never seen before ♪

♪ So let's go! ♪

♪ Put it together, Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets ♪

♪ Yeah, let's go! ♪

♪ If you can dream it, you can build it ♪

♪ Go, go, dino ♪

♪ Rusty Rivets: Dino Island ♪

It's good to be back on Dino Island!

Let's go see what Oliver and Ozzy are up to.

Oh, yeah, the O-bros! I love those guys!

OLIVER: I checked Dino Lagoon, and went all around the volcano.

Where could he be?

[Gasping] Ozzy!

Oh, you're not Ozzy! And hello.

Is everything okay, Oliver?

No! Ozzy went off to find his favorite berries hours ago!

He should have been back by now.

Don't worry, I'm sure he's not lost.

He knows this island like the back of his hand.

You'd think so, but he gets lost in our own camp.

Don't worry, Ruby and I will find him.

Brawny has the longest neck on Dino Island!

Perfect for spotting Ozzy.

It's true!

You guys rock!

Aw, that's what Ozzy would have said!

Ready, Brawny?

Hop on! Let's go find our friend!

I'll stay here in case he comes back.

Call us if you find him!

Here goes a bronto on the pronto!

Do you see Ozzy?

No Ozzy yet.

We'll find him, he can't be far.


RUBY: Where are you?

Made it!

Gotta check the guidebook to make sure it's the right berry.

Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm, yep.

These are the extra tasty berries!

They're "berry" tasty! Hah-hah! Hear what I did?

[Bird screeching]

Oh. Oh, right! No one's here but me.

Mm! Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm!

Best day ever![Clattering]

My picks! Whoa!


I'm stuck! So much for the best day ever!

Ooh, my day just got better! [Laughing]

[Animal screeching][Screaming]

Okay, that bush is... alive?

I'm gonna stay over here!

RUSTY: Ozzy!

We miss you!

Where are you?

This isn't working.

Okay, we can't see Ozzy,

but maybe we can hear him.

All we need to do is make a super listening device.


BOTH: Let's make something great!

RUSTY: I'll take this, one of these, and...

this will make a perfect sound gathering device!

I'll send it to my tablet, code a listening program,

and we'll hear everything on the island!




Whoa, there are a lot of things on the island.

Yeah, but I don't hear Ozzy!

[Faint whimpering]

Wait, turn it up!

OZZY: Augh! Help!

BOTH: We found Ozzy!

It sounds like it's coming from Mystic Mountain.

Head that way, Brawny!

We're coming for you, Ozzy buddy!

Help! I'm stuck! Can anyone hear me?!


[Rustling, chirping]

Ahh! Did anyone else hear that?

The bush is talking!

Help! Fast! Fast! Help!

There he is!

Ozzy! Down here!

Rusty! Ruby! Hooray!

I got myself into a pickle!

That's okay! We'll get you down!


[Bush rustling]And hurry!

There's something scary up here with me, in the bushes!

We need to get Ozzy down.

But how are we gonna get up there?

I've got just the thing.

Robo arms!

Great thinking, Rusty!

We'll be up to Ozzy in no time.

Oliver, we found Ozzy!


But he's stuck on Mystic Mountain.


Don't worry, we'll rescue him.


We're coming, Ozzy!


Brawny, can you give us a boost?


Whoa! You're one neck high already!


Go, go, go!

We're almost there!

Whoa! Oh no!

This part of the mountain is crumbling too much.

Yeah, we need to find another way.

Ozzy, we have to come back for you!

Okay.[Stomach rumbling]

I'm hungry. I'm sure just one berry won't upset the bush.

[Screaming] [Chirping]


OZZY: Um, Rusty, Ruby?

It's Ozzy!

Bad news.

I fell, and I'm dangling from a branch.

And I'm holding a baby raptor who is a little scared.

And also... help!

Oh no! Ozzy!We need a new plan!


RUBY: How can we rescue Ozzy and the baby raptor?

We need something that can go down into the crevice

to get them out.

And it needs to get there fast.

By flying!

Dac! Dac!

He's always up for a challenge.

Dac, we need you.


Whoo-hoo! Dac is back!

Time to wing it!

Greetings, R and R. What's up?

Ozzy and a baby raptor are stuck in a crevice

up on Mystic Mountain.

Can you help us rescue them?

At your service! I'm ready to lend a wing.

Thanks, buddy! Let's combine it--

And dino-design it!

We'll start with Dac.

Then add an extendable chair,

so we can pull Ozzy and the baby raptor to safety.

And a turbo headlight to see into the dark crevice.

Put it all together, and we've got our plan.

All right!




Search and rescue bot-a-dactyl!

Wow! I love the rad new gear!

Let's head to the mountain and save Ozzy!

And the baby raptor.

Hop on! I'll get you there as fast as lightning.

[Siren wailing]Time to wing it!

[All cheering]

Ozzy and the raptor are trapped in there!

OZZY: Help!

Roger that! Hold tight. It's about to get a little...



RUBY: There he is!

I'm on it.

Dac, lower the chair.

Almost there...

[Screeching]Rusty, is that you?

It is. I'm coming down to help you.

[Creaking ominously, screaming]

Hang on.

OZZY: Whoo-hoo!

RUSTY: Okay, we're ready!

All right, Dac, pull them out!

Going up!


[Hissing, purring]


Hello, Rusty! Hello, Ozzy! And hello baby raptor!


[Excited chirping]


Oh no! It's time for a Dac mega dive!

Time to wing it!



Oof! Got him!

[Sighing in relief] That was close.

Good thing I've got some serious extreme flying moves, huh?

Who's the bot? I'm the bot! Oh yeah!

[Giggling] You're welcome!

Now let's get Ozzy back to Oliver!

Oliver, we're back!


Oliver! [Laughing]


♪ O-bros, O-bros, let's go, yeah ♪

We did it!

[Chirping, laughing]



Bye, buddy!

Are you okay?

I was a little scared, but now I'm okay.

Rusty, Ruby, Dac, I can't thank you enough for finding Ozzy.

We're happy we could help!

Yes, it was awesome!

I got to do a mega dive!

I was all, like, "whoosh!" And then I whooshed!

And then I whooshed some more!

That was fun! Ooh, and I found some of our favorite berries!


I think raptors like those berries too.

[All laughing]

Only one more to go!

Where are you, Dac?

Velocity will never find--



Got ya! Because I'm the best hide and seeker ever!

You did find everyone super fast.

Sometimes it takes me all day to find Oliver.

Even when we're not playing hide and seek.

[Steam hissing]

Aw, give me another chance, Velocity! Come on!

I know a great new hiding spot!

We'll see about that!

RUSTY: Let's bolt!

VELOCITY: One... two...



I don't know about this, Ozzy.



Six...Oh, this is an awesome spot!

Velocity will never find me here!

Eight, nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!

Time for some speedy seeking!


Found you, Oliver and Ozzy!

I told you this boulder was too small!

Found you, Ruby! Found you, Rusty!


Now I just need to find Dac.

DAC: This is the best hiding spot ever!

[Loud rumbling]

[Steam hissing rhythmically]

Oh, pretty music!

It almost sounds like steam vents erupting.

[Dac screaming]

Dac! Fly!

Something's wrong with my wings!




He landed on a boulder in the ocean!

Dac, can you hear us? Are you okay?

DAC: Uh, I'm okay.

But I can't fly! I'm stuck.

It looks like his wing joint is broken.


And the water is rising!

Uh, yep. Rising pretty fast over here.

And I can't swim.

Bad, very bad! Not good!


We have to get to him soon, before he gets swept out to sea!

No problem!

You're looking at the fastest thing on the island, me!

Awesome, but we need a new wing joint for Dac,

and all the parts are back at the dock.

Ozzy and I will get the part and meet you by Dac.

Great idea!

♪ O-bros, O-bros, let's go, yeah ♪

Phew, let's... bolt.

Rusty, this way would be the fastest to Dac,

but the chasm is in the way.


[Steam hissing]

How are we going to get over it?

Velocity, have you ever wanted to fly?

Um, yeah! Just like, every single day!

Great, because we can ride you over the vents,

and the air will launch us over the chasm.

That sounds... amazing!

Hop on, Ruby!

[Grunting] Time to bolt!

Let's dino go, go, go!

RUBY: We have to time this just right.

Okay, Velocity. Run over the vents...


[Steam hissing]

RUSTY: It's working!

VELOCITY: I'm flying!

RUSTY: The last vent is the biggest.

[Steam hissing rhythmically]

[Shouting in joy]

We made it!

Okay, Dac is on the other side of this jungle.

Then let's go, go get him!

Dac, how are you doing?

DAC: Not gonna lie.

I've had better days. The water is getting closer.

We'll be there soon, we just have to get through the jungle.

Velocity, stop!

Um, I like the fast stop thing, that was fun,

but why did I stop?

Something's weird about that sand.

Just as I suspected. Quicksand.

RUBY: Hm, there are lots of vines here.

Wait, maybe we can swing over the quicksand!

Rusty, you have your grappling hook, right?

Oh, yeah! Never go anywhere without a grappling hook.

We can attach it to Velocity and swing over the quicksand.

That sounds fantastic!

RUSTY: Let's--

ALL: Dino go, go, go!


I'm flying again!


RUSTY: We made it.

Look, there's Dac!

Dac, we're here. How are you?

Oh, you know, I'm good. I'm real good.

Except the water is almost at my feet!

He's going to get washed away!

And it's too far for us to swim out there!

RUBY: We need a way to help him, fast!

We have to save Dac, but how can we get out there?

We need a speed boat,

or something that goes fast on water.

Fast on water... I know! [Snapping fingers]

You're super-fast, Velocity!

If we put water skis on you, you could be a dino-ski!

I've never been on skis before.

But I'll do it for Dac!

Great! Let's combine it!

And dino design it!

We'll start with Velocity.

Then we'll add skis so she can ride the waves.

And finally, a stretcher to pull Dac to shore.

Put it all together and we've got our plan!

Brawny, we need you!

Bronto on the pronto!

All right!




The Raptor Ski !

This is so fun! Let's go save Dac!

Let's do this!

[Engine revving]Whoo-hoo!

VELOCITY: Fastest dino on water!

Look out for those rocks!

Rocks can't slow Raptor Ski down!

[All cheering]


RUSTY: Dac! Ahh!

DAC: Hey, guys!

Wow, awesome skis, Velocity!

Thanks, Dac! I'm so glad you're safe!

Me too, that was one wild flight.

We'll tow you to shore, and fix your wing.

This looks like an awesome ride. Whoo-hoo!

Okay, we're ready to head back, Velocity. Do your thing.

[All cheering]

What's that sound?[Rumbling]

DAC: Oh, it's just that giant wave behind us.


ALL: Giant wave?!

RUSTY: Our only chance is to surf it!

Dac isn't the only daredevil around here! Let's do this!

[All shouting]

Totally extreme!

Surf's up! Whoo-hoo!

RUSTY: We made it!

Velocity, that was amazing.

Aw, thanks! I just did what you would do.

[Horn beeping]

Made it!


Here's the part.

Thanks, guys.

[Brothers panting]


Did we miss anything?

Whoa, cool skis, Velocity!

I think we missed something.

I flew, and I swung, and then I skied-- on water!

And we saved Dac!

And now he should be good as new.

Try to fly, Dac.

Okay, time to wing it!

Oh, yeah! Dac is back!

Thanks, everybody!

Oh, oh, oh! I want to play hide and seek again!

I thought you'd never ask!

One, two...

Run!Go, go, go, go!

This way!No, this way!

Dino hide, hide, hide!Five...

Six... seven... eight...