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06x13 - You Can't Catch Me/Max's Bubbles

Posted: 11/22/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
CHILDREN: Max and Ruby!

(Children laughing)

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

MAN: Max and Ruby.

WOMAN: Ruby, and her little brother Max.

♪ Max and Ruby

CHILDREN: Max and Ruby!

Have fun, Max.

Thanks, Dad.

Let's play Explorer.

You're bad guys. You chase me.

(Toys roaring)

You're a really bad guy.

ROBOT: Red alert, red alert.

Danger, danger.

The Golden Duck!

You're my treasure,

and I'm Max the Explorer.



Let's go!

Can't catch me!

Hi, Max. Hi!

Whoa, careful, Max.

I've got to get ready for our guests.

The Bunny Scouts are coming over today.

Isn't that exciting?

Can't stop, big bad lobster.


ROBOT: Red alert, red alert!

Danger, danger!


Hmm, I've already got yummy cookies, crunchy vegetables,

and a big pitcher of lemonade with ice.

Can't catch me!

All I need now is a fun game,

one we've never played before.

Hmm, let's see.

We've already played Tic-Toc-Tickle,


Eels and Squeals.

Hmm, looks like we've played every one of these board games.

Oh, well, I'm sure I'll come up with something just as fabulous.

You can't catch me!

No, Max, we're not going to play a game of Can't Catch Me.

The Bunny Scouts will want to play a new game,

something exciting.


Hey, there, Red Lobster.

How about you crawl that way?

He was chasing me.

Well, he can chase you over there.

I need this space to set up my Bunny Scout game.


Oh, before you go,

can you bring these games back for me, please?


You're safe here.

I'll look out for bad guys.



Uh-oh, they found us!

Run away!





Why didn't I think of this before?

Bunny Scouts love to jump rope.


Oh, no, my jump rope, it broke.

I guess I better cross that off my list.

Hmm, what are we going to play?

Can't catch me!

Sorry, Max, not right now.

You can't catch me!

I really need to come up with a super exciting game

for my troop super fast!

They'll be here any minute.

Uh-oh, a deep river, and no bridge!

Max the Explorer will make one!

Ah, big, bad lobster, run!

You can't catch me!

Whoa, oh, oh!


See? Can't catch me.


RUBY: Max! Oh, Max!

Have you seen my Twirly-Loop?

Never mind.

I found it.

Yay, this is fun.

The Bunny Scouts will love Twirly-Looping.

Round and round and round she goes!

Hang on, I've only got one.

And Louise is so good.

No one else will ever get a turn.

I'll have to cross that off the list too.

MAX: Ruby!

Can't catch me!

That's okay, Max, you can have it.


I just found the best game ever for my Bunny Scouts.


We always have fun when we play croquet, right, Max?

All I need are the balls and the wickets.

I'm sure the rest of the set is around here somewhere.

Ta-dah! Our getaway hoop!

What's that, Golden Duck?


We're in quicksand!

Ah, run away!

(Toys clicking and buzzing) Oh, no, all the bad guys!

ROBOT: Red alert.

Can't catch me. I'm too fast.

ROBOT: Red alert, red alert! (Gorilla roaring)

RUBY: Max, Max, come have a look!

Now this will be the perfect game

for the Bunny Scouts.

And everyone will get a chance to play.

Oops, sorry, Mrs. Quack.

I'm a little rusty.

ROBOT: Red alert, danger, danger!

Let's try again.

Can't catch me!

You're right, Max, I can't.

I need to practice.

ROBOT: Red alert!

Red alert, danger, danger!

It takes a good eye and a lot of skill

to hit these balls through the wickets.

Wow, amazing sh*t, Max.

Can you play now?

Not yet, I have to finish setting up the game.

I need to add the most important piece of all.

The center peg.


The first person to hit the center peg

with their ball wins.

Oh, dear!

Where is it?

It's not in the bag.

Oh, I'm missing the center peg.

We can't play the game without it.

Do you see it, Max? No.

What am I going to do?

It took me forever to set up that game.

Maybe we can play cards.

Hmm, no, we did that at Louisa's already.

Oh, what about tag?

Na-ah, we played that yesterday at school.

That's it.

After we eat the cookies and vegetables

and drink the lemonade with ice,

we'll have nothing to do.

MAX: Hey, Ruby!

Ah, what is it, Max?

You can't catch me.

Ah, my list!

Max, give that back!

MAX: Can't catch me!

(Ruby laughing)

Oh, I'll catch you!

Nope, I'm super fast.

Not as fast as me!

ROBOT: Red alert, red alert.

Watch out, quicksand!


I'm quicker than quicksand!

Can't catch me!

(Max laughing) You can't catch--

Got you!

(Both laughing)

Told you I'd catch you.

LOUISE: Wow, that looks amazing.

Ooh, I want to try that.

Bunny Scouts, you're here!

Hi. Wait, what do you want to try?

Your obstacle course.

It looks super fun!


I'll say!

We've never done that before.

How creative of you, Ruby.


You know, it really is amazing.

Come on in, and we'll take you through it.

Max helped set it up.

This way, please.

The first obstacle is the...

What is it again, Max?

The fall down tunnel.

That's right.

You have to crawl through it

without it falling on you.

Sounds awesome.

Now there's a challenge.

And over here, we have...

Rope bridge!




Then you have to leap through this hoop

to avoid the quicksand.

My goodness, you have quicksand in your sandbox?

Just for today.

And finally, you need to zig-zag through the...


The wacky wickets!

Oh, oh, oh, I want to go first through the obstacle course.

I'm next.

What fun.

Don't worry, you'll all have a turn.

Just line up over here.

ROBOT: Red alert, red alert.

Can't catch me.

Can't cat-- Ahh!

(All laughing)

MRS. HUFFINGTON: Up, up, up, girls.

(Girls panting)

Why are we doing all this jumping around?

I thought we were learning karate.

We are, Louise, but first we've got to get warmed up.

Yes, and this is how we do it.

Now jump front to back like this.

Left foot forward, right foot back.

Now right foot forward, left foot back.

Hi, Mom.

Don't let me distract you, girls.

(Coughing) Oh, dear.


Focus, girls.

Oops, sorry, Sensei.

What's a sensei?

That's what you call a karate teacher.


Oh, okay.

Sorry about that.

Oh, that's okay.

Karateka must learn to stay focused.

What's a karateka?

I'm not sure.

Karateka are students of karate.

We are all Karateka.


Coming through, Mom!

Excuse me.

(Mom laughing)

(Lily and Max laughing)

What have you got, Max?


Oh, that sounds like fun.


Max, please keep your bubble soap away

from our karate place.

Okay, Ruby.

It's called a dojo.


A karate place, it's called a dojo.

It means 'place of the way' in Japanese.

Oh, that sounds so mysterious.

I just love learning Japanese words.

Yes, we're learning a new sport

and a whole new language to go with it,

thanks to Mrs. Huffington.

She's Sensei Huffington now.

Oh, right, Sensei Huffington.

Now that we've warmed up, it's time for some--


(Laughing) Soon.

But first, it's time to stretch!

Reach for the sky, girls.

Now stretch down to the ground.

Catch the bubble, Lily!

I got it, I got it, I...

Didn't get it.

Your turn.

LILY: Catch, Max!


MAX: Oops, that's a good one!

I got it!

Now hold that position right there, girls.

I got it!

Hold it.


Oops. I didn't get it.


Nice try, Max.

But I think that bubble got the better of you.

I'm so sorry, Sensei.

I'll make sure Max stays away from our dojo.

Max, it's very important

that you stay out of our karate dojo.


Dojo, it means 'place of the way.'

And right now, you need to stay out of our way

so we can do our karate.

Okay, Max?


Did you catch it, Max?

Nope, no bubbles.

That's okay, we can make lots more.


Yay, more bubbles!

You first. Okay.

Ooh! (Laughing)


Look, Lily, I'm a windmill.

(Laughing) That's funny, Max.

Okay, girls, now it's time to practice your kiai.

A kiai is your spirit cry.

You need to feel how strong you are,

and then let it out in a yell like this.




Now it's your turn.

You can make any sound you want, whatever comes naturally.

I'll try it.


Not bad, Louise.

Ruby, see if you can do a louder one.

Just feel your strength and let it out.

Okay, here goes.


Excellent kiai, Ruby-san.

Thank you, Sensei Huffington.

Nice one, Ruby.

Whee, wahoo!

Let's make some big bubbles!


Now that we're all warmed up,

and we've stretched,

we can begin to learn karate.

Okay! Yay!

I'm going to teach you some moves called a kata.

We are going to practice each move one after another

until you can do them smoothly all on your own.

When do we get to do our spirit cry?

At the end of each part of the kata, you can kiai.

Oh, yay, I can't wait!

Okay, sit down, girls, and I'll demonstrate

the moves right up to the first kiai.

I'm going to count out the moves for you from one to ,

counting in Japanese.

Wow! Okay!

Ichi, Ni.

San, Shi, Go.


Sichi, Hachi.

Kyu, Ju!


Wow, that's amazing!

Ah, now it's your turn.


BOTH: Ichi.



Whoa, big bubble!

Yeah, awesome.


Got it!


BOTH: Kyu.



Can we kiai now?

Not until you get through it all once all by yourselves.

You two can practice while I check on Baby Huffington.

BOTH: Okay.

Ichi, Ni.



Look at that!

BOTH: Uh...


Ruby, look up!

BOTH: Eww!


No more big bubble.

RUBY: It's okay, Max.

You can make more bubbles.

Let's just make them a little further away, okay?

And not so big.


If we know which way the wind is blowing,

we know which way the bubbles will blow.

Hmm, I can't really tell.

I know how. I'll be right back.

My windmill.

Good idea, Max.

Now we can tell which way the bubbles are going to blow,

and make sure it's not at our dojo.

So you two can play with your bubbles right over here.


We'll stay here.

And from now on, use these small ones.

Okay, Max?

BOTH: Ichi, Ni.

(Both sighing)

These bubble wands aren't that much fun.

MAX: I know how to make it more fun.

See, lots of bubbles.


BOTH: Ichi, Ni.


I think...

the wind changed direction.


Oh, I think you're...

Ah, achoo!

Ichi. Ni.

San, Shi.

Go, Roku.







Yay, Ruby.

Way to go, Ruby!

Well done.

You mastered the first moves of the kata.

I did?

Oh, yes, I guess I really did it!

Thanks to Max and his...


Yay, bubbles!

(All laughing)

(Kids laughing)