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A06x05 - Grampy Rabbit in Space/Pirate Treasure/George's Racing Car/George's Balloon/Pedro is Late

Posted: 11/23/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [oinks]

This is my little brother George.

- GEORGE: [oinking]

- This is Mummy Pig. - MUMMY: [oinks]

- And his is Daddy Pig. - DADDY: [huge oink]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig.[oinks]

- MALE NARRATOR: Peppa and her friends are at play group.

- Children, today we have a special treat.

Grampy Rabbit is here to talk about space rockets.

- Rocket.


- NARRATOR: George loved space rockets.

- Hello, everybody!

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Grampy Rabbit has a very loud voice.

- What have I got here?

- A rock.

- Yes, but not any old rock.

I found it on the moon.

- [class oohs]

- My dad sells rocks in packs of five.

- Yes, thank you, Freddy.

- You don't need to go to the moon to get them.

- You do if you want moon rock.

- Grampy Rabbit, how did you go to the moon?

- I flew in a rocket.

- It's a bit small.

- This is just a model.

The rocket I went in was ginormous!

- ♪

- Do you all know how to count to five?

- ALL: Yes!

One, two, three, four, five!

- Excellent.

But when you go into space, you count backwards.

Five, four, three, two, one.

And then you have to shout "blastoff"

as loudly as possible!

- ALL: Blastoff!

- I can't hear anything.

- ALL: Blastoff!

- Vrooooom!

There was I was flying through space.

- ALL: [oohs]

- And then I landed...on the moon.

It was so beautiful up there.

I was lost for words.

- That sounds nice.

- Did you know you could jump really high on the moon?

- ALL: No.

- How high?

- As high as a house.

- Why can you jump so high on the moon?

- Um...

- The gravitational pull is smaller on the moon.

- Oh, yes, that's it.

Quite the clever clogs, aren't we?

- NARRATOR: Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs.

- GRAMPY: I was a little bit lonely up there

with just the moon and the stars.

And the most exciting bit was...


- What's the most exciting bit, Grampy Rabbit?

- [screeching]

- I can't hear you!

- [screeching]

- Why has he stopped talking?

- Oh dear, Grampy Rabbit has lost his voice.

I had better ring Dr. Brown Bear.

- [phone dialing]

- [phone ringing]

- Dr. Brown Bear speaking.

- Hello, Dr. Brown Bear.

Grampy Rabbit has lost his voice.

- Is that such a bad thing?

- Yes.

He's giving an important talk about space rockets

to the children.

- Oh, in that case, I'll be straight there.

- ♪

- [siren wailing]

- Hello, Grampy Rabbit.

I hear you've lost your voice.

- [screeching]

- Say ah, please.

- [screech]

- I see, yes, a very serious case of losing a voice.

Too much shouting, I imagine.

Let's see if a little bit of medicine helps.

Open wide.

Try saying "ah" now.

- [screech]

- Louder.

- [screech]


[laughs] Much better.

- ALL: [laughing]

- Not back to normal, but getting there!

- ALL: Hooray!

- Now where was I?

- You were just about to tell us the most exciting bit.

- Oh, yes.

- The most exciting bit was I wrote a song.

Would you like to hear it?

- TEACHER AND DOCTOR: No, thank you.

- KIDS: Yes, please.

- ♪ I got up this morning

♪ And all I could see

♪ Was the moon and the stars

♪ The moon, the stars

♪ The moon, the stars

♪ The moon, the stars

♪ The moon, the stars ♪

- KIDS: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog is playing in his pirate den.

- Argh!

Arf! Arf! [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Here are Peppa and her friends.

- ALL: [laughs]

Hello, Danny.

- Hello, everyone.

Arf! Arf!

Do you want to play pirates?

- ALL: Yes.

- Get dressed up then.

- NARRATOR: Danny Dog has a dressing-up box

full of pirate clothes.

- ALL: Arr, arr!

- Me hearties.

- I've got a treasure chest.

- ALL: Oooh.

- It's a biscuit tin.

- It's a treasure chest.

- But it's still got biscuits in.


- Uh...who wants a biscuit?

- ALL: Me! Me! Me! Me!

- ♪

- Now it's a treasure chest.

- Let's find some treasure to put in it.

- ALL: Hoorah!

- Someone has to stay here to guard the pirate ship.

- Me!

I will guard it.

- If you see someone coming, shout

"Stop! Who goes there?"

- Stop!

Uh...who goes there?

- Okay.

Let's go find some treasure!


- NARRATOR: Danny Dog likes being a pirate.

- ALL: Hoorah!

- NARRATOR: Everyone likes being a pirate.

- Hoorah.

- ALL: ♪ A jolly pirates we

♪ That sail the deep blue sea

♪ To find a golden treasure for [unintelligible] ♪♪


- NARRATOR: Danny has found a pinecone.

- Treasure!


- NARRATOR: Peppa has found a shell.

- Treasure! [oinks]

- NARRATOR: Susie has found an old bit of rope.

- Treasure. [neighs]

- NARRATOR: Freddy has found a pebble.

- Treasure. [yaps]

- I'll just have a little sleep.

- NARRATOR: Pedro always takes his glasses off

before he sleeps.

- [snoring]

- Let's creep up on Pedro.

- ALL: Yes.

- NARRATOR: Danny, Peppa, Susie and Freddy

are creeping up on Pedro.

- ALL: Boo! - Ooh!

- ALL: Ah!

- You were asleep.

- Ah, yes, sorry.

- You're lucky we're friendly pirates.

- [oinks] We've got treasure.

- That's nice.

- PEPPA: Let's put it in the treasure chest.

- Now we can bury it.

- ALL: Yes!

- And I'll stay here and guard the pirate ship.

- Okay, Pirate Pedro, but don't fall asleep this time.

- I won't.

- ALL: Hoorah!

- [yawns]

- NARRATOR: The pirates are off to bury the treasure chest

over a hill, round the little bush.

- Let's bury it here.

- ♪

- How will we know where we've buried it?

- Let's make a treasure map.

Over the hill,

round the little bush

and X marks the spot.

- X marks the spot.

- NARRATOR: Pedro has fallen asleep again.

- ALL: Argh!

- I'm awake! I'm awake!

- Pedro, don't you wear glasses?

- Uh...

- Hello.

- NARRATOR: Mommy Pony has come to collect Pedro.

- Who goes there?

- I'm your mommy, Pedro.

- NARRATOR: Pedro cannot see very well without his glasses.

- Where are your glasses?

- Um, I don't know, mommy.

- When did you last have them?

- When we put the treasure into the treasure chest.

- What treasure chest?

- The one we buried in the garden.

- NARRATOR: Pedro's glasses are buried in the garden.

- Oh dear, how are we going to find them now?

- We've got a treasure map.

- NARRATOR: Mommy Pony is using Peppa's map to find

the buried treasure.

- Over the hill, round the little bush

and X marks the spot.

- NARRATOR: They have found the treasure.

- My glasses!

- ALL: Hoorah!

- Thank you!

- NARRATOR: Treasure maps are very useful, especially

for finding your glasses if you accidentally bury them.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: It is a lovely sunny day

at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

Peppa, George, Daddy and Grandpa are inside watching racing cars

on television.

- [cars zooming]

- ALL: [making car noises]

- Come on car number two.

- MALE TV ANNOUNCER: It's neck and neck

coming up to the finish.

- ALL: [making car noises]

- What a lot of noise.

- TV ANNOUNCER: This is so exciting.

Car number two is about--

- [TV shuts off] - Ah!

- That's better.

- The race was almost finished.

[oink] Switch it back on.

- Wow, that was an exciting end to a race.

I'm so glad I didn't miss the finish.

- See, it's finished.

It's such a lovely day.

You should all go outside and play.

- Yes, Granny Pig.

- [sighs]

- [sighs]

- So...what are we going to play?

- Br-r-r-r-r.

- George wants to play racing cars.

- I know, let's build George a racing car.

- [laughs]

- Can you really make a racing car, Daddy?

- No, but Grandpa Pig can.

- What?

Oh, oh, okay, I'll make a racing car for George.

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: This is

Grandpa Pig's shed where he makes things.

- What have we got here?

Ah, an old pram.

- No.

- George isn't a baby, Grandpa.

- We only need the pram's wheels, Peppa.

- BOTH: Ooh.

- [drill whirls]

- GRANDPA PIG: This bit can be the bonnet.

- And this can be the seat.

- What's your favorite number, George?

- [oinks]

- NARRATOR: George's favorite number is two.

- Oh, oh, this racing car will be superfast.

- Hooray!

- Don't make it go too fast, Grandpa.

[oink] George is only little.

- Don't worry, Peppa.

This will be a pedal car, not a motorcar.

- Ah.

- GRANDPA PIG: Next, we need a steering wheel.

Last of all, you need racing goggles and a hat.

- [laughs]

- It's George's racing car!

- [oinks]

- [laughs]

- [bell dings]

- NARRATOR: Here are Danny Dog, Zoey Zebra and Pedro Pony.

- Hello, everyone.

[oinks] Look at George's racing car.

- Br-r-r-r-rum.

- ALL: Wow!

- I'll race you.

- And me.

- And me.

- [oink] I want to race, too.

- Where's your racing car, Peppa?

- I don't have a racing car.

- Don't worry, Peppa, you can be the chief mechanic.

- What does that do?

- You fix George's car if it goes wrong.

- Oh goody!

[oinks] I hope it goes wrong a lot.


- Let's start the race.

- Three times round the garden.

- Ready.



- NARRATOR: And they're off.

- [making car noises]

- ALL: Come on, George!

- NARRATOR: That's the end of lap one,

and George is in the lead.

- What's all this noise out here?

I'm trying to watch television.

- We're having a race, Granny.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: That's the end of lap two,

and George is still in the lead.

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Oh dear, a wheel has come off George's car.

- Where's the chief mechanic?

- Here I am!

- What do we do?

- Put the wheel back on.

- BOTH: Okay, chief mechanic.

- [making car noises]

- Go, George, go!

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Oh dear, George is now in the back of the race.

- Pedal faster, George.

- Br-r-r-r-m.

- ALL: Come on, George.

- Br-r-r-rm.

- Come on, George.

- [making car noises]

- George is the winner.

- ALL: Hooray!

- Well done, George.

You're the best racing driver in the whole world.

- [laughs]

- And you've got the best chief mechanic

in the whole world, too.

- Yes, that's me.

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Rebecca Rabbit is in the lead.

Oh dear, Peppa and Susie are quite in the back.

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George have had a day out

with Granny and Grandpa Pig.

- [oink] Ice cream!

- NARRATOR: It is Ms. Rabbit's ice cream store.

- Let's stop for ice cream.

- Why not?

I think we deserve it.


- Hello there.

- Hello, Ms. Rabbit.

Four ice creams, please.

- Coming right up.

What flavors would you like?

- Strawberry for me, please.

- Chocolate for me, please.

- Banana for me, please.

- Dinosaur.


- [laughs] I don't think they have dinosaur ice cream.

- I think George wants a dinosaur balloon.

- Do you not want an ice cream, George?

- No.


- [laughs] How much is the little balloon?

- Ten pounds.

- Ten pounds?

- It's all for a good cause.

There you go, George.

Hold it tight.

Don't let go.

- NARRATOR: George has let go of the balloon.

- Ah!

Maybe I'll hold this very valuable balloon

for the journey home.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: George loves his dinosaur balloon.

- [roars]

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George have arrived back

at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

- BOTH: [laughing]

- [roars]

- [oink] Hold it tight this time, George.

Don't let go.

- Why?

- Oh, George.

[oinks] In the world, there are two sorts of balloon.

The up balloon and the down balloon.

That is an up balloon.

[oink] If you let it go, it will go up and up and up

all the way to the moon.

- Moon.


- Grandpa!

- Oh!

Ah, got you!

Perhaps we should go indoors before we lose your balloon,


Your balloon will be safe in here.

- [oink] Hello, Polly.

George has got a new balloon.

- [squawks] Balloon.

- BOTH: [laughs]

- GRANNY: Don't you pop it, Polly.

[oinks] George loves his balloon.

- [laughs]


- NARRATOR: George has let go of his balloon again.

- Don't worry, George.

It won't fly away because the roof is in the way.

Oh, it's gone through the door.

[oink] It's going up the stairs.


- ♪

- It's going into the attic.

- Don't worry.

There's only one way out of the attic.

And that is through the roof window,

which is always kept closed.

Oh dear.

- NARRATOR: The roof window is not closed.

- [oink] Catch it, Grandpa!

- I can't, Peppa!

It's in the sky.

- George, your balloon is going to the moon.

You'll never see it.

- [horn honks]

- NARRATOR: Daddy Pig has come to take Peppa and George home.

- [oinks] Hello.

Have you had a lovely time?

- [crying]

- Um, we bought George a dinosaur balloon.

- But George let it go, and it's flying to the moon.

- There must be some way we can get it back.

- [squawks] Balloon.

- NARRATOR: Look, Polly Parrot is flying after the balloon.

- Polly Parrot to the rescue.

- PEPPA: Go, Polly, go!

- NARRATOR: Polly Parrot has rescued George's balloon.

- ALL: Hooray!

- Who's a clever Polly? [oinks]

- Who's a clever Polly? [oinks]

- ALL: [laughing]

- George, don't let go your balloon again.

- I know.

We'll tie the string to your wrist, George.

- What a good idea.

- ♪

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: George loves his dinosaur balloon.

And everyone loves George's dinosaur balloon.

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa's play group are going on a trip

to the museum.

- Oh dear, Pedro Pony is not here.

- I bet he's still in his pajamas.

- [snoring]

- NARRATOR: Pedro is asleep in his little bed.

Pedro likes sleeping.

- Pedro! Wake up!

You'll be late for the school trip.

- [yawns] Okay, mommy.

- Come on, Pedro, we don't want to miss the bus.

- [yawns]

- ♪

- NARRATOR: The bus is still waiting for Pedro Pony.

- We can't wait any longer.

The museum will be closed.

- Okay, let's go.

- ♪

- [tires screech]

- Oh, there's no one here.

- Maybe we're early.

- No, Pedro, we've missed the bus.

- Oh.

- Come on, let's catch them up.

- ♪

- ALL: [laughing]

- [oinks] Pedro is always late.

- [horn honking] - Look!

There's a car chasing us.

- [horn honking]

- Oh, hello, Mrs. Pony.

- Stop the bus!

Pedro is here!

- Sorry, Madame Gazelle.

I overslept.

- Oh, Pedro.

You do like sleeping.

- [yawns]

Yes, Madame Gazelle.

- To the museum.

Nothing can stop us now.

- Um, Madame Gazelle?

I need the toilet.

- And me. - And me.

- Me, too.

- NARRATOR: This is Granddad Dog's garage.

- [barks] What will it be?

Petrol or diesel?

- Toilet, please.

- Are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol?

- No, we haven't gone anywhere yet.

- KIDS: [laughing]

- Right, next stop the museum.

- Um, where is Pedro?

- Petrol pumps, interesting.

- Oh, come on along, Pedro.

- Bye.

- I hope we get to the museum before it closes.

- NARRATOR: Here is the museum.

Mr. Rabbit is locking up for the day.

- Hello, Mr. Rabbit, we would like to see the museum, please.

- Hmm, we were just closing, but I can give you a quick tour.

This is the king and queen's room, full of old stuff.

- ALL: Oooh.

- Hmm, interesting.

- Here are the giant dinosaurs.

All very nice.

- ALL: Aah.

- Amazing!

- Space, rockets and all that.

- ALL: Wow.

- And through this door is the most amazing place of all.

It's the fantastic world you live in.

- ALL: Oh.

- Thank you, Mr. Rabbit.

- My pleasure.


- Right, time to go, children.

- Where is Pedro?

- Oh, Pedro!

- A mollusk.

Very interesting.

- Come on, Pedro, we'll miss the bus.

- Where is everybody?

- NARRATOR: The bus has gone.

- Ah, don't worry,

Ms. Rabbit will realize she's left us behind.

- ♪ Bong, bing, boom, bing, bong, bing ♪

♪ Bing, bong bingly boom boo

- All together now!

- ♪ Bong bing

- NARRATOR: Nobody has noticed Madame Gazelle and Pedro

are missing.

- ♪ Bing, bong, bingly bong boom ♪

- Oh, have you missed the bus?

- Mr. Rabbit, I am a teacher.

I need your car.

- [tires squeal]

- Come on, Pedro, we'll take a shortcut.

- [tires squeal]

- Hello, ducks.

- [ducks quack]

- NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle and Pedro

have arrived back at the play group.

- Where is the bus?

- Maybe we're early.

- Yes, Pedro, for once, you are early.

- [tires screech]

- Wow. Pedro is early.

- Yes.

And you're late.

You slow poaches.

- [laughs]

- NARRATOR: Pedro likes being early.

Everybody likes being early.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪

- ♪ Peppa Pig




♪ Peppa Pig



♪ Peppa Pig ♪
