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A08x13 - Stone Age Granny/Space Adventure!/Fire Station Practice/Science Museum/Mr. Bull the Teacher

Posted: 11/23/23 08:20
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- I'm Peppa Pig. [snorts]

This is my little brother, George.

- [snorts]

- This is Mummy Pig. - [snorts]

- And this is Daddy Pig. - [snorts]

- ALL: [laughing]

- Peppa Pig. [snorts]

- MALE: NARRATOR: Peppa and George are spending the day

with Granny and Grandpa Pig.

- Granny! Granny! - GEORGE: [laughing]

- Oh, where's Granny Pig? - Here I am!

- NARRATOR: Granny Pig is wearing a pretend beard.

- Today, I am a caveman.

- Ooh.

- Granny and her friends are pretending to be

in the Stone Age.

- What's a Stone Age?

- Well, it was a long, long time ago.

- GRANNY: When people lived in caves...

ate berries... - [munches]

- GRANNY: ...and chased big, hairy elephants

called mammoths.

- Can we be Stone Age too?

- [snorts] Of course you can!

I've made you both costumes.

- Look, George! We're in the Stone Age!

- [snorts] - BOTH: [giggling]

- Come and see what we're doing in the garden.

- NARRATOR: Here are Granny Wolf,

Granny Dog, and Madam Gazelle.

- Look, everyone, here are Stone Age Peppa and George.

- Hello! - Hello!

- We are digging a cave with our stone tools.

- Why don't you have buckets and spades?

- Stone Age people didn't have buckets and spades.

- You see, today, we are living exactly as people did

in the Stone Age.

- Tea time for thirsty Stone Age people!

- WOMEN: Oh, lovely.

- Did Stone Age people drink tea?

- GRANNY: Uh...not exactly.

But I'm sure if they could have had tea,

they would have had tea.

- WOMEN: Uh, yes, yes, yes.

- Mmm, all this digging has made me rather hungry.

- Me, too! Let's gather berries.

- WOMEN: Yes! Berries!

- Mmm, strawberries.

- [screams] You're eating all my precious strawberries!

- But that's what Stone Age people did.

- Well, can't you do some other Stone Age-y thing instead?

- I suppose we could chase woolly mammoths.

- Good idea.

- But there aren't any woolly mammoths now.

- Grandpa Pig can be a woolly mammoth.

- WOMEN: Yes!

- Oh, alright.

If it keeps you away from my strawberries.

- Thank you, Grandpa Pig.

- You run and we will chase you.

- Okay. Ho-ho! ♪ I'm a woolly mammoth

- [snorts] ♪ We're coming to get you!

- PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- [laughs] You'll never get me!

- Yes, we will!

- [laughing]

- [panting]

- [giggling] Got you! - [chuckles]

- [laughs] Well done, Peppa and George.

- Now, we carry the mammoth back to our cave.

- Yes! - Lift!

Ooh, the mammoth is a bit too heavy to carry.

- Actually, Grandpa Pig, would you mind walking?

- Oh, very well. - ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: The Stone Age people have arrived

back at their cave.

- Hmm, it's going to take ages to dig a cave

with little bits of stone.

- I have an idea. Where's my telephone?

- [phone keys beeping] - Granny, did Stone Age people

have telephones? - Uh, no.

But if they could have had telephones,

they would have had telephones.

- Yes, yes. - Yes, yes, yes.

- [phone keys beeping] - [phone ringing]

- Hello? Mr. Bull speaking.

- Hello, Mr. Bull.

Could you come and dig a big cave for us, please?

- I'll be right there!

- Marvelous, thank you.

- Stand back, everybody!

- NARRATOR: Mr. Bull has arrived with his digger.

- Granny, did Stone Age people have diggers?

- No, but I'm sure if they could have had diggers--

- WOMEN: They would have had diggers.

- [earth rumbling]

- There you are!

- ALL: Hooray!

- Now we can decorate our cave with paintings.

- Just like Stone Age people did.

- I'm painting us chasing a woolly mammoth.

- I'm painting Granny with a cup of tea

on the telephone, and Mr. Bull with a digger.

- Oh-ho-ho, exactly how it was in the Stone Age.

[laughing] - ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and George are spending the day

at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

- Grandpa Pig! - Papa-ig! [snorts]

- Hello, Peppa and George.

- Bye! See you later.

- ALL: Bye!

- Hello, Peppa and George.

- Granny Pig!

- NARRATOR: Granny Pig is wearing a spacesuit.

- Why is Granny dressed as a space person?

- Oh, Granny is playing another little game

with her friends. [snorts]

- I'm doing an important historical reenactment. [snorts]

It's about when people first landed on the moon,

a long time ago.

- Ooh. - Follow me.

- If you ask me, it's just an excuse

to have cups of tea and some cake.

- System checks complete, Granny.

- Rocket is ready for blast-off.

- Wow, a rocket!

- ♪

- Yes! [snorts] It's Grampy Rabbit's.

He's kindly lent it to us for the day.

- [metal clanks] - What excitement!

I'll just get the rocket ready for its blastoff to the moon!


- Granny, are we really going to the moon?

- No, Peppa. It's just pretend.

- Ah. - Ah.

- We are going to pretend the garden is the moon.

- And do the things they did on the first moon landing.

- We will plant a flag.

- And we will collect moon rocks.

- Just be careful of my rockery. [snorts]

- Don't worry, Grandpa Pig, we will be very careful.

- Well, while you play your game,

I think I'll make myself useful getting the tea and cakes ready.

Have fun!

- All aboard, everyone!

Ten, nine, eight...

- Oh, well, I suppose these harmless little garden games

keep Granny happy.

- Three, two, one!

- [rocket rumbles] - We have lift-off! [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Oh, my goodness! Grampy Rabbit's rocket

has really taken off! - [rocket rumbling]

- Why does the game have to be so noisy?

- Grampy Rabbit, this was just meant to be pretend.

- Pretend? What would be the fun in that?!

- So, are we really going to the moon?!

- We certainly are!

It's the space adventure of a lifetime!

- If we're really going to the moon,

I suppose our reenactment will be even better.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: Grampy Rabbit's rocket has landed on the moon.

- [metal door clanks]

- It's one small step for Granny Pig.

- And one giant leap for Grampy Rabbit! Woo-hoo!

Come on, Peppa and George!

- Wee!

- ALL: [laughing]

- The moon is very bouncy!

- Yes, Peppa, we can jump very high on the moon.

- [laughter]

- These games of Granny's,

I hope they're not messing up my garden.

- [laughing]

- The first people to land on the moon planted a flag

to show that they had been there.

- Ooh. - Ooh. [laughs]

- Excellent, George.

And they collected rocks.

- This is a pretty rock.

- Well done, Peppa, we can take that moon rock

home with us.

- Did Grandpa Pig mention cups of tea for later?

- Yes. [snorts] I think we've earned it.

Let's go home.

- Three, two, one! Lift-off!

- [rocket rumbling]

- NARRATOR: The rocket is flying back home.

- [items rattling]

- My goodness!

Granny's garden game is getting even noisier.

- [rumbling]

- [metal door clanks] - Grandpa! Grandpa!

- How did the game go? - We went to the moon!

- Super. - It's true!

We really did go to the moon.

- Of course you did, Granny Pig.

- And we brought you back a moon rock.

- Lovely.

It will sit very nicely in my rockery.

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves space adventures.

Everyone loves space adventures!

- ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Today is the mummies' fire station

practice day.

- Hello, Mummy Pig, are you ready for action?

- Yes, Ms. Rabbit.

- Mummy, can we stay and watch you practice?

- Oh, there won't be much to see, Peppa. [snorts]

It's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea.

- Daddy Pig! We do proper fire service training here.

- "Ready, steady, go" is our motto.

- And to get that right, we need to practice.

- Yes, stay and watch, Daddy Pig might learn something.

- ♪

- NARRATOR: This is the fire service control room.

- Time for a cup of tea, I think.

- What did I tell you?

- We need a cup of tea to get ready for the day.

- In an emergency, we have to be ready in seconds.


- This first practice will show you

just how ready we are.

When I ring this bell-- - [bell rings]

- MISS RABBIT: --the tea drinking stops,

the helmets go on,

everyone slides down the fire pole--


- MISS RABBIT: --into the fire engine and off they go.

- [siren blaring]

- Follow me outside for the next bit.


- Wee! - Wee!

- Whoo-pee!

- Remember: Ready, steady, go.

You just saw Ready.

Now watch our Steady.

You have to be very steady when using the fire hose.

Mommies, ready?

- Steady. - Go!

Mummy Dog fixes the hose to the fire engine.

Mummy Pony rolls out the hose.

And Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the target.

- Turn the water on.

- [wheel creaking] - Water on.

- [water gushing]

- Steady, Mummy!

- Steady!

- The target is hit and the fire is out!

- PEPP AND GEORGE: Hooray! - Hooray!

That looks fun.

- It's hard work, Daddy Pig.

- Is it really? - Yes!

Just feel how heavy this fire hose is.

- Ooh, yes. That is heavy.

- And that's even before we've turned the water on.

- Turn the water on? Okay!

- [water gushing] - Whoa!

- [screaming] - PEPPA AND GEORGE: [giggling]

- Sorry!

- NARRATOR: It is not easy to hold a fire hose steady.

- That was hard work.

- Now you see why we need to be super fit.

- Yes! - Yes!

- And how do we get super fit?

- MUMMIES: On the fire station obstacle course!

- NARRATOR: This is the fire station obstacle course.

- MUMMY PONY: Running through this keeps us fit and healthy.

- So that in an emergency, we can keep going.

- We've shown our Ready and our Steady.

Now, let's practice our Go.

Ready, steady.

- ALL: Go!

- The first obstacle is the inconvenient wall.

- Go. Go.

- Heave! - Ooh.

- MISS RABBIT: Next is the confusing crawling tube.

- MUMMY PIG: Oh, where am I?

Oh, here I am. [snorts]

- Go, Mummy, go!

- ♪

- MISS RABBIT: Across the seesaw of general upsets.

- Whoa! Wooh!

- MISS RABBIT: Through the tricky tippy-toe tires.

- One-two, one-two, one-two.

- MISS RABBIT: Up the sloping rope wall.

- MUMMY PIG: [panting]

- MISS RABBIT: And down the yippee zip wire.

- Yippee!

- Yippee!

- Yippee! Uh-oh.

- NARRATOR: Oh, dear.

Mummy Pig is stuck.

- Ooh! - [splat]

- Mummy. Are you alright?

- I am fine, Peppa.

Actually, this mud is quite nice.

- [splattering]

- Stay there, Mummy. [snorts]


Yippee! - [splat]

- Yippee! - Yippee!

- [splat]

- [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Everyone likes fire station practice,

especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in.

- CHILDREN: [giggling]

- NARRATOR: Peppa and her group are visiting the museum.

- This way, children, follow me.

- NARRATOR: Here is Miss Rabbit.

- Hello, everyone.

Has anyone ever been to a museum before?

- KID: Yes! - Good.

Then you know that in a museum,

you can look, but not touch.

- Because everything in a museum is very delicate.

- [vase rattles] - Oops. Yes.

These old things break easily.

But today we're going to visit the science museum.

Here, you can touch everything!

- Yay! Buttons to press.

- [bubbling]

- Wow!

- [laughing] Brilliant!

- [electricity zapping] - Ooh, spooky.

- Pull on that rope and try to lift the weight.

- [groans] It's too heavy!

- Now try that rope with the pulleys on it.

- Wow, now it's easy!

- My goodness! How does that work?

- Well, it's um-- - The system increases

the mechanical advantage proportionally

to the number of pulleys.

- Yes, that's what I was going to say.

- My little brother Edmond is super clever.

- [trumpeting]

- ALL: [giggling]

- Oh, look! A tube!

- SUZY: Hello! Suzy Sheep here.

- Oh. Where are you?

- SUZY: I am here.

- Where? I can't see you.

- Let's find the end of the tube!

- [giggling]

- Here I am! [bleats] Hello! Suzy Sheep here.

- Amazing!

Ooh, maybe in the future, this could be used

for talking to people a long way away.

- You mean, like a telephone?

- Ah, yes, telephones exist already, don't they?

- Magic balloons! Get your magic balloons here!

- Are they really magic balloons?

- Uh, no, not really,

but they're still pretty amazing, want to see?

- Yes, please! - All we need to do

is rub it like this, and then...

- NARRATOR: The balloon is sticking to the wall!

- Magic! - No, not magic, but static!

- How does it work? - No idea.

- Protons are said to have a charge

of plus-one electron unit, while electrons have

a charge of minus-one unit-- - [expl*si*n]

- --which explains static.

- What was that bang?

- Hello, children!

- NARRATOR: Here is Grampy Rabbit.

- Now it's time for some dangerous science.

- [small expl*si*n] - [laughs]

- Ooh. - Don't be alarmed.

There is a responsible adult in charge:

me. - [expl*si*n blasts]

- Who wants to ride in this rocket?

- ALL: Me! Me! Me!

- Peppa, kindly jump in.

- Um, are you sure this is completely safe?

- Of course it's safe!

Now, Peppa, put your hands against mine.

On the count of three, push.

One, two, three, push!

- Wow, I'm moving! [snorts]

- Yes, that's called propulsion!

- ALL: Ah!

- GRAMPY RABBIT: But real rockets use rocket fuel

to blastoff.

Who wants to fly in this rocket?

- ALL: Me! Me!

- It has to be someone small.

There's not much room inside.

- I'm small! - Perfect! In you get, Edmond.

- And, uh, this is completely safe for children too?

- Yes, the rocket just flies itself.

- No, I meant-- - [rocket blasts]

- Off you go. - Oh, my goodness!

- Woo-hoo! Wooh! [giggling]

- Lucky the museum has a high ceiling.

- ♪

- And that is how rocket propulsion works.

- [applause] - That was fun!

- It was brilliant!

- It was, uh...unbelievable. - ALL: [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Peppa loves the science museum.

Everyone loves the science museum!

- NARRATOR: Today, Peppa and her friends

are at play group.

Mr. Bull is cutting the grass.

- Good morning, children.

- Good morning, Madam Gazelle.

- Today, we are going to be learning all about--

- [wood creaks] - [giggling]

- What is so funny?

- Madam Gazelle. [snorts] You made a squeak.

- Oh, it is just a squeaky floorboard.

- [floorboard creaks]

- Hmm, I really should get it fixed.

- [phone ringing]

- Hello? - VOICE ON PHONE: [gibberish]

- Ooh, I completely forgot! I'll be right there.

Children, I must go to the dentist.

I will only be gone for a little while.

- Who will be our teacher?!

- Oh. Um... - [doorbell rings]

- Moo, all finished cutting the grass.

- Excellent.

Mr. Bull! Would you mind looking after the children

while I go to the dentist?

- Er-- - Thank you so much.

Children, Mr. Bull will be your teacher.

I will be back very soon. Be good!

- We will!

- Good morning, children. - Good morning, Mr. Bull!

- Today I will teach you all about numbers.

- We've already done numbers.

- Have you? Can you tell me what number this is, then?

- Five! - Very good, Danny.

Does anyone know any other numbers?

- One. - Six.

- Forty-two.

- Oh, you do know your numbers.

Well, do you know the letters of the alphabet?

- Yes. C for cat. [meows]

- D for dog. [barks]

- E for elephant. [trumpets]

- [giggling] - We know lots of letters.

- So I see. Has Madam Gazelle taught you

any nursery rhymes?

- Mary had a little lamb.

- Days of the week? - Friday!

- Fruit and vegetables? - Carrot!

- Gosh! Madam Gazelle has taught you everything!

There's nothing left for me to do.

- [wood creaks] - CHILDREN: [giggling]

- What's that? - It's the squeaky floorboard.

- Madam Gazelle wants it fixed.

- Does she now? Well, I've just thought

of something I can teach you!

How to fix a squeaky floorboard!

- CHILDREN: Hooray!

- [hammering]

- A couple of taps with this hammer will fix it.

- [hammering] - [phone ringing]

- Hello? - Hello, Mr. Bull.

How are you getting on?

- Oh, very good. [sniffs] I'm just teaching the children

how to fix things.

- Ah, that sounds nice. I'll be back soon.

- Alright. Bye-bye!

- [hammering]

- That, children, is how you fix

a squeaky floorboard.

- [wood creaks] - It's still squeaking.

- Stand back, I need to take a closer look.

[grunts] There we go.

This was the squeaky floorboard.

- [wood creaks]

- But the floor is still squeaking.

- CHILDREN: [laughing]

- Oh. It must be this floorboard.

[grunts] There we go.

- [wood creaks]

- CHILDREN: It's still squeaking!

[laughing] - There's only one thing for it.

- What's that? - We dig up the floor!

- Hooray!

- [phone keys beeping]

- Hello, Mr. Bull. I am coming back now.

Is everything okay?

- Yes, yes, it's all under control.

See you soon.

Stand back, children!

- NARRATOR: Mr. Bull is fixing the floor.

- [wood breaking]

- NARRATOR: Madam Gazelle is back from the dentist.

- [door creaks] - [yelps]

Mr. Bull, what are you doing to the school?!

- Mr. Bull is fixing the squeaky floor.

- That's right! Look! No squeaks now!

- That is because there is no floor now.

- Oh. Yes.

- Put everything back how it was before, please.

- Right you are. - [laughing]

- NARRATOR: Mr. Bull is good at digging holes,

and hopefully good at filling them in again.

- ♪

- ♪ Peppa Pig [snorts] [giggles]

♪ Peppa Pig [snorts] - CHILDREN: [giggling]

- ♪ Peppa Pig! [snorts]