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02x06 - Paddington and the Big Decision/Paddington's Beach Stowaway

Posted: 12/08/23 16:27
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

choosing can be very difficult sometimes.

Especially if you have to choose

between two things you really like."

Last day of the school holidays! There's time for

one more activity. So, what's it gonna be?

- Build a fort!

- Go to the cinema!

- Huh? Go to the cinema?

- Build a fort?

I think they both sound like splendid ideas.

We'll only have time to do one, so you'll have to decide.

- How are we going to do that?

- You could always take a vote.

- What's a vote, Mrs Brown?

- Voting?

I could have a cr*ck at explaining that little chestnut.

[Clears throat]

Thousands of years ago, in ancient Greece,

- the people



- It means putting your hands up

for what you want to do and the most hands win.

That sounds very fair indeed.

- I vote for fort building!

- Well, I vote for the cinema.

Looks like you have the deciding vote, Paddington.

But I don't know what to vote for.

Vote for me, Paddington. Fort building is awesome.

We go to the park, we build a big castle and play all day!

You can be a wizard and I can be a knight.

Judy can... be a jester or something.

And we pretend to fight dragons!

- Ha! Yah! Ha


- Ooh!

- Ooh!

- Whoops! Sorry!

Not to worry, Jonathan. I love... bran?

All I can say, Paddington, isthatkind of thing

would never happen at the cinema.

Come, let me get you cleaned up.

Hey, wait! Fort building is awesome!


Aw, look at our little darlings. Out there, winning votes!

This isn't going to end well.

Do you know the best thing about the cinema, Paddington?

- The company?

- No.

It's... popcorn!

Oh! And what is popcorn?

Oh, it's delicious!

And this is just the basic stuff.

At the cinema, you can get sweet popcorn or salty popcorn

or chocolate on the top.

Pour some in the machine. I'll find a bowl.

Oh, and don't put in too much in.

You only need a tiny amount.

And remember, vote for the cinema

and you can eat as much of this as you like.




- [Snaps shut]

- Ah! That should do it.

Oh! This is rather fun!


- [Gasps]

- Oh...

How much did you put in?

- [Bang]

- Aaah!

I think I've had rather enough popcorn for now.

Yeah. That's fair.

"Time was pressing on, Aunt Lucy, and I was no closer

to making a decision about who to vote for."

Paddington! There you are! I got you a present.

You did? Oh, thank you, Jonathan, but what for?

Yeah, no reason. Just to say thank you,

in case you decide to vote for my fort

-building idea.

I mean, not just that.

Also because you're a really awesome friend,

but when you do decide who to vote for,

if you want to remember that I got you a present,

then that's cool too.

If you know what I mean.

Do you mean you're giving me a present

so that I'll vote for you?

No! That's not at all what I meant.

Why do you keep winking? Is there something in your eye?

Doesn't matter.

Look, I know you love marmalade.

And I know you love paddling.

So I think you are really gonna love...

a paddling pool full of marmalade!


[Chuckles] Oh, Jonathan!

This is... wonderful!

Where did you get all this marmalade?

Um... Just lying around the house.

I wouldn't check your marmalade cupboard any time soon.

It feels so... squidgy!

Probably makes you want to repay me by voting for fort building.

I thought you said this was a gift.

Yeah, that's what it is. A gift.

Is there something in your eye again?

How is it?

It's a bit... sticky.

And I'd rather not be wearing my coat.

Jonathan, would you be terribly offended if I got out?

No, that's cool.

I think this might be one of those ideas

that's better in your head. Let's pull out the plug.


-oh. It's not draining.

What do we do?

Um... get some spoons?

"After a very thorough shower,

I still didn't know what to vote for.

And I was running out of time."

JUDY: Paddington! Meet me in the kitchen!

I thought you might want to go to the cinema

if I told you about the film I... I mean, "we" want to watch.

Oh, yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea.

So, according to the trailer, it starts with a car chase!


The car crashes!

- [Screeching tyres]

- Ooh!

And is that the end?

No, it's just the beginning.

When the police investigate the crash, they open the boot...

and they find a tiny little puppy,

who has lost its family.

- [Whimpering]

- Oh, no!

And no one knows where they are. But the policewoman says,

"I'm going to find that puppy's family

- if it's the last thing I do."

- And does she?

Does she find the puppy's family?

don't know. I guess there's only one way to find out.

- And what's that?

- Vote for me

and watch the rest of the film at the cinema.

What's going on? Paddington, have you made a decision?

I think perhaps I have, Jonathan.

You see, Judy was telling me about the cinema and...

Hold on a minute. Did she tell you everything about the cinema?

Did she tell you, for instance,

that the first thing they do there is...

turn off all the lights?

Is this true, Judy?

Well, they do turn out the lights, but it's not scary.

It's so you can see the film better.

Is it? Or is it so you can't see them release the Cinemasaurus!

You didn't say anything about Cinemasauruses!

There isn't a Cinemasaurus! They don't even exist!

Only because they've all been eaten by the unicorns!

[Gasps] Well, I must say the cinema doesn't sound

very nice at all.

None of that stuff happens at the cinema.

He's just saying that so you'll vote for him and not me.

Are you saying Jonathan is telling fibs?

No. I'm just, helping him make the right choice! Fort building!

I must say, Jonathan, I didn't think you would do such a thing.

Maybe there's lots of things you don't know about him.

Like when he was a baby, he chewed my favourite doll.

Is that the kind of person you want to vote for?

Well, he shouldn't vote for you.

You brush your hair in the living room

and leave hair balls all over the sofa!

He leaves stinky socks around the house!

She once did a windy pop and said it was me!


This isn't making me want to vote for either of you.

Saying unkind things about each other.

You aren't asking me to choose

between the cinema and fort building.

You're asking me to choose between you.

Two of my best friends. My family.

And I can't do it.

I don't think I'll be voting for anyone.


BOTH: We're sorry, Paddington.

We got carried away.

I never should have made things up.

And neither of us should have been rude.

And I probably shouldn't have

filled an entire paddling pool with marmalade.

The whole point of voting is for it to be fair.

And we weren't being very fair to you.

So, we want to show you something.

Oh, this is beautiful!

It's a back

-garden, sofa

-fort cinema.

I hope it makes up how selfish we were.

Oh, many times over.

- [Gasp]

- [Paddington chuckles]

I vote we do this on the last day of the holidays every year.


We're pretty lucky, you know.

Now, who'll tell them it's bedtime?

- I vote...

- I vote you!

- I voted first.

- That's not how it works.

"It was the most wonderful evening, Aunt Lucy,

and the perfect end to the school holidays.

I learned that choosing between two things

can sometimes be very hard indeed.

But choosing between two friends,

well, you should never even try.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

yesterday, we had a lovely day at the seaside.

I even did some paddling in the sea.

But we came home with more than we bargained for."

Always nice to come home!

And to get the sand out of my hair.

Um... Why didn't you deflate them?

Because... they're too... fun!

- Move!

- They're gonna blow!

Thank goodness. I was worried that would never end!

Wow, Paddington, what a collection!

Thank you, Jonathan.

They really are wonderful.

So many interesting colours and shapes!

[Ocean sound]

Ooh! And sounds!

What'll you do with them?

Aunt Lucy has never seen the sea,

so I thought I'd make her a shell necklace.

Although I think one of them is missing.

- Which one?

- It was white and blue.

A little bit like that one moving across the floor.

[Gasps] It's moving across the floor!

- Oh!

- Oh!

OK, guys, we really need to chase better!


- Where did it go? It must be here somewhere.

Let's split up.

Little moving shell...

Where are you?

- Anything?

- No. Nothing.

Well, now. If I was a little moving shell, where would I go?

- The sea?

- Quick! To the sea!

Actually, we'll probably need Mr Brown to drive us.

Also, it's raining.

Paddington, it can't have gone through the front door.

It was shut. But maybe...

It must have gone this way, looking for the sea.


We need our boots.


What is it, Paddington?

I think my boot just pinched me.

- What?

- I know.

I think it's rather forgotten its manners.

Could you help me take it off before it... Ouch!

..does it again? Ouch!


- [Gasps] Oh, my goodness!

- Oh!

Did you see that? The shell has legs!

"It was fascinating, Aunt Lucy.

I thought perhaps it had come from another planet.

Maybe a shell planet, full of other creatures with legs."

- It's a hermit crab.

- Are you sure, Jonathan?

The one in the book has a different shell.

Says here that hermit crabs choose their own shells

from the seashore to live inside.

Well, our hermit crab certainly has good taste.

They're quite shy, but they will give a nip when scared.

Oh, dear. I didn't mean to scare you earlier on.

It's not your fault, Paddington.

She must be very worried, stranded this far from home.

I think we should return her to the beach.

You're right, Paddington. And we have to do it safely.

- How do I look?

- Ha, ha! Very safe indeed.

Totally claw proof.

You can use these to gently catch...

Oh! What shall we call her? Crabby!

- Shelly!

- Gladys.

- Ooh! Like Gladys.

- Shelly's the one.

We're wasting time here. How about we call her Hermey?

Hermey it is. I'm going in.

Wish me luck.

- Good luck, Paddington.

- Roger that, Judy.

I'm nearing Hermey.

Engage collection device.

- You mean, these tongs?

-Yes. Engage tongs.

Tongs engaged.

Oh! I'm losing visuals!

- I can't see.

- Your goggles are steaming up!

I've made contact. I have Hermey.

I repeat, I have Hermey.

[Gasps] Paddington!

Oh! The shell's empty.

Hermey's gone.

Sometimes hermit crabs change their shells.

It could be hiding anywhere.

We need to encourage it out into the open.

- With bait!

- Exactly.

They are omnivores, which means they will eat almost anything.

Do you think she likes marmalade sandwiches?

Paddington, everyone likes marmalade sandwiches.



That's odd. Where have the crumbs gone?


It's OK, Hermey. Nothing to be afraid of.



Huh? Oh!

[Chuckles] Tickles!

Are you all right, Paddington?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Hermey! Hermey was just here, but I seem to have lost her.

Are you eating the bait?

Yes. Just, er... testing it.

[Laughs] Yup, that's a marmalade sandwich all right.

She could be hiding anywhere, in anything!


[Alarm goes off]

Huh? There you are!

Oh, I'm only trying to help you find a new home.

I do know how hard it is to settle down into a new place.

It's OK. Would you like some of my emergency marmalade sandwich?

No need to worry.

There. See? We're friends.

One of these is going to be your new home.

It's up to you to choose!

And then we'll take you back to the beach.

This one has a spacious entrance hall,

leading into a beautiful pink


-red interior.

This one is very special indeed.

If you listen, you can hear the sea!

This one's a... a doer


But this one's gorgeous! If I was a crab,

I would definitely live in this one.

Take your time. I know this is very important to you.

She's just a crab, guys.

She probably doesn't understand.

Or maybe she did.

I think she trusts you, Paddington!

I rather think she does.

"Jonathan read that it's best to keep a hermit crab in water,

so we made a little rock pool for her to spend the night in."

ALL: Good night!

"But we forgot to tell Mr Brown."

Aaah! Ah!

"The next morning, I took Hermey and all the other shells back,

because each one could be a house for a hermit crab.

And no matter how small any of us are,

everyone deserves a lovely home.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪