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02x14 - Paddington Shares A Good Deed/Paddington Goes Green

Posted: 12/08/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

I often hear funny phrases

like "A watched pot never boils," and "Paddington,

don't eat three marmalade sandwiches before dinner,

you'll spoil your appetite."

But this week I heard a brand new one.

"What goes around comes around.""

Goodness, Mr Gruber.

You've had this statue of a dog in here for a very long time.

Ah, yes, but he is only one half of a matching pair.

- There's two of them?

- Yes.

They were made together ever such a long time ago,

and I should like to reunite them.

Well, we'd better keep this little fellow safe

until his twin brother shows up.


- Phew!

- Goodness, Paddington.

That was a close one.

[Gasps] Oh, no! I'm missing a toggle!

Mrs Brown gave me this coat

when I first arrived at Windsor Gardens.

Not to worry, little bear.

I have a huge collection of buttons and fastenings

from all around the world.

And a needle and thread.

Hold tight, little bear.

We'll get this done faster than you can say anemone.

I don't think so.

Anemon... anem... amenememon...

And we're done.

[Gasps] Thank you! How can I ever repay you!

No need, Paddington. You are more than welcome.

But I must be able to do something to say thank you!


Very well. Take that good turn I did for you,

and pass it on to someone else.

What goes around comes around!


The very next person I see

will be the proud owner of a good deed!

- Good morning, Ms Potts!

- Aaah!

Can I help you with that?

Sorry, Paddington. It's all done, I'm afraid.

All ready for the statue

-making festival.

- Oh.

- A life model is arriving,

and our participants will carve a statue of him.

Oh, perhaps you'd like to join in.

That does sound fun, but I have to pass on a good deed.

Have you got any average deeds I could do?

Perhaps two or three of those would add up to a good deed.

Sorry, Paddington.

And I am a little busy, so if you'll excuse me...


"It wasn't long until I saw the opportunity

for doing a good deed."


Zakira! Let me help you!

I'd like to do a good deed for you!

That's very kind of you, Paddington,

but this is only for trained professionals.

Oh! That's a shame.

The thing you can do to help me is stand well out of the way.


And make sure you don't touch any buttons on the fire engine.

You can trust me!


- Whoa!

- Oh! I'm sorry!

I'll press it again!

Paddington! Please stop trying to help!


I am so sorry, Zakira.

I was trying to do a good deed!

That's very sweet of you, Paddington.

But that good deed was a little bit scary.

Yes! Double hit! That means those two are mine.

- But...

- I don't make the rules.

OK. My go.

There! I hit one of yours and that makes it mine!

No! Your foot was over the line,

which forfeits the turn and the marble.

So that one is mine too.

You've won nearly all our marbles!

Well, I am pretty good at this game.

Anyone need any good deeds doing?

Uh... I can't think of anything.

- Nor me.

- And I was just going. Bye!

Why are you two looking so glum?

Toq just won nearly all our marbles.

I don't know, but I think she kept changing the rules.

Oh, dear! Well, I'd better get back and find someone

who wants a good deed doing for them.

Um... Excuse me!

"And that was when I saw my chance, Aunt Lucy.

It felt a little bit strange.

Toq had just won all those marbles from Jonathan and Judy,

and they were a bit upset.

But a good deed is a good deed."

Toq, I believe you've lost your marbles.

Thanks, Paddington. Is there anything I can do for you?


"So I explained Mr Gruber's idea of passing on a good deed.

And how Toq now needed to find someone to do a good deed for.

She seemed thrilled with the idea."


Now, I have a lot of experience in searching for good deeds,

and you won't just find someone crying out



Help! Help me!

Do you need help, Mr Curry?

Toq here has something she'd like to say.

Mr Curry, [Sigh] is there a good deed I could do for you?

Oh, yes. There is something you can help me with.

Cleaning my kitchen.

I was working on a new smoothie recipe.

Blueberry, Spinach and Corned Beef.

I forgot to put the top on the blender.

Well, lovely to see you, Mr Curry,

but I really have to be getting home.

Toq, it's very important to pass on the good deed.

Yes. It is. Of course.

Look at that. You've done a very good job there.

Very good indeed.

I'm very pleased you like it, Mr Curry.

Because now it's your job to find another good deed to do.

What? Why?

Because Mr Gruber found me a toggle.

- That doesn't make any sense.

- Come on, Mr Curry.

I'll explain on the way.

You see, the tricky thing with good deeds

is that not everyone wants them doing.

It won't be easy to find someone who needs




Quick! Let's go and look elsewhere.

Oh, but this is perfect!

Ms Potts sounds like she definitely needs our help.

Probably an issue with the bunting.

It's not the bunting.

My life model hasn't turned up for the statue

-making class.

The sculptors will be so upset and disappointed!

Mr Curry has something he'd like to say to you.

Oh, yes. Of course.

I think Paddington would love to be your model.


And... um... so would I.

I need to sneeze.

Not yet, Mr Curry.

And... relax.

- Atchoo!

- Bless you, Mr Curry.

I'm sure we'd all like to thank our models very much.

Ooh, Mrs Bird!

I think you've really captured my majesty.

How much is it?

Paddington, I can't thank you and Mr Curry enough.

However can I repay you?

Funny you should ask.

What do you know about toggles, Ms Potts?

Oh, uh, hello, PC Wells.

I was wondering if there were any good deeds

you needed doing?

Well, I'm just taking this box of my old things

to the charity shop.

About time they did some good for somebody.

We'll take it for you.

Oh, my! There's something in here

that will make a friend of mine very happy.

Do you mind if I take it, PC Wells?

Consider it a good deed.

[Gasps] Hello, Paddington!

Did you have much luck passing on your good deed?

I did! I passed it on to Toq,

who passed it on to Mr Curry, who passed it on to Ms Potts,

to Sofia, to Baaz, to Mateo, to PC Wells.

And PC Wells has passed on his good deed back to you.

Oh! Oh! I don't believe it!

Look how happy they are!

They do look happy.

You see, Paddington? What goes around comes around.

"Who would have thought, Aunt Lucy,

that Mr Gruber's dogs would be reunited

because of a missing toggle?

It just goes to show,

you never know where a good deed might lead you.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

Happy Aunt's Day!

I'm very sorry that I'm not sending flowers with this card.

I was trying to grow you some when we had a visitor."

- [Door bell rings]

- Oh!

Hold on! I'm coming!

Oh! Can I help you?

Er, yes, please! Can you hold open the door?

- I'm trying to get in!

- Oh! There's only me here!

I'm not allowed to let in strangers!

You'll have to wait till Mrs Brown comes home!

Er, it's me, Paddington!

Oh, Mrs Brown! Just in time!

Mrs Brown's here now. Do come in! This way.


Right. What does it say, Judy?

It says, "Hey, there! I'm Mr Mulch!"

Oh, I mean, [Manly voice] "Hey, there! I'm Mr Mulch!"

- But who is Mr Mulch?

- He's a compost bin.

[Chuckles] I'm a compost bin!

Mr Mulch is going to help us recycle all our leftovers

- and turn them into compost!

- What's compost?

Well, it's, um... it's, er... it's sort of... um...

Compost is a crumbly material

produced when organic components break down.

- Yes! Exactly! What Judy said!

- I'm Mr Mulch!

Oh! [Chuckles] I mean, what Mr Mulch said!

Compost is like magic flower food!

Magic flower food?

But... that's what I need!

Look! Nothing's grown!

I need flowers to grow by last post

so I can send them to Aunt Lucy!

Last post? Oh, Paddington!

That would be magic! Compost takes ages!

And flowers take a long time to grow!

But don't worry, good things come to those who wait.

- [Crash]

- Dad!

Don't be alarmed! Everything is under control!


I'm hungry! Feed me!

What does he eat?

Um... he, um, he... well,

why don't you work it out yourselves?

That's the best way to learn.

We're not the sort of family where the grown

-ups take over!

I'm taking over!

- Can't I paint it?

- Of course you can, Jonathan!

Once I've finished this bit!

You want to win the Science Prize, don't you?

- How's it going?

- Brilliant!

- Terrible!

- Ooh! That's very good!

Did you do that all by yourself?

- No, I didn't!

- Hmm.

Weren't you meant to be filing

instead of doing the science project?

I didn't... I mean... I might have... helped... a bit?

- A bit?

- Who did the cutting?

Who did the gluing?

And who's doing the painting?

Oh, I cannot believe you're doing the painting!

- That's my job!

- Yay!


Ha, ha! I eat a mixture of greens and browns!

- Browns?

- Oh! Er, browns can be straw,

shredded paper, even tea leaves!

I mean, "even tea leaves!"

- Thank goodness!

- While greens are leftovers,

grass cuttings and garden waste.

Straw... I think I know where to start!

And the most important ingredient of all... Time!


Straw? Of course you can, Pads. You take whatever you need.

- And you can borrow this!

- Oh! Thank you, Baaz.

That's very kind!

- Oh, my!

- Baa!


Here you go, Gertrude.

That's it.


- Oh!

- Baa!

Oh, dear.




Next, grass cuttings.


It's incredible!

Oh! Thank you!

Oh, well, it's Jonathan's project! What do you think?



It seems almost wrong to ruin it!

- Oh!

- [Laughter]

BOTH: Ruin it?

We have to show evidence of an eruption!

- [Gasps]

- What?

Now, who do we know who could make it erupt?

There she blows! [Laughs]

Mrs Bird, can you make us a really big eruption?

Hmm. It's a reallybigeruption we're after, you say?

- Huge!

- Not too big!

- Massive!

- Smallish!

Then I think we'll be needing these!

Ah, grass cuttings!


[Engine rumbles]





That went well!






[Whimpers then barks]

Leftovers? I don't think you'll find many leftovers

- from my food!

- Oh.

But if you find any, you're welcome to them!

Oh, thank you, Sofia!


Next, shredded paper.

[Gasps] Where is everyone?


Ooh, tea leaves!


Dinner time!

Are we sure this is strictly necessary?

Go on, kids!

- [Gasps]

- Steady!

- MRS BROWN: Oh! That'll do!

- [Bubbling]

- [expl*si*n]

- [Cheering]

Fantastic! Oh, that was terrific!

There. All done.



You look like you've had a busy day, Paddington.

- What are you up to?

- Making compost!

When can I feed it to the flowers?

Not for a long while, Paddington! Compost takes ages!

I know! It has taken ages! I've been making it all day!

And I even found some of this to add.

Time! How did you add time?

[Gasps] Aaah!

- [Rumbling]

- Huh?

What's all this, then?

[Shouts out]


Well, it looks like my filing's been dealt with!

[Laughs] And we're certainly a bit greener!

And, Jonathan,

this is absolutely evidence of an eruption!

- Yeah! Woohoo!

- [Judy laughs]

"So, with Mr Mulch's help, Jonathan won the Science Prize!

But, I'm afraid, Aunt Lucy, you'll have to make do

with these flowers, which I've drawn for you.

We're waiting for the real ones to be grown

from our very own Magic Flower Food!

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪