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02x20 - Paddington's Treasure Hunt/Paddington's Taste of Italy

Posted: 12/08/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

today I got a message in the most unusual way.

It wasn't a letter, or a telephone call,

or even one of those little notes inside a fortune cookie.

It all started when Jonathan and I were playing pirates."

Steady the ship, Pirate Paddington,

or these stormy seas will sink us for sure!

Yes, sir, Captain Brown!

Dropping the main sail!

Ahar, me hearty!


No, no, no, no, no, no. That's my boat!


- [Bubbling sound]

- What's that?


Phew! It's just a bottle.

Paddington, it's gold! With shiny precious jewels!

I think there's something inside.

A message? A message in a bottle?

From a pirate! I've got a book all about it!

"The pirate threw his bottle far into the sea,

to send his message a long way away!"


- Oh!

- Well, that was easy.

Hmm. Not so easy.


Ah! This one's my favourite. He's got a hook for a hand!

Oh! That would be very useful right now.

It'd be so cool to have a parrot as a pet.

Well, pigeons are very useful too.

- Oh!

- And this one,

he sails ships around the Caribbean

with his crew.


[Gasps] It's a map, with a pirate!

Captain... Longbeard!

But a map of where exactly?

It could be anywhere in the world.

You're right, Paddington!

Anywhere in the whole, wide world.

Gosh, Jonathan. That looks like the big twisty tree in the park.

[Gasps] Ha

-harr! To the park!

Oh, ridiculous!

- I'll get it!

- I'll get it!

- TOQ: Ha! Mine!

- JUDY: Oh, Toq!


Got it! Ten pieces of litter to me and eight to you.

Do you two have to make everything a competition?

- BOTH: Yes!

- The sooner we clear up

the litter from the storm, the sooner we get our reward,

a free cream tea from the café.

All that fruity jam, fresh yummy cream and...

- TOQ: Banana skin!

- Banana skin?

Nine bits of litter! I'm catching up!

- Aw...

- Crisp packet. Mine!

- No, mine!

- Gah!

Straight ahead, ten paces!

One, two, three, four, five, six...

- Ow!

- Sorry, Mr Curry.

- What are you doing, bear?

- Looking for treasure.

Pirate treasure.

We found a map

belonging to Captain Longbeard!

Captain Longbeard?

We're trying to find this twisty tree. I've seen it in the park,

but I can't quite remember where.

The twisty tree? Well, it's that way, near the pond.

Thank you, Mr Curry!

Come on, Mr Curry, we're almost done.

Look for an X, Paddington.

Pirates always bury treasure where X marks the spot.

Can't see an X. In fact, I can't see much at all.


What's this?

Another map!

[Gasps] You don't think... ?

We've got to travel over water, past this sea monster!

- A grumpy octopus?

- It's a Kraken, Paddington!

There's one in my book. Ten times the size of any octopus,

with tentacles as long as your arm!

- Oh, my!

- And X marks the spot!

On an island?

On the pond!

[Wind blows]

Straight ahead, Pirate Paddington!

Maybe the Kraken's having an afternoon nap.

It must be hard work waving eight big tentacles around.


- Oh, no! The map!

- It's OK.

The X is on the island, and the island's up ahead. Onwards!

[Gasps] Oh, no!

Aaah! Whoa!

[Screaming continues]

[Screaming continues]

Uh, Paddington, maybe we should row around the tree?

Ugh! Phew!


-picking is hungry work.

Well done, both of you.

Now, time for our reward!

BOTH: I'll get it!

[Mr Curry shrieks]

[Gasps] It's a map!

A treasure map? To the island on the pond?

BOTH: Let's go!

[Chuckles] Well, well, well, the treasure hunt is on!

I wonder who'll find it first?


Land ahoy! Treasure here we come!

Oh, great. We'll never find the X with all this rubbish!

- Oh!

- Then let's tidy as we go,

- Captain Brown.

- Yarr!

[Gasps] Paddington! It must be the treasure trail!

This way!

- X marks the spot!

- Yes!

We are the greatest pirate

-treasure hunters ever!

There's the X! The treasure's ours!

No, it's not! We found it first!

No! We did!

- [Rustling]

- [Gasp]

[Gasps] Captain Longbeard?

He must be here for his buried treasure!

Don't worry, Jonathan. For rudeness, bad behaviour

or scary pirates, a hard stare always works.

Aaah! [Whimpers]

Mr Curry?

We thought you were Captain Longbeard!

- I am Captain Longbeard.

- You're Captain Longbeard?

This island was my favourite place as a little boy.

I used to love playing pirates. So, I buried some treasure,

drew a map, I hid one half in a tree,

popped one half in a bottle and threw it in the pond.

Isn't that littering, Mr Curry?

Oh! I suppose so.

But I was only a little pirate! Sorry.

You've made up for it since with all this!

You have! And I'm very pleased you're not a real pirate,

Mr Curry. I think it's quite wonderful we've all found it.

Why don't we dig it up together?


Ready everyone?

[Gasps] We're rich! We're rich!

It does look rare. It could be worth millions!

[Gasps] It's amazing!

[Sniffing] It's chocolate, isn't it, Mr Curry?

- Chocolate coin.

- Yes. Best not eat it.

It's been there a while.

But as you've done a great job

cleaning up all that litter,

how about that cream tea? Yarr!

- Yarr!

- Woohoo!

"So, in the end, Aunt Lucy, the message in a bottle

wasn't from a long way away. It was from a long time ago!

And what a wonderful adventure it was

to find Mr Curry's childhood treasure,

and help tidy up the park, too.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

as you know, Mr Gruber is one of my best friends.

He always helps me out.

This week it was my turn to help Mr Gruber."

Oh, look! Cool!

Oh, dear! We'll have to repair that one. It's falling over.

Paddington, it's the leaning tower of Pisa.

Oh, it's a pizza restaurant.

I wonder if they make those lovely dough balls.

[Laughing] No, Paddington, the leaning tower of Pisa

is in Italy.

- It really leans like that.

- Really?

Then they wouldn't be able to serve dough balls.

- They'd all roll away.

- Look!

Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine!

He must be very small.

Leonardo da Vinci was a great Italian artist and inventor!

How come we're putting all these Italian things out?

Well, I just love Italy!

It has such wonderful food, art and music!

How many times have you been there, Mr Gruber?

Alas. I have never visited.

When I was younger, I travelled all over Europe.

I saw Italy through the window of the train.

I always told myself I would go and visit it.


Well, you must go. Take a trip to Italy.

Make the dreams of little Mr Gruber come true.

Oh! Who would look after the shop?

I could look after the shop!

- Oh, sorry.

- Anyway,

I can't speak a word of Italian.

If I visit somewhere, I like to speak enough of the language

- to get by.

- You could learn.

Mrs Bird has some "Learn Italian" records.

No. That dream is best put on a shelf.

And then he said that dream was best put on a shelf.

Perhaps he really is happy here in Windsor Gardens.

But he seemed so sad, Mrs Bird.

And Mr Gruber is never sad.

So you want to find a way to cheer him up.

Yes. I want Mr Gruber to be happy.

Now, this is a Teach Yourself Italian course

I used when I became a stuntwoman in Rome.

You just play them on the record player.

Thank you, Mrs Bird.

In bocca al lupo!

That's "good luck" in Italian.

There you are, Mr Gruber! Are you ready to learn Italian?

Hmm. Well, it would be lovely to know some Italian.

Learn Italian the easy way.

Lesson one. Repeat after me.

Hello. Buongiorno.

BOTH: Buongiorno!

- Goodbye. Arrivederci!

- Gosh. That was a quick visit.

Well, things move fast in Italy!

Who put the egg on the side table?

[Slowing down]Chi... ha.. mes... so... l'uovo...

Oh, you're too slow! Speed up!

Don't worry, Mr Gruber. I'll give it a really good wind.

Be careful, Paddington. Don't wind it too much!

Oh, dear.

- Arrivederci!

- Hmm.

I guess that's what you'd call record

-breaking speed.

I shall have to apologise to Mrs Bird.

But we mustn't be deterred, Mr Gruber.

We shall simply move on to lesson number two.

[Music starts] Welcome to lesson two.

Take your partner by both hands

and let the music lead you.

This is an interesting way of learning Italian, Mr Gruber.

Let the music take you.

One, two, three, one, two, three.

Swirl your partner! Use the rhythm!

And dip them for a big finish.

I think we may have got the wrong record.

"I wanted to show Mr Gruber that I could look after his shop

if he decided to go away."

- Hello.

- Hello, Mr Gruber.

You were only here a second ago.

I'm being a customer, Paddington.

[Whispering] But you look just like you.

Perhaps if you dressed up...

I'm looking for a gift for my mother



Hmm. Nothing says mother


-law like a small trumpet.

[Laughing] Do you have another one just like this?

- I'm buying for twins.

- One moment, please!

It's a small world, isn't it?

Time for another costume change.

[Chuckles] Oh!

Mr Gruber! That's amazing! You look just like Mr Curry.

- I am Mr Curry!

- That's just what he'd say!

- This is your best one yet!

- That's because it's me!


Mr Gruber, now someone has come in dressed as you!

You see? Nothing gets past me.


I'm taking you on a gondola ride.

I am your gondolier.

I drive the boat.

We shall take a magical trip around the Grand Canal!

It's traditional for gondoliers to sing opera.

Would you like me to do that, Mr Gruber?

That sounds like fun!

I should maybe let you know I've never sung opera before.

[Clears throat]

[Horrible howling]

Paddington! Thank you so much! But that might be enough!

Oh, dear! Wasn't it very good opera singing, Mr Gruber?

It was very... interesting, Paddington.

This is all good practice.

There are no roads in Venice, only canals.

So you'll have to ride boats like this to get around,

- when you go to Italy.

- If I go.

Oh, I must say, you're doing a very good job.

Is it difficult to use that long pole?

No, not at all, Mr Gruber.

You just lower it to the bottom of the pond, I mean, canal...

and push.

Oh, dear! Aaah!

Don't worry, Mr Gruber. This won't happen to you in Venice!

Well, Mr Gruber, I think we managed to cover everything.

You'll be able to ask for directions

and you know not to cling onto the pole of a gondola.

Italy awaits you, Mr Gruber.


But, you see, the thing is...

There is one reason I did not mention before.

What's that, Mr Gruber?

- I'm afraid.

- Afraid of what?

I have dreamt of going to Italy for so long!

What if, when I get there, it doesn't live up to my dreams?

You mustn't worry about that, Mr Gruber.

When I first travelled to London, I was afraid too.

I was a stranger in a strange land.

But then... then I made friends, like you.

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

It's your decision, Mr Gruber, but I think you should go.

Now, come with me.

I have a little surprise for you.

ALL: Benvenuto!

- [Gasps] What's this?

- Mrs Bird and I have arranged

an Italian

-themed evening for you, Mr Gruber,

to give you a taste of Italy.

[Gasps] Yummy!

Here you go.

- Ha


- [Giggles]

Oh, Paddington, this is wonderful!

I can't believe you did all this for me.

Ah! It's like a dream come true!

- [Music starts]

- Mr Gruber!

They're playing our song!

Paddington, I have made up my mind.

I am going to Italy!

Goodbye! Uh, arrivederci!

Send us a postcard!

I miss him already.

"I think Mr Gruber is having a wonderful time, Aunt Lucy."


"At least, that's what it says on the postcard he sent me.

I can't wait until he comes home,

then he can tell me all about it.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪